West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Feb 1940, p. 2

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r- > f l'<jj n*l' >}̂ =Wlf »-'f««rt'#»(Ut/i'r -"'("■>"1'̂*' - ■'-Wt'-«-"»»SJ,'«-i J V"-ff' «<""*'«»■ ■'?̂-ftî("7 -..3. S' - >-jvaJii«Mr'»»i"."-1 W'S'" '•* , ■ ' ' ' "■ ■' It ' ' ' - T O E WJfflOT VAN NEWS F ebruai . n WBflT VAN. (/NiTBD;€0UIIC» Cor. Slit & Eiqalmiilt Ave. UBV. W. VANCE; B.A.. MfaOitor ,...«-;,-,v̂ ..l047 <3or*k«v. Aviiuii Phone We*t 244-U Sunday Servicea: ] 1 a.m. A l M p . m . Htranireri and Viaitora are vralcoma ........ BAPf 1ST -CBWIECH ....- - Mljalataar - K * f , W. U McKay, B.A*, m ""•'̂ "'-'---'■"ftonday -SeiTl^ 10:00 a.w.--Church School In- clodinar Adult Claaa II a.m. & 7;»0 p.m.--Fraaeliiiut Servicaa. A hearty welcome to all. !■»* >fj>' I'̂t i 'U Tapered Coiffures Stvtedto Type Short tapered hair so fashionable today, can be adapted to any type of features and will look chic with any style Easter Hat. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creatora "of Kxclualve Permanenta, 1046 Marino Driro . West 117 HOLLYBORlf HALL I4tb and Ducheaa i ItlDAV, F<'b. 23rd, a t 7:'lG p.m. ( fiildrcn «/»] Youngr People's .Service with lantern Slldc.s. .^pcjil(('r: Mr. Will Hue. SIJ.NDAV, Kel>. 26th 10 J.iii. Sunday .School and Vuunif People's Pihio ClaK«. 7;30 i».in. Gospel Address. Sinakcr: Mr. LesUe Richmond riJKSIMy, Feb. 20tli, at 8 p.m. j'rnyer MeetiiiB and Ulblo Study W i ^ VAb A r a p a n Socit f f % t n r w f v r h M ^ m w «. v a n g g o v e b - Science Society ~ - CHUBCU BUIFICB U t h ajMl Bf^uimalt. HoUybum Thia Society is a Branch of The Mother Church Th# Firat Church of Chrlat, Scientiat, an Beaton, Maaaachuaetts Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. » SUNPAY. February 25th , W " M I N D " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Teatimony Mcctinir Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. The public ia cordially in­ vited to attend our aervicea and moetinga. <- ■ T ■- r ■ T o m e e t M R . a n d M R S . R . H , T U P P E R at the Committee Rooms, 1678 Marine Drive FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 23rd, at 8 p.m. Mr. Tupper is our choice for the National Government to be formed on March 26th. ■ VOTE TUPPER " C onservative ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd di^^Lnglewood Aye. Revv F a th e r Van P a s to r , NeUie Harrison A'^.C.M: Special Diploma Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Residence Studio;, 1955 Inglewood Avenue,West 105G-L 3i> D R . G. D. IL S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S, DENTIST X-llay liny Block, Mth and Morine Dr. Offico Iloura 9 to ti p.m. . ICvoningH by oppointmont. Phono West 72 TH E UNITED CHURCH 21st and EsiiuimaU. Avenue Ji< v. VVillium Vance, MinisU^r 10:15 7:45 j ̂ f ^ Katabliiihed on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Asaiutant) HAIUiON BROS. LTD. funeral Bicertara IloIJyburn Funeral Home I8th and Marine Weat 134 .. North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phono North 134 -Vancouver PaVlora ' ,-55_Tonth Avenue East __ " ~ ~Pirono"Fair7 T34" 10 ;i.m.~ Tl)e Sunday School. IJ ii.Mh--Mornhig Worship. .Siibjcrt: "M aking\Christianity ■AUruclivo." - 7;.'{() p.m.--A Youth Service. YouUi will be in charge of th is .service. Jack H orton of V an­ couver will be the speaker and Mie W e s t Vancouver Boys' Hand, directed by Mr. Dela- monl, will play selections and will lead th e singing. K very body welcome. , BAPTIS'/C H U R C H Rev. W. L. McKay • 1545 Duchess Avenue Sunday Services Low M ass -- 8:15 a.m. H igh M ass and Sermon - a.m . R osary and Benediction p.m ; . C a t^ h ism and Bible Class--2:00 p .m .' W eel^day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. F rid ay s-- ^Rosary, Benedictiop 7:45. . \ S a tu rd ay s -- Coniessions; 7:30 to 8:80ifcp.m. Burrard Laundry Ltd. •Jd'- , well known FAM ILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L The H ighlands CAFE 1393, Marino Drive t ^ a 'C u p r e a d in g Every Tuesdoy, Wednesday and Friday, commencing Tues., 27th. Phone reservationa West 983 CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Sey. 8627 26 Water St. UNITED UPHOLSTEUlNG SPE C IA L 8'piece suites recovered from $46 up. D. h 6 PE. Phone West 845-R U N ITED CHURCH Y .J \3 . Sunday Services: '] l a . m .-- Rev. T. J . Sm ith .son, of i'4llP<md,iJJap^ Chur^,_^wilJ supplies - and "̂ -comforts--td^=the ' I r s t Base Hpspital "Somewhere The m eeting l a s t Monday n igh t tookVthe form of a mock election in Holly burn. The par­ ties re^Besented were. C.C.F^, Conseiwative, and Liberal, the la tte r pjj>taining a m ajority vote. The Y. P . have undertaken as the ir "b it o f war work" to send vs-'d'-'iy: 4?: ; 4'?, ■■7, -- BROWN & MUNTON 1642 MARIfIK OntVS WEST 300 ; JlfiDliCTU A.It.T. of D.O. 7:30 p.m .--The pastor-will .speak on ihe subject, "Why .Do We SuRer?" ' 10 a.m.--The Church School and and Adult Bible Class will meet. - -Mondayy-S-{)7mT=Young-Feople-s •e C o ast of; F rance." The. M issionary group is in charge of th e planiring of the^'i)roject. N e x t Sunday afternoon a t 3:15 ^.m ., -February 25th, a Youth M eeting in connection w i t h th e Interdenom inational SPEaAL SnwduBt .... !.......$3.50 per unit Dry Slabs ........ $5.00 per cord, inside Fir;-- from fibed ,.....,.$6.00 per cord ■ jfrom mill .....,.-$5.60 per cord .Slnbo with Bark:$4.00 ,por cord Slabs & Edgings $3.75 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 has recently returned from India, will give an illustrated address on India. Wedneschiy, 7:45 p.m.-- Prayer M eeting. ̂ The French Beauty Salon Fc .̂ Perm anents of lasting beauty. ' Wo Bpociali.zp jn fine, grey and -- ,... white hair. IS 62 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 Society, Mi.ss Edith Mann, who Day of P ray er is to be held a t ha.s recently returned front s t . Andrews WesTey Church. Rev. B urkholder will be t h e speaker. The society is in full charge of th e Sunday evehirig service with " the : W est? V ancouver Boys'^̂̂̂ Band in attendance. Monday mghL ^ is "Parents'̂ Nighti":3and the leadership of the Fell G^Up. ; " in- v vited to attend th is met^ih , s e ^ p n ^ o f the w on by.lthe s/k:iety. I !"MIND" will be the subject of t h e Lesson-(Serm on in a l l Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. . . .. • ■The Golden T ext is: "G reat is our Lord, and ' of g rea t pow er: his understanding is infinite" (Psalm s 147; 5). , . , Among th e citations whioh com prise th e _Lesson-Sernion is th e fo llo w in g 'fro m th e Bible: "B ut whoso looketh into the per­ fec t Law of L iberty , and cofi- tinueth therein, he being no t a forgetfu l hearer, b u t a doer of the work, ■ th is m an shall be blessed in his deed (Jam es 1 :2 5 ). _.,-̂ 3 3 ie-_ I^ssOT-SeiTnon __ eludes t h e following passage " from th e C hristian. Science te x t­ book ,'"Science and H ea lth with Key to th e Scrip tu res," by Mary B aker E ddy: "The h is to ry o f our country, like all h is to :^ , illus­ tra te s t h e . rrught o f Mind, and shows hum an pow er to J^e, pro­ portionate to its em bodim ent of r ig h t th ink ing ." P . D . Q . CA FE ,622 Howe Street (across from bus stop) Tea .Oup Reading by i Marchioness D'Autie: de la Rochebriani r D EATH OF MRS. E. W. FA IR L E SS ST. STE PH EN 'S CHURCH Rev. fi'. A. Ramsey, Rector Each day in the week is designated as the Sabbath by various' national­ ities and . religions. Monday--Greek Sabbath; Tuesday--̂ ^rsian; Wednes­ day--Assyrian; Thursday--Egyptian; Friday--Turkish; Saturday-Newish; Sunday the Christian. Friend: "Yes, your jyife's a very fine woman." ■> , Angler- (absent-mindedly): "That's nothing, you should have seen the one that got away." * ' Sunday, February 25th 8:00 a.m .-- Holy Communion. U a.m .-- M attins and Sermon. '7T3D p.-m. -- E w nsong and Ser­ mon. W ednesday, Holy Communion. ^ T hursday, 8 p.m.-- Lent Service. Tuesday, 2;S0 p.m.-- W. A. S t, jFrancis-in-1 he-Wood ' " --Caulfield 4>-:45 a.m .-- Holy Communion. MRS. M. m T H E S O N PASSES mw K ■■ :■ .'k' : 9SS|;; ef- l | .r^WESTVWA^^ Coi*. M ariiie and 25th Ave. P asto r /R e v . R obert H. JJirch, B.A. Services: SuhdsAy School S unday ^ r and 7 :S0 p.m. Evening S u b jec t: * 'G o d "s T ransm utation P ro­ cess \Vherehy Evil Brings Good." - W ednesdaj'̂ Pi*ayer THK- F e llo w sh ip ................ 7:30 p.m. Vwr ' r r ^ » H orseshoe Bay Bible FellowshipWest Van N ^ s . . . . . . . . - .- .Y :4 5 p .m . . ANNIMAI.. VECKrAHLE, MINEIIAI., MAN - ,̂1 The basic ' ditVoronct's betweetv « mineral, a plant, an animal ami a man. Wlmt arc they? We will, toll you: . 1. A mineral can o.viat but it cannot grow, move or iTcortl. -2. A plant can exist ami grow hut it cannot move or j-cconl. 3. An unnimnl cnn_exist, grow ami move, but it cannot rt̂ eord.. - 4. A man can oxi.st, grow,- move and recdril. PubUshod iSrory Thursday X E S P E R GROUl> Publisher P. F LOVEGROVE Phone W est 863 Business and Editorial Office; Ml'S, Helen_Matheson, wife._of Deputy Pplioe M ag istra te Mac­ kenzie M atheson, died suddenly a t the family residence, Caul­ field, on Thursday evening. Mrs. M atheson had not been well in recent m onths, bu t her death came as. a shock to her fam ily and many friends. ' She was active in charitable work, shunning jjublicity as she aided those less T ortunate than h erse lf.,- Born in Qptario, Mrs. M athe­ son came to Vaheouver w ith her husband th ir ty y ears ago. She i r b \t_fqur daughters, Mrs. W F rey , o f Stockholm. Swe­ den ; Mrs. Cyril M anning, of Bra- lom e; M r s / F r W; P e p ]^ v "6f Vancouver, and Jean; a t home; one son, William, o f Braloihe, S^i'andchildren. The funeral was held a t 2 p.m. Saturday in V ^ c o u v e r, w i t h S®' * Harold K ing officiat- The body w as crem ated. F u n e r a I servioes for Mrs. C lara L avin ia Fairless, of 436 Mahon A venue, N o rth Vancou­ ver, who died l a s t F riday in N orth yiancouver .Genera l _Hq^ pital, w ere held "a t 3 p .in .'T ies- day a t S t. Jo h n 's Church with the Rev. Hi P;~ B a rre t t and the Rev, W. H. L. W est officiating. In te rm en t w as m ade in Capilano View C em etery. The,, deceased, who w as aged 47. years, is sur­ vived by h e r husband arid two daughters, M rs. J . R. Rose,' of N orth V ancouver, an d Mrs. R. W. J. F iddes of W est Vancouver. f Im ' fesiiS Jl704JMatltteil)rlT«- Phone West 55 T he Vesper. Group wdIKmeet ..- a t th e hom e of Mrs. B. A bram s, ing 2371 Bellevue Avenue, on Tiies- day, F eb ru a ry 27th, a t 8 p.m. xt.. tit .V isitors will ^ ^ ™ s t Bird o f New W ^stmin- N orth Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Are. I ll.OO' a year by carrier;" by mail 12.00 a year W EST VANCOUVER TENNIS CLUB ANNUAL M EETING F R I D A y , M A R C H 8 t h , a t 8 p , m . Prospective members are invited to attradim St Stephen's finish Hall. ... sS fg