West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Feb 1940, p. 6

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' m> T H E W ^ V A N N E W S F&bruary 29, 1940. m i S M I T H 'S M A R K E T ' ijii-- -- - ^ l i i g i i t i Frm D e U ftr jr Bwfiett • ' MfmiUiJjr Aciuotiat COUNCIL NOTES PKICES COOI) F O « F R I, & BAT., March l« t & 2nd 17c 14c W "n • ii ti ■ : IlINKO--l.urja* Fkl.............. .. .... H«'d Arrow SOIlAK--I'liiln or 8Mltt'd. hntut' Kanilly l*kl. (OUMCII HKKF--T in .............. ( <>nS FI.AKliK-^KflloKjf'M. A I'liEH ( Vr(*iiMk»wl wiUr:) l*kU. 25c SIIKHDIJKII WHKAT 2 I»kt». 21c UihI & WJilU* (iO U tE S COIIN-- ( ream H(>U', (Jii .................10c I(«<1 A WJilU* l»KAH-~ 'I'lny, Hit've !t, (in .......................I5c DelidouK APHICOTH--Hnivea, 2 .film .............................. ..••........... 2.3c I,ymi Valley I'KACIIK.S--HjiIvch, 2 lliiM ............. ......................... ,27c Niil>ol» W'lIOMi CI.AMH-- No. I I in .................................. lOc Try a diowder . (iold Heal liFimiNGH in Tomato Siiijre--I.arKe Ovul Tin .... .......... lOc (iitiudian HAKDINK.S--.3 tiim ......14c Ked Vi White CA'J'SUl'-- . I2-OZ. bottle ,', • '•....... ,15c MEATS 1'homi We«t 370 Free DeUrcry HKKF FOUR LA Mil VJiAL Grade A and A1 ' . Grain Fed > Top Quality . Milk Fed FOWL & CHICKEN - . Grade A FUEMll FIBU DAILY DELICATESSEN FKKHH FItUITS - V5G15'rAIll.E8 ( alifornin OllANGEB-- .Meditini Size, Dozen ... Lar^e Size, Dozen .....- KmikiHt LEMONS--(> for y : ..........25c ......... .30c /TTriyr̂ ĉ ('alifornia GUAFKFRUIT--t forfor ITc I L EG IO N W. A . 'J'iu? ('an tid iun I/CRion W. A,. .sjxjcial pruiK.e to the work th a t Im.M b(!cn ,turned out in WC\st Vtiiicouv'or, none of tho kn itted bru.sh, Clovelly Walk. A lfred W hitehead wrote the Council re no parking aign, cor­ ner of. Bellevue and 25lh. He wag advi.setl th a l fn the in- te rea ts o f th e aafety of both his own custom ers and the general public i t is extrem ely im porttm t no park ing be allowed a t thi.a p articu la r point and to suggest th a t th e present difhculty rnight be solved if the owner of the p rivate property on the south side im m ediately w'e.st of the sto re would agree to a jwrticin of it being se t a.side as a parking space. The Clerk was' instructed to ask the Provincial Public, Workt^ D ep a rtm en t. to provide parking space fo r tw o busses, a t Marine J3rive sou th side, vimmediately ea s t of the easterly entrance to the Im perial Gas Station. J . K. S torey wrote the Council re m otor vessel. The Council replied they had not got a vessel for sale a t the p resen t tim e. TH E E N G IN E ER 'S REI'ORTS w ere dealt with a.s foli<>ws: J. G. R im nier's application, F ebruary 12th, 1940. C utting of S h e r v i ^ ' ' " L i n W B E R ^ Q n i i U t y SASB A DOOES SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH . THERE IS BUILDERS^ 8UPFU ES NO SUBSTITUTE BOOFINQ WALLBOABD TILJB ■FOR QUALHY A fcnta: . . CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO- LTD. 16th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rat« for ClMslfied AdYortloomenta !■ V. contk per word, minimum 25 cmila. Except In the cane of tJaMe hnrin f regular accounts, all dosai- *̂ ***^KemombS**CU^^ ̂ In the Weat Van News get immediat* reaulta. GORDON ROBSON " 7 Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, boy. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment, Weat 403. EXPERT FURRIER AND DRESS- maker--Kay Russell. Weat 447-L. LOST--IIikL ScluMil concert or 17th' St., Sterling Bar Pin, blue stone. Mrs. MucAuluy. West 408-K._____ FENCES AND TRELLIS WOUK done by contract. Free estimates. Phono W. 819-L, H))(*iit a ve ry p leanan t a f te rn o o n artic les hav in g been re tu rn ed fo r T h a t th e w ork be done, co.st ;il th<f lioiru* o f M ra. E,. S. R ip- col lec tion . T he M unicipality is no t to ex ceed $20.00'. pon, Iiiglewo(Kl Avc., on Wed- at the pre.sent.tim e a Ixiehive of F. G. , M allett'.s application, 1 Portable Singer Electric • • |35.00 1 Singer Hand Machine $22.50 1 Box ..Top Raymond ■. • --i J SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 1520 Marine Drive, Wciit Vancouver W. 1041 HAULING -- Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks and Rockpits installed and cleaned. West 187-R. RENTALS WANTED Unfurnished and Furni'hed. particulars immediately. C. J. Archer Ltd. W est 225, West 1020 Phone iK'.sduy, l'V'briiaryi 2 Lst,' The riKinia vvyre laaTcfully'"decorated ' with daflodilH and heather.. Tea wan poured by. Mr.s. F. Riyera and Mr.s. VV. (Ireon. - Ladies present were Mrs. C. E. Sbarniaii, Mrs. E. S. Rip- pon, Mrs. VV. JI. HcfTring, Mrs. M. I^hilliiis, Mrs. A. Gibson, Mrs, E. Stokes, Mrs, H. Beck,- Mrs. V. Blanchllower, Mrs. T. E. liatclielor, Mrs, .1. W. B arnett, Mrs. E. Black, Mr.s. T rav iJ Bark- M' Sinip.spn, . Rivers, Mrs. W. G r e e n , E . Diggoii, Mrs. D. W. G raham , Mrs.. A, L. JTovincial, Mrs. M, Partington, Mrs. It. J. Black, Mr.s. il. Fletcher, Mrs, IL P la tt, Mr.s. J,. Felkor, Mr.s. T. Turner, Miss M. Hidall, indnslrioiis workers, among them F ebruary 16th, PJ40. Access to b<'ing an elderly lady of Garrow Lot 11, l3Iock 18,'D .L .'237. Bay, Mrs, Finlay, 81 years of T h a t an expenditure not ex- iige, who knitted f(Hir iM'ir.s of ceeding $30.00 be approved. FOR SALE -- Chevrolet Sedan $125. Real value. Phone W.. 759rYl. socks. TRANSPORTATION '-4-. il-- 1-- ; 4 ( ->' WEST VANCOUVER ^ RED CROSS NOTES Reeve Uiyland, Councillors Ray and Richardson and Muni-' cipal Solicitor Robson represent- ('(1 West Vancouver last F riday before the J'ublic Utilities Com- . miK.sion iirreference t() their ap- ■ l)Iicati()n--for-_pei*missi6n to p u t oil a full bus .schedule, including th.e rush hours ̂between W est Vancouver and the city. This was the second tim e .they had brought th is m a tte r before the Commi.ssion, The l o c a l representatives 22nd S tree t sidewalk. T h at a sidewalk be laid from M arine D rive to Inglewood on the ea s t side of 22ncl S treet a t a cost not to exceed $800.00 )WANTED--Unfurnished house up to $30, preferably waterfront. Reliable tenants. Will lease. KErr, 0844-T. I*'OR RONT -- 4 roonl cottage partly- .' furnished; immediate posse.ssion. $25 month'.' A. E.'AUSTIN & CO. LTD. MArine 2431 or W, 548-M STRAYED -- Black Male Persian. .vicinity,- Caulfeild. Reward for in­ formation. W. 697-R3. WANTED -- Comfortable room and ..board for young man, near ferry. Box.' 21, West Van. News. Sidewalk 14th Street, M arine-- - would join bridge club. Box 24, West Va;i. News, «D rive to Clyde R eferred back for fu rth e r oon- sideration. • Lawson . Avenue, re-grading betwe,en 25th and 26th S treets. R eferred to the Estimates'. - ,̂ S^pring overhaul on roads. T h a t th e recommendation of the E ng ineer be approved. •Roy D rew 's application. Ac­ cess to D.L. 554 ElOO, Block 3 E 1/2,. L o t 3... - HANDY ANN SHOP--2442 Marine. Knitting Yarns, Needles, Books,, " Crbcher Cotton," D;MX." Hand -Knit- Baby Garments. - - FOR RENT--Brand new 5. room un* furnished home, lovely location; electric range; $40 per month. / NEW S ROOM HOME furnished beau- tifully, near Marine. $60 per month, SHARPE REALTY 1395 Marine Dr. . ^ ^ W . 719 WANTED TO RENT- -- Furnished bouse" oF camp"Tor 6 months. Rea­ sonable rent. Phone West 86-Yl NU-BONE-CORSErrS, Sm;gical Belts, 'Mrs. MacAulay. 1618 Esquimalt. W. 408-R. between 6 and 8 p.m. mmi A' -t i l A imieting- of the Provincial (k'Hincil of the Canadian Rod Gro.s.s S(H-ioty will Ixy held a t the Hotel Vancouver on F ebrhaiy 29Ui and March Tst. T hejlolo- galo.s from West Vancouver will l)<* M(!.*^dames- Redden, Small mid- River.^, and ,Me.ssr.s'. Mitchell and la in 11 (a) lie-grad ing of road. The argiJCHi. that_ ,aa the..ferj'ies__had Engineer-Tor attention whfen the lost $27,000 last year, n|uoh ol power g rader is available. PERCY T. MASTERMAN, NOTARY, Real Estate. Insurance, , all branch­ es, • Canadian (Company. W est 111. ATTENTION--SkiersV and Campers, Almost new Westinghouse Portable Radio, $20. Phorie W est 625-L. WA'NfTED--|n vicinity of High School, a housekeeping room. Box 20, West Van. News. which loss was due to the Pacific Stages, they vvfcre entitled to the opportunity to recover .some of th is lo.st traffic, especially as they had a prior claim, having been in the transportation busi­ ness in the municipality since 1911. The Commission replied t h a t-4 h ey could only t r eat th em (b) Opening of road through to 23rd S treet. No action fo r the present. E ngineer's rep o rt dated Feb-, ruary 19th, 1940, re incineration , of garbage. , 'R eferred back to the Engineer. * ♦ ♦ . ■" PAINTING AND DECORATING -- Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, W est 1022-Lj FOR SALE--Stein way Quarter Grand Ebony. West 160-Y. GORDON ROBSON -- Barriater & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. W est 493. • J' -1 1 , ,.1 i Mr. Sewell of Horseshoe Bay -- I lu'. Canadian Red Cross So- piiVAte individuals, and th a t was present a t th e Council m eet- w. cuity, through the ir various Lho r ig h ts of p iiva te companies jjjg following; I --ohty-- iuy\v-- --£Ki--pi'Ot'CCtx?dT̂ '~Th6"©h<iir- good.s,.storage space mid costs of of tho Commission asked tran.spoi CHIMNEY SWiEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103' Lonsdale. North --822;--------------------------------------------- PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 50 years) 418 Howe St. TRii. 1271. Local Agent, (Notary Public). ̂ 2436 Bellevue. West 522-R ,ANN SHQP.:--2442 Marine.: Marshall - Wells Paintoj VavTiigh^̂ s; Jiinamels, etc. Special; discount-for ' H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Blpck. orders. I'-V-1 1. Fixing up of road ends. ; . ....... ..-.'v........... . ... 1 • i.1. 2. Comfort Station. C sport at ion beihg too limited Councilloi Ray whether, in the 3 street light at intersection and expeiisive to justily sending---^^nt of the munieipahty s re- of Nelsion Avepue- and Marine .seoond-hand 'clu(4ies_. overseas. being granted and the Drive. I ho _ Hoad(iuartei*s have given Pacific Stages as a consequence was informed the Council would make an inspection-on-the schedttie^of--mttmcrpal--buses g r o i lh d ----------------------- ' A resolution was passed by the y*tncpuyei and to the city. Coup- Cdlpicil reciuestirig the Clerk: to MARCEL SHOP--r- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone W est 304, Royal Bank Building. . JOJSTERN_WOODWGRKERS=Storr and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. West 7 ^ W est 443-R. TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD Rcgvilar Monthly Meeting Friday. March Isi, at 7.45 p.m, ;------at ihe Clacharr WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED of a _ carpenter, phone W est 563-R even- - i n g s . . . f o r Bottles, rap , Sacks, Metals, ^.Furniture, Stoyes, nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. cillor Ray hi assu ring him th td take. up. jw ith._thl...Post__Office ff *■*'"*; 'authorities the question of ex-41 he had not the pmn«m,o«f a.-- ̂ ̂ . LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED^ Special machine; repairs, parts- e ^ N E Y -S W E E P E N G -- Old ConiT guaranteed; brick and F a l m i Capilano, West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. North 811-R-2. tciision of mail service to W est seiivjce-nowi "Bay7and" th^p rov ision""of~posf he \\ uid soon have all the equip- boxes a t stra teg ic points in the WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- ROL n o t a r y PUBLIC . (Loinjplete Notarial Service)XNUvJai rAT- Rpo-inoM A _ Sxme protection; reasonable ^ ^ Marine II; 1 The Tuck Shop 2-172 Marino Drive will upon on or about SATURDAY. .MARCH 2nd Baked _Goods, loo ('ro v̂m Confootionery. Cigarottoi*, Vtc. m ent for such a service. The Commission then reserv­ ed their decision. rates. West 927-R. West 21, 204-M. The News M..1 1•? - * ' i l ' M 8 s i : , Rescuing W om en From the ____ : Brothels of Ja p a n __ ___^ "" " i-.wtern Xectore ' 7 ' ......... Auspices Japan Rosouo Mission. Speaker; STANLICY SMITH MmuLny. Mnrch 4th, 7;45 p.m. - g o s p e l .HALL A coiMial invitation extended to all. H wm i l H ear Municipality. A le tte r was - received from Councilor- Thom as J. Brown tendering his resignation from th e ._CpunciL and the Council passed ' the following resolution in connection th e re w ith : ,. The Council passed the follp^v- ing resolution: T hat Councillor Thomas Jack- son B ro w irh ay in g I'esigned his ■seat as Councillor, due to W ar Service,, --this Council expresses its sincere reg re t th a t circum ­ stances hiWe nedessitaled such a step and wish him well in the new sphere- to- which dutv has called him. The Clerk was instructed to caU for nominations to fill the vacancy thus ci^ated a notice of which appears elsewhere in this issue. LISTINGS OF HOMES AND PRO­ PERTY WANTED. Clients waiting. H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive West 546 J. J^W A R D SEARS, Barrister, Sol­ icitor, 1405 Marine Thrive; Phone West 21, or West 553-R-l. GRAY --1 Insurance, Fire, Automobile, E t j Tele- Phdne Sey. 4991 or w U t 92^-2. SURFACING -- J. Suther- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, N o rth s^ WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light to ^ s fe r work, prompt service. West S . H . S R IG L E Y and D ecorator 1706 Marine Drive Phone West 938 b i c y c l e c l u b p r o p o s e d ^EGlNALD-iUBBERt TUPPElt and other em in en t speakers ^ ORANGE HALL----- TH URSDAY V-M slFCh^^li Meeting Stans at 8:15 p.m. A HOLE-IN-ONE ̂ ' Anyone interested in a bicycle AT GLENEAGLES '^^bb for West Vancouver please V O TE TUPPER. N A tlO N A L UNITY mg with Bert Downej%, Harold Drivp u ^ Dianne Clark and Bill Herbert, scuttled ^icycle clubs proved tb^ n his^tee shot.on the seventh hole. ^Yery popular in Vancouver Ihis is^the t\vo hundred and fifty season. Trips, picnics and a' 1'®'® ai^g^"b/"thr ■ o 'S & r - - - t Wood, Coal,' Sawdust f u e l s u p p l ie s West 582--PHONE--West 582 '_I _812ll6.th_Street____ -__ Top Soil G ravel .Bush Fir, In s id e .... ...$5.'60 Cord Mill Fir, Inside ....... 5.50 " Fireplace F ir ....... 4'60 " ̂ Green A ld e r................. 5.50 " SPECIAL-- -Slabs & -E dgings--------------------- - Barky ........ :............$4.00 Cord E dgings..... :...................3.75 " B ark ...................... ;.......5.0O. Limited amount. SAWDUST a t a jo w price SPENCER'S 812 16th Street :3:f