West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Mar 1940, p. 2

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lu, (f. -«t 1 t, ,« ,\>^n-'i' fflflb' sgtei-.ip,,,---««̂•-<̂ » i«lalw*iititi*î ^ -- - •Ml i , .. j nmmiMiii0̂ THE ,W W T .jm .J W ^ p , .C H 0 m Cor. 2 U t & EtaulmaJi Av«w KKV. W. VANCK;, a A .. Misi«t«r 2047 Ckrrdon Av«nu« Sund«y S«rric«i: 11 A.m. 4k 7 :80p.i». i)tr«njr«ri and Visitor* «r« w«leom« Tapered Coiffurea Sigkd to TufXi , , B A m S T CHURCH Minister Iter. W. a MeKsjr, RA.* BJD. ... - Striice# , ■ 10:00 s.tt:~^ lm rch Schoor In- dudlnff Adult Class II a.m. & 7:80 p.m.--PraaeWxyr Services. A hearty welcome to all Short tapered hair to fashionable today, can b« adapted to any - type of features and will look chic vyith any style Easter Hat. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creators of Exclusive Permauenta/ ...... - -1540 Marine Drive -........... W est 117 HOLLYBURlf HALL 14 th and Duchess ritlD A V . March H, at 7 p.m. riiildren and Younjf People's .Si rviee wilh Lontern SlUlea, ,Si»('aker.' Andy Hotfff HtJ.NDAV, March lOtli 10 Sunday School and YounH- People's Ulblo CIobh. , 11 ir.m. Hreakint? o f Hroud.. . ̂ , .- , . . ., ' uo 7:!i0 p.ni. Gospel A ddress . SiK'iikcrs; Mr. William Mason and Mr. William'Hue. nUi.Sl)AV, March 12, at 8 p.m. Prayer'Meelinjar and Dlblo Study JB 8 I.,V A N C 0 W y E R . Christian Science f 5-iYASociety CHURCH EDIFICE 20th apd Bapuimalt, Hdllybum This Society is a Branch jjK " The Mother Church The Plrat Church 6f Christ, Sdentlat, in Boston,' Massachusetts , Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. SUNDAY/ M ardi 10th SUBJECT: ' "MAN" Sunday School at 10:00 a.ni. ' Testidiony Meeting Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to atUmd our services and I mcctingB. a f e CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCX5UVER H-""" Rememlier th^: Ferries Remember ihe Ferries who h»ve iigjrfered a great service to the Municipality, still retain the charms of a recre­ ational, fHcalthful. and economical trip. If you wish this service to continue you must patronize it. K. A. RAY, Chairman Transportation Committee H. VINCE, Manager. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd| & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van Pastor DUNCAN LA^^^SON CHAPTER. I.O.D.E. W S t . 's Bridge and Tea Wwlnewluy AfU'rnoon and Evening *-- WEJDNESDAY, MARCH4.]3tli ' at the Home of Mr.s. J. B. Leyland, 2848 Bellevue Averiue Hridge: 2:;J0 and 8:00 p.m. Home Cooking and Candy Bridge and 'I'ea, 35c -- Afternoon Tea, 25c o DR. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-Ilay Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. . OiTico Hours 0 to 0 p.tn. Evenings by appointment. Phono W est 72 THE UNITED CHURCH 2lHt and Esquimau Avenu.e Uov. William Vance, Minister ' S u n d ay , M arch 1 0 th 10 ii.m,--The Biimlay Sohopl. ,11 a.rn.--Morning Worship.; Subject: "The Three CrosBO.s." i> Orvnvfyxvi4̂ o S H 'j ̂ If W I'c V' t i Eatahliahed on North Shore 25 Years (Lady AHulatant) HARRON BROS. LTD. fuitrral iirretors JJollyburn,J[*!uneral-Home- 18th and Marino West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors " 55 Tenth Avenue EaaU Phono Fair. 184 2, '"rhe I'enitent'.s Cross'. 7:20 p.m.--Evening Service. .S u b je c t: "What Did Jesus M('au, 'I Have overcome the world'.f* i 'rile pliji, "The Enchanted Emerald," sponsored by the W. A., i.s being given early in April. Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. ^ Rosary and Benediction 7:45 p.m: ' Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays --■ Confessions; 7 :30 to 8:30 p.m. THE PENGUIN DAIRY LUNCH DOUGLAS JOHNSTON, Proprietor * ,,v 1633 MARINE DRIVE Light Lunches Frozen M a lt^ U a iry Products » Our Ice Cream is made Fresh Daily with our new 1940 Model TAYLOR FREEZER using only pure cretfm, cane sugar, fruits and nuts. Agents for Topper's Chocolates. We invite your inspection. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIEN'riST .ST. STEIHIEN'S CHURCH '"MAN" will be th^ .subject of FERGUSON'S MOVING AND STORAGE 5 FURNITURE MOVING VANS AT YOUR DISPOSAL • "A Business Built on Service" „ City Office: North Vancouver W est Vancouver 154 Alexander St. TRinity 0429 Phone North 1243-Y 1528 Marine Drive , W est 85 m sk'-ft-'r.; The French Beauty Salpn For Perm anents of lasting beauty. \Vc Bpccialize in flne. grey and white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone 212 Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, March 10th " 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.nU--Maitins and Sermon. 7 :3() p.m.--Confirmation service. Wednesday, 10:15 --- Holy Com­ munion. ■ Thursday, 8 p.m.--Lenten ser­ vice. 'Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.--W.A, St, Francis-in-the->Yood, , " Caulfeild 1);45 a.m.--Mattins and Sermon. BA1»TIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay ' c 1645 Duchess Avenue 11 a.m.--Subject: "Tho Blessed- Wood, Coal, Sawdust " FU EITSU PPLIES" Wt'.st 582--PHONIC--West 582 SPENCER'S FOELT 812 Kilh Street ness of Honoring God." 7:30 p.m,--rrSubject: "Jesus_and His Judges." The subject will -- be-illust-rated--with--beaut-iful- the. Ijosson. - Sermon in all 'Churcbes of CHri.st, Scientist, on Sunday. ■ The^Golden Text is: "0 man greatly beloved, fear not; peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, l)e strong" (Daniel 10:19). Among the citations ̂which comprise the Losson-Sermon is the following from the Bible: "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: oM things are passed away; behold, all things are ' become'Tiew" (11 Cor. 5^:17). __ The T <esson---Sermeh-also-4n-- RUGS! LOOK! READ! Save Now! Beautiful, reversible BROADLOO.M Rti&s, made from your worn carpets and "clothing, in New, Smart Colors, up to 13 ft. wide SEAM LESS by any length,. Woven within a week. Wool going up. Save Now! Rugs are getting high'6r. Continental Rug Co. Ltd. r. , Phone BAy 7066 for information. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. S ^ R L E Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO i Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplic.s pictui'es. 10 'A.m. -- Church School and Bible Class. -- Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's Society. A number oT young people will give shprt talks on^hobbie.Sr eludes the following, passage from the Christian Science text­ book, "Science and Health with -Key"tp~the-Scriptures7̂ byHV[ary- Baker Eddy: "Let us rid our- A ttention Builders! SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT PREMIX. ^ A D r i k f A l ' E R L f t L S - t l M I i m Phone North 1141 or ALP ELLIS, W est 160-Y Wednenday, 7 :45 p.m. -- Prayer" meeting and Bible .study. The pa.stor is leading J n a study of Ephesians. selves of the belief tha t man is separated from God, and obey only the divine" Principle, Life and Love. Here is the great point of departure for all true spirit­ ual-grow th.^- ■ ------------- 2(D S0 fo o t caiidlos needed f o r s t u d \ i W.V, SEA SCOUTS AND WOLF CUB PACKS, NO. 6 Hi :n' d-i- :jf mms BROWN & MUNTON 1S4S MARINC DRIVE WEST 908.MriulKT* A.n.T. nt 0,0. STUDENT TEAM AT/WEST VAN, TABERNACLE A student team from the Yancouver Bible School" will con­ duct th e evening sendve a t the W est .Vancouver Tabemacle on Sunday, March 10th. War, un- re.st and perplexity make the position of young people an un­ enviable one today. These young people, however, are finding that -.guaranteed security and success lie in acknowledging Christ as Lord. . The study., of the Bible is leading them daily into the. Truth of Yvorld-andJife-problems. _The_ir_testimony_ is significant. . Mrs. Wm. Dickinson, 780 14th Street (please note corrected ad­ dress), is extending the hos­ pitality of her. home for a tea and bridge on Friday afternoon, March 8th, which the Auxiliary of the 6th Ti'oop and Pack ara holding. Several tables of bridge have been reserved and players are requested to kindly be at their tables promptly at- 2 p.m. Tea will be served bet3V€ep 3:30 and 5 o'clock for those not wish­ ing to play bridge, 'Two prizes are being drawn for at 4:30. A cordial invitation is extended to all parents~and"TiTends: " ' > «-y IY .... W '■ . .J ̂̂ ̂̂ 5 IS V ' ^' s' ^ V \̂'v' t - s' .iw'-'ii ,;M8 'THE West Van News mM. Pttbliahed Every Thursday Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Y.W.C.T.U. The ragular mouthy meeting of the West Vancouver Y.W.C. T.U. wili be held a t the home of Miss Doris Lashbrook, 1235 Duchess Ave., on l\iesday, March 12th, a t 7:45 p.m. Alii young ladies interasted in this -work-ai*e=cordiaU>Hi^imted;--------- ; CORRESPONDENCE VvX;. ' • •• V- V V '/AX' phone West~55-' - ■: 1 North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonadale Ave. -flTOOna-TeRr̂ by"can'i«rr-$2. (̂>-a-ye«ir by mak Student Team from VANCOUVER 'piBLE SCHOOL 'ioe, li at 7:30 p.ra. W EST VAN. TABERNACLE Cor. 26th and Marine , A ll are welcome to ^ ^ u c t Sunday Service, March 10th Dear Editor: We all respect the action of our townsman and Councillor L ieut Brown, in joining His Majesty's Forces. Could we not save, some, exipense in this time of .need Jby natJiaYingL_an Elec­ tion ? Let i t ' be, therefore, sug­ gested that the next highest in the last election for Councillor for West Vancouve^r. A. Harvey Smith, be nominated by the next highest in numbers, and no other candidate be nominated. Then the people's highest wish will go in by acclamation and no election held. ' . ' •• .'A XXfi- S S / A COUPLE OF KIDS. . . homework. . . and correct lighting to make the task so much easier. 2 0 -3 0 toot ̂ candles of light are needed for ordinary study worK, 50 -100 for fine work, Have your home lighting measured scientifically by light meter. SEy. 5151. -Veteran' T aij^yer.