0lm ,v.M ̂ ,irt'<»'>l' x6»,t? S«l̂Vl?-« ' >■ *t'f'-Ĥr-tr-"'>'*'i THE WEST m ru a ry 15, 1945̂ li i '■ M 4'*4 ŝ(.}S 1̂ f h i ■ iff ,1? i i ; f '}i'̂ -->'■!*•: ̂ '1, ^ i I I,,/-. 'iifi U i i V>i • V . i?̂ r̂ . H rv t. ̂ ' X- 3 | 3^ • 0 ,'- ' •̂i| I j ̂ f I ' 1 3?J ' *■ i ■■ | j i : . _ § 4 4 ----- II-■ *̂ m , ■ 1 " I , ' H? ■ '■' '% > .', i ; * ^ i i i l l ^ P d ~ ■ ■■■■■■■ ■■■'• . ̂ ■ ■' ■■ ■ ■ ■ -■«-■■ Mbutrey Sm ith ~ '̂iitM:zwi!$m& ■ Pr«# Delivery Service . Monthly Aecount TAIH.E TENNIS I.KAIU 'E^ ̂■• ■■ ■ ■' ̂ ' < '4 Teams; I> W L T PtK. Diiues . T 5 KlJfifJKSTIONH K O W ^U O A V & SATURDAY, Feb. 16 & 17 It**d & WhUe HOCKEVK SA&ON^ No. !, tin 2k No. I tln\ .19c S u h o h T V S A H H I I - S o . Vt tin J9c rioM rkaf Cnoi'I'KII ( I.AMH-- lO'-i-o/, tin ........................... Ik Nahol) AHI*AltA(;i;H TIi»H & KND8 2 iO-Oie. tillM ... ....; ||9c4 lUtI A Whitv CAItltOTS & I'KAH-- , 2 M|ual litiH ....................... 2:tc Krd & VViilk TO.MA'rOH.H-- 2 No. 2 '/; tiriH ...... :, 25c MAt'AltONl--Itcady cut ...2 ilm. 17c .ManniiiK'a KiiKliah Dl'NIiKi: KIlOimiHKAi) ii». 2.1c i(«-<i Ji VViiilo TOMATO JUICF^ 10••/*<*/. tin . . 5c lied A White I'ure STItAWHKHItY tlAM'. .......... l-ll). tin 19c (Maker l'i;i'ITy)..VVIIIiAT~~l'kt.... 9c (aliforiiia (i it aV HI* It I JIT, No-Nm-dii- .SuKar, I for ............ . .. 15c M E A T S Fhonc West 370 Free Delivery DKICr - • * Grade A and A1 FOItK • • - . Grain Fed I.AMK . . . . VHAL • * - Fow l. A CIIICKKN l-ltKHII FISIJ DAILV / DKLICATESSEN Top Quality HillbilliOs Milk Fed Comets .. Grade A Nifties .. CrimiKtrs First Divisitm p W L M 7 2 5 lU Maple U-af» ..: 1 r (! :r 5 17 W.V. Sizzicra .. M " 1 •'■ '? C an ad icn a .......1 11 '1' 7 li 11 Last wcek'a'W.rtof-* Dudes 9, W.V. ,Sizzlc]-.s 9. Second Teams: Norvanites .... We.stenders ... Sockeyes Divi.sion « J' W L T .. r, ■I I 0 8 ... -I 3 .0 I 7 . -I OiJ i 0., 0 '5 O•a I 9>. t; ... 5 2 2 J 5-. l) r 4 0 2 0 0 (5 0 0 L U M B E R - Q u a l i t y SASU A DOOltS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTY BUILDERS' SUPPLIESROOFING WALLBOARD TILE AKenta: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. ^ E S T VANCOUVER LU M B ER C O . LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 Last week's scores: Westenders 9, Iiilll)illie.s 9. Norvanites 10, Sinkeye.sQiiakrr (|l'iCK OATH, Non.|'remlum N orvanites . l.arKe fiiinily i)k«........................iHc ..Norvaiutes ISjw'i Jiiipers 5. M V I L.MUCS .. . W Pki. 2ZC Comct., 10, ,N?fl k'S H, JOMNSON'.S WAX--Paak or Liquid, (ijie-lliird larKor. Giant tliw fo r onl> . •'7c 8I NKIST I.E.MONB--ft for .........15c COOKING AIM'I.EH--Home Beauty, • (i lllh. ........... *............ C LA SSIfiED A D S The rate for Classified AdverUtwinienta is 2 cents per, word, minimuin 25 cents. Except in the cose of those having regular accounts, all ^Uggi. fleds are payable strictly in aaVMCi^ ̂ , Uemember Classifieds m the West Van Nows get immediate results. WEST VAN. iMEKCHANTS 25c COUNCHz NCXI'ES Kid'erred' to the Engineer for a repoj't. ' " .Mr.". M. V. Jones and II. 'rijorjx' wrote the C(>Lmcil re the /(iiiinp̂ of the following lots: ill 1),1.. d.'IO as local business tioii. William L. - the ('oimcil re Access D.L. 1103; verbal, for permission S.W. ' ........... Richmond wrote vt* iMessrs. Jlerrimimi and Winch were present in reference to the garbage: dumj) at Third Street, stating that conditions there wer<; not satisfactory and asked if anything could be done to im« prove tliem. ' , 'J'h('y were'"informed by the- Reeve that the whole (iiKNstion was being given serious con sideration and the Engineer had' the matter of satisfactory in cineration in hdnd at the pre sent time. (leo. Hay was ])res(mt in re ference to his application to sub divide'the south-west quarter of D.I.. .10(33: 'Phe matter was ̂referred to .- the Rians Ai)proval Officer. • The Council instructed the Clerk to. reply terthe following Uh follows: -~ Municipal Solicitor, February 12th, 19J0. R. Hiirtiey's coni- plaiiit. To inform the writer that the (Council have had advice from the «n« tt. mat Solicitoi to the elfê -'t that the " no (jamage i.s done to Municipal I lit f t 1 I IF/H 11M i 111 11 I T 1 * The Merchants dropped their . last game in the V. & D. Uiague to Varsity last,,, Satuixlay. The . game was a very poor o n e to watch as the grounds were in no condition to play football on. VarsityTook the lead in the early, part.of'the game when, the locals were one man sliorl. With both teams even there was, little, to choose between either. \ meet Ambl'esjde •Iill- ' .30191. ___ , __ ,___ to sub divide Lot 6 , Block "IR'-, D.L. 775 itoferred to the estimates. . E Pt. llollyburn Ridge ̂Inspector . Referred back to the Rians Ap- wrote the C/ouncil re iTollyburn proval Officer. Trees, Ambleside Rark. Referred back to, the Reeve, Trail. . R<'l'erred to the estimates. ,2 1 st Street. Rot holc.s. Jh'bn-red' to the Engineer for niaintenaiice attention. Wellington Aveniie, Whyte- cliff. (Tilting of trees and propcs- .0(1 reniovaRof the same. Referred to the Engineer and the JTjlice Department to, Councillor Ray and.the Engineer. Proposed subdivision of Block 13,/D.L.̂ 237.;.:;;::;,.V:, V:;.:',' ■Referred back to the Plans Ap proval Officer. '. ■ i Sidewalk, 22nd Street. Referred: to the Estirnale.s. Meanwhile the Engineer_to re- t^odain li those responsible for port"oi> the cost of a .completed llu> cutting of the trees have sidewalk'from. Marine Drive to jiroperty.fence is (juite within legal ro- (|uirenient.s. West V^ancouver Branch, Can adian -Legiini, February ;3rd, 1910. Stair appointments! To tliaiik the writer for his l<3t- tor and say that the matters oontaint'd therein will receive earnest consideration bv the Council. ' (3. H. Crif.fiths:^February 2nd. DM0 . No parking sign. - To reply' that the eorner re ferred to is a dangerous one and it i> ab.solutely necessary for tlie - ........... o- ,.... ... *______ protection of life and ^mb to see ing the deposit of rubbish_at-the -that-no parking is permittotl on ^iioint mentioned., Bellevue Avenue at that point. .Reflectorized stop signs. However, it is (juite in order lor That the Engineer be authoriz- orfi PJD'king to take place i>n ed to purchase one dozen signs 2 oth Street. - . at a cost of $150. Dr. Arthur C. Nasli wrote the Parking space railway prop- I" , ' V V «-411V 'X i V/i.( i \XlX proper authority and to see that Inglewood School. L. J. Bi'initon's application. Access to Palmerston :Avenue east of 24th Street. ■ Referred to the Estimates. RESOLUTIONS: Th'e'followiiig resolutions were ENGINEER'S REPORTS TO COUNCIL Miscellaneous Items: Hou.'io mimlwrs. Half a mile . o " " Pa-ssS b r th e CounSl: That the owners of houses with'wrong numbefs thereon be advised and they be given the correct numbers and requested to conform thereto. Trash on road end., That a sign bo-posted prohibit- 'GOKDON HOBSON * • Solicitor, 610 W. llastiiiga, bey. 4190, at West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. _____ I'EltCY T. MASTEHMAN, NOTARY, Heal Estate. Insurance, all branch es, Cuimcijan" Cpmi'H.!'y' Most H i. PAINTING AND DECOHATING - - E.stiniutes free. J. H. Wedicy, West 1022-L...-' '______ __________ SUI'EHIOH HOUSEKEEI'EH--ilruc- tical nur.se, e.xcellenl references, oiieti for eiigap:enietits. W. 12DM. FOH SAIzIiJ--Delph Blue inlaid lino leum, one piece 6' x OVl; , the other ;i' X G'. Good conditiun. $G.00. Phone ' ' West m GOHDON HOBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W.'-Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. CHIMNEY SWEEPING Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. ________ . ' ■ • , W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybiim Block. . MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Pernlanents; .only best,'materials used.' Expert operators. Phone ' West 304, Royal Bank Building. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- land, 2144-Mahon Avenue, North 578 M'HEN \T)U ARE IN NEED of a, carpenter, phone-West 563-R even- ings_______ ■__________ ' DRESSMAKING -- ' Ladies' Suits, •, Coats, Dresses, Children's Clothes, specializing alterations, make-overs. Robbins, West 619-R. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, parts- • West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. LISTINGS OF HOMES AND PRO PERTY' WANTED. Clients waiting. H. A. ROBERTS LTD, 1447 Marino Drive - -West"54G i*egulations relating thereto are conformed with. West. Van. Imperial Sendee Station. Bus. parking. ............... ............ .......... ̂ ......... . That the Rimincial 'Depart- Council ix> Dust ancl dramage--vrty. Ferry Square. ■ [^^Dt ()f Pubie Works be advised 19th St.ixH>t. That the parking, space on the "'^eP"'i'king . of stages on ....................... railway allowance at the Ferry Squart;!^ impfd^ Swift .Canadian Co. Ltd. . Pard Mutt Sho\v, March 2n4, 1940.* Permission for the parade on March 2 nd, 1940 was granted. Orange Hall Co. Lighted sign, Grange Hall Building,. Marine FOR SALE-- 22-inch Drop Bicycle inat tne permission asked for ^'^od condition. Complete with gen- be" gi:.awt€(l""]nwid'ed"Muniw ----erator, Sio.50. W. 652-R. BUILDER'S ()ITORTL?NITY -- Un obstructed view lot. Cleared 64 x 132. ft. Ready to build^on. $350.00 ■C. J. ARCHER, LTD. West- 225 _________ TRinity 30G3 Referred to the 1940 tarring program. . ' ̂ , ___________ _ Roy Drew wrote the Council iv' exceeding $150 Access to IaH 3, Bkx'k 3 1) -- li. 554 ICl0() Acres. E. ILs Minions' f:-',ri "' " Cement.' Sand Navy Jack, Crushed Rc>ck Drain Tiles. Brick Lime, Mortar PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE CITY PRICES - TEAROB A SONS C O N C R ^ and GENERAL CONTRACTING 1427 Marine Dri\'c P H O N E W E S T 8A F ^̂ --n H O E tY B U R N * ^ ■'-- BU SIN ESS C O L L EG E Individual Tuition Phone VVesl 341 H,h »nd Marine . -- . A tte n tio n B u ild e rs ! '-I i f •, i -i SANUTGRAVEL, m v V Y JACK, A S P llA tr PREMIX. r o a d MATERIALS LIMITED Phono North 1141 or ALP ELU S, West 160-Y Marine Drive particularly in the vicinity of 14th Street is becom- ing-qmte a problem and , that many complaints have been re- ceivetl in connection therewith and to suggest the Department consider the advisability of prov- Kling suitable parking spaces. o ' Ltd., February 3rd, 1U40 Odor to purchase Lots (and 8 . SWRT D.L. 1050. The offey was acwpted. Usual tenns to apply. Sal\^tion Army. Public Rela- ^<?Partment, January 30th. 1940. Annual grant. r Salvation Army Pub lic Relations Department be ad- ' vised that a grant of $25.00 will Committee when the Estimates 'aie prepared. CJeorge Medley (West Vnn Football Oub). iindat^. Use'of hut, Ambleside Park be?^„t'ed. fc- LpSl -- Child s Dark Blue Woollen Mitten 14th and Marino. W. 197-M. FOR SALE--"Maybelle'-' Guitar. Com- •• plcte with case and instruction book. Reasonable. W. 1078-L. F OR SA LE--A Drop Leaf and-a Gold- eii Oak Bming Table. ~W. 69-R3. LOST---.Ianr7i0th, Ladies' Black Dia- mond Ring, $1.00 reward. W. 127 WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works Funuce and Range RepjOft^ Sawdust Burners . Phone Weal, S9 '-'t.WkT'v" fc" ' > EXPERT FURRIER AND duess. maker--Kay Russell. West .UtIi. 1 LOVELY ROOM--Available by niirht week or month. Meals if de.sii-..,i' "West G80-R. 5 ROOM STUCCO-HOUSE; d u ^ roof, good cement ba.sement fur. nace, fireplace, bath ' 50-ft. lot uii- excelled view. Cost $32ri0.00; will now sell for $2250.00.' Thi.s is one of the best built and wnrineat houses irt' West Van. Owner must sell. , ..LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 0pp. Postofficc_________55 FENCES AND TRELLIS WORK done by contract. Free c.slimntes Phone W. 819-L. ______, ' I OR SALE--Electric heater, in per̂ -feet condition--Cheap. W. 744-L. WANT t r a n s p o r t a t io n VICIN ...-ity 25th and Marine, arriving Var- couver approximately 8:30 a.nv W. 952-L. ; ■ - . F ()ir SALE -- G. and B. Stove Oil Burner complete; 18 ins, by 30 ins. Roll Rim Sink. Good condition. We.si 282-R. _________ ; , .. HAULING -- Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks and Rockpits inslalled-and cleaned. West 187-R. WANED TO RENT-^Three or Four Room Bungalow, partly furnished, April 1st, Reasonable rent. Box 2, West Vancouver News. . ROCKS in basement or lawns re moved, split, 'hauled away; cut- price. 2177 Bellevuer FOR SALE--rChicken Manure in peat moss, well rotted^ and dry. GOc per " sack delivered. Phone Wes'! 312-L. ; ■■ tr .--: ̂ ■. , ' ■ .. ,v LOST -- Last week, black cal, part Persian, tu ft of- white - under chin and stomach, vicinity Sherman, West 755-Y-l.' __________ ONLY $1600 Cosy Four Room Cottage, lovely view location, in::good condition through out, Ne'wlyvpainted; garage. 50-ft. lot, adjoining 50-ft. lot, at a rea sonable price. Low taxes. Can he . seen any time. ! A. E. AUSTIN & CO. LTD. 8'33 West Hastings Street MArine 2431 or West 548-M PEMBERi'ON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established '50. years) 418rHowe" S tr TRin. 1271. Local Agent, F Bayliss (Notary Public). 2436 ̂Bellevue. West 522-R WESTERN WOODWORKERS^Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. W est-740,--West-443-R.----- CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals; Furniture, Stoves, Tools, , etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. CHIMNEY* SWEEPING -- Old Oun- try way; guaranteed; brick_ and . stone r repairs: Halmer, CapilaD®> North 811-R-2. NOTARY PUBLIC (Complete Notarial Service) Reginald P. Blower, J.P., 1405 Marine. _________ West 21, 204-M. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele- phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2._ WEST VANCOUVER MESSEN(|EB SERVICEJ--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 7Q0._________ - J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or W est 663-R-l. ^ WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT P-4J' ROL -- Sure -protection; reasonable rates. West 927-R. ^ RICH FRASEA MILK m a n v j . ,------ ' •" " ■-'Juver s lu iiK .v v o riu ., r r a s e a -> -"'■^'5' Island, have o v e r Sixty TVophies Their r l h r r ^ r n™ "> '>'eir excenence. ' ' - no more than i i . i smooth, 'mellow flavor, costsiio moiG than just ordinary Jersey Milk. s ' ■V-' .... •• -- i- - ^ H O iS |E --W ^ E S T ^ - 3 6 b r - ~ ^ -- -̂----- and driver will call^