West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Feb 1940, p. 3

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TH E W IS T VAN NEWS ^ ' 8 A N N O U N C E M E N T ! DR. M CRAE. D ENTIST will He AWiiy from fi« practice st while taiong a post-graduate course in dentures. ' g% , 'g% ̂ . '" *> * ^ ft Election C a tn p a ^ n M eeting Legion H^U FR ID A Y , F e tin ia ry 2 3 e d , B p.m. SPEAKmS: C. Graiit M acNeil, m .p . E. W iiich , M.L.A. COBPOBATION OP THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER NOTICE '■ A reward of $25.00 is offered for information leading to the e j n - viction of anyohe found guilty of dumj[>ing garbage or refuse on any public or private property within the Municipality, including boulevards, parks and the Pacific Great Eastern Railway Right-of-way. Feb. 15th. 1940. W. HERRIN, , Municipal Clerk. THE PENGUIN West Vancouver's New D airy Lunch ■ 1533 Marine Drive. WATCH FOR OPENING " Taylor-Made Ice Cream ," a t our M ilk Bar. W est V sm eouver Liberal A ssociation For election in form ation please phone headquarters W est 1Q74 or W est 1 0 7 7 ST. JOHN'S AM BULANCE The following m em bers of ,the St. John Ambulance Hom e N u rs­ ing Class were successful in th e examination held on W ednesday,' -FebTuary-14th-:--HT~Buckley7~Br Crawford, W. D orchester, Carnage, E. G. H arrop , A. D. Harrison, R. W. Hyde, E . Jacks, C. K ettner, H. K itchener, A. Lopatecki, J . Lewden, D. Low- -den--K--McLarenr-TV-Perkinsr-MT- SheiTiff, E. Sm ith, J . Thom pson and G. Wood. Dr. W. G. Saunders was th e examiner, w ith Miss Copeland assisting. BA SK ETB A LL-TEA M S AT HOME Lucifer G enerators NEW lOV, 12-holc Sets at FIU:d JONES* b ik e s h o p C. C . M. D E A L E R 1439 Marine The W est V ancouver basket- baU team s, which, h a v e been -do ing-so-w ell-in -the-V ancouver. Leagues, will be a t home on Monday, F eb ru a ry 26th, a t th e High School G ym nasium . T hree a ttra c tiv e gam es have ^ e n a r ­ ranged and th e public is urged to borne.and see th e local boys in action. ' 7 :00p.m ,-- 115-lb. B an tam en try in th e In te rc ity League Jun ior H igh playdowns. 8:00 p.m. -- P ro Rec. In term e­ d ia tes vs. K ivans. 9 :06 p.m .-- ^Senior "B " P ro Rees. (W est V ancouver Lum ber) vs. Shores Jew elers. Dr. and Mrs. McRae are leav­ ing th is week-end for California w here D r. McRae intends tak ing post g rad u ate woik in dentures. He will re tu rn on or about 1st April. The to ta l of the Voters' L ist for W est Vancouver for t h e forthcom ing Federal Election is 4,812, taken from the east to the w est boundary. Tliis shows the heavy Jnorease during the past few years in our population, as in th e la s t Federal Election in 1935, th e to ta l was 3,243, and fo r the 1937 Provincial Election 3 ,346 ..^" •J ' » ■ . iK *Thcj{[ev. and Mrs. J. P. D ingle have r^ e iv e d a number of use­ ful g if ts from th e members of Branch 83, Canadian Legion a t South B urnaby. With the g ifts th e branch, of which Mr. Dingle w as padre, sen t a wonderful l e t t e r . ^ ̂ ̂ ♦̂ ♦ >i< Mr. and M rs. Luke of Vanfcou- ver have, moved into a house a t 2613 M arine Drive. 'E ighteen hundred people v is it­ ed th e new home a t Bracken- h u rs t, W est Bay, of Mr. a n d Mrs. C. Sharpe, w h e n it was ' throw n open fo r inspection last Sunday. T he house contains all th e la te s t special features, in­ cluding cove style ceilings in ev^ry room and colored plum b­ ing. I t will be open fo r inspec­ tion n ex t Sunday and th e fol­ lowing Sunday. ^ M iss H arv ie of 2444 M arine Drive is a p a tien t in th e n u rsin g home a t 27th. and W aterfron t. Mrs. C allender of Vancouver is taking.:,,charge "of^ her store dur­ ing h e r absence'"^" ;A s_^ow ing . th "w iiitjer-th is y e k r in Eriglahd, a" W est V ancouver residen t has re ­ ceived a le tte r from there , s ta t­ ing th a t in th e vicinity of New- castle-on-Tyne th e therm om eter had s u j i k to 6~ degrees below 2ero. The owls had been tak in g refu g e in th e chim neys a n d blocking them up, th e only rem ­ edy ̂being to have a chim ney sweep dislodge them . And often th e snow on . th e - r 09f m ade it dangerous fo r these m en to a t­ tem pt to do so. T here is a foo t o f snow a t th e ski cam ps on H ollyburn Ridge, and last Sunday sk ie rs w ere able to use. th e R om staad t hill fo r th e firs t tim e thi'S^season. LEGION W. A. ' The general .^meeting of th e Canadian Legion W om en's A ux­ iliary will be held on Monday, F eb ru ary 26th. Will m em bers ^pleaWT^akeThbte-df th e hew "̂ 2 p.m. sharp. Bob Parkyn , B. C. E lectric linesm an, w h o w a s recently severely in jured in a fall from a pole, is m aking satiafiactory progress tow ards recovery. A lfred H oughton o f Gower Point, a fo rm er well-known i^ai- dent of A ltam ont, is a patien t in Shuughnessy M ilitary Hos- , pital. ' 4i • iti s, ■ Prim roses, croons, and o th e r spring flowers a re a l r e a d y 'blooming in W e s t V ancouver gardens as a ixisult o f tlio un­ usually mild w eather, C assin 's purple finches, w estern Dinagers, and w h i l e crowned sparrow s, which do not ns a ru le a rriv e back from the south until th e middle of M arch, have also re ­ tu rned fo r the season. 1 I ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ F a th e r Van bad th e m isfor­ tune la s t Sunday to break a bone in one of his w rists, w hen ho slipped and fell while going up the back steiTs of S t. A n thony's Church. ■ ■ ■■ 4* ■' r M rs: E. C. Robbins and fam ily, 2791 M arine Drive, have moved to Vancouver. .41 If ♦* . . J- ■ . Professor George will be a t th e Highlands" Cafe, 1398 M arine Drive, every Tuesday, W ednesr day a n d com m encing T uesda.y ,^7fh in s tan t, fo r tea- ' cup reading. M rs. Te/rence Crickm ay w as th e guest of honor Tuesday even­ ing, F ebruary 13th, a t th e home '.of M rs. Leslie ,G. Hughe's, 2548 Nelson Avenue. The room s w ere tastefu lly decorated, w ith sp ring flowers and pastel tin ted pussy willows. The eyening .was spent in gam es and bontests, a f te r which a dain ty s u p p e r w as served. . ■ "T hdie "pf esent^ wbfe" Mb^ T. Crickmay, A.. McKeown, C.. F o rsy th , H-. Stevens, ' 0 . Brown, T. SewelJ, T. Hogg, D. Jay , P. Miles, E . A. Ford, H. W heeler, E. Campbell, A. M e s s e r , T. Lucky, L. Hughes^ the Misuses Irene McCrum, Franoes Powell,^ Jean . McGo\yan, M aureen Mc­ Keown. ~ .. The .W est V ancouver- S tring _ Ensem ble, the Rom any Singers of Vancouver, Miss Molly Hain and Ted Sewell w ent down to the Lions' G ate B ridge on Tuesday evening and gave a concert to the men of th e b a tte ry thcj'o in th e ir m ess room,. Reeve J. B. Ley land acted as announcer. SCOUT NEW S RICH lEHASEA MILK Produced on the Show Place Vancouver's Milk World. P ras^ Ifersey's, of them imported from Jersey Island, have over Sixty Trophies shovy at Prasea Farm to testify to their excellfsnce. heir rich creamy milk,, witti its "delightful smooth, mellow flavor, costs no more than just ordinary Jersey Milk. P H O N E W E S T 7 3 6 L . - ahd d riv e r w in call \ A rem inder to a l l Scout- "■mastersr C u bm asters, A ssis t­ an ts, Com m itteem en and W o­ men, There is a g a th e rin g of all "̂ o u ty " people a t th e C anadian Memorial Gym, 1811 W est 16th Avenue, on Satu rday evening, 'F e b ru a ry 24th, a-t 8 p.m . This is to celebrate the 83rd b ir th d ay of the Chief, Lord Baden-Powell. E n te rta in m en t' is being supplied by t h e various sub-d istric ts, gam es will be played7 and th e re wilf also be refreshn ien ts. A good tim e is guaranteed. Come an^ have a good tim e, also m eet some of th e Scouting fra te rn ity from t h e wilds of Vancouver. Alj Brownies, Guides, Cubs, Scouts and Sea Scouts are! urged to a ttend church parade on Sun­ day F ebruary 25th a t 3 p.m ., a t St. Stephen s Churbh. T h is is to honor th e b irthday of th e C hief Scout and full a t te n to c e . is re ­ quested. An invitation to- a ttend" is also extended to p a ren ts ̂ and On Friday-eveniTrg~lai?t"1VPr7^ and Mrs.. F. F. Dowling were "su rp rised" when several friends 'convened a bridge.j)arty a t the ir home, 1090 K eith Road. A fter refreshm en ts had been .served - th e hostess was presented with a very lovely W edge wood cake plate. The bridge prize was won by Mr. and M rs. T. E. Dowlin'g.. O thers p resen t w ere: Mr; and Mrs. C hat MoQueen, Mr. and .M rs. J . Bradley, Mr. and Mi's. S tan. Black, Mrs. McKeen and W. Iv e l . ., An inform al tea was given by Mrs. Ian E lgar a t her home 2212 M arine Drive- la s t F riday afte r­ noon. Invited guests w ere: Mrs. G. W. E lg a r ,M r s . - S. Thylor, Mrs. M. Menzies, Mrs. J. Wilson; Mrs. C. W arner, Mrs. M. McMil­ lan, M rs. E. Menzies, Mrs.' H. Lane, M rs. V. P atte rson , Mrs. B. Blair, M rs. E. Rim m er, Mrs, M. Allen. - Bennett's BAKERY (formerly Strattons) SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 35c a doz. BUITERCHUST BBEA l) Scotch I'ancukes, Scones, Abcrnetliy's and Oat Cakes 14G8 M arine Drive , Phone W est 27 Hollyburn Theatre Till)RSI)AV AND FRIDAY SATURDAY MATINElO I'Vbi-u.'iry 2Uml, U.'lrd nml 2-llh ADK'K PAYM "TAIL SPIN" nl.so "DRUNK DRIVING" SATURDAY. EVENING ami . MONDAY . February 21th and UOth NEI.SON Ki)l)Y 'Let Freedom Ring' uIho "IIONY TO FIGURE YOUR > INCOME TA,\" 'TH E GREENER HIULS" I'UESDAY ami WEDNESDAY February li7l.h and 28th MICKEY ROONEY LEWIS STONE "A ndy Hardy Gets Spring Fever" (Once only a t -8:15) also "PRISON WITHOUT EARS" Sawdust Frc.sh Cut No., I Pure Fir We do notTlihndle storage .saw- du.st. Phono now while ipi'icea are low WOOD and* COAL SPENCER'S FUELS 812 IfiUi Street Office at 1386 Mamie Drive West 582 - PHONE \#efiU182 VERNON FEED STORE A. e. SEA RLE Phone West 9 F ertilizers of All Kinds, a d Co Wood, Coal, -.Builders' Supplies S. H. SRIGLEY I^ in te r and Decorator 1706 Marine Drive Phone West 9.38 A N NU A L EV EN T F o r several years past M rs; J.*B. Leyland has opened her a t- ' K e friends. NiXSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certified ^ advertised in the Chatelaine. w d Good . Housekeeping)- C. C. -PINNBY, West Yanconver Representative West 782 ^ d .IMver will calk EXPERT W atch and Clock . repairing T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., ■ M ontr^) 1522 Marine Drive trac tiv e -h o m e to t h e Duncan Xaw-son-jChapter,- B t. P a tr ick '-s-Bridge.- In fact th is b rid ire is looked forwar-d_lo_as an annual event. A gain th is y ea r Mrs. Leyland has m ade the sam e gracious g es- . tu re and th e bridge will he held eep yo^iir M oney C irculating in W est-J-- V ancouver on th e afternoon and evening of M arch 13th, th e date-falling on th e second W ednesday of March. W est Vancouver Chamber-oF-Comrnerce.