West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Feb 1940, p. 2

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'■in 9'̂ a s. ->̂Ji f** )►»"_ I,V.̂ ./tifi •̂■"Ku '-Aj ,ii&*ii»»»j~ »,-a ■,«-')?"'*<'?'-«'!?-î i'. !"Jfi'>-T!f',-""$"V"" -'vv •jy- V •tt'̂ fi '̂>$r;su«^«s^v;»wav.-47 ,̂<vs t̂w?-Wi»w^ February 29, 1940. !■ 1 1 f ?; rr* i ll.!. i l i i SsSfSS N̂.HrSr;/: :r ;j: VW'f,Vf 'V .t-" •H' p .1'-,fm :fl :j-ipl ■PW"'Slin" WK«T VAN. UNITED CHURCia ̂ (Jor:'2iit A Ewulmflt'-Ai^r*""' HKV. W. VANCE, U,A,, Mf«l«t«r 2047 Gordon Av«nu« Sunday Scrvicoi: 11 a.m. & 7;80p,m. Htrarufcru and Vi«ltor» are wotcoina Tapered CoiffuroH Styled to lype BAFTIST CUVRCU .......... . Kav. W, Ia» McKay, BLA*, B»D» gttiuUr SarrittNi 10:00 a.tn.--Church School; in­ cluding Adai|,t Cl«J» 11 a.m. A 7:30 p.m.--Pr«achin3r Sonricef. A hearty welcome to all Shpri Japereci hair so fashionable loclay, can be .adapted to any type of feauires and will look chic with any style Easter Hat. . Gwc7ulolyn's Beauty Shoppe CrditorH of ExcIuhIvo l*crmunenta,^ 1046 Miirijio D r iv e ......... Went 117 HOLLYBDRN HALL 14th and Duchesi MtIDAy, March I, at 7:15 p.ni. ( l,il(ln-n and Younif Peonlc'a H< j vicu with Lantern SlideH. iikcr: Mr. Stewart Shepard SUNDAY, Feb. 25th 10 «,m. Sunday School and YoiJMtr i'eopIê B Ulble CIbhb. 7;,'!0 ji.in. Goapel AddrewH. Speaker: Mr. A. Morning.- i t ICSDAV, March 5lh, a t 8 p.in.. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study WEST VANCOUVER Christiao Science ■"'C['"' * 4 W l.<" 'I «e» *5 « '.P, CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Ewialmalt, HoUybam ThU Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:20 a.m. SUNDAY, March Srd SUBJECl'; "CHRIST JESUS" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m* Testimony Meeting Wednesday -«at 8:15 p.m. i The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. ' ; ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. ,. Rev. Fat her. Van YaHtor i p : Vv "( ' ■ ' ■ . - 'U.' tii-J. ^ ■■ M , ' ■ ■ . 0 ■ D R. G. D. U. S E A L E , D.D.S., L.D'.S. DENTIST .■ 'X-Uny : ■ ■ Uny Block, 14th and M.arlno Dr. * Oirico llourit 9 to 0 p.m. I'lvunIhgH by nppointmenti Phono WoHt 72 iV, Tf ' • "Y .................^ i . , • ' - Y'-il > ■ . ,-■iV' "-'i'-.""' ■■■■■>_■ if l^tuhllMhi'd on North Shore 25 Yonra (Lndy AHMiatunt) HA^tON BROS. LTD. i f j l i r r r a i S i r e r t o r s ! , '7""•TITI'T?""' " ■ ...7' •.T---------' T 'A : - " '.7 ' -j j, . - " a':-"'.., '• f ' •i '13 ' ' -llollyburn Funeral Homo 18th and Murine ' W,cKt 134 North Vancouver Patlora , 122 West .Sixth Street . Phono North 184 . Voncouver Parlors 05 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 134 ;'ih V - • " ' ' .• •• -- ;Vfi"Y.'i'V '■■■ -Y ■ Have you hitftfd the .latesr" ' ' M' V------V i c t o r a f i d 1 THE UNITED CHURCH 21k1 and EsquimiiH Avenue Jtov. William Vance, Minister 10:15 7:45 10 a.rn. The Sunda.y Sthodl. 11 a.m. Morning, Worship. Sul)jo(-t; 'The Three CroHse.s, ' ■ I, "Tlu! Impeniieiii'K Cross." ■ 7:;U) jun. Evening Service. Siihj<>ct; "What did , Jpsus incan? "I and the Father are OjTc." Wek'ome to all services. 'I'lu' regular monthly meeting of I he Women's Association will be held in the Church Hail on Tue.sday, March 5th.at 2:-15p.m. IIo.sle.̂ iseH for the afternoon will be -Mr.s. E, J. Pa ter.son, Mr.s.-J. .Martin and Mrs. J. Richardson. Memi)ers and friends are cord­ ially invited to attend. - .- Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Ma3s and Sermon - a.m. Rosary and Benediction p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. ,, Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. • BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay 1545 Duchess Avenue Bluebird Records Sue your local denier. Brown & Munton's ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Itev. F. A; Ramsey, Rector Sunday, March 3rd ' 8:00 a.rn,--Holy Comrhunion. n a.m.--Holy Communion and * Sermon. , . 7:30 p.m. -- Evensong ,and Ser- 11 a.m.--Subject: "The Place of the Ordinances." The Lord's. Supper will- be ad­ ministered. ' , 7:30 p.m.---Opened with usual sing-song. " Subject: "First Things Fifst." The Church Sfhool and Adult Bible Class will meet a t 10 o'clock. ' ' Monday. 8 p.m.--Young People's Society. The program will take T the form of discussion groups. Monday, 8 p.m. C.hurch Com- Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.--Prayer rtuttee. Wednesday, 10:15 a.m Communion. Meeting. The pastor is lead- ttc>*y 'ing in a study of Ephesians. ,Su)n' Ilf Mii.li'in Iltiinc A i'|iUunrch 1542 M.itlnc , West 366 A.ll.T. of H,r, Mim 'riiursday, 8 p.-m.--Ijcnt Service. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfield 3 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. The French Beauty Salon For Permanents of I as ting _beau ty, ^\Vo «piH'inlizo in flno, grey and white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Circle wilhbe held, in the Church Tuesday, March 5th at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Morton Hanna, PresidoTit of the Women's Convention for B. C., will be the special speaker; Mrs. Brealey ' will have Charge of the devo­ tional period. A social hour will "GJHRIST JESUS" will be the be held at the close. All ladies subject of .the Lesson-Sermon in cordially invited. all Chiu*ches of Christ, Scientist, ' ------------_____i_ ' c)h7Simday. The Golden Text is: "God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the ̂ knowledge of the glory of God roui'OU,vnoN or .i,Kthe face of Jesus Christ" (11 THE DiisTUKT or (X>r. 4:6),. * WEST VANCOllVEB w e s t : VAN. TABERNACLE Cor. Marine and 25th Ave. Pastor Rev. Robert H. Birch, B.A. bines of today are the.^ heritage of tomorrow." It is Among the citations which evident that with all the scienti- comprise the l.esson-Sermon is ̂fic and educational advantages of - the following,.troin. the Bible: the modeni home, we are lacking "And he said unto them, When .the foundation of godliness onvi's will W voc'oiNva i.y tho u.ulor- >'« PW , say, "()ur Father wMch which our parents had in a gen- jugm',1 up to noon on Miuvh mb. 10to. .art in heavoii, Hallowed bo Tliy eration more Bible loving than for tho pun-hnsr of Lot Block name. Thy kingdom come. Thy this. Children todav are drink- HW'j ILL. 77MV100 Am;s. known ns v̂ilI be doiie, Us ill heaven, so in . ing farther down the stream of 1000 Twentiuth .Slrool, with improve- . uuwu wic ijuictim nu'iitN tboroon. earth" (LukeJlighî st CH-aiu* on'iM-Iioi noooswiriiy Thc Lesson-Scrmoii also in- parents drank.' God i^ baiiing accoptrti. cliuies the followng passage from prodjgal pan todav to come today are drink- vn the stream of life than their parents or gran"d- God is .balling parents- today to come \VM. HERRIN. the. Christian. Science textbook, to Christ for'J^-'so^al bleSng Hollvburn, B. 20-2-1010. Municipal C'iork. Science and Health with Key to that He mav be honoured as the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Head of their home. " God's* ICddy: "Only as we rise above all secret of a happy home" will be material sensupusness and sin, the subject on Sunday evening. the other services of the week " ' *1'11 'K ' ' ............ ....... \can we. reach the heaven-born W e s t V an N e w s nn<i«iu5ia wbiVh i« indiVnfpB in flin ... USUal. Publiahcd Kverr Thursday Pubtishor F. F. LOVEGROVE ousness, which is indicated in the nn , Loi*d's Prayer.and which instant, aneously heals the sick." ̂ ton ^ ". .1__________ . - Avenue. All women are cor­ dially welcome. Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Oflfico: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 Mr, Quist of Dundarave, is having a new house built at 24th and Bellevue Ave. North Vancouver Office; 123 Lonsdale Are. , ♦l.Qfi a year by carrier; $2.00 a year by mail . i'GOD'S SECRET OP A HAPPY" - ............ HOME** ^ T h e homes of today are the heritage of tomorrow, a t YVKST VAN. t a b e r n a c l e Cor. 25th and Marine ' .Sunday, March 3rd a t 7;3(T: All are wgloome -€ARH-OP-THANfcS- We 'wish to thank our many mends for tfibir'kind expressions n sympathy and for the., many beautiful floral offerings in our recent sad bereavement, many^ thanks to the Rev. Elbert Paul and the Rev. W. L. McKay for . their comforting Avords. and to the mem­ bers of the West Vancouver Baptist Church Choir. • " Mrs. Humphreys and family. •N Benefit iS iss .. - t (For Equipment)Sponsored„by.. CANADIAN LEGION, WEST VANCOUVER High School Auditorium FRIDAY, 9 -1 BARNEY'S, DANCE BAND A room for card playing. - - Prizes for cards . Bu.s at 1 p.m. to Whji^cliff ANNOUNCEMENT THE PERSONALITY SHOP has opened at 2470 Marine Drive DRESSES, SPORTSWEAR, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, Etc. DRESSMAKING, TAILORING Alterations a Specialty Mfiss V. R e e d , P r o p . LIBERAL CAMPAIGN Big Public^cetinff T d N IG H 'lT MALIin the ORANGE HALL, at 8 o'clock "Speakers': • G. G.*McGEER, M.P. HON. GEO. WEIR James Sinclair, Liberal Candidate Comb it, b ru sh lt with .vigpr and vim. Our exclusive hair style stay,s in. That is the permanent-waves you get a t 1370 Marine Drive -- ^Across from Safew ay---,-T hone-W est-331 SOMKTfaNG NEW! DOUGLAS JOHNSTON announces the opening on Friday, March 1st THE PENGUIN DAIRY LUNCH 1533 Marine Drive.---- LIGHT LUNCHES DAHIY PRODUCTS Our Ice Cream is made Fresh Daily with our new .1940 Model TAYLOR FREEZER using only pure cream, and nuts. Sample it FREE with every purchase on above date. AGENTS FOR TOPPER'S CHOCOLATES ."WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION" mmTM fETs 0ffir»i5i50 B.C. -E lectric stores ann pu nce a 1946 G ibson refrigerator th a t sm a sh es a ll records for refrigerator value. I t h as a tw m -cylinder,_Jherm etically-sealed u n it . . . a ll-porcela in interior . . . 3 ice cu b e trays . . . in terior ligh t . . . 10.62 square area. Now on sa le a t your B.t-. E lectric store. _