p-l-nllllv- 15, 1940. THE WEST Va n n e w s ....." W est "Vancouver -- B o a rd o f School Trustees Applications will be received on or before February 20th for the position of janitor at Pauline Johnson School. Fourth Class Engineer s Certificate required. 'Write giving age and qualifications to the Secretary, W est Vancouver School Board Hollybgrn, P ,0 . Personal solicitation will disqualifyi BocaJ and Personal Major Montagrue luirbcr, O.B. Vocal pupils of Philip Watts f away m gave an informal ixjcital a t Pur- ̂ coll Hall, Georgia StrcMJt, recent- ̂ taking part were: Cy- 11 " ^ t which con- ris Archibald, Addc'Birkenshnw, Hiutrable work has ̂lKx*n done. Daisy Broad, Margaret Davies, son. George Lincoln, Thomas Mawson, Jean Molvonnan, Betty Poberts, 'Nance Sheil, and Lily California, whither he had gone Thorsleinson. Dorothy Williams C. C F. Election Campaign M eeting FRIDAY, February 23rd , 8 p.m, SPEAKERS: C. G ra n t M acN eil, M.P. E. E. W iiic h , M.L;A. ' * ' ■ '1 ' . I '̂ ' ' ■ .p • ■ '. Naomi C hapter N o . 26, O rder o f th e Eastern Star ANNUAL d a n c e in the Orange H all, FRIDAY, Fe|>.,23rd ■ I . 4» ■' ■ ■ . 1 ■ . • t I I., ■ ' bancing9 to l. , »GARDEN'S ORCHESTRA Refreshments _____-- ADjVIISSlON : S iiS O PER COUPLE , ® brother of accompanied.William H. Eusskv o f Cypixiss * Park. 1 he deceased had travelled Major and Mrs. Philip Curry, Onslow Place, Capilano'Estates, were informal dinner h o s t s . , ,, « " ........ ......... Monday evening. Major and Mrs.' nN. + • W C^eiieral Curry with Miss Patricia Curry, - r» i ' are leaving on a motor trip to D.S.O., -resides iii Ireland, and California next week, another brother, I 'honias Eassie, ♦ ♦ ♦ in New Zealand. , Mrs. James Mason, the. former T rx 1 i. , Jessie (Dot) Eadie a recent James Duokworth, 2 dth Street bride-olcct, was the guest of and Ottawa Ave., Iclt Wednos- honor at a miscellaneous shower day evemng for Winnipeg to hold at the home of Miss Jean join the Princess Pats, to which MacTavisli on Wednesday even- regiment he has been trails- ing, February 7th. The daintily terred from the Irish Fusiloirs, wrapped gifts were pVesented by Vancouver I^gimciit. Marjorie MacTavish to the hoii .̂ * . orce in a basket decorated in Edward Lunn, son of Captain keeping with the Valentine D. 0; Lunn, 994 1511i Street, .left motif. The last gift to be open- on Sunday for a business trip to ed was that of the entire sta ff,, Winnipeg and Edmonton. a chest of silver and a china tea * set.' Music apd games .formed Miss Madeline Cross, 1460 Es-r the program of the evening, after quimalt Ave., ds a patient in the which I'efreshments were serv- VancOuver General Hospital. ed. Among those, present were ■ * the Misses Mary Eadie, Irene An examination for the home . McCrum, Barbara All work, Joan nursing classes of the Canadian Sheffield, Bubbles Smith, Doro- Red Cross will be held at 8 p.m., thy Sharman, Janey Pritchard, Tuesday, F ebruary 2 0 th, in the . Anne Brooks Mary Carmichael,, library of the Inglewood High,. Geraldine Johnson, Nodine Gem- School. . mell, Mary Dawjdhs,. Anne Clegg, Ida Allans Mary Huntingford, Jean MacTavish, Mrs. Hufchin- son, Mrs. Hillis WrightTMrs. S. Reynolds, Mrs. H. Bibbs, Mrs. S. BAND AUXILIARY S. P. C. A. --'The=Amiliary==^of ̂ 4:he ~ West^"y=-ThefW^ Wancouye.r "S rP ~ C --Marine - Drive Vancouver Boys' Band are_.hpi<̂ - A. presents a film of wild ani- ing a Military Whist Drive on iwal life by theB . C. Game De- nflvf partmont at St. S t e p h e n s ^ oT Church Hall, Wednesday: Febru- 16th, at the Clachan, a t 8 p.m. ^ry 21st, a t 8 p.m."" Admission All parents of Band vb The many friends of Robert Kinloch will be glad to hear that he has sufficiently recovered __ _ from his operation at the North Bartlett, Mrs. J. MacMillan, Mrs! Vancouver, General Hospital to J. Hardy, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. P return to his home at 25th and White Mrs. D. MacTavish. RED GROSS The regular monthly meeting of the executive of the Cana-- Mr. and Mrs. EJlett have mov ed into a house at West Bay. LEGION NOTES cordially invited to attend; Y.W. C. T. U. dian Red Gross Society, West will be free. All are cordially in- Vancouver Branch, will be held vited. A large and appreciative audi- enoe filled the West Vancouver Baptist Church on Tuesday, Feb ruary 6 th,-when moying pictures in technicolor of the Royal Visit to Vancouver and other attrac-^ tive f e a t u r e s were shown , thrpugh"the kindnes"s of ■ TOC H On Wednesday February -2 1 st, Toe H, West Vancouver Branch, will hold a guest night at 8 p.m. Dr. Norwood will be the speaker. Members and friends will be wel come. The next meeting of t h e at Headquarter§7 '^ n F̂ ̂ Legiop will be held at 8 p.m. to- -21st, at 8:30 p.m"! morroy (Friday) in the Legion ,-̂ The Finance Committee meet- Hall.. i All social activitie.s have ' ing of the Canadian Red Cross canCeM for the week in Society, West Vancouver Branch accordance Avith the period of will' be held at 7:30 p.m., Wed- mourning ̂ e t for the death of nesday, February 2 1 st, a t the • Loyd-Tweedsmuir, which expires Headquarters. on Sunday. V. 0. N. MRS. BESSIE HENDERSON PASSES . Mrs. Bessie Henderson widow "of the" late Will iani Henderson, LADY LAURIER CLUB An open meeting of the North Shore Lady Laurier Club will be held at the home of Mrs. Harold 3 " ■S.W. Scott, of Vancouver- The Eev. Wm. Vance opened D a S T d S ^ w L t ' S Contributions to the program by the annual meeting of the'West 87th rear at her home. 1479 Es- West 16th otuet.. - ------ ., „ „ 87th year at her home, 1479 Es 6 assisting' srtists very V^ncouv-Gr BraiiQh of thG* iVic- rites w held on Monday at 1:30 p.m. from the Hollyburn Funeral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd., the ' Rev. W. L. McKay officiating, and interment was made in Cap ilano View Cemetery. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. L. A. Lantz, of Vernon, B. C.; Mrs. H. M. Nicholl, Mrs. A'.' J. Feasy aiid Mrs. J. A. McCurdy, kll of Winnipeg, and one son, Robert J., at home. North Vancouver, on WediLcsr̂ . ^ ^ d - Several vocal torian Order of Nurses February selections were .given by Mrs. 8 th iii the Legion Hall. Officers readings by Mjss for,the coming_.year are: Miss Pnfov Dollar. Miss Jacqueline . Mary Hackett,-Honorary Presi- yaieison and George Brealey dent; Mrs. H. Ostrom, Presi- Z tn ■ dent; Miss L. McCallum-, First piano by Miss Vice-President; Mrs. H. Irving, Alma ^cond Vic^President; Mrs. L. thft P^^^fam was under Wainwright, Secretary; Mrs. T. oonvpv ^ "^est "Yan- . A., Johnston, Treasurer. It. is day, February 21st, at 2 :30 p.m. The spe aker for tho afternoon, Dr. Lyda Lindenfeld, will give an 'address on "Child P.syoh- ology." .Members and friends are cordially invited. Tea will be served. FAMILY WELFARE BUREAU oouver Y. W. C. T. U. Florence G. Cnsey in ter io r s 1706 Marine Drive WEST VANCOUVER ̂ West 938 of . special interest .that at the' Waltham Hospital in Massachus-y etts, in. 1897, Miss Mary Hack-' ett, the Honorary President, traiiied Miss Charlotte MacLeod, the first Victorian Order nurse. Greetings and good wishes were extended from "Vancouver branch by Mrs. Davis Hall, the present President, Mrs. Carter Cotton, C.C:M, BICYCLES JAT FRED JONE'S bike SHOP' 1439 Marine POSTPONEMENT The'annual meeting of the Duncan Lawson* Chapter I. 0. D. E. which was to have beet held Tuesday evening last h ' celebration of Founders Day, _ was postponed due to the death PaSPreskeriCanTiH^^^ of Lord Tweedsmuir,.,Governor- field. Superintendent of Nurses; (^lioral of Canada. Burnaby branch, Mrs. Billing- The celebration of Founders ham; North' Vancouver Branch, Lay; February 13th is an an- I^ s . C h a m b e r l a i n ; Surrey iĵ oal fvent of Branch, Miss Martin. Miss BlizL Daughters of the Empire. I t was beth Riddell, nurse, gave her re port of the year's work, include, ing !an outline of the day's nurs ing help* arid encouragement to many people. exactly 40 years ago on this date that the order was_ founded in Canada. This year the Duncan Lawson Chapter is celebrating its 2 0 th birthday "Goming of age" in 1941. ' ̂ nelsons l a u n d r ii^ l t d . ^ CLEANING (Certified as advertised-in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) ' C. C. FINNEY, W est Vancouver Representative Phone West 782 and Driver, will call. EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks .Ltd,, Montreal) . 1522 Marine Drive The regular monthly mectiiig of the West Vancouver 'Di-sirict Committee. was held at t he offices, 17th and Marine Drive, ' Friday, February 2nd, at 3:30 p.m. Mrs. / . F(«, 'Vioe-GhWr :̂ man, presided. The Work Report' for t h e month showed that 34. families were listed for services; 45visits :; were made and 29 office inter views held. . , • Tthe District Gommiittee for ;; 1940 was elected, as follows: the ""irnneWai Mrs.^Brooks, Mrs. J. Fox, Mrs. - ' ^ W. Muntqn (delegated by West "Vancouver Welfare tion) # Mrs. W. TyDri ̂ | J. D. Hobden, Miss E. J. May- cock and Rev. William Vance, to serve for two-year period. Mi.sa E. Copeland) .Mrs. E. W. Maren- tette and Rev. F. A.: Ramsay, to serve for one-year period. The Annual report of the- Family/ Welfare Bureau was ; given at the 'Annual meet ing of the West Vancouver As- j sociation, .on Thursday, February '--2 nd^e^cerpts odf"which will ap pear in a later issue of this paper. Bentfelt's BAKERY (formerly Strattons) SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM..CAKES 25c a doz. BirmCHCRUST HIlEAl) Scotch PuneakcH, Scoims, Ahcrnethy H and Out.. Cukes 1468 Marino Drive I»hono West 27 Hollyburn Theatre T in I USD AY AND FRIDAY SATURDAY MATINEU I'VltiTmry 15th, KUh luul 17th SIDbEV TOILER "Charlie Chan in Honoluln " ■ also "NEVER SAY DIE" SATURDAY - EVENING and MONDAY , „ ehihmry 17th and lt>th GINGER ROGERS "the Bachelor Mother " also . "THINK FIRST" "A PROIHIIST WITHOUT HONOR" S'UESDAY and WEDNESDAY-- Fc'hruary 20th and 21,sl/ . .lACK BENNY DOROTHY LAMOIJR 'Man Abont Town' (Once only at 8:15) also . ' "liADIES FROM KENTUCKY" FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY S a w d u st $1.7.S a unit Sacked Fresh ̂ Cut No. -1 - F i r , We do not handle .storage saw- -dust. Phono now while iprices- are low WOOD and COAL SPENCER'S FUELS 812 16th Street Office a t 1336 Marine Drive West 582 - PHONE - West.582 VERNON F E E D STO RE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies S. H. SRIGLEY Painter and Decorator 1706 Marine Drive Phone West 938 ; Keep you r M oney Circulating in W est Vancouver W est Vancouver Chambe(r of Commerce