•s$msmsmsi P'i*' h-A-. mm0 tt THE February J5 ■V \^i^l«^->^HiS{>. f/'Ĵ '-<'̂ i=J'}i^ 'fi i l - 4' i') FiliJI L' ' i'-V '•I-II P'jl|f It- '■m.m>Mdt> If f I ;■;'.) '.' "̂ 'T ; . f ,' , i , If,:-- IpfjS ■f-ifl'lliv!; ■r̂V.-?>- i"k' ■■■ r " ' "S-' m iiii . h ^-i?m-:M i m m i i B -"I? wmt VAN. vmrm chuech Hw. w. vANCft e a ; mm»t9t 2047 Gordon Aventio Phone W m t 244-R bundey Serricei; U a.m. A v:dOp.m. Strantfers and Viaitom aro welcom* Take off *Your Hat with a Confident Smile I iiev. BAI»TI8T CHUECH W. h. McKai, BJU EE. jy;00 8'itttday a.w.T'Cbufel? Schoo d u d in it A dult 4------ 11 a.tn. & 7:80 p.m.«-Pr«*chlnif B e t y i t m , A hearty welcome to all Iion 't Jot a fow KtruKly ('nda apoU y(>iii'« porKoriality. i f you arc not ready f o r a now ponna/ionl Wis can add u •f<*w ourln a t 'th e nook line o r eara to take caro of tlioHo atraiKht. ondH. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe 'O o u to ra o f Excluaive Perm anenta, . 1646 M arino Drive , .. W cat 117 HOLLYBDRN HALL 14tb and Duchesa I ItyiAV, Pel),, Jfilh, a t 7:I6p.m. (^biltJron and, Young Pconle'a S(*rvict< with liUntorn Slidea. , Ijjoakor: ian Kathie, mi«Hionary fr om Santa Domingo, W.I. SUNDAY, Pell. IHth a.in. Sunday ScIuhiIKi a.in. Sunday ScIuhiI and Vdiing PoojiIo'h Bible CIuhk. 7;'10 lun . (lOMpel AddreaH. .SiM'akor: Mr. C. O. Bowen I'liKSDAY, Pel). 20th, a t 8 p.m. J*rayor Mooting and Bible Study WHST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHUECH KDIPICB 20tli and fisouimalt, Hollyburn T his Society is « Branch of The Mother Church The F ir s t Church of Christ, Scientbt, in Boston, M asrachusetts 11:30 a.m.Sunday Service: SUNDAY, R'lmiary IBtli' '8UHJBCT; " S 0 I ' b *' Sunday School a t 10:00 a.m. Testim ony Meeting Wednesday a t , 8:15 p.m. I The public is cordiolly in* vited to attend our services and m eetings. U N IT E D C H U R C H Y . P . S . Last -Monday aflor tlw bus!.- nos., of tho th<? \ouujs I 8 utWiidud to. tlic„ S < W the n'uidatice ol t)ie nii.̂ -Hionary group .spent a school day in lii- (iia. This proved to l->e a success ful and educational eiitertam- ^^Nexi Monday, February 19th, the Citiy.enship (ii-rnip 'is in charge, pre.senting a nnkk elect ion. .. H i g l i l a L DININGROOM C atering for Luncheons . . . Afternoon Tvas DimnarK Alscr P riv a te Pariiu„ Special Sunday. Dinner M odest Prices 1303 M arine Drive Phone W. 983 I. 0 . D . K. ■Sf S T . A N T H O N Y 'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. ' Rev. Father Van . ' 'Pastor Another class in̂ elementary nieclianic.4 for« hidies will be formed if a sutl'ieieni number register. This cla.ss is in.sfructed by W. Grout and i.̂ one of a number of classes formed "as a public servitM*. If intci'tjsted, plea.se phone Sey. 8627 2 d Water 8t UNITED upholstering SPE C IA L 3-piece su ites recovered' from $46 up. D. H O PE. Phone W est 845.U RARHARIANS' AlIXILLARY LEAP YEAR DANCE DR, G. D, H, SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-Ilny Hoy Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office H ours 9 to O'p.m. Evenings by appointm ent. Phono W est 72 U N IT E D C H U R C H 21st and Esquimalt Ave. Itev . William Vance Minister Sunday,-February 18ih 10 a.m.--The Sunday School. JI a.m.--Morning Worship. Sub.- je c t : "Getting Rid of Christ." aJ-- DR. McRAE D E N T I S T form erly of 705 Medical-Dental Building Hourn: 0 to 0 -- Evenings by appointm ent. 1860 Marino D rive' W est 432 jeci; ••Getting '7:..'}0 p.ni; -- Evening Service, mean: 'Lay up . . . treasure in mean: 'av up . . . trea.sure in .heaven'?" 'Die' regular monthly meeting ok the W.M.S. of the United Church will be held on February 20th, at 2:15 p.m. ' roll-call Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -r a.m. I Rosary and Benediction - p.m. " Catechism and Bible Class p.m. ' .Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. i '5 Fridays--Rosary, Benedictfop ■'7:46. ■ ■ / Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:3() to 8^80 p.m. 10:15 -7:45 - 2:00 CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST BHtabtiHhed on N orth Shore 25 Ycara ' (Lady AHsiHtnnt) HARRON BROS. LTD. funeral Birertors Hollyburn F uneral Home 18th and M arine W est 134 ' I N orth Vancouver Porlore i2 2 W est S ixth S tree t Phone N orth 184 Vancouver P arlo rs 55 Tenth Avenue E osl Phono F a ir. 134 'rho word for roll-call is " Strong" and Mrs. HobdeiL-Vvill "SOUL"^will be the subject of taku.lhe chapter from the Study the Lesson - Sermon in .all Book. The delegates to the re- Churches of Christ, Scientist, on cent I'resbytenal will give their Sunday. r<'i)orls and a good attendance of ' The Golden Text is. "I will set ihembers and friends in the con- my Uibernacle among you: and gr(;gation is hoped for. . my soul ^hall not abhor you, BAPTIST CHURCH l5^5Duaess~Ave.'" Rev. W. L. McKay And I will walk among you, arid will be your_Gocl, and ye shall be by" people" " (Leviticus :2brTl7 12). . Among -the citations which 'J'he large number of gilds, who attended the Leaj) Year Dance given last Friday evening in the Orange Hall by the Girls' Aux iliary* to the Barbarian.s' Rugby 'Club certainly lived up to their Leap Year responsibilities. It is not for us to saj^ because we do not know, whether every male present ,had been brought there by a lady friend, but certainly, once-there, htrwas well looked after throughout the evening. Programs had been provided, -and armed with these the girls went the rounds and saw to it that there wch'e few if any wall flowers. The floor was crowded 'with dancers for every number, and the music of the Chic-Qually orche.stra all -that could be de-: sired, while the halMooked very pretty with the tasteful decor- . ations in red and .white featuring the valentine "motif." Daintyn^e^ fresh men ts were served during the interval in the lower^hall. P. D. Q. CAFE 622 Howe S tree t (ocross from bus stop) T ea .Cup R eading by M archioness D 'Autior ffe la Rochebriant Rev. J. A. MacRae, of Edmon- comprise the Lesson-Sermon is L • W t ,.'1̂ - . I t «-> r 4 I t r t -I ^ t . 4 * Lt M .. T n . "T I I «T 1 Vt ^ ■ . A . - I 1 f 1 . 1 _ .ton, who has been leading the the following from the Bible: church in a series of special ser- "And Jesus said unto him,.. Re- ON iNYMAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1B42 MARINR ORIVC " WIST 300 - -MpiuIiPth A.n.T. of n.c. SPEUAL Buwduat ....... Dry Slabs Inside F ir ;-- from shod from mill ..,-.,.$3.50 per (mit .....$f).00 per cord '.....$0.00 per cord ....$5.50 per cord Slabs w ith Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $8.76 per cord PR ITA ftrS FU E L Phone N orth 620 -- - - w • A » • A. K / W W-*. : • • - - -- V« V a A A W V / * * * * X * y ^ . vices, will preach morning and ceive they sight: thy faith hath evening. Hi.s morning subject saved, thee. And immediately will be "What Really Happens he r^eived his sight, and follow- vvhen One Becomes a Christian ?" ^d him, glorifying (5od; and all and in the evening "The Forks, the people, when they saw ĵit, of the Road."* Mr. MacRae will J?ave praise unto God" (Luke 18-: also address the Church School 42, 43). at 10 o'clock. The choir will .The Les.son fem on alsoin- render anthems morning and dudes the following passage evening. Alex Rollo will sing a from the Christian Science "text solo in the evening service. The book, "Science and"^Health with citizens^are cordially invited, to Key to the Scriptures " by Maiw ■ Baker Eddy • ."Sight, hearing, all Mondaj, 8 p.m., the Young the spiritual senses of man, are Peoples Society will hold a Val- eternal. They cannot be lost entuie social. Their reality' and immortality Wednesday 7:45.Prayer M eet--are in Spirit and understanding -=̂ Ncllie Harrison^ A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of ■ PIANO and THEORY ■ Residency Studio: ' o 1955 Inglewood Avenue, W est 1056-L A quick and easy way to answer letters If a response to somebody's letter is'^(^g overdue, answer teSday by long>distance telê_ phone. Most people find it easier to speak than to w ritj \ id many find that writing letters isTrre'al chore. ̂ Solve your correspondence -problems-by thc-quick-andeas^ way. Call,, by long-distance telephone. Burrard Laundry Ltd. well known, FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310'or W est 691L BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. V Mrs. Nuwed said to her husband-- "Darling, will you lend me twenty dollars, and< only, give me ten oj them? Then you'll owe me 'ten and Pll owe you ten, a n d : we'll be, straight:" ,ing. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd aiid Fulton Rev. F. A. liamsey, Rector not in. mat ter,-r-hence their per manence." The French Beauty Salon For PermanentvS of la s tin g b ea u ty . \V© specialize in flno, grey and \yhlto hair, 1 5 6 2 M arine D rive Ph one W . 212 Sunday, February 18th S a.m.--Holy Communion. II a.m.--^Msfins and Sermon. '7 ;30 p.m, -- Ev^ensong and Ser mon. \Vednesday, 10:15--Holy Com munion. ITiursday, 8 p.m.-^Lenten Se.r- Inglewood W.A, on Wednesdav the 21st at 2:30. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfcild 3 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. WEST. VAN. TABERNACLE Lor. Marine and 25th Ave. Pastor Rev, Robert. H. Berch, B.A. --'Si T H E West Van News P a b lin h ^ Every Thursday W. C. T. U. Servirp*? • ■ Sunday School ...... .:.,.9:45 a.m,' Sunday-Services ....... 11 a.m. „ 0̂ Bd 7 :30 p.m, Evening Subject: "Moral Re- ■armament; Is it God's Pro gramme." ' W^ednesdav Praver Fello.w.siiip - ...... ;7 ;3o p.„, T h S f y - Bible Fellowship .............7:30 if ■ At the ixigular meeting held _ on Thursday, February 3th, the .^worship period was led bv Mrs. 0. Reid. A * WENDY HOUSE p . . „ .......................... i; ' ^ Publisj&jjr F, F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Buainesa and Editorial Office: 1704 M arine Drive Phone West 55 Gi-oup paper giving several L hnS 1 , Wendy House also S 'tit di?-"'- wifî ivine . beinirr -'What"sbm'f -- interesting items fi'om the life of Frances Willard was I f t v read. Membei*s attended div„ ~ ......... ............. beino-- -oV-r: , ' subject ren eat our bhild-at 7:30 p.nn On Tuesday even ing the members were guests of ' I t t h e Ŷ 's in t h e h o m e o f M rs. J. mf" % /Y North V^couver Office : .123 Lonsdale Ave.r 11.00 a y ear by carrier; $2.00 a year by mall * Gillies. A splendid progi*am wa.s p iW id ^" dainTy' refreshments served and -a most enjoyable time spent together. Membei*s' are asked to i^emember tlie all day District Rally-to . ̂ held in St. Giles' Church, Tenth Avenue and Quebec Street, on Febniarv 19th, 10:30 ^ CARD OF THANKS .Mr. R. J Henderson and their ?®^ghbors fo r Dflfhv 1 expressions of syni- - lo r L 'banks . Mniioling Woi-rf bia bercavemonf! '"ba \>eCo',tcY' ^ # 1 \ i # m f-«