A tteotioii-M ilk'C om iim ersr' -- F R A S E A " " - " FARMS MILK Now obtainable in West Vancouver ; VANCOUVER'S PREMIER QUALITY MILK from the famous GRAUER herds»■.■■■■■■ ■■ . ■ , ̂ ■■ .-n ■ ■ ■ ■ ,■! , Pi-oduced, Pasteurized, and Bottled on the Farm P H O N E W E S T 7 3 6 L and driver will call ,- L. - 0 .»-.Brown* who recently underwent an operation at the North Vancouver General Hos* pital, has returned to his home at ^5th and Marihc Drive, where he is making satisfactory pro gress. Miss Gertrude Lawson is hav D, T. Harris, of Vancouver, is having a new house built on 24th and Nelson Ave. Gunner R. Kitohing, 86th, Heavy Battery, York Island, was home on leave for the week-end. ♦ « « A son was born last Thursday, Bennett's BAKERY (formerly Strattons) SATUEDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 35c a doz. UmTEUCUUST BREAD Scotch Pancakes, Scones, Abernethy's and Oat Cukes , 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Come in and See Us!.,̂ : ; KOOLERjW^AVE actually is cooler, quicker, safer-~and that it lasts longer hecauiie it is so much closer to the head. : . cA -V t«A ' ' 1370 Marine Drive "Across from Safeway'* Phone West 331 mg a new house built at the cor- ul the North Vancouver Goneral ner of 17th and Es.iuiniiilt Ave. Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. * * ? ' Wedley, 2186 Gordon Ave. Donald Gillies of the Royal * ♦ ♦ Canadian Navy, who has been Richard Polley, one o f 'th e spending a furlough with his lower mainland's pioneers, celc- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Gil- brated his ninety-Ufth birthday lies, 1365 Clyde Ave., loft last Saturday quietly at his home at night to return to Halifax. 1262 21st, West Vancouver. ^ ] ♦ ♦ ]viy. Policy takes a keen in- A new house is being buitl at ierest in world events. Born in 11th and Pulton Ave., for C. K. New Brunswick, he came to v Watson of Vancouver. ' Vancouver, shortly after the fire ♦ ♦ ♦ in 1886. He was for a-time in- A son was born last Monday spector of fisheries., at the Vancouver General Hos- ♦ ♦ * Mr. McDonald of Oxley Street, is having a new home built on Creery Ave., West Bay. OSS ^954 LEAP YEAR DANCE By Girls* Auxiliary to B arbarians Rugby Club Orange Hall FRIDAY, Feb. 9th ■ ') ■ / "Dancing from 9 till 'l A d m is s io n 5 0 c e a c h___ ' ■ pital to Mr. and'Mrs. D (nee Violet Osborn) Marine Drive. On Sunday, iPebruary 4th, at the North Vancouver General Hospital, a son was born to Mi*. OFFICIAL NOTICE CONSERVATIVES The West Vancouver Conservative Association Pri maries will be lield on Wednesday evening, February 14th, -at-8-o-clock--in-the*Legion-*Hallr48th-andHMarine-Driver - (Signed) JOHN T. POX, DR. FRANK DORCHESTER, S e b re ta ry -T m ® ^ ^ President ^ Beard--Boulding , St. Agnes' Anglican C^prch, * ^ North Vancouver, was the set- and Mrs. Nield, of Garrow Bay. ting on January 29th a t-8 p.m„ V * * * for the marriage . o f Clare Mr. and Mrs- Alfred C. Searle Waters, daughter of Mr. and (nee Eleanor Brine), of 22nd Mrs. L. R. M. Bbulding, to Mr. ' and Bellevue Ave., are receiving Edward John Beard, son of Mr congratulations on; the birth of E. M^Beard, 2425 Ottawa a daughter, last Saturday, at the Rev. Campbell Daniel was the. North "Vancouver General Hes- ' ficiating clergyman." pital. The bride, who was given in * * * marriage by her father, wore a , An instaneb of a remarkable, gown of white taffeta with shir- instinct for locality was recently red bodice, full skirt .with bustle Hollyburo Theatre Til U USD AY AND FUIDAY SATURDAY MATINKIO I'Vbninry 8th, Dlh and 10th RANDOLPH SCO'IT Trontier Marshal' . .̂ jalsp ■ ' ' "SPKI2D W BURN*' SATURDAY UVUNING and MONDAY . Fcibniary lOth and 12th, ̂ JESSIE MA'ITHKWS CLIMBING HIGH' also •MONKEYS IS THE CWAZl- tesr iHiJopus" A TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Fobninry l!Hl) and IJth MELVYN DOUGLAS JOAN BLONDELIi " Good Girls Go to Paris" (Once only a t 8^15) ' also WOMAN IS THE JUDGE" shown by a dog belonging to .a West Vancouver resident. The latter, some .three months ago took the animal over to a relative in Strawberry Hill to keep, and during her visits there^ saw the dog. which ;was always fastened bow at the back, and a short sleeved jacket of the ,same mat erial.-Her floor length veil w«.s held in - plabe by a coronet of orange blossoms, and ̂ she car ried a bouquet of white carna tions and red roses. Miss Lucy up previous to her departure. Bedford, maid of honor, and The other day she had not-'long Miss Gerry Johnson and Miss retumed"froranone~ofi:h€se~visits^--Barbara--McDougally-the brides-^ when the do^ arrived here. As maids, cho^e gowns in identical he could not have followed her, style. Mis^ Bedford's was blue how • instinct'en- moire-"M#et?fj" .̂-with full skirt, _ LEGION W. A., The .W. A. of the Canadian Legion. has formed a . Soldiers' .Comforts Unit with Mrs. T. B. Turner in charge and anyone in terested in this work andwilling to help will be very welcome. One need not be a member of the W. A. to assist land further inforrhation can be obtained by., phoning W. 700. A daughter was. born on Janu ary 29th, a t the Vancou ver (Gen eral Hospital, to Mr. and-Mrs. Paul Mathews (nee Mary Mur- Tay), of Vancouver, formerly of . West Vancouver. abled him to find his way back to West Vancouver. CHAS. H. DICKINSON PASSES fitted jacket and matching hat, Miss Johnson woo^ turqum moire taflfeta and ^iss^ M ̂ all dusty rose niqj^e. Bot^ _ bridesrhaids had Tiats to match! Last rites for Charles Henry Richard Bradley wa,s best Dickinson, of Sherman, who man and the ushers were Mr. passed ^ ^ay in his 51st year Tommy Miller and»Mr. Edward last Tuesday i n Shaughnessy Harrington. Miss Mary Homes Hospital, were held ? a t l l a.m. sang. FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY Sawdust " $ 3 T O b n » " u " iiir " Sacked -Fresh Oui-̂ No. 1 PuVe Fir We do not handle storage saw dust. Phono now while iprices are low WOOD and COAL V. W. C. T. U. Burrard-Lagndry Ltd. well known FAMILY UUNDRY Phone North 1310 i>r W est 691L Keep your Money > Circulating in W est Vancouver West Vancouver' Chamber of Commerce The regular monthly meeting "^ fW W esrV ah o b u v eF T W rcr T. U. will be held on Tuesday,' " February 13th at 7:45. p.m. at the home of Mrs .J. N. Gillies,' 1365 Clyde Ave., when the ladies of the W. C. T. U. vvill be their guests. A special programme has been arranged and all mem bers are urged to be present. All young ladies interested in tem perance are cordially invited. Saturday and interment was made in the Returned Soldiers' Plot, Mountain View (Cemetery. The deceased served Overseas with, the 53rd. and 5th. Bat- "Talions "'^ina""i^ u fv i ved"' by" one brother in England. The recepti.^ was held .at St. Alice Club, wliere Mrs. L. R. M. Boulding and Mrs. Boa received the guests, the "former attired in wine and blue shot taffeta-with "wine" velvet- jacket7 and matching hat, the latter in back georgette with a goltUame_. SPENCER'S FUELS 812 16th Street v Office a t 133(3 Marino Driver -West 582-- PHONE - West-582 DEATH OF JESSE WILLIAMS Siven Dwarfs Inn 871 Hornby' St. LUNCHEONS, TEAS, DINNERS, EVENING SUPPER operated by M argaret L. Duncan & A. A. S. Millie Jesse Williams, late of 2539 King's Ave., died in the Seaview Nursing Home last Saturday,_ in his 82nd year. He is survived by two nephews and three nieces, resident in the city. Funeral ser vices were held at 2 p.m., yester day in the First Baptist'Church, North Vancouver, the il^v. El bert Paul officiating, and com- mittal was made in North Van couver (temetery. . Bom in Simcoe, Ont., Mr ̂Wil liams oame to B. C. forty-two. years ago and soon after arriv ing in Vancouver, «. established one of the first bicycle shops in the city in a wcKxlen building on the southeast corner of ̂' Gran ville and Hastings. He moved ■ to North Vancouver in 1905 and jacket and hat to ma t̂ch. For her wedding trip to Se attle the bride donned a wine velvet dress, brown hat, muskrat coat and accessories to match. Upom their return Mr, and Mrs. Beard" will Tesid(3 at 21st and Marine," West V ancouver. Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. L. ,W. Thirkell, 2690 Bellevue Ave., who on Mon day of 'this week celebrated their golden wedding annivers ary, were married fifty years ago a t Middleton -St. George, Durham County, England. Mr. and Mrs. 'Thirkell have lived in , Vancouver and West Vancouver for the past-twenty- eight years. From the spring of 1912 until his retirement at the end of 1939 Mr. Thirkell was an. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone W est'9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies S. H. SRIGLEY^ Painter and . Decorator 1706 Marine Drive in the Store occupied by The Florence Studios Phone West 938 NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. dry CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and Go^ Housekeeping) C. C. FINNEY, W est Vancouver Representative Phone West 782 and Driver will calL Asphalt P rem ix DRIVEWAYS r o a d MATIUtlALS UMffTED Phone North 1141 ALF ELLIS, West 160-Y , in pnrlv davs served several S?̂ «cutiV€ of David Spencei;, Ltd. J ? ® living children are ? w i Rncrd nn ^wo sons, Major Vcmon R. Thir-School Board. He also served on o«<-i Victor'Thirkell and one the ferry directorate before that S |" /hter" " A Smpi transportation system was taken »pĥ y have also five g randch ild - over by the city.- _ _ ; ! ;Mr. and ^ home on Monday, February 5th, from 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m., when they were thesrecipients x)f; hearty congratulations and good wishes from ^^ their friends in. the city and West Vancouver. The Jiving for the occasion withj lovely spring flowers, the gifts of their family and friends. - He had been a resident of this municipality for *a number of years. EXPERT Watch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON. (formerly with Burks Ltd., , . Montreal) JUNK CASH for Bottles, Rags, Sacks, , Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc, • . • ■ ' -)-- Nothing too big or too small' Burrard Junk Co. West 91___ / "T hrift's' a great thing, Sandy," . "Ay, it ik, sorr. ' Ah'm still wearing the boots 'th ey tied tae ma wedding carriage."