West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Feb 1940, p. 1

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-v m y c Q a iA .. .B X ,. ■K ■ .. . »■ . Established over 18 yeaw . W CClCl V JN CWSOrfH^Pr Cifculotitis the D tstfte t o f W ĵ/ Vcmcouvcr-^Amblcsidc^ HollybuTn^ 'V̂ cstotî $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. ̂ .................-- ..... ............ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- -- ■ ________ _ ̂ 'I: (1 ' Established over 18 yoars. Dutidarave 5c per copy Vol. XIV HOLLYBURN P.O ., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd. 1940 No. 45 THE AFTERMATH Canadians to-day a re a lm ost as m uch in te re s ted in w h at tor> -V - . .. - that Canada is sa te ? I? of a i r ih e i r own coun try and - th e U nited S ta tes, can nvit nost-w ar period o f economic read ju stm en t, on th e .S L s fu i solving of w hich th e continued e;xistence of th a t ■ dvilizaiion depends. • • ^ . , • > , . , Outside th e m ore conservative financial circles, who a t lo'ist in public have alvnays stood by the-o ld gods, th e re has been a steadily grow ing fee lin g am ong all classes th a t th e nresent economic system w as o u t of d a te to th a t poin t-w here t must go or civilization perish . A nd w ar, w hich is ever a destroyer of dream s, is f a s t c ry sta liz ing th a t feeling. U p to the present two schools of th o u g h t seem to. have developed. The first, and by fa r th e m ost num erous, do n o t reg ard the matter as p resen ting any very g te a t difficulties. A t th e back'of their m inds, all unconsciously in th e case of m any, is the fixed idea th a t ou r civilization is only ju s t beginning to get into its s tr id e an d th a t in any case i t cami'ot b e des­ troyed. They po in t to th e w onderful advances m ade by science, our huge m anufiacturing p lan ts , g re a t c itie s w ith all th e com­ plicated services v^hich go to m ake and keep th em in being, the annihilation of tim e and space, and' th e g re a te r am enities of life now w ithin th e reach o f th e average individual, w hich were a few years ago only enjoyed by th e priv ileged few. If, say they, man is so clever th a t he, has be^n ab le to accom plish all thete things, w hy can n o t h e solve su'oh a sm all m a tte r as the necessary economic read justm en t? .' A nd i t is such a natural state of mind, e s p ^ ia lly to th e dw ellers in b ig cities, surrounded as they a re w ith m any m onum ents to man^s skill in the material. D oubtless th e peoples o f Babylon and E gypt, of Rome and Greece, and of those, g re a t civilizations whose re ­ mains litter the jungles, th o u g h t and spoke in th e sam e w ay in their heyday. Y et th ey h av e all gone. F or, an d herein lies the whole difficulty, i t is n o t m a n 's know ledge and ab ility to , apply ihal_know ledge^w hich.-are..,at-_-fault,^but^is^.insensate^ and selfishness.- The-disease, w hich th rea ten s-to destroy ci^iz^tion is not of th e m ind b u t of th e heart,, and , the re fo re , ' more""diflicult-of cure. ; • And there a re those, n o t - so num erous an d branded as pessimists, who hold th a t o u r civilization is fin ished w ith th e . war bringing it possibly to a n ea rlie r g rav e th a n m ig h t o th e r­ wise have been th e ease. To th em our civilization is b u ilt on the very slender p illa rs jo f tran sp o rta tio n ajid p ap er m o n ey ,,. neither of which a re fundam entally n ecessa ry 'to hum an ex ist- . ence, and the destroy ing angel will be th e m ountain of debt, which can neither be m e t n o r cancelled w ith o u t b ring ing on a world-wide financial c rash . B ut, unlike th e firs t school, some of whom regard th is la s t a s a possibility , th ey fo resee a period of chaos following such a crash , in w hich so m uch destruction will be wrought by th e law less elem ent th a t no governm ent > will be able to g a th e r up th e sca tte red th reads, and m an will be perforce compelled to go back to th e land. Yet, as a m a tte r of fac t, all such discussions a re really rTomtless, because no (man k n o w s. definitely w h a t conditions will be set up as a re su lt of th e p resen t w orld ca tastrophe . I t jvilLbe-time-enough-to th in k of them rw hen peace comes again.- " ;in the meanwhile th e re is a w a r to b e won, or we of th e B ritish hmpii'e will find ̂ ourselves under a barbarism com pared w ith which our present civilization w ith all its fau lts will seem to have been a Utopia. -' - ' . a tta c k e i th e r from th e a ir or B u r th e y k n o w .th a t no p a r t of w estern civilization. ^D E N T IN E TEA The United Church W om en's ssociation held a m ost en joy­ able Valentine Tea in th e C hurch l5th F eb ru ary G raham gave a charm ing read ings Lovpgrove and ^®^ng en te rta in ed tables w ere a t tra c t- [Valentine' stall hom e coOking stall was' well patronised. WOMEN TAKING PART IN FEDERAL ELECTION C onservative h ead q u arte rs an­ nounced today th a t w ith th e opening o f th e W est V a n c o u v ^ Com m ittee room s a t 1678 Ma­ r in e . Drive, no tim e will be lost in b ring ing before th e people th e p ja tfo n n of its -N o rth shore can­ didate, R .'H . Tupper. M rs. Tupper, w ho ̂h a s a son in th e Canadian A ctive Service Force, now in England, will speak a t several' m eetings being arranged by th e wohien of th e M unicipality. C O R PO RA TIO N OF THE DISTRICT OF W EST VANCOUVER R em em lier th e F en ies W ho hav.e_rendered^t great serviee-to4he_Municipalily, Still retain the charms of a recreational. Healthful and economical trip. ' \ - If you wish this service-to continue .a- . you must patronize it. = Kt A t RAY, Chairman I'ransportation Committee H. VINCE, Manager. * HOLLYBURN HALL MAJOR T U PPE R COMING EVENTS T here will W U o usual Chil. ' CONSERVATIVE CHOICE ,r rW „ ,,M » i.e .7 J i i i rS c 4 .. VVeal a U - 1 5 pm ° M ajor Reginald H Tupper, Vanrouver G roup Scolt Dance G reat W ar veteran and prom i- m 1 ho O range Hall. »en t Vaiioouver b a rr is te r, will March .KJtli, Concert T I'*'® Conservative s ta n d a rd l)y West Vancouver Boy» Band nex t-S unday , Feb- i)earer in Vancouver N orth ri<^ in Inglewood AiuUtoriuiii. ruary 25th, Sunday School and i,, th e federal election oh ------ -- Young People's Bible Class, while Mnvr*h V - . . . . . a t th e 7:30 p.m. service on th a t M ajor Tupper received th e CROSS DANCE day Leslie R ichm ond will give a unanim ous endorsation of . th e i u , ,■ 4 . 4 Gospel address, ly e sd ay next, 112 accred ited -delegates fro m n . / V o S P«troiiiige rfo a t 8 p.m., p ra y e r m ee tin g 'an d all sections of th e rid irig a t a In,V w \ Bible study. nom inating coiivention in th e innii \ i r -------------------------- E lks ' Hall on T hursday n ig h t.. a,, FOUR CANDIDATES H E R E H e ' v^as . nom inated by D r. J •'-------- • F ran k , E. D orchester of W est Vancouver N o rth riding's lis t of V ancouver and R. R. Rose of ' ■ / candidates fo r th e federal elec- th is city. No o th e r nam e w as . m. , ' w u u ̂n I ' tion was increased to fou r on placed before th e convention. B a rn ey s b-pieee Monday, when R eturning Officer The candidate's g ran d fa th e r, i M ajor S. S. P enny issued-nom i- S ir Charles Tupper, b e c a m e the very best ot nation papers to Thomas Milli^, P rim e-M in is te r of C anada in , who will ru n as an Independent. 1896, w h i l e ' h is' .fa ther. S ir rliythin. Mr. Mills has resided in N orth Charles H ibbert Tupper, rep re- f o r those, whose fancy tends Vancouver fo r eighteen years, sea ted Pictou constituency con- to card playing, a j c p d room is * He. is . p residen t of the N orth tinuously from 1882 to 1904. bijiiig arranged. Coffee and cuke Vancouver branch of th e A rm y M ajor Tupper joined th e royal oc served a t a small nominal "and N avV V eterans ' -Association navy as a cadet in 1906 and w as ood a bus will call a t 1 a n d a fo rm er p residen t of Lynn invalided out a s r a m idshipm an to tran sp o rt all passen- Valley L iberal A ssociation-and in 1912-a f te r being aw arded th e Kn th e proyincial L iberal orgianiza- K ing 's gold medal. vvoyteclific, it necessary. . - tion. H e w a s .a lso form erly a Going overseas w ith th e 16th Henicmber M arch Isl;, from police com m issioner in ' th e dis-. B atta lion Canadian S cottish ih 9 till I, a t th e Auditorium. N et trio t. He, is p rom inent in B. P. 1914 a s a m achine gun officer proceeds will be used for pur- 0 . E lks. he w as . severely, ,;Wounded a t chase of needed equipmont fo r Mr. Mills served fou r years Y pres in April, 1915. H e w as W est Vancouver Branch of the overseas du ring th e G reat W ar, invalided home to C anada and Red Cross-Society, Come, and having enlisted w ith the. 50th in June, 1916, com m anded th e 5i'ing your friends, v --- B atta lio n "a t-G a lg a ry ^ -.- - -- - - - s tra in in g - depot=.of , the^72nd- S e a - '••-{-- _ . i ---------------------------- y • fo r th H ighlanders of Canada. C.C.F. CAMPAIGNt ^EISTING . W EST VANCOUVER ' M aJPr Tupper w as iadmitted to ----------- ̂ ' T EN N IS CLUB, th e b a r in 1917 and is-a dean of C. G rant MacNeil,' M.P., and ______ » tflie local Jaw school. H is son E. E . Winch, M.L.A., will bo th e The annual m e e tin g . of th e enlisted in the ran k s of th e 72nd , speakers a t the C.C.F. Election W est V ancouver Tennis - Club B attalion in A ugust, ^Campaign M eeting to be held a t will be held a t 8 p.m. on F rid ay , 1939 and is now in England, in 8 p .m .lqm orrqw iM d a y )J /r : th e _ . _ M arch 8 t h , in S t. S tephen's w hich connection i t is ,in te res t- Legion Hall. P arish Hall. ' commanding A cordial inv itation is'cxtehd- ProspectiW m em bers a re in- officer is a son of Colonel M errit, ed to -the public to attend . flftend "who w as th e com m anding officer • ----------------- ---------- . ' _________ of h is fa th e r in F ran ce in 1915. NAOMI C H A PTE R - TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD VANCOUVER AQUARIUM A yN U ALJDANCE Miss U,na Knipe, M iss M yrtle - . •- N aom i C hapter, O rder of th e Moore, and Mrs. D. Ross w ill T h e A quarium displays ,j . E as te rn S tar, will hold their An- conduct a round-table conference glass window, tan k s over a hun- nual Dance tom orrow (Friday) on "Planned L iving" a t th e regu- dred living specimens ot fish in th e O range H alU There will la r m onthly m eeting of Towns- p lan ts and anim als found in tjie dancing from 9" to 1 w ith women's Guild a t th e Cla'ohan, rich coastal w aters of B. C. G arden's Orch e s tra in aitend- --^Friday, Mar ch--Isfc-- The--t opi c-- ance, and re fre sh m en ts will be will be en te rta in in g as well , as o th e r p a r t of the world, and lU Adm ission, couple $1.50. inform ative, and open session . understood, is th e only s a l t adm ission is by invitation fo r questions and discussion will w a te r aquarium m Canada. The desirous of attending " follow. specim ens are added to and re- ^he dance are asked to kindly Ladies and gentlem en who en- frequently , a stream of Gruchy, W est 283-L. joy., an ev en in g -o f--w h is t, -are - filte red _ w a te rrfro m ..E n g li.s^ ay -------------- '---------- cordially m y M to ^ b e a t th e t e a^M ci^Sy ' TA B LE 'TEN N IS LEACURClachan prom ptly a t 8 oclock, ta n a s , w n i c n a re a iu n u an y ______ _ Satu rday , 24fh inst., w hen th e lighted,, and, hned w ith glas., and . F irs t D ivision Guild will en terta in a t m ilita ry color, being arranged in such a ^ P W L T P t s w hist, th e object being to ra ise " an n e r th a t th e exhibite are a t P-W L i i t s . funds fo r the p u rc h a ^ o f wool, | f ™ ® d V n t e e ^ i n g .......... 15 7 3 5 19 '■For inform ation re tab les, phone tionai a n a m ieresting . ^ y j 15 7 5 3 17 M rs. J.,H . Smith, W est 99 .Y „or , U ntil th ey have seen th e co - c a n a d le n f ......15 4 8 S 11 M rs. D W. Graham; W est 4 7 3 - R .- 'c ^ i™ fe w . peop e realise, ju s t L a s t w L k 's s c o te v .__________" w h at a wide varie ty of m arine so ^ sco res. niiwvQANTHFMTTM life we have in our local watcns. t i r. ^^^iGnTTATTriTsi ^ Since th e A quarium was opened L ea ls 12 , W._ V. Sizzlers 6. AisoULi , in O ctb l^r, 1939, under th e spon-. . . - Will an members fo r 1940,' o f > S S ^ a ^ m L y v S sY a v o ^ c o 'rJ^ ^ , T e a m s!!* "" " ^ T w L T P t s . th e W est Vancouver Qhrysan-: from^.^11 over th e province and ^ 5 0 L l l continent, and i t has often ® ^ o th e date : of the f irs t reg u la r said th a t t h e octopuses ^ ^ ^ ^ a n ite s ........ 4 2 0 8 - ; m eeting which 1̂ alone a re w orth seeing. f o o ? t .the D.V*A. Hall,- T u ^ d a y , F eb- T he A ouarium onen every^ ̂ 2 2 1 5 r ^ r y 27th, a t I p ^ . S ecre tary s Sundays and holidays irir ....................f f ^ phone, W est 894-R. eluded, from 10 in th e mornirig ^ r i m i ^ s ......... .,..6 0 6j0 0 - -------- un til 10 a t n ig h t.: A ttendants 1 BRITISH-ISRAEL a re in ch a rg e who a re able to ex- -- ri-- 4. - ' f p lain th e exhib its §pd answer Regular weekly naeetm g of questions. . . . H illbillies 12, N orvan ites 6. th e Duiidaraye B ranch M onday, ------------------------- : ---------- F ebruary 26th, a t 25 th an d Ma- Weary Willie called at a cottage T he B ig Ten ^ ~Tine~ Drive; - Speaker is H. Rolp-- and-asked for food. -- P lay e rs : " P W % rfnsonv-Subject;---T he Swor d- of -- -- Gi --Smi t h--( W) ........ 24~21T8B^ Gideon." Mr*. Robinson ,waa ill ̂ B rad ley (H ) 3() 83 and was^ unable to oome fo r la s t «^hat alUdepends, lady--is it lamb, . B rad ley (S) ...i........„:.30 25 83 m eeting. You a re cordially in- pork or wood?" L ivsey (W ) .............36 29 81 vited to come and h e a r th is ------------------------------^ ^ A . M asterm an (Com) .:24 19 79 speaker.-.-- - . . t g S K e r r (W ) ................. 36 26 72 ^ P ra y e r-m e e tin g _ o n T hursday _ »|»i----- --------------------{• G ardinall (N or) . ......36 23 64 evening. Bible S tudy Group, 1116 rl6WS A . Coy ( N o r ) ........ .........36 23 64 W ednesday a t 2 ;30, w ith M rs. . » ^ a ^ ^ I t e n (N) .,."......36 26 Gbmish.*** \ rnmmSmmmmm M. McDowell (S) .....30 17 57