West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Feb 1940, p. 4

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r , **. ̂ ' - J-* ?<■ <-«, i>" ' 1 F e b ru a ry 22,1940 ii-P.... I I I ■:' !f • Si 'f T f r ^ : 'i? •̂ _ 'J ' i - - A i "f V ".'■'-t li. M &sSl|iSSf;S|iE ■ / V tel# ' ?«? P '/ ■r.i |i|||S'i t̂ Sp̂W' '%» ' >> S#ll iiH 11! Mh . # :;n-- SMITH'S MARKET fbou w»t 411 A. Hsirvey Snolth M»u-w«t37« Frtm Dt>Urarjr Bcrvic* - M<HBtiiljr Aceoniit VOLUNTBEB AMBULANCE CORI« SUGGESTIONS FOB FRIDAY & SATURDAY, Feb.' 23 & 24 MEATSIMtU.VKS--HwtK^i H » n ta ClMrsui, large40-50 nixi) . : .... ............... 2 IUh, 23eDKIKD Al'ItICOTS .......... ......lb. 20c imiKl) FKACHKH............;«,..Ib. 19c HAIR DATEH ................... 2 lb*. 17c . lll.ACK FK;H ............... ; ...2 lb«. 17c K<*d & whiu* (ju t (;rkkn b e<%nb-- 17'DZ. fjiw ................ ■............ i;.;,IOc NiiU) DICKO IlHbrrH I«*oz. tiiu* 9c R«1 & WbiU- l*KAH-- HIcve 4 ...........................2 tinM.23c A WliKe ilARTREl' l'KAK8-- 2 17*oz. (Ihh ..................... 25c Hlngnpore riNKAFFU^ HJicfd ................... 2 No. 2 Una 23c |{<m1 & Wlillf cmCKKN HADmii-- No. I fin ... ;....... .........-•.............15c Niilwli KIJ'l'ERIfil) HNACK8-- 2 tliiH ................................... ....15c Rfd A Wliite JKU.V l'OWIJEH8-- 3 I'ktH........\ ................. ...........14c HWANKDOWN CAKE FlXlUlt-- ^ Fkl.............................................27c 1'hoiie WcHt 370 Free Delivery BEEF . - * I'UlfK' I. AMR • • VKAIi - - FOWL & CHICKEN • Grade FRliSIl F18I1 DAILY delicatessen COI FEE- j'«'r Ib. -Aunt Mary'n Califoriiiii CRAFEFRCIT-- Rix hi/(,' ..... :................... 4 for ISc Jliiry ORANCES--Swcot NliVflH ,Mi-<liuin size ................. Dozen 23c I.nrffc* wizo'................. ....Dozen 29c , 0^,0 .„ T here is n o doubt th a t, before long, Canada will be calling fo r th e services o f trained men and women in all callings of Jiff# p help in th is terrible conflict, J n which she is now Cnga^ed^ to?; g e th e r w ith th e other m e m to s of th e B ritish Commonwealth of N ations. T here is no doubt also th a t th e re a re many person^ who are . e ag er to make and keep . them selves efficient and who are Top Quality w ondering ju s t how they will be Milk Fed able to ^issist the ir country when th e call comes. In o rder to cater to a certain class o f such patriots, namely, all those m en and women who hold F irs t A id or N ursing Cer­ tificates, a new organization has been form ed, with headquarters in th e Ambulance Ilall, N orth iVanbouver, and known as th e V.A.G. (Volunteer Ambulance Gra4e A and At . Grain Fed Service L U M B E R Q aauiy BUILDERS' SUPPUES * NO SUBSTITUTE gpO PIN G FOR QUAUTY A genta:' ' ' CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER C® . LTD. 16th & Marine Drive Phone West 116 CLASSIFIED e ri.aiiiAMl Adrartliainenta ia 2 centa per word, minimum ,6 ^ ,.S«U r .« .u n t . , d l .1 „„ . ta th lT S VMn W.w. get ,ln.m«U.t. rwalt̂ M*»»f *«Fh33c GORDON ROBSON - - Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by ' appointment, West 403. CHAMBIiU OF COMMERCE HE IS A CANADIAN Real Estate. Insurance, all branch- Canadian . Company. West 111.cs A very pleasant a n d enter­ taining evening was spent by the .members of the West Vancouver Ohamber of Commerce on the occasion of the monthly dinner meeting which was held a t the new Highlands Cafe on Wednes- day\ evening of la.st week. Mr. and Mrs. Waram, the propriet­ ors, provided a tasty meal, and on belialf of . t h e Chamber of (Joninierce, were introduced and welcomed to the business com­ munity by the Pre.sident,, Tom Meglaughlin. The Executive in- tr(xluce(i\several important items' of business for consideration of the members, together w ith some constitutional a im e n d - mentfi, all of the latter being en­ dorsed by the met?ting. The sp(icial committee aj)pointed a _sjmrt-, time bacluio investigate,, pos'siblRties of Improved postal ! service - for West. Vancouver re­ ported,, advising that,,,,(IS soon as the new tenders aro /e t̂Tor mail carrying--now being/ adverti.sed -e!-- desired impi'^ement in service will be put into cfreld. An interesting report of the an- niial aujoting d f ^ h e Kitsilano Chamber of%Commcix;e wms also recx)ived during tlie evening, stressing as it did the value ami amount of community work suc- ces.sfully carried oirdiiriiig the lit; Ih h Canudiun., Jii' liyara an airplane oyorheud, und if lu! luokH up at all, douHt'Bo in. curi- onity, iK'illier in fear nor in the hope of .'((.'(.'iiig a ]irotector. lli.s wife tfoea marketing, and her jiurrliaHi's are limited by her needs, iu-r laiitea, her budget, but not by decree. Me eoinoH home ' of an evening ilirougli slrect.s which are well light­ ed, nut dimly In blue.' He reads his newspaper and knows that what it says is not concocted by u bureau, but an honest, untram- liieled eH'ort to jirescnt the truth, lie has iu;vt?r hud a gas mask on. He liiiR Mover been in a bomb-proof slid ter. ■ He belongs to such fraternal organ­ izations and dubs as he wishes. A . He adJieros to a political party to the e.xtent that he desire.s with the (li.stincl reservation thtit he may criti- G orps). By means of regu lar p e r c Y T. MASTERMAN, NOTARY, weekly parades, lectures and practices its members will not only r e c e i v e instruction and tra in in g in Advanced F i^st Aid and Home Nursing, bul; ̂also in such o ther subjects as A ir Raid P recautiens, F irs t Aid Casualty Services, Gas and Chemical'War- fa re from th e Medical* A s p ^ t , H ygiene and Sanitation, S i c k Room Cookery for women, and for m en th e conversion of build­ ings i n t o temporary hosp itals,' vehicles in to a mb u l a n c e s , s tre tcher-bearing and th e trans-. w. H. YASS, Chiropractor, Suit® 4, PAINTING AND DECORATING -- Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, West 1022-L. _ _ _ _ _ _ GORDON ROBSON -- Bdrriatcr & Solicitor; 510 W. Hastitigs, Sey. 4199, at W'est Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- SaWiiust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. I EXPERT FURRIER AND DRESS- maker--Kay'Russell. West 447-L. 5 ROOM, STUCCO HOUSE; duroid roof, good cement basement, fur­ nace, lireplace, bath 60-ft. lot, un­ excelled view. Cost $8250.00;' will, now sell for $2250.00. This is one of the best built and warmest houses in West Van. Owner must LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 0 pp. Postoffice _____ West 55 ci'/.e any of Its policies with all the' vigor which to him seems proper." He does not believe, if his party is out of power, tliat the only way in which it can come into power is through a bloody revolution. ■ porta tion o f ,the sick land wound­ ed by rail, road and w ater. I t is -not a costly organization to join, as th e re will be no e x ^ n - sive uniform s, and only d istinct­ ive a rm le ts will be worn on-par­ ade. T here will be no heavy dues to p ay .an d no red tape to nego­ tia te . / ' " The g re a t advantages be gained by each member will be th a t he^or she will be kept-effi­ cient in 'a ll F irs t Aid and N urs­ ing principles and ̂ p r^ ti^ "^ and"" have tife opportunity of learning o ther u se fu l-a rts and c rafts es-. senfial in tim e of war. All p articu lars may be hiad from E. Bariiard, 444 E a s t 6th S treet, N o r t h Vancouver, or HoUyburn Block. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. _ Phone West^04. Royal Bank Building. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suthter- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 678 WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED of a - carpenter, phone West 563-R even- ings _____________ ■ LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, parts- ■--West Vancouver Machine Shop,-1449- Marine. FENCES AND TRELLIS WOUK done by contract. Free estimates. Phone W, 819-L. ,______ HAULING Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks and Rockpits installed and cleaned. West 18'7-R.____ |______ " ROCKS in basement or lawns re­ moved, split, hauled „ away; cut price. 2177 Bellevue. ________ FOR SALE--Chicken Manure in peat moss, well rotted and dry, 60c per sack delivered. Phone West 312-L. WANTED--House for Rent, on water­ front, Sdults. Permanency if satis­ fied. Immediate or near future. Box ' 10, Wfest' Van News._________ ' . EXPERIENCED GIRL Wants Work, by day or month; West 192-M. EXPERIENCED YOUNG WOMAN wants- day work. References. West 414-R-2.___________ ■ FOR SALE-^ Moffat Electric Stove, Tiigh oven. RubblsfiTbumer^" copper"' coil, perfect condition, $30 cash'. year by thi.s " gybup of bu8inps!4 , womeiC As ovidtmee of the im- portniK'o of thi.s Chamber's act- ivitii^s in its own ,community a partial list of names of official gmests pre.'ient was given. This lie, convorse.s with friends, even with chance acquaintances, expressing from the founder Capt. F rederick ■freely hi.s opinion on any .subject with- H. Bates, L.F., North VancOU- but fear. , ver, B. C. (telephone N orth 49).. He does not expect his mail to be -_______________ opened bet ween "ijo.sting - and . receipt -nor his telephone to bo tapped. Ho changes his place of dwelling FOR SALE'-- 3-piece Chesterfield, very good condit^n, $38. W. 719. - RARE BARGAIN $575.00. for 100x150 ft., lovely view lot, easily cleared. Close in. Sharpe . Realty, W. 719;, evenings, Mr. Buck, W. 698-L._________________ _ West 556-L-l. FOR SALE --' Three-quarter size Violin, at low price. "West 780-R. RENTALS WANTED Unfurnished and Purnifhed. Phone particulars immediately. C. J. Archer Ltd. West 226, West 1020 W EST VAN MERCHANTS promiiichit and does not report- so doing to the men an d police. ' Ho has not registered witlr the police. / - > '" Ho worships God in the fashion of his choice, without apology. His children are with him -WANT TO BUY--SmaU Cottage, rea- sonable, preferably near water. Box 12 , West Van. News. HATCHERY FISH Over 34,300,000 little fish w ent The local team had s w ^ t re ­ venge last Saturday, when th ey w/v hunibled th e .\^ c if ic coast team , from th e hatcheries of th e Do Saviours, 2 to 1, in an over- minion D epartn ien t o f F isheries tim e m atch a t Ambleside P ark , m to su itab le w aters o f th e M ari- St. Saviour's won the M ainland mc]u(ie(L.w>l>ix'Konfnriv4.«-Jif-lH ^ , hini in his game agai H-oW icSl Govoi-nnient , „ Cup last year in an overtim e gam e against th e locals. W est tim e Provinces and B ritish Col­ um bia during 1939, represen ting _the-efEor_ts-of_the-Fish_Culture- ONLY $1600 Cosy Four Room Cottage, lovely view location, in good condition through­ out̂ J'^ewly painted; garage. 50-ft. lot, adjoining 50-ft. lot, at a rea­ sonable price. Low taxes. Can be seen any time. A. E. AUSTIN & CO. LTD. 833 West Hastings Street MArine~2431 or West 548-M , PEMBERTON REALTY CORP._LTD. (Established 50 years) 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271: Local Agent. F Bayliss (Notary Public). 2436 Bellevue. West 622-R •nment almovif . .- -v-- " y;-. v,..................v.x .Vancouver s win was a s ta rtlin g the entire Citv Council,'Vaneou safety, if young, nor, if older, upset. A t the sam e tim e i t was yer Senior Board of Trade, Jun" lor Boiu-cl of 'IVade, Park Com- h « hns l,is nroblem;' Im troubloB in rougn- and n a tu ra l losses. and house fixtures, tumiug, glass, S r s Educa- u u c e r ta i4 ie r t . r ; i l o i h o r s ^ A tlan tic salmon led th e d istri- ' ' - --tional and entertainnu^ mmn-n.r . . , , ..cup game. 21.300.000 ofimminencoWild nte m h.(. iinH Branch to offset the reductions o 4. ui. 4.U 1 u m adc in Canada's fish population ----------------------- ------------------------ out-ptovfna com m ercial fishing, angling. We s t e r n WOODWOJBKERS-Siore1 P ayinfc'the Saints through- and natural and house fixtures, turning, gijiss. glaring. West i740} 'West 44 pictures of wild life in B.'C. and other subjects w e r e s h o w n through the courtesy of the Un­ ion Oil Company of Canada and enjoyed bv all PROSPERUT FUELS xNORTH 954 WEST 1032 BUSH INSIDE FIR-$5.50 cord rlKLl LAOL HR .... 4.00 cord SAWHiUST'--Guaranteed 200 cubic feet. 1 0 0 % F i r ....$3.00 (Fresh Cv.t Pellet) - . H. P. ALLEN NOTICE While the. dead line for news is 6 p.m. Tuesday, w e should be greatly oblig^ if organizations and others having news items send them in as early as possible, whenever they can conveni­ ently do so. This will make for an earlier delivery on Thursdays, and will materi­ ally help our ' boys these dark days on their routes. --Editor. wingS* species p lanted in all. There ^ "were 11,600,000 speckled tro u t ed W ith f s t ^ t - placed in th e vaiious s t ru m s . W est while over a million sockeye sal- niston took 5 d istribu ted in B ritish h f n u t riv h t Columbia w aters. Sebago sal- B l f r E d ^ i^ l tro u t, and Rain- S i n g t i n for w ere th e o th e r species overtim e up th e to ta l d istribution. VOTE for R. H. (Reg.) TC7PPER anil Canadian U nity "Hie committee rooms at 1678 Marine Drive Will be open daily from 9 a,m. to 10 p.m. diUjy p cep t Sund?j:5^__Phone West 106?: period St. Saviour's pu t two new m en on th e ir fo r­ ward line to try an d stem th e in­ spired local team , but th e ir in­ clusion ill the gam e did n o t do Kood. L e ft winger, Ross Sm yth, crossed a beauty over. Avhich Keeley booted in fo r th e winning goal. Saturday L h e J ^ s will m eet the-T>refnier Hotel boys a t Ambleside. T h e locals h a v e a 5 - 0 defea t to avenge and consequently t h e The g rea te r p a r t of th e p lant­ ings w ere fingerlings. Some of t h e fish d istribu ted , however, w ere yearlings and older and in a num ber of cases, particu larly am ong speckled tro u t, adult fish up to fou r years old w ere se t free VANCOUVER MESSENGER ------- *• ' SEiRVICE--^Parcels; - Baggage, light A BUSINESS SECRET work, prompt service. West " The travelling salesman became ' CASH FOR JUNK Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furiiiture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk C3o., West 91. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun­ try way;' guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palnier, Capilano, North 811-R-2. . NOTARY PUBLIC . ^(Complete Notarial Service) Reginald P. Blower, J.P., 1405 Marine. ________West 21, 204-M._______ _ GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire> Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele-- phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. : more and more puzzled as to how the .^WARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol- he asked: / 1405 Marine Drive; Phone tr«m4. u ' . y---' ' ** - cw world do you make a _West 2 1 . or West 553-R-l. gam e should prove in te i^ ting things at all?" ------------------------- The sam e starts a t 2:80 p T ' . . I>»ii«tiag the ctek, who was at the VA^COUVEE NIGHT PAT-«n P-ui., far end of the counter, the store- --̂ u r e protection; reasonableSO come down sm art soccer. and see some rates. West 927-R, one m any time.Cilizcns arc invited to drop asi'̂ ed to register for polling day More Oefinitious Jealousy: The friendship woman has for another. Homei Thyplace" in "which we are tre a ^ the best and grumble the most. Conscience: An inner voice that WMns us somebody is looking. ^ rind Which nobody blows good.______________ The roughest distance be- tw^n two points. Aged-- A person ten years older than yqu are; k^per replied. ___________________ ________ _ K v ^ s hom es and PB«- In w JS PERTO IHa nTED. Glienm waiting,T Store.. ThenI work for him till I git it back." H. A. ROBERTS LTD.- 1447 Marine jOrive. West 646: A t t e n t i o n B ii i ld c T s ! ®®AVEL, N A W Y JACK, ASEHAtTzPREMIX-r Phone North 1141R O ^ m a t e r ia l s U M IIED ALP ELLIS, West 160-Y