West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Mar 1940, p. 1

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• ' 1. . '•r-i.-f •{>«•■, f . • > V, i ■ , Y» ,* , '/, /'*■< ;. » <1 P W l N C i l A L tiwlB R^VRY' ■'"*' v i c T o m K T B n r ' i » I » t, 1 J B T , , , f vf "• -."I.',* 'r-,'0)<̂i*-<- -,' <̂- •̂-̂-I'"i"<tr5'<=!̂i3' ■■■■■■■■'■■■ ■■■'/■ Established over IS years. Established over 13 years. .. I . , . ' / 7 ' J L M _ C irculaiitts in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-^Ambleside, H ollyburn, Weston, D undarave $1.00 per year. Cypress P ark, Caulfeild, W hytecliff, E tc. ' 6cp«rcopy Vol. X IV . HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1940 N o . 47 NEIBVES Germany started w hat she was pleased to call "a war of ̂* nerve.s ̂ on the British Empire. And already she has had; her answer. Nobody but a German with his fundamental lack of iiumor would have even thought of such a policy, for common sense .should have suggested th a t those who could regard the H y m n of Hateri as a subject for m irth and bontiriually find things to laugh a t in, the battle line were the last people likely to sutler from nerved And so the boomerang has struck, and . the Hun--he has shown himself to be still a Hun--is stagger^ ing from the shock. , Wc British are' a seafaring folk, even those of us who tpossibly for generations have lived out their lives inland. The lift of the waves and the roar of the storm wind are in our yory blood, and nothing can move us quite so much as some oki or new epic of the sea. We can, for instance, appreciate and feel proud of the struggles of our pioneer forefathers in carv­ ing this Canada of ours out of the wilderness, but we thrilled to the story of the recent battle of Harwood and his m erry men. . That is our hard old mother, the sea, calling;, and those whose forebears or who personally have ridden out the storms of all the oceans with ai laugh or a curse are not the kind who suffer from nerves. Certainly we are traders too, yet still s e a ' tiadors, and the re is a whole world of difference between them. Our tale has not yet been told,'nor will it be, while th a t call has power to'm ove us. We still love freedom more than all else, we still oan laugh a t frightfulness, and ,so long as these things be, we peoples of British stock will still have a contri­ bution to make to th a t progj'ess of man which is called civil­ ization. j MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS A. Harvey Smith put in his papers this aftenioon for his candidature for councillor and Ex-Councillor Gisby is running. CONSERVATIVE NOTES Workers are diacoVorihg th a t a lot of Canadians are left off the votersMists. Visit the Com- mittee rooms, 1678 Marine and There are rum ors that J. Edward, make sure that your name is on Sears may also be a candidate. LIBERAL CAMPAIGN MEETING the list. The' lievision officer will hold his sittings March 11th, 12 and 13th. Mrs. Reg. Tupper, wife of the National Government Candidate, is attending a large number of neighborhood teas in West Van­ couver. Mrs; Tupper is assist­ ing her husband in the Cam­ paign, as Mr. Tupper has ̂ to • A large and interested crowd filled the Orange Hall last F ri­ day evening for the first L iteral campaign meeting in the coming Federal election. Frank A. WalH- cover 300 miles'-of territory dn6 er acted as chairman. The speak- cannot possibly see all his jfriends ers' were Janieis Sinclair, the before March 26th, polling day. "Liberal candidate, and G. G. Me- Many Liberals have declared Geer, the la tter , qf., whom their intention , gf voting for thoroughly , enjoyed himself Tupper as tKeSHfeel 'a vote for squashing the persistent heck- the Liberal Candidates will-help ling of a stranger to the great the C.C.F. The large fnumber of amusement of the crowd. Liberals, who are disgusted with James Sinclair said he had party politics during wartinie, another meeting that night and,' are working,hard to elect Tup- „ therefore, would only speak per who has the support of alĵ briefly, as it was his intention.to classes of North Shore citizens, hold another meeting later in the dufe to his splendid record, campaign, „when he would go Friends of National Govern- into alL the election issues in ment are asked to w rite their C. GRANT MacNEIL O.C.F. CANDIDATE v " C C F. ELECTION ~ CAMPAIGN MEETING -2hd-WE-ST-V-A-Nv-SGOU-TS- GONSERVATTVE A C.C.F. Election Campaigii ST. PATRICK'S DANCE detail. As a young Canadian he bovs who are in the Canadian ....•n.. had, enjoyed certain educational Active- Service-Force, -both here ^ . r T h u rsH av ^^ rl-^V ii CAMPAIGN MEETING privileges both in B. C. and a t and abWad, and tell them the T. , „ -- " Oxford, and had also obtained news of the fight being made .{». . ^ r^r'K," Under perhaps the most i l - D o n t forget .the Conservative- certain political experience while here to kill, party politics for the VonHi" w lufstrious patronage ever accord- Campaign Meeting, at"8':15 p.m. secretary to the Minister o fd u ra t io n . - f^vniv r r ed a popular dance in W est Van- tonight, in the Orange Hall. Mines in Victoria. Members of Never before, states one elec- c;!;;'!. ' ^ coiiver the 2nd West Van Bov ^P^^^ers: R. H. Tupper, Con- the Provincial Legislature m ight tion worker,, have women taken. There will nkn ha .iVi/... couver, Uie 2nd West van. gioy genrative " candidate, Brig.-Gen- say British Imperialism caused such an interest in politics .as a t an altei-- eraLJ.. A.,-Qlajrk, and C. Brazier. the war and express the hope ^tbe x... - n/r_Scouts, Cubs and _Rovers are ^lolding their third annual'S^._ Patrick's dance "in- the O range. Hall, Friday; March 15th from 9 to; l a.ni. This dance, which has been enthusiastically suj^ ported by all well k n o ^ resi­ dents in the past years, antici- patee an unusual reception this year, as the older .Sfcouts and. Rovers are awaiting instructions from Headquarters WEST VANCOUVER BOYS' BAND CONCERT Organized in September 1930, the West Vanco^q,ver Boys' Band gave its first public'concert in Mey, 1931, and has continued to expand and iniprove through tho -ensuing years:--Since "its present time. Many womep,, th a t ith e jv a r jvould see ilie end who like Mrs. Tupper have a boy ' a l " han H o t l r at tW eb " M rl L aura Jamieson, M.L.A., will speak. Afternoon tea will • be "Served. ̂ ■ v ■ of the British Empire, but the "over there," and those womenJ* - J. * J 't* ̂ A ̂ r>» W>« •« *fl T /N I « 'I Vt Vfacts were it was none of .our seeking^ although the Versailles Treaty had something to do with it. Everybody knew the' Empire had tried to keep the peace up to the last. One fact stood out to the credit of the Liberal Govern who .are giving much voluntary work in aid of the Red Cross and other activities feel th a t they have some righ t to know just what is being done to bring this war to a successful conclusion, If the King Government think (RED CROSS DANCE Although the lattendance at the Red Cross Dance, spon.sored.- tha t the change t h.€y.can^u.Y my vote, with their ̂ .. t irom Hsadquarters for peace from pteace to War had been made ' announcements of fa t contract., V ancouv^rB rarh t e C c o ^ r Nm ^ V a ^ r v ^ without any seriousJiaruption of ^w ardodjo f f r t y , , l a r r ^ l l a T b ^ ^ ^ t o o td * ^ . war demands' upon their, elders. Those young c iti^ n s who have 'N e w Westminster, Victoria, 'Kamloops; Armstrong, Vernon, "our~national~life7~Having~lived-- they--^are-yery--much--mist-akenr in West Vancouver for four declared one irate voter. bee'n t r a S ln T c 7 u t ln 'f f Kolowna, Penticton,' "Princeton, y«ar» while a H ^ h School teach- T ^ n iw '? ^ tte t 5 ^ ^ - ^ t r^noSfiW m^^^ B anif-and Oalgafy. A dozen of ®"> h® could not make any per- ward to meeting forothers wherever they m ay be ;{?$ formed their opinion of him al- large crowd is expected.***found arc now enrolled to help -the famous Kitsilanq Band on its jthroughout-their home te rr itoiy--^^M^s_J^_Great B ritai n . ____ xxv/xrr i«oi. woi. «.nu of West Vancouver .to assist - The boys have always been fi^^t a r if p ^ fo ^ ^ th is ^ ready. His generation had suf- €ered^^om " the~Iast~^aT7~"an"d" BRITISH-- rSRAEL^ ____ _______________ ^-Jbpped fo r, there was a very good ̂ attend­ ance, and the addition of maiiyv more would have unduly crowd­ ed the dance floor. The~7ngler wppd Auditorium wias prettily decorated for the (iccasion with th e beautiful'flair of Wo.»t_Van- couver Branch 60 a n d other ilm ^h ,o_^e-ile£ t-belund!i-to_y-ady^-Q _aa,3 ist_at_aIl_p .ubH c_j;-lg ,^ea^nrn^^^^ canyon. This work m l often functions such as -May to y , -ooming, and, if ive could-raise is the speaker for the Dundarave a iS ^ B e f lo o ^ w f f f ilS f w entail-Romn AVTuaiiao ttiA -Armistice-Dav. Coronation-Dav.- aaa 4?̂ .. -- ....... : ___ 1.3 ok+v, -ovsH -i\/r«vi'viA - ati-~-i- nooi__wa.s-iJJled w i t h ___entail-some expense which the -Arinistice--Day-, Coronation-Day, boys themselves cainnot m eet and the Royal 'Visit, to mention ar^it^ecomes necessary, for th<̂ bu t a few. I t has assiste<L_at Croup Cominittee of responsible garden parties, picnics and ex­ citizens apipointed to direct all bursions, and has entertained a t $100;000,000 for war we could Branch, 25th and "Marine; ' on raise much to keep young Monday the 11th, a t 8 o'okx:k. -Canadians-employed.------- ----------The--subject:- -T h e -Seamless- danoers for every, number, the . spot prizes going to D. M. Lav- rton"'and"Mrs. G. E. Seon. SuppeY ̂ j wa^ served in the lunch Scout activities, • to m eet this demand. If is on this account the Com- yiittee have met such a wonder­ ful response to i ts request for patronage this year. The Tartan Mountaineers Or- G. G. MGGeer stated the C.C.F. Coat," and "Our Chari^ng 0 ^ members had never done arty- + Lii-w '̂ing thing for the riding, and th a t it sh^ould not miss this most was better for the N orth Shore Interesting .s h a k e r ." Prayer , X J i. 4.T. to have a government member to tm g ' on Thursday evening The band', has competed a t the ^vork for it. The Bren gun con- Bible Study on Wednesday ............ tract -was one of th e best ever room various institutions such as Shiaughnessy Hospital, the Blind Institu te and Essondale. ; A. W. KRUGER NOW ACTING POLICE CHIEF Vancouver Exhibition for many years, and has taken many first prizes here and a t the B. C. Mu- chestra will have charge of the .. sical Festival, nmsic and the customary delect- /; The citizens of West Vancou- f ^ Tvill have an opportunity of nnri ^ • J numerous guests ' leniding their support to these and a wide awake committee will drawn, and the M inister and Deputy Minister had been acquit­ ted by the Royal Commission of all charges of corruption or of even suspicion of corruption. a t 2:30 p.m-. You are cordially' invited to these meetings.*** ST. PATRICK'S BRIDGE AND TEA W. Kruger, 37, son of Col. x.m' former director of artillery a t Ottawa, has been ap- acting chief constable of th'B West Vancouver police. Acting Chief Kruger was born. , D uncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.^ _________ 4. wan wi/j u When Hahn got the contract for D.E. will hold its annual St. Pat- in Kingston, Ont., and Ha.s a long mu- 5000 guns from the W ar Office, , rick's afternoon and evening police record, having served ninebeoTih'~7TT--' ' young and accomplished eniovs ^ sicians when, o n Saturday, the Cahadian Government con- bridgemnd tea home cooking and years with the R.CJ M f̂ He ----- . - M arch-16th, they present-their -tracted for another-7000,\so.:Bay--_z^andy--sale-on-W€dncsday-March---has-been-"wit}rth"e W ra rV f^ ™ - eveninor aTwxnf wifii vfiizx. tenth""anmial"Concert in~the In- ing over $1,000,000. No tend- 13th, in the home of Mrs. J. B. ver police for eleven years andevening -spent- w itfe^ h e . m . fra tim ty a n d 't t i^ 2 n d . T^st yancouv^^coB ^^on F^i glewood Auditorium. day * Tickets are available from any ffii will - band member, or may he purch-yiu will ensure you an evemng - --^ ̂VI* €**J. 'VVWXhI considerable pleasure and a have - possibly done your bit" to help -these job of ^ another ased a t the door. HOLLYBURN HALL ers were called for, bebause-the- Leyland, 2848 Bellevue Avenue. . succeeds F rank Squires who had W ar Office had stated that, if Bridge play w ilLstart at 2:30 servedw ith theforcefcirtw enty- this was done, they would cancel p.m. -and 8 p.m; Convening is thefr contract. The . Montreal Mrs. Fred Bayliss, assisted, by Equipment Co.'s tender $32,- i t e regent, Mrs. W. B. Small, and 000 was the lowest, while in Mesdames J. B.'Leyland, H. Ost> 1926 a similar contract for $55.- rom, Wr. Dickinson, B. W. M. four years, and has now retired on superannuation. new chief was stationed with the R. C. M. P. a t Vancou­ ver and spent three years in the"T^ Th,.rp will h« a Children's a n d - O f ^f®*;® >^egiom of thgjilaelte« . -xYTY p liesnad been accepted by Di\ le.Tl. ATThompson, J. W. Lang, luver.-peace-inr-theiiHbomeYown Gordon Gray; ..................... ........... ...... ......... .......... ......... _ ,.. ......... ....._____. For.ster in^HoIlybum Hall, the speaker ed by Grant .MacNeil and the and A. C. Horam b ^ g Andy Hogg. Next Sunday other C.C.F. niembers had want- Table reservations s p ^ following services w ill,.b e 4-,̂ y-Anacyr, wkAn Akvmc wwii - J V ^ b e e n accepted by Di\ ie,Tl. Ar'Thompson, J. W. Lang, River, parts o f-th e world Ybung People's Service with Ian. gjanions. He quoted from^Han- M. P. Barker, Gord 50 c S ^ t w zard how Woodsworth support- James McIntyre, K. B nzie- may be ed Canada to remain neutral in made with Mrs. H. Ostrom, West _ s a v e ON RUGS .... D^ jltifuJ,__reversibJe__Jbroadj loom ru g s 'can be made from your worn oarpets and cliything anH I^ c o rp o r^ d , ^held: 10 a.m., Sunday School and case-of-the Empire's going to 706 or Mrs. Wm. Dickinsoh, West in new smArt colors up to 13 addrp^o Yl?® ^ -of. Youn^ People's Bible C l a s s 11 war. .This of course^ m eant 484 Anyone not caring to pky fee^^wide, seamless, by any throughouttheU iiited a.m Breaking of Bread: 7:30 secession, as Canada could then bridge will be welcome at the tea, length. They can be wovefi wifh- Pubfip' Xhe speaker-at a. p.m. GospeI-ServioerVith" Wil-"-have-supplied-^ur-^nemie^with-----hour^-unfcil-5-g^^ -------------- .----- ,---------- - ^ n ^ ^ ^ t i n g to be h e ld -a t liam Mason and William Rae as food, etc. Grant MaoNeil h ^ o f 35 cents will^e^;^made for Any interested.*are asked to l l t b in s i , Sp&kers. Tuesday, a t 8 p.m.,- also" opposed any increase in bridge and tea and 25 cent.s for kindly p y o i i r t h e ' c S n e n t S ® tee Legion HaU. meeting and Bible study! armaments for defence. afternoon tea. B ug Co. Ltd. a t BAyview 7066