I- fl n' '1III fl "I ?'}f-v;;iv' W'v3i-!; vj"|lv>>i|'-'- 111 |pfi||| /if'-, f? ■ . ,1/ 1̂ ii.ir R*"i4.' 'I:: ul'l 1? ' ' V»'5 i ' '7t . ! iii' ^Md_j TfmS:& 0 : I I - WEST VAN, UNITED C 80E C E Cor. 21 at A E»(joIm»lt Arc, KBV. W. VANCE E A ^ M btlai^ 2047 Gordon Avontui Phono Woift 244-R Sumloy Sohrfcoo: lla^in. A T:S0plm< StronKeri nnd VUtitoro nro wokoma BAPTIST CHURCH iter. W, I* McKny, RA-^ B.D. Sunday Serrteea 10:00 *-m.--Church School In- elodins A dhlt'dttoi II a,m. A 7:80 p.m.--Preaching * Servkae. A hearty welcome to all THE WEST VAN NEWS '1 ?, TaAe off Your Hat with a Confident Smile / Don't l<'t i» D'W Htnigly omla apoil your piTHojiality. If you uie not reiidy for II new ()onnanent we cun udd a few curJH at the neck line or eura to lake care of thoHe Ktraight endu, Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe CVeatora of BxduHive Perm anenta,' 1540 Marine Drive ' * Weat 117 ; HOLLYBORR HALL 14tb and Ducheea I KIDAV, Feb, lUh, at 7:15 p.m. Chil.lren and Young People's Service with ^intern Slides. 'Speaker: lun Jtathie, iniRHionary fiurn..Santa Domingo, W.I. SUNDAY, Feb. 1 Uh 10 a.111. Sunday School and Young People's Jllble Class. V:.".0 J),m, speaker: gor. Gospel Address. Mr. Peter McGreg- rUESpAY, Feb. Uth, at 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study ' W 1 ^ VAN(X)yVEE ~ Ciwiitian Science 'Society """■'""■""CHURCH" EOIFICB 20th and B^uimalt. HoUybuni "This Society i» a Branch of The Mother Church , The F irst Church of Christ, SdentUt, in Boston, Maasnchu.setts Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. SU NDA Y, February Nth SUBJECT; " S P I R I T ' ' . Sunday School at i 0:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. • The public Is cordiklly in vited to attend our services and I meetings. CONSEnV AWVES Those memtiers who arc in arrears, and Conservatives Avishing to jo in , jh o u ld jn a il thei^ ̂ promptly to the Secretary-Treasurer. DR. FRANK D^kcHESTER . JOHN T. FOX President, . ' Scc.-Treas. 3026 M arine Drive ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHUKCH 23r4 & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van Pastor ' & D R. G. D. H t S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X*Itay flay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. OlYifo Houra 9 to 0, p.m. Fvonings by appointment. Phono West. 72 /n iE u n it e d c h u r c h 21hI unp Esfiulmalt Ave. William Vance,' Minister DR. McUAEi -D E I S T - formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 0 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment. 18(50 Marine Drive West 432 Sunday, P'ebruary 11th lU a.m. The Sunday School. 11 a.m. Morning Worship. Sub ject: '"riie Meaning of Lent." 7 ■; ;{0 p. m. Th| even ing serv ice, will be another service of mu- .sic. Miss Hilda Bone will be the s|>ecial . .soloist and will .sing ■ two selections. Other 'w n rB c T " T ri6 ;" V l:ift- Batabliahed on North Shore 25 Years <Lady A ssistant)' HARRON BROS. , LTD. ifunscal Birectocs ̂ lloliybum Funeral Home 18th and Morine West 184 Nortfc Vancouver Parlors 122 W est Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue E ast .. Phone Fair, 134 ON iNV MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1B42 MARINC ORIVB WSST SOO ■ AlrnilifTit A.Il.T. of H.(V ; mi moors Up Thine Eye.s," Mrs. Colin Mclvoun, Miss Helen Vance ' ■ and Miss Ruth MoLean. Duet, "Watchman, What of the N igii t ?" Messrs. Crawford and Frond. Anthems, "Jeru- .salem, 0 Turn-Ye," "Come Ye , '.'Di,sconsolate" "Softly now the Light of Day," "Love of the h'ather." ' The United Church Women's - As.s(x:iatien has arranged to hold --«̂ VTilcntiTic~T'eaHir-tdie-Church- ' Ifall "on Thursday, February 15th, at 2jd0 o'clock. " Mrs, WnTGraham, of Vancou ver Heights, will entertain with i;eadings, and Mrs. F. F. Love- grove and Mrs. R. W. Froud will be the soloisTs. _ .1 A very enjoyable afternoon is -promised, and it is hoped there will be a large attendance of. members and friends. Sunday Services Low Mass ~ 8i:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 . a.m. ■ Rosary ,^i^^encdiction -- 7 :46 p.m. CatecTiism'aiid Bible Class--2 :Q0 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. ......... . ...;■...... ........ Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. ST* STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey ̂ Rector THE FAMOUS ' ' X IJM hlS i l l l i C EXTINGUISHER ; (Vancouver made) Smothers Gas, Oil and Chimney Fires automatically releasing fluid at fire heat. Does not damUge contents. EACiH $ 2 ^ Available a t LEW'S BARBER SHOP, 14th and Marine, or from J. DONALD RANKIN, 2812 Bellevue Avc* West 63L2 NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN 8 a.m. Holy Communion. 11 a.m. Matins and Sermon. 7 :30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. -Tuesday, 2:30 p.m. W.A. „- Wednesday, 10:15 a.m.. Holy Communion. Thursday, 8 p.m. Lenten Service. St. FrancLs-in-lhe^Wood, Ceulfeild 9:45, Morning Prayer Sermon. . A joint meeting of the West and North Vancouver ^Refugee Committee was held at the home of Mrs. F. A. Walker, - King's Ave., on Monday afternoon, Jan. 29th. Dr. W. G.'Black, Chair man of the B. C. Branch of the Canadian National R̂ e f u g e e Corrfmittee,-attended-and -gave an outline of what was being 2a - complished in British Columbia. Several refugees have entered the province and in ;Some in stances industries have been started employing local help. . The committee will meet regu larly on the 2nd Monday of each month hereafter, commencing February 12th, at 2 p.m., at the home of Mrs. F. A: Walker, 24'55 King's Ave., West Vancouver. DIES AND GENTLEMEN Our Mending is almost invisible; Let us cpll for tha t twii suit!' The Low Cost will surprise you! GARDENIA CLEANERS & DRESSMAKERS 2152 Marine West 858 -Nellie-H anison-- A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Tealcher of '■ PIANO and THEORY Residence Studio: 1955 Inglewood Avenue, ----- - ■ - West 1056-L TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD SIXTH SEA SCOUTS (West Van. Group) BAPTTST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKiay 1545 Dnches.s Ave. l l l i ' i f I ; ' : ' J . ; s f' ___' . • / r . ' V : . . _ . : • :■t - SPEOAL Sawdust ........ '.'$3.60 ])or unit Dry Slab.s ...........$5.00 per cord Inoido Plr*.-- from shed .......$6.00 per cord from mill ........$6.60 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $8.76 per cord ^V VV:" ■, v PRITAM'S FUEL . Phone North 620 The French Beauty Salon For P erm anents of lastin g beauty. \Vo apociaiko in tine, grey ond white haip> 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 Rev. J. A., McRae, of Edmon ton, "Superintendent of Missions and Evangelism for "the Baptist Union of Western Canada, will -begin a sei-ies-pf-special meet ings, Sunday, February 11th.'He -will preach both morning and evening and address the Church School. a t 10 oVlock. The ser vices w'ill continue, each night .following _SAinday,' a t 8. o'clock. The citizens of West Vancouver •ai*e very cordially invited to at tend as many of the service^ as- possible. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Miss Crawford,. of " Kitsilano High School, who spent last year as exchange teacher in Glasgow, gave an enlightening address on Bchool management "over there"* particularly with regard to phy sically handicapped or under privileged children. The speak-̂ er's account-of events following Britain's declaration of war, and of the well-conducted task of evacuating the children, left only admiration, fo r , those so close to the struggle. Mrs. W'. K, Woodcock reported having col lected-during the past month, 1800 magazines; parcelling these in bundles of 20 to 30 and dis tributing to various units--Mrŝ ̂ R. B. Mundy was appointed gen eral conveiier of the Soldiers' Comforts C o m m i t t e e . Mi*s. Nightingale requests Guild Red ^Cross knitters to kindly turn in complete socks on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month. The Book Club will meet a t the' home of Mrs. ,L/ W^ainwright, 2658 Nelson, Monday, Feb. 12th, at 2:30 p.m. Miss A. M. Barrow will review "Fanny Kemble" by. V. Armstrong. . The regular monthly ..meeting of the Mothers' Auxiliary ti^the above Group and Cub Packj will be held at the home- of. Mrs. J. C., L. Hunt 1844 Bellevue Ave., at . 2:30 p.m. Thursday, - Febru ary 15th.' Sey. 8627 26 Water St. UNITED SPECIAL 3-piece suites recovered- from $45 up. D. HOPE. Phone West 845-R "Ha, ha! Ho, ho, ho!" "Why the laugh?" , "1 just put a woman into a room with a thousand hats and no mirror." P. D.Q. CAFE 622 Howe Street (across from bus stop) Tea Cup Reading by Marchioness D'Autier, de la Roebebriant ' < West Van News Poblkhed Every Thoraday Publisher- F. P. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 . Business and Editorial Office; 1704 Marine Drive, Phone West 55 "Spirit" will, be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Chui'ches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, _ "ITie Golden Text is : "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must-worship him in spirit and in truth" (Johu_4:24). - Among the citations which comprise the Lesson Sermon is the following from, the Bible: "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: t h e ' w6i*ds that I speak unto you, t h ^ are spirit, and thev are life" (John 6:63). The Lesson-Sermon also in cludes the following ,passjig<i from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker HMdyt~^T^trTis Tid our- WEST. VAiN. TABERNACLE Cor. Marine and 25th Ave. Pastor Rev. Robert H. Berch, B.A. Services: Sunday School ..........9:46 aim. Sunday Services ...........11 a.m. „ . ^ and 7 :30 p.m. Evening; Rev. Stewart McDoug- .all of Nigeria. Illustrated mis- vvsionary address. Wednesdav Prayer Fellowship........,.....7:3p'p.m. Hor^shoe Bay and Vicinity Bible Fellowship, Thursday ....................... 7^45 Evangelical ■ Independent. North Vancouver Office: 12s Lonsdale Are. 11.00 a year by c a rr ie r : '$2.00 a year [ by mail ' ;; y ---- ... ̂V. , M W ' . • * V* - ' ^ selves of the belief that^^nian- is Separated fi*om God., and obev only the dirinc Pidnciple, Life and Here is the great point ®jdeparture for all t.i*ue ^spirituai%n>wth." Highlands -1393__Marinê Drive- f f i MY DlRtlM BlllBlITBR S U N T A N Y O U R s k L F IN Y O U R O W N P L A Y R O O M A W A Y F R O M 'T H E R A I N A N D W A T E R With dank, d ^ r y , sunless winter weather like ours, here'? _ sound advice for building strong, healthy bodies. I t's easy ' to get lou of sunshine.- INDOORS--With a'General Electric sunlamp. Like natural sunshine, it prevents and cures rickets in chU dr^, hrips develop sound teeth, helps prevent com- . mon colds, helps develop good bone structure in growing ̂ infants. The whole family will Benefit ^'est Vancouver's Elite liestaurant BiTakfast,' Luncheon, Tea Dinner Special Sunday Dinner •Modefet Prices Phone W. 983 Ea*y terma may be arranged. STORES