EstablisHea over IS y ^ : A"Weekly Newspaper Kstablished over IS years. Circulating in the D is tr k r o f W e^ Vancouver--Ambleside, Ho/lyburn, Weston, D undarav _ Cypress Park, C aW eild ,W hytecliff, Etc. 2 35c pejp cl)i THE WAR Tlie events of the last few weeks hAve supplied ladditional evidence, if any' was required, of how close "is the union tween Germany and Russia. It has even reached that point wliere Hitler is reliably reported to have permitted the estab- lislinint of a central office of the Comintern (Third Interna tional) in Germany, whence defeatist propaganda can be spread in France and Great Brit^jn by various means. Both , ilitler and SUilin, however much their personalities, ambitions, ' and policies may clash, must now stay together in their unholy partnership until the end> because their actions have made them the pariahs of the world. The nations; and especially the smaller ones, have gradually come to realize since last summej' that none are safe from the coldly planned campaigns of savage brutality by which these two fiends hope to attain world domination. Not all the nations are at pi'esent in open conilict against them, but all will be if such shall be necessary to ensure their destruction. Moreover, included in that destruc tion rfrust be to a ^ a t e r or lesser extent their peoples, who, by theii' ready acquiescence and participation in atrocities have shown themselves to be, on the grand average little .better than their two leaders. , • • , For tile comparative peace on the land since the war started we can probably most thank the Turks, next, of course, to the British and French navies and air forces. For indioa:. tions point more and more to the deciding battles of the'con flict being fought in the Near and Central East. And had not the Tui'k kept his word like a good Mohammedan at great risk to himself, the campaign might have been on already. As it is, his stand and that of the Finns have heartened the little Balkan nations, also in similar peril, and now the way eastward will not be ,so easy for the Russian armies. Howevk, that a Russian thrust south will come in the spring there seems to be very little doubt, -probably with armies staffed by German experts. Not even an undefeated^ Finland can be allowed, to stand in the way, and that will be hardly possible without the help of the Scandinavian na tions who will be forced in to save th'em'selves from an attack which would surely follow a Finnish .defeat. The dictators simply dare not wait any lohger and there is fio Maginot Line in the south, to bar the Way. Only_.Hitler and a very few Nazil/iTJ /iTi'Vr* . \7ir\ /mtt' ^ ̂ IZ 371.. J ' ___ i i i >•: ROXX INDOOR CURLING FRASEA FARMS MlUC COMING EVENl'S ?)!■ Ih e West Van. Roxx Club « Hou.sehoiders are advised thatheld, its first curling bonspiel Frasea Farms Milk, VancouveFs Tuesday night in which twelve (luality , milk from the teams competed. The games^ im f. tamable in.'West Vancouver. The Friday, March I5th, StHMind es( Vancouver Group Seoul Ihiiice in (he Orange Hall, W EST VANCOUVER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Anodier inleresting program ha.s boon preiiared for tlio were closely conto.sto.1 and soy- b in id in B sT ^ ^ ^ eial vetq>yans wee eliminated in finest in the province,; and the the first round. ' . dairy equipped w ith ' all the Grand challenge winner was l^ t̂est <iquipnient, are all .locat-, ..... the team of R. Rhodes and G. F. Island,' so that milk is „2iii(lilv dinno2 l, r . Marsh, the team of F. Murray \ P'̂ «t«urized and hot- Va m uvei Cĥ ^of and J. Thompson winning in the ensuring (!nnnn<M\N> 3 ; i 11 consolation. ■ , , , the freshest imd best ifi quality; l i r new In thp vpmiinr product With 110 time wasted ,i m.,..;, ̂ ' night schedule first place is bo- "i the" p l a n t ""-V' I*'«l'i"«ir,v"l%b '(St. Vt'lm- ■ S r f T h ^ l f a a V o l w s ^ ^ Wilfred .Mitohell both of West very import- McDonald and Rush, and Mc Gregor and Sisson, these three teams' being within a point of each other at present. •, In the previous'7 weeks tour nament ending Deo. 28th last, the team of McDonald and Gis- by won first place. The club welcomes any ladies or gentlemen to .the club room in̂ BARBARIANS AUXILIARY . LEAP YEAR DANCE The annual meeting of i/iicjf TVjiva West Vancouver bliiiftdi-V*iV Anfbleside Hair on Wednesday' 'w h ; r i t ^ 'i:;;an W afd 7"'* "ome of - ^ ' niihta and will be glad to dem- . cort" d u M t h ali ' t h f t r i t onstrate this new recreation. . minrr. ̂nf h m i f l ^ b e r c was a goonstrate this new recreation. ABERDEEN MAN WINS OXFORD HONOUR mings of boutonnieres and trans portation will be the lot of the feminine guests at the Leap Year,, dance of the Girls' A.ux- iliary to the W est. Vancouver Barbarians' Rugby Club, Friday (to-morrow) evening, at the ̂ leaders know whether the G lerm ana^is ̂ spring*-will- attack the Maginot Line in Franc^ or through Holland and Belgium or whether they will hold to their present positions and so im mobilize several million French and British troops, but it is / pertain many a long day will pass before we shall be "hanging our washing on the Siegfried Line." " / v , . . . ^^^^}"^hil€, the mentality qf; those who decry war ju s t at difficult to undersfSnd with the example be- toi e them^of that which happened apd, is happening in wha t was once Czecho-Slovakia and Poland. Neither of these coun- tiies desired, war, but both- were wantonly attacked and are now as peoples being exterminated as fast as the Germans can accomphsh their fell purpose. And it is this very policy of extermination executed^ by thousands of German soldiers and oinciaJs which is showing that nation at any rate to, be as a whole very little better than their leader. . : ^ . Under the circum'stanbes, therefore, it will not b e enough In Hitlerism. If there is to be an assured peace nvf Germans, not to sajrthe Russians, ifi'ust be so ciushed and their country and industries so wrecked that unable to again raise their, heads for afiother hun-_ to know by this time that the and so not be guilty of-again HPPin order that he may siiPh" f ̂ ■ ck US, as was done in the post-war years. To excuse hpflvpn policy we have howled ever since to high - term̂ ^ot pay; Of course_it doesn't.on such.. would business,, if, it was the custom -to set up in ^ competitor whoni we had put but of business, s a w i united, we shall in thp Qrpnf --^a.little thing we kept else always Torgotten--and very little S g h S l f n again-at peace we shall have quite tion ha=i n? settle the economic impasse ,in which civiliza- tinuallv without having our minds con- . 'lesslv FvpT~m such-a spectre-of war as-^hovered-ceasc- ~over our heads from 1918 to 1939. ; . James R. Fiddes, Glasgow, has been elected to a Snell exhi- Orange Hall, bition in classics (£800), a t B a l - E x t e n d i n g patronage to the hoi College,;; Oxford. Mr. ,Xiddes.^ffair__will_be_MTt.--and--MrSr̂ iriimry' / . . - ...... - goexi aV tendance of members. Mrs. Ri cardo was re-elected • Pix3siddnt, and all the present executive' were re-appointed to their ol- fices. In addition, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Littleford and Miss Dorchester' were elected to the Committee. Mrs, 'Ricardo, reported that • ______ __________ ____ ___ ____ ______________ ____ dogs had been cared for is a son 'ot James R.'"Fiddes, who Robert &rwick ^Mr **and Mrs* thanks were was actuary of Aberdeen Sav- Jambs R u s S , ' Mn and^ E . ' S e mgs , Bank before receiving a William B. Small; Mr, and Mrs. similar appointment in Glasgow Phillip Humphreys, Major- and uf3 ^ 3 !, V , ' Savings Bank... He is also a Mrs. Angus McAlister and Mr. " ^cep .stray cats, nephew of Robert Fiddes, Gor- and Mrs. Jack Hammett.' don Ave. He was educated at . Miss .Helen Edwards is the • Wallace reported Aberdeen G r a m m a r School, general convenor, assisted by childl?p2̂ 13w-nv̂ ^̂ where he was .classical dux, and the Misses Barbara McIntyre, , 1 • C. A. , is in his third year a t Glasgow Dorothy Dovaston, MildredjLet- Junior Ilumane. University. tner and Pat Wallace. Usually the exhibitioner is a Tickets may be obtained from fourth year student, the Iasi oc- any of the members or at the casion oh which a third year door, man was elected being j ust after CONSERVATIVE NOMINAT- IN6 CONVENTION , It M'K.s iinnoiiiiced 'J'uo.silav that the^ North Shore Conserv atives will consider the election of a candidate to contest the'- ^Hve Association Primaries will ^minatin^^Tonvpnfei^^^3' ful.m w,nn.n,_the coveted ex- be h^d at 8 P-m, Wednesday.' held Jn th"e __ the last'war, when Professor C. CONSERVATIVE PRIMARIES Fordyce, who belong^ to Frhser- burgh and is professor of Hu- The West Vancouver Conserv manity at Glasgow, was success^ hibition. LIBERAL MEETING -Eetoua^v-Pth, in the Uglon. V a n " c i ;k e r o n X if iF ^ ;T « S Members of the Assodation building PERMITS UP $13,960 ' i n \ f f for January morp $13,960 month^o f 1939®" 'S f I addftion ,qh ̂ *'̂ 5;$350. f alteration, F ^ ru L f Drive, INFORMATION WANTED Will "you, the reader, senid in the name or names and adr dresses, if possible, of men whom you know.or know of on active service, -at home or abroad. West Wancoiiver- I.^O. D. E. Duncan Lawson Chapter, is especially interested in distrib uting "soldiers' comforts" to our own West Vancouver men. The members, will, deeply appreciate and thank you for your assist ance. Please telephone informa tion lo Mrs. i^one, West 201-R, or any chapter membbr. rr,, -- -̂----- "^Bo are in arrears and Conseiw- Jft)E TA Yr i> a cjcit; ' There was_a good attendance atives wishing to-tjoin should . J^TavIorMnn at the meeting of the West Van- mail their annual dues, 50'cents, Ceu^eild^nTs^r^w^^ couyer Liberal A s ^ i^ m n ..last-promptly to the secretary-treas- ufdav afte? on?v o fp3 i - n " Monday night in the Legion urer, John T. Fox, 3026 Marine n e s^ in hfs Hall. The principal business was Drive. The latter has visited ceased is surviw!^ hv ^3 the appointment of delegates to every town and city on Vancou- home and i attend the conventiori for the ver Island. ' Cantefn nomination of a candidate for Predicting a Conseiwative son ^resident the f^fthcosning federal election victory., at the coming elec- v i^ s were hekr' 'if 9 which will be held in. North Vam tions, Mr. Fox, who has inter- y e ^ rd a v from couver at 7:3(T p.m., Saturday, viewed a large number of min- W o^ cL rch February-lOth.,- - - ers, loggers, business people and'. S io n G C d'E^nm n'l ------------ -̂------------ farmers, reports that the feeling ,F. A RamseV Surprise Party generally is that Canada should t-erment to o k '^ S f Vn ---------- have a strong NationaUGovern- VieTcemeterv 4 A surprise party was given by ment during war time, only the Funeral Home of Harron Mrs James A, Reid, a t her home, best brains of each party being Ltd. had ckarcre nf ih^lOfJI TVTaHnp rirlvia in li/vTirkv* rkf retfi.irwfl in nffinn __ j. . e. funcral1051 Marine Drive, in honor of the birthday of Dr. W.-H. Vass of the Hollyburn Block 16th and Marine Drive. A very enjoyiable time waiTsperit in music and con- arrangements. HOLLYBURN HALL I. O. D. E. Ihe annual, meeting of the- Uuncan Lawson Chapter, I. 0. ^ ifuu Tuesday, " "WrUQj*y TOfl., . A Speaker ® o'clock.Colonel Prine-I ;̂:ing Th An' English woman in hospital - ___ _ needed blood transfusions: A brawny Pnngle. Prayer Scot Volunteered. She paid him $50 for th^ first pint and $25 for the second, so the story goes.- When it came to the third time she had Fy then so much Scottish blood in her veins she ju s t thanked him .' -. . ̂ ^ Wednesday evening, SfoupwithlHr. r P. s t u d y You ^ St 2 :30 ........... ........... ...............v.v,xi.- A Children and Young People' tests following which, a dainty Service with lantern slide.s will 'j'npofi supper was served. Dr. Vass cu t_be held at 7:15. p.m. tomorrow Feb. 13th. in the rerriVin ttoIi the beautiful Wrthday cake, (Friday) in Hollyburn Hall, 8 :15 p.m. , which was decorated, with pink when the speaker wjll be Jan The guest sneaker win b/a and white icing and the usual .Bathie, a missionary fromSan la Marjory 'Bradford execn/ive candles. The-invited guests were: 'Domingo, W.I., Next Sunday, director of Vanmnvnr Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Vass Dr. and February 11th, there will he the Social Agencies. Member« Mrs. T. Patterson, of North Van- usual -Sunday School and Yvnhg invite husbands and frfpnda couver, Mr. and Mrs. T., Soren- 'People's Bible Class at 10 a.m. members are also onrrHaii' i^' son, of Vancouver, Mrs. G. Alex- and a t the 7:30 p.m. service a vited. eoruiaiiy in-^ -ander,--̂ p ta in-and- Mrsr-F.~F: GospeF-addressMbyrHPeter-^e-- -- The~public'is>em inded nf Lovegrovd Mr. and Mrs. P rink Greggor. Next Tuesday at 8 drive this week for books ^htot Allen, Mr\..and Mrs. \2Iarbnoe p.m., prayer meeting and'Bible , music, games, etc fnr Sorenson, Mr. and Mrs. J; Banks, study. - ■ . ' ; iersr'lib rariS ' ' Miss V. Vass of New West- ^ „---------- " minster, Mr. Walsh,_Mr. and ^OW FAR YOU SEE AT SEA Teacher.-- gee you are early of Mrs. James A. Reid, Miss Eileen elevation of 5 feet, one can Jate. Hampson, Kenneth and Douglas TeiKh:-- ' McNair.'and McLean. ' A T n l at