I l -dH/ fAf iY L ; .̂^ i i A . . n . ^ Established over 13 years. Ksiablished over 13 years. Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-Awbleside, Holly burn, Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per yo«r. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Why tecliff, Etc. 5 c per copy Vol. XIV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15th. IWO N o. 44 DEATH OF LOUD TWEEDSMUIR V Tn tlio Ticlith of Lord Tweedamuir Canada has lost a bo- 1 Eovcnior-Ceneral and the British Empire one of her ri-oConsula. He was of thiat select coterie of men, who v-irious times and in various places by their wise and tact- 1 (•oiuliK'l of a high if somewhat anomalous office have added .Ik,, mvstiae of that office to the greater unity of our Com- As aiiiiior, scholar, soldier, diplomat and parliamentarian h»brouglit in 1935 to the position of the King's Representative bf Canada such a variety of talents and so wide an experience -m had* been possesse'd by none of his predecessors. Much wias ixnckod of him, and he'lived up to those expectations; During his term of office, now so tragically ended by death, there \\4ro none of those unfortunate misunderstandings which have occasionally in the past marred the good relationships between the Governor-General and the Government of the day. More- ovei- there was probably never a time in the history of Canada when all authority has bebn so much, held in question, and, therefore, when so great an opportunity for misunderstandings TOWNSWOMEN'S GIUU) MILITARY WHIST .lAMES SINCLAIR LIBERAL CANDIDATE COMING EVENTS For, although a distinguished scholar, John Buchan knew men, else had he not been the great author he was. And there ■ is inore in that than in all the book knowledge of the world, if-a man is to rule men.successfully in any capacity. Previous to his arrival here, Canadians knew John Buchan by his books, and it was not long before they began to know him, as he travelled the length and breadth of the land-in his endeavors to obtain first hand knowledge of them and their problems. He came amongst them as plain John Buchan, aiid"̂ they loved him for it. ̂ ' . Just now,,when Canada is at the beginning of the greatest war okall time and we are not as united as we might be on how our war efforts should be conducted, it is little short of a' calamity that he should have been taken from us. Yet, for the time being at any rate, we' niust forget our own loss in thinking of the much greater one which has been sustained by Lady Tweedsmuir and family. To them the heartfelt sympathy of all Canadians will be extended'in their sudden and deep 'affliction, _ ' However great pur loss, theirs„.must be greater and the -least capable of being effaced by tinie. But, whether they con tinue to live amongst us or return to the. Old Land, it will be° some solace to them to know;irh^-0anada<hae and will always. appreciate to the full the services of the good and great man, who has passed on while_stilHn office. - LIBERTY III observance of the national week,^ of mourning for Lord Tweedamuir, the date for the Guild Military Whist has been postponed to Satunlay, Febru ary 24th, at 8 p.m.. at the Clachan. To reseiwe tables, please phone M rs.'J. 11. Smith,, West 99-Y, or Mrs. 1). \V. Gra-! ham. West 473-R. Tables aye named for tlie various districts,.; i.e., Ambleside, Hollyburn, Alta- mont, etc., and a choice of, dis trict may be made. Playei's are requested to kindly be .a t their, tables promptly at eight. A. cor dial invitation is extended to all. Proceeds of the evening will be used for the purchase of wool. General .convener is Mi's. H. Weber. Other Oommitiee mem bers are Mrsi. IJ, Ostrom, Mrs. R. Mundy, Mrs/A. Bingham and Mrs. Simpson, Mrs., L. Beall vvill convene refreshments. Friday, Marcli 1st. -- The Oan- ailian Legion Dance in Ingle wood Aiiditoriiun to aid the ]>iii'chase of Iwal Red Cross equipnu'iit. l"riday, March 15lh, Stroiid West Vancouver (ironp Scout Dance in th(' Orange Hall. , Satui'day, Alarch UUh, Concert hy lAVest Vancouver Boys Band in Ingh'wood Andiiorium. C. C. F. CAMPAIGN MEETING . A C. C. F. Election Campaign Meeting will be held at 8 p.m., Friday, February )28rd, in the •Legioh. Hallj when the speakers i fiop Saturday night will be C. Grant'MacNeil M.P., i cultural Hall.1 ' XTT* "1 ' ' 'n/rr' a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ~ it James Sinclair, B. C. Rhodes scholar and formerly on the High School staff here, was chosen Liberal standard-bearer in Vancouvei* North federal rid ing at the nominating conven- in HSl'ti-; HOLLYBURN HALUS A Children's . a n d Young I'<'o])lo's Service, illusiraied with Ifinlern slides will bo, hold at 7:15 ]).m. to-morrow (Friday) in llollyburn Hall. Tho spoakor will 1)0 Ian Rathio, a missionary fi'om Santa Domingo, W.I. Thoro will 1)0 Sunday School and Young I'epplo's Biblo ( l̂ass :at 10 a.ni. nnd at 7:3 0j).m. tho samo day a C>o.si)dl addross by C. 0. Howon. Tuesday, at 8 p.ni., prayer meet ing. and E, E. Winch, M.L.A. A cordial invitation is exl^nd- ed to the public to attend. In the three-cornered contest for the nomination, Mr. Sinclair received 242 votes, J. H. Copping NAOMI CHAI»TER ANNUAL DANCE. •The anin^al dance of tho Na- oiiii Chajftor, Order of tho East ern Star, .will be held on P̂ ri- day, February 23rd, in the Oi'ango Hall. Dancing will take place 'from . 9 to 1, and Garden's Orchestra- will be iii attendance. There will also be, refreshments.. NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN . Liberty of sp^ch and action within the law are the two bases on which British democracy rests. For these things our forefathers fought-and died through the centuries until they had wrested them^from^he; central authority. Unfortunately, however, in this imperfect world-the use of every good thing can be abused and frequently is to that 'point where evil, results follow. It has been so true of liberty that there has come down to us an old sav^ that too much liberty may become licence. It is t̂he duty and privilege of every citizen in a democracy -Mch as ours,-as it is of a free press, to discuss the pros and; cons of every measure affecting the life of the . people. This extends even to-whether__or ho the country should bcome, in-, volved in war. But, , after war has once been .declared, the con duct of it remains still a matter for-discussion, but notThe- entry pf the country into war, if for no other rfeasoii that it can accomplish no good aaid may on the other hand do con siderable harm. ■ ■ There have been_jnstances lately in several parts of our nipire where such public objection has been taken. Actually ^̂ '̂ .'Only two. logical courses open to theseobjectors, maintain silence or else to leave the country protection they are living but whose actions they cannot approve. I-The regular meeting of the North Shore Local Council of Women will be held in St. Steph en's Church Hall on ^Thursday afternoon, 22nd inst., at 2 •p.m. The day of meeting has been changed to accommodate Dr. rmo will be the received fifty-nine .and Thomas; Admission, couple $1:50. Mills'Seventeen. ' ̂ As admission is by invitation ' Mr "Sihaair' is thellH^rB. attending^ Rhodes scholar to enter active the dance are asked to kindly politics in. this-piwince?%fiThi^ P^one Mrs. Griichy West 283-1 His attendance at the U.B.C., he -------------:-- was awarded three scholarships INTERIOR DECORATING ' for general'proficiency and grad- " Miss P '̂lcrence G. Casey an- uated at the head of his class, nounces in this issue-that she is He was a member of the Stud^ prepared to do designing, iii- Ethlyn Trapp, vvhx ents' Council, and was decorating and draperieH, . . . editor-in-chief bf the' Ubysscy, place of business being located guest speaker. Her, topic will be - college newspaper. her place of business being locai- . "Cancer--Its Preventitive .Meas- . Mr. Sinclair was c h o s e ii' ed in the stoi-e.of S. H. Srigley, at ures. Diet and Early Symptoms." Rhodes scholar for this province' 1706 Marino Drive. She has had As Df. 'Trapp is an authority on 1928. He graduated with hoii- a number of years' experience in this subject, it is hoped there ors a t Oxford University in 19;H these lines in Winnipeg and Van-- will be a specially, good atten- and took post-graduate work in couver, where she was connected dance.'The public is .cordially in- Princeton University in 1933 with Hudson's Bay. Any interest yited to attend. „ , ^^d 1934. The Committee of the Euro-. ." The Liberal nominee was pro,s- pean Refugee problem met, at jdent of.the U.B.C. Athletic A.s- the home of the Convener, Mrs. sociation and participated in rug- F. A. Walker, on Monday after- ^nd track and'field conrpeli- --noon.--Mrs. : Walker will • be - glad--t i ^ T s o m e time he was to meet any interested party coach of the Princeton Uni- wishing information land to hear versity football team. He played of anyone wishing to care for a All-Eastern tea magainst 'S. Rippon, 2295 Inglewood Ave. child 3 to 13 years of age, for University, N G vv Mrs. T. -E. Batchelor and Mrs. the* duration of the war. York in 1934.. ' J -W. Barnett will be co-conven- Mrs. F,. H.' Warren, King-'s He is h o n o r a r y P r e s id e n t oP ers. The tea will take pJaceTrom. U . . t,' -- ed are" asked to kindly call or phone her at West 938. LEGION W. A._(B) GROUP ' ' .... The W.A. Canadian. Legion is holding an afternoon Tea and Musicale at the home of Mrs. E. BRITISH ISRAEL n f ■ ̂ ^^ular meeting Ukindarave Branch, on: Monday, February 19th, H..Rob- S speaker. The :» ject: The S'̂ ord: of Gideon." ̂ou are cordially invited to hear 'TTiPof? young speaker. Prayer., B i h T h u r s d a y evening. group with Mrs. - oach_Wednesday-- a t- 2 NOTICE The West Vancouver Board of School Trustees announce in this "issue that they will receive ap plications for the. position of janitor at Pauline Johnson School on or before February 20th. For full particulars kindly rq- fer- to-the advertisement in -this, issue. - Ave., Dundarave,'has kindly of fered her home for a Tea and Home-cooking Sale, tentative /d a te 29th March. Mrs. A. E.̂ -Young, Mrs. J. D. Hobden and Miss Philip will be in charge of , the home-cooking. _ Next meeting will be held on Monday afternoon, 11th March. .the Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club- • and recently prepared for the Provincial Government a report on .winter park development on the North Shorq. Until -recently he was .seo'e- tary to' the Provincial Minister of Mines. He enlisted in the air; force, in September la.st. UNEMPLOYED EX-SERVICEMEN JAPAN RESCUE MISSION .2:30 to 5 p.m. .The W.A, has to rerhemher its motto, which is "Service," and it must carry on more earne.stly ihan ever. With the co-operation of the public it wilLnot have worked in vain. A very cordial invitation-is extended to all. Forget the wor ries of a troubled world for tho afternoon and have your tea, cup read by a well known reader, A 11 unemployed ex-service men are asked ̂ to meet at the Legion Hall at.7:30 p.m. to-rmor- row. (Friday), Important! The regular monthly prayer meeting' on behalf of the Japan .Rescue Mission'Will be held (D. V.) Saturday, February 17th,'at 8̂ p.m. in the home ' of T, ilib- TRUST--THWAITES . All Saints' Church - -was the scene of a'quiet wedding Satur day, February 10, a t 7 p.m., when Mary Lorna Thwaites, CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER NOTICE .4 --- -A reward of $2^00 is..offered fo r inform ation leading to the con viction of anyone found gu ilty of dum ping garb ag e or refuse on any public -or private p ro p e^ y withifi th e M unicipality, including boulevards, parks and the Pacific G reat E as te rn R ailw ay R ight-of-w ay. '( \ W. HERRIN , ^ab, I 5th ̂ 1940. - . Municipal Clerk, ' J. F. Scott wrote the Council re ExtenMon of Creery Avenue. Referred to the estirnates. berd,-i-L36-Jefferson-Av-C.^ 11__daughter .of Mrs....Stewart _Cu.r interested' friends are invited to attend. ' W. H. Mehaffey wrote the , Council re Repairing and improv ing 18th and Argyle Avenue. Referred to the Engineer for maintenance attention. F ather.--"Yes, my boy, I 'm a self- m ade m an." Son.--"Gee, pop, th a t's w h a t I like about you. You always tak e jail the blam e for. everything." The News ^ NOTICE While the dead line for news ip 6 p.m. Tuesday, we should be greatly obliged if organizations and others "having news items.,-send them in as early as possible, whenever they can conveni ently do so. This will make for an earlier delfvefy on Thursdays, and^wilLmateri- ally help our boys these -darlc'days on their routes. --Editor. rie and the late Mr. Currie, West Vancouver,, was united in mar riage to Mr. Sydney Hurst Trust. Rev. John Leigh ,B.D., was the 'officiating clergyman. Mr. and Mrs. George McArter, Sask., at tended the bride and groom. The bride, who was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Rob ert Currie, wore an aqua, blue crepe gown with cyclamen acces sories and a corsage of deep red roses. Mrs. McArjtqr chose a French blue, dress and wore a corsage of gardenias. - A reception was later held at the home^of the bride arid groom, 2136 Franklin Street, when Mrs. Stewart Currie assisted in re v iv ing the guests..