i t ' . r * ......... ............ : 4 THE WEST VAN NEWS __________ _ Februaiy 8, -Ir, ^ " v̂ i ^ f'i : " ii' ]i i 'If t,-'"'V;. - tu ■ <'/i 'X- #11 il-'-.l"mm|5.;fe: ®ili ;pii:.■f*. /hi sum . 1 ". 3?̂ lii m mm PM-SiSS-V- mi m ■̂ ifcii m .. p i t i i i i H, SMITH'S MARKET WEST. VAN* MKKCHANTS " The locals |Jut their hent- team on the field Saturday and ups<nk f • * . f 'k *> J>'J «'« t ̂-1 |*hcNti« We«t 46 . ■ Fr** UtfUfmry S«r»l«i(' '* Stultli MoothJy Account .SUOKKSTIONS KOIl KHIIMY & HATrHDAV, February 9 & 10 M E A T SSc ..ioc .Khr 20c lOc KT. V AI. E S T IN K H W EK^rfi-- Jt'JIy lt4'UiiM or (Jum Dropm, •//•li). for'only .- »• .......... «cd & WhlU* TOMATO JOrCK J0'O£. (In 5c; 25>o2, tin ....... KEI) HIMONO HAt>MON-- So, tin ...' ,. . ....... lÔ d & VVhit<. UiltH'i'EH MEAT No, Yt tin ............./ r - ' t ........... r-" FIN ESr LOliHTEIt FASTE-- '/<«, till . ........... COUiMHIA CHAIi MEAT, Cana- diaii, No. .'/i till ........... ,.,.,25c Ki"*! A VViiito f CHICKEN HAl>l)IE--No. 1 (in . , 15c itcucly to Hcrv«* Soii|>k-- Ki>d A VVliilc llriimi I'OMA'J'O or VEliKJ'AIJLE HOUl'--;i (itiN . 2;ic l)o/cn tiiiH for 90c '"Al'KlCOIH, (iolclfii Halvi'«, I7-0/, nly,<* lilt .................... I Ic I'EACHEH, Cyiin Valley-- 2 Hifiiat titiH . . .. '.,25c lied A Wliile H FA C Ifl'm i, willi ClieeHC* and TomaUt Siiuct*, 2 No, I (iiiM 17c Flume We«t 270 HKKF . ' * • J*OUK - . . LAME . - . VEAI. - - - FOWL A CHICKEN Free Delivery Grade A and A1 . Grain Fed - Top Quality • Milk Fed • Grade A FHESIf FISH DAILY DELICATESSEN Ited X While GOLDEN COItN- 17*11/'; si/e till ............. lOc Ited A White CATSUF-- 1'J-o/. l/otllv ............................. Hed A While FOHK A HEANS- ,Mc No. 2f> till Me; 2 IK-oz. tiim .,,,19c AU. UK AN, Keiio«:«'H, large pkt. 19c huve a to u g h «(it up to face. SI;M-M;HT s o a p , cake COUNCIL NOTKS (louMcillor liichardKon report ed he had tiUendod a meeting of the West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce and had explained th<* ('ouncirK, view^thereof)., They, the .('hamber Commerce,* in tended g<>ing inUj the matter thorougiily and Diking it up again at a later meeting, at which , he (('ouncillor Uichard- Kon),. hopcH to.be present. .. . . . K(de*rre{l back to th e C h a ir man, of th e L ig h t D ept, Ia II, B ra im . J a n u a ry 2 6 th , ItMO. Acces.s to lat.s 0 and 10, Block 1, D .I., 1089. II, rjoIhiH, J a n u a ry 2Gth, 1040, A<;cesM to Lot.s 9 and 10, Block 1, D .L. 1089. For the I:lojird of Works es timates. W i'st V ancouver Bicycle l le g u - h itions B ylaw No. 844, 1940. ' Laid o v e r 'till n e x t m ee tin g . traek road Board of THE FOLLOWING MAITERS AVKIUO^IIKFERUED TO: ™ - cl< aiTed. - T. C. MclAdan. January 19th,_ opening of a single Ci'cery Avenue. ", Laid over for the Wtirk.s estimate. Dr. N.'ish's application. Janu ary lOtli, J040. Condition of J91 h Street, 'ITk' Clerk to advise Dr. Nash thill the cost of realigning and g)-.'i(ling this road would be ap- pi'oxiniately $1800 and the Mun- icif)alit,v have.no funds available foi' I ho work )it the present time. \V, L, Itichmbml'.s application for acc(;s.s to D.L. 1108. SW«/,.. 'I'liat if the Jipplicant really in- t<*nds to build and, make.s re- (piest for )i building permit the Council is pivpai:ed to carry out th<; work desired, which accord ing to the Fngineer'.s estimates will co.st $88r)'.00, provided he, ih,t; applioant, jiay.s 50"i thereof, , Ih*. Ciilmou)'. (.k)iidition of Ir win Drive, . Th<; Fiiginetu' to arrange for the end of.Irwin Drive-to be the dojye b̂ " holding Kerrisdale to, H ,M0r<ikm tiniw, J t ,was the best game seen on the k^d field for quite a while and .swing that the Kerrisdale team is in top IKisition in the V. & D. division, it w'as a feather in the Merch ants' hats. Starting from the ofyening whistle the Iwal.s took the play andj although it was a hard job, held it. , Edwards had tough luck when lie hit the bar a couple of times. Willington was called on to do his best in goal but was never in danger. Towards the end of the game the Kerrisdales started to rougn the play lip, but the locals kept their heads and, when the final whistle went, they were .still trying hard to get a goal. The team that played Saturday will be the like ly choice for the Cup Champion ships ajid should .stand a good , chance of winning, although they In the Imiyerial Cup their first op ponents will be the Police, while, in the Mainland it will be St. Saviour's with the winner play ing North Shore. ' No. 89112. Slervice L U M B E R - Q u a l i t y SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH WALLBOAm CANADA FAINT COMPANY LTD. THERE IS NO SUBSfitUTE FOR QUALITY ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15lh & M arine D rive . Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED A D S Thi« rate Tor CImbHI®*! AdvertiMmenta Is L cents per' vford, ininltnum 25 c<mta. Except In the case of tlioee having regular accounta, all claaai. ®'^RememhlJ*'aa"alifii^ in Van Newa get im m ^ia ta results. GORDON ROBSON - - Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, bey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. » ..... LOST--Jan. 15, 18 bik. Marine to 2200 Bellevue, child's tartan purse. Reward. Phone ,W. 65. PERCY T. MASTERMAN, NOIARY, Real Estate, insurnneo, uU branch- Canadian Company. West 111. EXPERT FURRIER AND DRESS- maker--Kay Russell. West M7-L. es,.' PAINTING AND DECORApNG -- Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, West 1022-L. -___ BOARD AND RQ.OM--Room has twin beds. Business girls preferred. Mrs. ' Urquhai't. West 688-L. WANTED -- Housework by the hour. Phone W. 686-iR. ' TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE W A JT T E K ^ care of kind. " W. 52 Tcamn: Dudes ..J.,....... W, V. Sizzlers Maple Leaf.s . Canadiens First Division P W L T Pts. ................ 18 7 2 4 18 18 7 4 2 16 18 5 8 5 15 13*4 6 3 11 catering, ork of any' LOVELY ROOM--Available by uighi, week or month,' Meals if dQsired.- West 686-R. SUPERIOR HOUSEK EEFER--l^ac- tical nurse, excellent open for engagements! W. 121-M. FOR SALE - $8.00, taken $16.00. West 916. Canada Pride Stove, away; IG-ft. awning, Last week's scoi'es: Ijudes 10, Canadien.s 8. VV.V. Sizzlers 18, Maple Leafs 5. Second Division ; A league m<J€ting, comprising the team captains of both divi sions was held on January 29th.. Among other bu.sincss discussed, it was .agreed to revise the standings of the teams in the Second Division in order that the two new teams added at the beginning of the year might be on even terms with the others in -that.-T.diyision. ----Second--Division-- FOR SALE--Dclph Blue inlaid lino leum, one piece O'. X 9 Vi', the'other '3' X 6'. Good condition. $0.00.. Phone' West 303; ' ________ 2 CHOICE 65-ft. LOTS--Bargain at $550.00 cash. " H. A. ROBERTS LTD, 1447 Marine Drive ; , West 5f() GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & * Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. WANTED -- General laboring work, Rock Pits, Repairs, etc. Phone West 50-Y. CHIMNEY SWEEPING Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. FENCES AND TRELLIS WORK done by I contract. Free estimates. Phone W. 819-L. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block. MARCEL SHOP Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 804, Royal Bank Building. FOR SALE--Electric heater, in per fect condition--Cheap. W. 744-L. WANT t r a n s p o r t a t io n VICIN- ity 25th and Marine,, arriving Van couver approximately 8':30 a.ih. W. 952-L. LOST -- Small blue-gray cat' with white markings. 20th St. W. 48-L. 1940. Frank Ilonry JR'op right- of-way to.JLIollyhiA|̂ ,̂.o.lUdgq tim ber propc'rty. . The (Jerk to adviKe the Muni cipal Solicitor that the Council do not wiHh to grant any rights wluit<!ver in the area mentioned Jind reque.Ht that he reply to that elfect,. Board of School Trusteo.s. Jtin- uary 27th, 1940. F.stimates for 1940. Fwtimate.s.' (kmdi.tion of sidewalk ea.sl .".side of 22ml Streef. The Engineer*to brilig in an e.stimaUal w st of a mulch side- wak a.s between Inglewood and Jfultoiv Avenues. B. C; Electric Rly. 0>. Ltd. THE FOIJ*0\VING RESOLU TIONS WERE PASSED; Ed. Black.-January 25th, 1940. Soldier'.s house D;L. 555, Block 24, Xot LI. That thi.s be I'eferred to'"the Municipal Solicitor with in.'̂ .ti»uc- fions that he obtain a quit claim to the >pro]perty.' A. E. Jukes &. Co. Ltd. Janu ary .17th, 1040. Offer of I'rovince Guaranteeing F. G. ,E. 4!/)% Bonds due-1942. ITiat a firm, offer for $10,000 of the bomts mentioned be given providing the price is not more than $1Q1.00 pus accrued inter est. The offer to lie for 10 da vs only. A; E.' Ames &Co. Ltd. Janu- . standinjgs are now based on the matohes on and after Januai'y 4th. All play previous to that date is nullified. ■ Teams; P W L T Pts. Sockeyes ...... 3 3 0 0 6 Wes tenders ......... 3 3 0 0 Hillbillies ............ 4 2 1 , NorvanHes ........... 3 2 1 Comets' ................. 4 1 2 Nifties ■................ ̂4 1 3 Crimpers ............ 5 0 5 Last week's scores; Hillbillies 9, Comets 9.- - Norvanites 10,4@omets 8. N iftie s 11, Crimpers 7, ^PLOQR SURFACING -- J. Suther land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 FOR SALE--Lovgly Wilton Rug, 9x12, $18.00. West4I4-L3. 1 0 1 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 0 WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED of a carpenter, phone West 503-R even ings _____ i ______ PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. 418. Howe St. TRin. 1271. Local - AgeiiLT ■ F, Bayliss, (Notary Public).. 2430 Bellevue. West 522-R LOVELY VIEW LOT IN BRACKEN- hurst, 75 X 185. Approved for D.H.A. loan. Price $700.00. SHARPE REALTY 1395 Marine Drive Phone W. 719 or evenings Mr. Buck/ W. 598-̂ L HANDY ANN SHOP.-2442 Marine - Valentines - Notions - Stationery Toys -N Wool - Knitted vGoods, ete--- FOUND,=rLadies' W rist Watch. In- quire Handy Ann Shop, 2442 Marine. IN.RESPONSE TO NUMEROUS RE- quests, a: "Brother, and Sister" LEGION W. A. December 16th--193a_.Pr()puse(l--^;iry T6thrl940. OfrcT^f Province imw sli'eoL hghtiiig ngroeingnt. of B. C. Guaranteeing P C E ̂ Ihe (.hiurmnn of the Light -H/o';;. Bonds due 1942: ' ' ' "...... ' " " That a firm offer for $10,000 or the bonds mentioned ^ m Department ; H. Hartley'.s compHiint, Jan uary 29th, 1940. (1) Sodden condition of land ai'ound 14(i7 Bellevue, (2) Fence. , . - J . The Engineer to .see if com plaint is-jiistified, 2. The Munieipal Solicitor for hi.s-opinion as to whether the fence in question tx>nfui-ms to the Bylaw; F. C. Ru.sh. January 28th, 1940. UnstLli-'^factory condition of sidewalk, Lot A. SElvlOGo, The Engineer for maintenance attention. , - L, J . Bru(\on. J a n u a ry 28r(i, 1940. Acce.ss to L ot 3, Bi(x;k M. . D.L. 783. The Engimxm for ii report. ' R. P.,Blower ,«& Co. January 16th, 1040. H. S. Mahons' ap-' plicAtion. The Engineer for maintenance atLmtion.- Vancouver Ski Zone. Januarv 22nd. 1940.' Hollybum trail, V The Clerk to request t h e Ridge' Inspector to see Mr. Smith, ascertain from liim e.\- aetJy what is ix'quiied and sub mit to the Council specifications and an estimafe of the cost. than $101.00 plus accrued inter- <'st The offer to be for 10 davs only. Ridge Inspector's Veport, Jan- The Women's Auxiliary Cana dian Legion held- its "general meeting on January 29th, in the Legion Hall. Mrs. Howdle, who has left to re.side in Victoria, tendered her I'esignation as hos^ pita! visitor, Mrs. W- H. G r^n carry on that Soldiers' Comforts group has been formed to sup ply boys leaving for overseas with extra copiforts. Anyone wishing to help in this work Pjê '̂ se phono Mrs. T. B. Turner, yv • ./Uw, ROOM STUCCO" HOUSErdifroid roof, good cemont basement, fur nace, fireplace, rbath 50-ft. lot, un- exceiled view. Cost $3250.00; will now sell for $2250.00. This is one ■of.. th e ' best built and warmest houses in West Van; Owner must sell. .-- - . super-vised-^play--group--will-b^-heid ̂in the afternoons---2-0 years bid, at ' the Wendy House. For further in- formation phone W. 807. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store ■ and house fixtures,: turning, glass, ̂glazing.. West 740, West,443-R. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 0pp. Postoffice West 55 ENGLISH BAY MODERN DUPLEX - Self-can*ying plus 5 rooms for owner " fFtill cement basement. Hot water heat. Want four room Bungalow '■ West Van., prefer waterfront. Sell CASH FOR JU N K -- Bottles, rags, . Sacks, Metals;. Furniture,_ Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co.,' West 91. or trade. Box 41, West Van. News. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coua- try way; guaran teed ;" brick ' and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. uary 17th, 1040. November and t>ecenibor reports. That a grant, of $50.00 be made to the First Aid' Ski I utrol, <7 -------Tw That Die ofler of Mrs. -E. L u-itl, ̂ f f L o n d o n . n' letter of Janu- t i l l S^^^ney accent HAVE RESPONSIBLE CLTOTS wanting to rent attractive 4 and 5 room bungalows, vicinity 'West Bay, Cypress, Caulfeild. H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Dr . West 540 NOTARY PUBLIC ^ ..(Complete N otarial Service) ■ Reginald P. Blower, J.P .. 1405 Marine. W est 21, 204-M. Enlightenment Howdle per her wy 23rd, . 19i0 to piii'chase'Lot .: '4 ,-D X , 1050_for.tho - g i r M T U m # -ft'" " -6. B lo c !k S W « T ,u .U I050_for.the ."Um o f $225.00 l>e accep ted su b - 'T o o l "" k * x .lect to com pliance . w ith th e A m erican fel- usua l te rm s g o v e rn in g th e sa le <>f Tiw Sale limds, to t S e Liberty ing no obligation wliatever ' " '■ •' public e.xpenditure and to the purchase price not- being valid as a basis in any assessment îp- p^l. ; \ American as the bison i> Matrimony sentence. 1$ not word, it's exploded the the jolly old bison as 3"oiir own, too?" ̂ bure'" the American replied. - ihe bison is a species of the American buffalo." NOTICE While the dead line. for dews is 6 p.m. Tuesday, we should be greatly obligi^ if organizations and others having news items send them in as early as possible, whenever they can conveni ently do so. ̂This will make .earlier delivery on Thursdays, and-Avill materi ally help our - boys these" dark days on their routes. --Editor. GORDON GRAY---i Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. WEST VANCOUVER, MESSENGER SERVICE-r-Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. J. ;EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21. or West 553-RtI, WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- RQL -r-i Sure protection; reasonable - .ra te s . West 927-R. -UPPER.-CAPILANO- -- -Bargain-2K2 acres, new 2 room cottage, eleetde light, and log cabin, big snap, $425. THE ENGINEER'S REPORTS WERE DEALT WITH AS FOLLOWS: M essrs. Dimda.% .Macxiohald, V eysey, ejtc. a p p lica tio n fo r th e PROSPERirif FUELS NORTH 954 . ' W E S T 1 0 3 2 BUSH I ^ I D E FIR.... $5.50 cord NSIDE FIR ...MILL In s i d e f i r ;„. 5.00 cord FIREPLACE FIR .... 4,00 cord SAWDUST--Quaranteed 200 cubic feet, lOO'; ̂ F ir ...... $2.70 H. P. ALLEN laughted the Lon- fhA m' ̂ alw'iays think your ^ r f . ' f > A SIZZLER "?he "LS'Tid"'"*)v»a ...... another, who returned from a trip throughthe South: what sipp T C w in Missis- thoy cat. andy were both walking.'̂ 59c SPECIAL 59c • Handmade Washable . W I N D 0 W. B L J N DS 36" X 72" C. JORDAN 1364. Marine W. 933 Just listed for quick\sale, particu larly attractive waterfront home-, ■site in very desirable location, $l80p Exclusive Agents -i C. J. ARCHER LTD., ' , West 225 Trinity 3063 TO RENT -- Garage, phone 523-R, evenings. West d r e s s m a k in g -- Ladies' ^Suits, Coate, Dresses,- Children's Ciothes, specializing alterations, make-overs. Robbins, W est 019-R. • l a w n m o w e r s SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, West Vancouver Machine Shop, 144» Marine. .