29* 1940 3 DR. Mc r A e " D e n t is t will be ftWAy from hia practice . until April! I s t , while taking a post-'graduate course in dentures. Local and Personal Keep Canada's W ar Effiirt United Experienced Leaden are Vital for Victory VOTE TUPPER--National Conservative ' ^ 'M E t r l l N G S ' SATURDAY EVENING, M arch 2nd, at 8. at VVhyteclifF Lodge, Horseshoe Bay, (Sewell Place). Meeting and reception. R, H. Tupper and others, Everyone welcome. Hear R; H. Tupper arid other leading speakers THURSDAY. March 7th. Orange Hall at 8,15 p.m. Visit Tapper's Conservative Committee Rooms. 1678 Marine Drive. Phone W est 1067 • Dr. and Mrs; MoKu<? k f t over the week-end for California, where Dr. Mc^ae intends taking post-graduate work in Dentures. He „ will return on or about April IsJ,. Honouring her niece, Mis.s Betty Thompson, a eoming bride- elect. who has recently return ed from Los Angeles, Mrs. Cyril Powell entertained iit luncheon at her home on Tuesiljiy. The guests included Mrs. Thompson, mother of the hon- ource, Mrs., Steele, Mrs. Jamie son Mrs. Clark Mrs. Mason Mrs. Mehaffey. ' f Engagement R E V O L U T I O N A R Y M ir n iT f i A L I T E Variety of CoIorsX V lIIiR r m «-• economical C E M E N T P A IN T S Interior, Wall Finish for North Shore Agente ' TEAROE.& SONS WEST 84 P.D.Q. CAFE 022 Howe Street (across from bus stop) Tea Cup Reading by - - Marchioness D'Autier ,de,la Rochebriant • - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Soren son, Sinclair Ave., entertained a group of friends informally on Tuesday, evening. The evening was spent, in games, charades, etc., and a t the close of the even ing dainty refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fraser, 1215 Ducĥ >ss, Avenue, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Mary Margaret, to Mr. llobert Johnson .of ,,2871 8th Ave nue West, Vancouver. Miss Fraser is a graduate of the Van couver' General Hospital, and a- member , of the Holly burn Pacific Ski Club. ' The wedding will take place at "■7:15 p.m. on .Thursday, March 21st, in St. Siphon's United Chufoh in Kitsilano. Rev. Dr. W. H. Smith will perform the ceremony. v < MOTOR MECHANICS Enjoy the thrill of a . voice-to-voice reunion. « The thrill of a reunion with distant dear ones can be yours in a moment if you call by long distance telephone. , ■ Jif you can't make a personal visit, make a voice visjt. T h ^ best substitute for^you is your voice. " Call by long-distance tele phone. , The Highlands . 1393 Marine Drive ; TEA CUP READING . Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, commencing Tues., 27th.--- ■ Phone reservations West 983 The first class of the third course in Motor Mechanics, will be held a t 8 :15 p.m. next Tues day, March 5th, at the West Van. Motors, 16th and Marine Drive. Crease-rrEdmond- BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. Burrard Laundry Ltd. well known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L Sey. 8627 26 W ater St. UNITED UPHOLSTERING SPECIAL ^ 3-piece suites recovered from $45 up. D. HOPE. Phone West 845-R Thomas Brian Lindley Cr;ease, youngest son of ̂ Mr.(and Mrs.^A. Crease of Victoria, married ■"TLaura Elizabeth Helen Shaw, eldest daughter of Major and Mrs. C. H. Edmond, of West Vancouver, at the home of Mrs. G. Jackson, in Duncan, VJ., on February 27th; They are honey- " mooriin'gr" in Vancouver a n d Washington.♦ ♦ ♦ Surprise Party . On Wednesday, February 21st, friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jef feries surprised them at' their home ' t(^ .celebrat^"-4^ 25th wedding anniversary. Mr.-and Mrs: T. Killin and 7 ̂Mrs. Johnston Carscadden of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, is visiting her brother and sister- iu-iaw, Ml*, and Mrs. F. A. Walk er, 2455 King's Ave. "" ■■ Miss M. Kane, who has been visiting her parents, Caplain and Mrs. W. J. Kune of 1253 Marine Drive left Friday for Seattle and Los Angeles. C. C. Finney, fornierly of Nel son's Laundries, has joined the 15th. Brigade, R.C.A.« III 1(1 ' Mr. and Mrs. Rojlo, 15th and Lawson Ave., have moved ' to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Metoalfo of Van couver, have moved into a house at 14th and King's Ave. A son, Stephen Ramsay, was born' bn Februai'y 12th at the; Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Cant, of 1115 Pulton Ave..........................* ♦ iii 'A very enjoyable evening was spent b ir Thursday last when thirty-five members and friends, of the West Vancouver Baptist Church paid a surprise visit to w rG . Drapei* at his home, 2435 Marine Drive, o nthe occasion of his 77th birthday. Following the singing of "For he's a jolly good fellow," the Pastor, Rev, W. L. McKay spoke highly of the faith ful service which Mr. Draper had rendered to the Church' during the past years and expressed the ■wish of all present that he would long be spared to carry on the good work. --The^presentation of Benneh's BAKERY , (formerly Strattons) SA TU pA Y SPECIAL C R 'E A /^A K E S 35c a doz. m i'iTEiu^uus'r b r e a d Scotch Pancakes, Scones, Ahernethy's and Oat Cakes 1468 Marino l^rive I'hono West 27 Hollyburn Theatre ̂ f- V TIUIKKDAY a n d FRIDAY SATURDAY MATINEIO I'Vlt, 291 li, Mim'li iHt ami 2ml RAT o:imil3N 'TheKid froiii Kokomo* also' I , ' * 'I « " ■ ' . " Tundra" SATURDAY KVIONING ami M.ONDAY March 2iul and ,4lh . UAUR()L LOMBARD CAItY GRANT "IN NAME ONLY" Nellie Harrison ' A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Residence - Studio: 1955 Inglewood Avenue, 'W est 1056-ti 1940*5 C ontiilm tion to W earable Fashions The Tailored Suits Long or Short ̂ with large 1940** Pockets HOLLYBURN DRESSM AKER$ Phone: W est 583 1890 Marine Drive West Vancouver - Prop. Miss D. H. Horie Complete Shop R W ir S ^ i c ^ 1613 Marines " ';VVest 268 The Standard Station Towing - Wrecker and Road Repair Service ' lubrication --~-------- --theStatidard-way- Tom Killin; Mr. and Mrs. C. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bell, ' Mr. and "MrsT T. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, Captain and Mrs. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. T. McGregor,, Mr. aind Mrs. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. G. Arm strong, Mr. and Mrs. JT Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Millar,, Mr., and Mrs. John Bell, Jr., J. Murbh, Mrs. A. E. King, Mr. and Mrs. S. Knowles.Mrs. Denton, Mrs. Bowes and daughter Vera, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Watt, together gave Mr. and Mrs. Jefferies a silver tea service and tray, pres ented by Mrs. T. Killin. T.'Millar gave Mrs. Jefferies a corsage of carnations. Also present were Mr. and Mrs.'Roy Carruthers,->and Mr.'̂ , and Mrs. Vaughn and son Allen.^ ̂ CANADIAN LEGION WOMEN'S AUXILIARY Thfe general. m eeti^ of the W.A. was held on Monday the 26th in the Legion Hall. Ar- . rangements have been made for a- tea to be held at the home of :>Mrs. Batchelor, 1374 -Gordon - Tve. on Tuesday, March 12th, the object being to collect handker- . chiefs for three forces, Army, Navy and Air Force' ' (kHakh' white or blue preferred." Bach guest is asked to bring, a hand kerchief. Everyone welcome ̂ Any donations of wool, knitted goods or money will be thank fully received by Mrs. Tl Turner, W. 700, who is in charge of the Soldier's Comfort Group. a Bible suitably inscribed was then made by' W. J. Clifford on behalf of the Church. Dainty re freshments, including a prettily decorated birthdiay cake, " made by Mrs. D. Willingdon, were later served, after which the singing of a hymn and prayer brought the evening to a close. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR REV. H. HUMPHREYS «Funeral services. for Rev. Harry Peter Humphreys, 68, of 1459-West. Georgia, Vancouver, who died Sunday, were held at the Hollyburn Funeral Home. Rev. Elbert Paul and'Rev. W. L. McKay;officiated. Interment took (Juarantecd C.C.M. Bilio, $)5. at FRED JONES' BIKE SHOP C. C . M. DEALER^ 1439 Marine place in Capilano View Cemc tery. Mr. Humphreys wias born in England and came to B. C. seven teen years ago. From 1929 until 1935 he was pastor of the Baptist Church here. He spent the past four years in Kelowna and re tired from the ministry in Sep- .tember after forty years' con tinuous service. i Surviving are his wife, three daughters. Miss Alice, at home; Miss Helen, of Oyama, B. C., and Mrs. E. Granger, here; seven sons, Harry, Ontario; John, l^ad- ner; Arthur, New Westminster; Alfred, of Ellison, B. C.; Charles, Flint, Mich..; Lionel, Vancouver, and Elmore, here. Also surviv ing are five grandchildren. THE GORPQRATION OF THE -- -- mSTIUCT-OF-WEST------- VANCOUVER W. C. T. U. PICTURES On Tuesday, March 5th, at 8 p.m., in the Baptist Church, there will be a very fine showing of movie films by J. R. Stead, of the Oahadian Pacific Railway and Steamship Lines. These ■ films cover educational, sport and comic strips as well as scenic and animal-life. Another-feature-will - be a fine showing^of the return home of our King and Queen from their visit-to Canada and the U.S.A. There will also be fine readings and Mrs. Lovegrove will be the soloist. It is Hoped to see a large num ber out to enjoy these pictures. , EXPERT Watch and- Clock r e p a ir in g ^ T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) -Ii22-Marine-Dtire; CARD OF THANKS , Mrs. Murray Ge^pfie 2395.Be)Ie- ,-Vue Ave.,'and Mr. and Mrs, John R. 'Geggie, of 1215'Marin& Drive, wish to express theiF sincere'thanks to all those friends who so kindly ex-, tended their sympathy and for the beautiful floral tributes, and also to the J ^ v . William Vance for his kindly" services during their recent fteavy" lofts. . PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given to the Electors of the "Municipality of the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver, 11. C., th a t I require the'presence of the sairi Electors a t the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, West Vancouver, B. ,C. ON MONDAY __ the IJth day of March, 1940, a t J2 o'clock noon, for the purpose of electing one person to represent them as Councillor for _ithe_junexpired portion of Councillor T. J . Brown's period: i.e.: the remainder of the 1940 term. The Mode of Nomination of Candidates Shall Be as follows: The candidates shall be nominated in, writing; the writing shall be sul> scribed'by two electors of. the Muni cipality as* proposer and secondoj'; and shall be delivered to the Returning Of ficer a t any time between the date of the notice and 2 p.m. of the day of nomination. The said writing may be in. the form numbored 3 in the Bchcd- ule of the "Municipal' Elections Act," and shall .state the names, residence - and-occupation-or-description of each person proposed, in such manner as- ■sufficiently to identify .such can didate; and 'in the event of a Poll be ing necessary, such Poll shall be open ed dri ____ > " - - -............. ...... SATURDAY. THE 16th DAY OF MARCH, 1940, between the hours of 8 o'clock a.m. and , 8 .o'clock p.m. of said day a t the Ambleside Hall, corner of 14th Street -and Marine Drive, West Vancouver,» B. C., of which every person is here--' by required to .take notice and gov ern 'himself accordingly, _ Given under my hand a t th'e Muni- ■ cipal Hall, District of We.st Vancou- ■ ver, this 29fh day of February,-:194Ovr -- WM.'HERRIN, Returning Officer. Hollyburn, B. C., 29th February, 1940. Miss Valerie Whipple is leav ing to-day for Toronto, where she will be the guest of her JtnofherLfor_the-spring_ancr_su m- mer.