* ; ■ THE WEST mm VAN NEWS I'lllwil" 'MIFr' III II ""HffTT nmm r̂rmr '>Wlh- SMITH'S Free Delivery Service • Monthly Accouot REO CROSS AN Nl'A I MEETIN(J fe5-4i» I t;. iTisfr ' its A'sftteSfif l i i i : ■&:3 '-I ^ "i-i' i , i Mî ' r tf tU i l l .I-. pm CEH ( ;0 0 I) I'OK KKIDAY, & SATI'KOAV, Fell. 2nd & 3rd M E A T SiOr14elOc l»r lOr HHKKDIlKD WHKAT, ..........I'kt. CiHAl'KNI'TH FliJt. CIIL.M SAIiMON No. I tnll tin I'FAH, I ' 2 17-oat. tinM I'UitK KAKD. Swift'K Silverleaf. l-lh rertoiiN ' . . . M ANNINtrS KNtil.ISIl CltFAM TKA HANDWirH. I*ir Jb. 23c UwJ A \V h i to F l . O I ' l t - ^ 7*lb. hack . .... ...... 25c HHck . 8Ic t!)-ll>. hark «1.5,3 COItNKI) HKFK . , tin I.5c H t 'KIiFH-- valf, Sweet Mixed, 2K.«z. jar 23c .SANDWICH SIMtKAD-- lledluiuJ'H, Ahhorted varlHirh, AViH ..... Hum 23c WAXFD ItOI.I..S--l«0 fw t to the i 'hotir DKicr FOKK I. A.MU VKAIr FOWIi WcHt .370 F rei Delivery • • Grade A and A1 - . - . • Grain Fed - . - - Top Quality Miik Fed A CHICKEN - Grade A I'ltKSH FISH DAILY DKIilCATESSKN 25 roll each 15c |{|;< KITT'S ULCH I'kl, 5c ser?^' s iT iy . ....... Muck in tosh a ll).4. for i?rac; per hox $1.49 5 ll)s. for 25c; per box $1.K5 ...... each 25cAPIMJ*: P IE (a l)i« juicy pie) .... A PPLE JU IC E (l*iirc-.l)elicimiK Tlavor) 10-oz.* till .')c TOWN.SWOMllN'S LKtilON A(KnVITIES Approximately ninety niern- l>c*rn and ifuesl.s {ittended' the t'ourtii Guild Birthday iJaiiqiiet a t Um; fdaclian on Monday even- inj^. I'rincipal .speakera were JudRe Helen McCBlI, Dean B. M. Boll<.*rt, Mrs. lOli/.alxilh Bailey Price, representing Mra. A, M. W alt wlio wa.s nmihle to he pre- en t on account of illne.H.s; Mi.s.s lOvelyn Miiri)liy, of Edm onton, Mrs, [I. lloopitr, Mra, Pinder- Mo.s.s and Mrs, J. B. Ley land. Mrs. It. Ford wa.s geii<*ral con- Tlie ixtgipn whilst ' still en deavouring to work in behalf of the interests of' all ox-service men ol' till' G reat W ar and .stjll I'mding numei'ous 'in justices and }iardshi))s Ip he adjusted, ?tow lia,'.; cMilered Uu; field in this Iirescnl w ar under the title of Gatiadian Li'gion W ar Service.s, liic., under a charte r i.ssued by Hie I'Vderal Government. The aimj;| and objects of th is iK'W organT/ation-is to co-opei> ate wilh tlu* Y. M. C. A., the venm', and .was assi.sted by Mos- ,Salvalion Army, ited Cro.s.s and - dam es VV^risberg, S. Wallace, It. (h)vermnent in adm inistering to JQoxliam - anrl W. |t . Simp.son., Mrs. A. 'f. (hisliing'" was in cliarge- of table arrangem ents, assisted by Miss C. E. B astin, Miss I. Philip; Mrs. Wtn. Part-, ridge and Mrs. Jas. Gray. Ser- v iteurs w e r e Miss K athleen Seeds, convenor. and^Vlis'ses D. l iarrop, D. Cliapman, J. B rooks- hank and F. Parker. ̂ .7 JJetty Cavendish hold* th e luoky ti(:k'<̂ t for the Guild B irth day cake which was rafiled. Mrs. Midgley gave two mini-, bers. in Lancashire dialect. Wee Joan W right, pupil of B etty Ca vendish, pei'lormed Tap a.iul Acrobatic solo dances and Jhitsy L t'ggatt, Kussian Dance. - the weirare of the young .soldier of loday whereveia he rnfly find,\ liimscIf.eiLh,er in (Canada, a t any of the army bases, in ho.spitaI, in Iraiiiing or in an actual theatre of W'aV. .. The nrincinal objects will be Ip .snjijiJy en terta inm ent troop.s, to help them \yith for the their Through an error Hie Decem ber report of the Work Coni- naittee wiia.^incorporated in Anf' Annual R eport of Hie Branoh--- 'fhe Anual Report of the U ork Committee is as follows:-- 15 U nits have made all o r part of 7 Samples of garm ents. 15 Units are working On gar- mehts. 16 Units and 4 individ uals are kn itting Sweaters and Socks. M aterials to Units 527 Garments. , Supplies received 403 G arm ents. Samples with Units, 70 Garnamts. 150 lbs. Sock Wool-- Approx. 600 pains distributed. 108 pairs received. Samples 1 pair. -101 pairs out. 121' lbs, Sweater Wool, 19 Sweaters out. 'I"here are 20- Work U nits fully paifl up - 19 of which are organized - 4 of these being, High School Units. Personnel of the Work Committi^e Chairman Mrs. \V. B. Small. Vice-Chairman Mrs.- Dickinson. Secretary* M rs,. H. S. Johns.' Records Mrs. Ji^L., FeJker. Sew ing Convenor Mns. W. B. Thom as. Sewing Inspector Mrs., J, H. Redden. K nitting Convenor Mrs.' B. .Sharpe.,^, K nitting In spector Mrs. A. McAlister. Sur gical Supplies Miss L.'McGallum. H eadquarters \Mrs, J. Sheas- green. y Surgical Supplies m ust - be made, under the supervision of a trained Nurse. This Branch of the work is now being or ganized. The Work Committee, having been entrusted w ith the im portant task of m aking cer tain .samples for the Provincial Division; received a very comp- ; linientary le tte r from Mrs. Ram_ sden, Chairm an o f 'th e Provin c ia l'W o rk Committee in p a rt saying, quote " • ; • . Those re ceived are beautifully finished and will se t a high standard for the Branches to reach." This is'The re wal'd of work not only well and carefully done,- but carefully inspected also. The ,GIRL J'Tnanc'e - Committee w ould^ike serv ice L 0 M U B E R Q u ality SASH & DOCKS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH / ft- THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTY FA IN T BUILDERS' SUPPLIES WALLBOARO TILEy A f f n te s ' CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD LBOARl YfESr VANCOUVER l u m b e r CO. LTD. , 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED ADS Van N eva get immediate rcaulta. ftGORDON ROBSON -- Solicitor, BIO W. Hastings, lit West Vancouver any appointmentji Weat 40J. i.OST--ia n . 18 blk. Murine (o 2200 Belleviie, child'fi tartan 1)uihi*. Reward. Phdtie W. 55. T. MASTEUMAN, NQl'ARY, Ini5urunce, all branch- West 111. BXI'ERT inakor- PERCY Real Estate, cs, Canadian Company FURRIER AND DltESS. -Kay Russell. West '117-L. PAINTING AND Estimates free. J. H. W est BOARD AND ROOM-^Room has twin bods. Business g irls preferred. Mrs., Urquhart. W est 633-L. 1022-L. W ANTED- Phone W. ■ Housework 680-R. by the lumr. ftGORDON ROBSON -7 Uarnater Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by .appointment, West 403., . WILL PAY $100 CASH; $15 monthly for cottage requiring repairs. West of 23rd Ave. W. 593-R. -- Sawdust ROOMS TO RENT- Block from bus. --Board if desired. W. 639-Y. CHIMNEY SWEEPING burners instolled; furnace G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. - W. H. VASS. Chiropractor, Hollybum Block. Suite 4, HAVE RESPONSIBLE CLIENTS wanting to rent attractive 4 and B ' room bungalows, vicinity West Bay, Cypress, Caulfeild. H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Dr West filG MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best ma^rials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. FLOOR SURFACING - J- Sujher- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 60 years) 418 Howe St. TRin. 127J. Local Agent, ■ f F Bayliss (N otary Public). 2436 Bellevue. West 522-R LOST-- Ladies' Gold Wrist Watch on brown ribbon. 2.3rd insl. Gleneagles golf course. Reward. W. 78 HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine - Valentines - Notions - Stationery.. Toys - Wool - Knitted Groods, etc.. FOUND--Glent's Umbrella. Safeway'* door.way> Apply Police offiej. - FOUND-- Ladies' W rist Watch. In quire Handy Ann Shop, 2442 Marine. WANTED - lunch and' -Experienced in ■sho-rt~orders7-etcr personal |>roblems, to carry on various fbrm.s ' of . educational activities vvjierevei' possible such as ebntimuition of public-school education, .s-ludies in agriculture, skilled trades, coni-mercia] slud- ie.s, Advanced students may even. 4j^btain their m atriculation or B.A. degrees .by arrangem ents made with certain universities. r h e regu lar m o n th ly m e e t in g O u ts ta n d in g e d u c a tio n is ts h ave will take place a t the Clachan, Friday. Feb. 2ii(i a | 7:45 p.ni. A full alteiwlance is reiiuested. BOOKN, ETC.. W A N T E D FO R M IU T A R Y C A M P S a lr e a d y 0 fT(u'ed th e ir s e r v ic e s ifi e a c t f m ilita r y d isH 'ict.- D te e n s w ill be provided a t all n eed o d p o iq ts . W et c a n te e n s will iOhly be proxudect̂ ^̂ (1 n e s te d by t l ie (Officer C om m a n d in g .' L ea v e cen tr e h o s te ls ) ImiKM'ial Order D a u g lile r s be p rovid ed both in E n g lan d Li lOnipire th r o u g h o u r C'an^ ^and^TYanee, w h ere Hie troop s w ill bo ab le to sec u r e beds, m ea ls an d recrea tio n a t a v ery n om inal q h a rg e a.s U iis is to be a non p r o f it o tg a n iz a t io h bind p r o fits a i'f n m d e Avin̂ ̂te^ -Hie '-l)0nefH^)f-:fche^sold th e ir fa m ilie s a f t e r th e W ar. ' H a v in g g a in e d a w ea lth o f e x - TTic . o f tlU: ad a is a s su m in g a m a jo r r<'s- p o n sib ility in regard to lib rar ies for, so ld iers . In th is P rov in ce " th is w ork is* a lso b e in g carri<'d o u t. and to th is end a d r iv e is "-being^^imdeiTalcen b y - l he ii in e ty (T iaptor.s o f th e ' O rder, 'rhe G rea ter V an co u v er 'D rive i>pens . on M onday. F eb ru ary o th s-w lien ' ehn 'en d ep o ts w il l j io open lo re c e iv e b o o k s for lib ra r ie s , such book.s to Ih' new or n ear ly lu'w. c h ie f ly n o v e ls , tra v e l, liiogonphy and g en era l litera tu re . _______ - ^ I T i e A uxilT ary'S iY vK vs .section <>f th e C o -o rd in a tin g (Y u n cil are the Units to know th a t a system has" been established,^ by which all ■ m aterials , received from H eadquarters and locally, pu r chased for the Works Commit tee and th e .. finished Garm ents dispatched to H eadquarters, are properly recorded yardage and weight and supported by the necessary requisition orders and receipts^ This system ne cessitates moiTthly reports by each conimiWee concerned; and your Finance CQmmittee feels th a t this m eticulous'task of the Chairman of yhe W orks Com m ittee will be considerably help ed if all Units will readily co operate in giving the necessary- details in (his regard ' a t any -gi-ven-date------- -------------- - "^"^J^YifHeers.and m em bers of the Executive of the Branch for i940 are:- Bairy Apply Box 44, West Van."News IN RESPONSE TO NUMEROUS KE- quests a "Brother and Sister" supervised play group -will be held m the afternoons- ^ - 6 years old, at the Wendy House. For further in- WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED of a carpenter, phone West. 563-R even ings ■ ____________IL_ forrhation phone W; 867. LOVELY VIEW LOT IN BRACKEN- ' hurst, 75 X 185. Approved for D.H.A. loan. Price $700.00. SHARPE REALTY . 1395 Marine Drive Phone W. 719 or evenings Mr., Buck, W. 598-L WESTERN WOQDWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, • turning, glass, glazing. W est 740, W est 443-R. HAULING -- Manure, .Fuel, Septic '* ...Tanks and Rockpits installed and cleaned. W est 187-R. ' YOUNG WOMAN, reliable, good cook desires position housekeeping; busi ness or elderly couple. Reply P.O. Box 43, ChilRwack, B. C. WANTED TO RENT-- Small cottage for six months Reasonable rent. Ap- -ply Box 40, W est Van. News FOUND-- Lady's Green Tweed Coat at I.O.D.E. Toy Shop. Owner please apply Red Cross Headquarters. WANTED-i-Room and board for lady and little boy, please give full par-*' ticulars. Reply P.O. Box 362, ]Caul- feild, B. C. CASH FOR JU N K -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, M etals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too ' small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. Hon. President Reeve Levland. Pi esident, J. R. M itchelD Chair- p j _Siand. -Committee™ 1 st- vice. Mi\s. J. -H. Redden. 2nd Secy. Miss Ruth Blair. Treas. 5 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE; duroid roof, good cement basement, fur- ™nace7"fir epl ace;~bat h--5()=ftr"l ot;~mr-~ excelled view. Cost $3250.00; will now sell for $2250^)0. This is one of the best built and ...^warmest houses in W est Van. Q-wnery must • sell: ■ , , LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE _ 0pp. -Eostoffice------------ West -55 - - CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- try way; guaranteed; ̂ stone repairs; " Palmer^ North 811-R-2. ' . ' Old Coun- toick and . Capilano,* NOTARY PUBLIC (Complete Notarial Service) Reginald P. Blower, J.P., 1405 Marine. W est 21, 204-M. perionce'ot.soldier problems, and j Oslrom *\t R aving built up a highly trained e E CooilLnT personnel to handle tliese prob- P* i Publicity J. endor.sing this drive ami lending every assistance. Tlie book.-̂ when collected will be tunu 'd over to the Library CommitUv under (he chairm anship of Mr. E. S. Robinson, City Librarian. pi lems during the past twenty years, it is the intention of the l e gion to utilize th is experienc.e and staff fo r the benefit of to-' day 's young soldiers in the hope th a t by so doing it will make th e ir , afte r-w ar problems so m uch less difficult than has been th e case of so many soldiers of th e last war. > An invitation is extended B. Leyland. Three members a t large:-- Davis, Mrs. Col- -iVr Dr. Nash. ■Work----Mrs:--W r - B ^ S m a i r ENGLISH BAY MODERN DUPLEX Self-carrying plus 5 rooms for owner Full cement basement. Hot. water •heat. Want four room Bungalow W est Vah: ̂ prefer waterfront. Sell or. trade. Box 41, Wtest Van. News. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, tutningi glass, glazing. W est 780, W est 443-R. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or W est 92-R-2. PEMBERTON HEIGHTS Purehasms: Mrs. J. B.' Leyiand. li.insporlation Mr. Mefflaughlin Finmice i r N. LuhS. ■ Head! quarters, G. M. Gemill. AUGTIOK WEST VANCOUVER MESSENfxER -S_ERVICEc=Parcels, B'aggage,_liglit transfer work, prompt service. West 700. 1324 SPEED OF SOUND AT SEA WARD SEARS, Barrister. Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone W est 21. or W est 5 5 3 - R - l . __ _ to \ I ■ t ___ , - ................... . „ . ................. ..V. from a distant ship's Ills trained staff arc giving their aJl unattached cx-servico men in and if ten seconds tiim ^after business hours for, in- W est Vancouver to come along the sound is heard th^ dexing, oUv :̂ D of And join the organization. All hist 2 i/j^o miles off if one books will bo throiigh V. M. C. A. m em bers please tu rn out Fi'iday, clapBos, she is distant slichtiv Salvation Army, U 'gion. o r F eb ruary 2nd. All unernpIoyedM '>«c-*-fifth of a miie-^rfivp 01% VX'* « 1 .rl ̂Jl _ . SDf'lYM C ' K 1 •» « ' T 'little more than T STORE FOR RENT -- 1892 'Marine; reasonable rent. 'W est 548-M. o th e r agonoy operating lulls in px-service men should r tg is te r the camps. Recent magazines in im m ediately a t the Government ----- * .....' ■ Em ploym ent Bureau. Dimsmuir H I ■ good condition are also accept able and citizens are urged to contribute. " - The Stations for local con tribu tions are: The Cypress P ark Tea Rooms. Robinson's ^Store. 2396-T\finnne7--aiTTl" \Vest Van. S tationers, 1644 Marine. The Drive is from Mondav. F ebruary 5th until Saturday second. ,̂ a twenty second.s. Keith Rd. West, Tomoi'row ft ̂ (Feb, 2), -Friday- Starting 1:00 p.m.. sharp Mason Risch Upright Grand Piano, Chesterfield suite, good quality dining and bedroom suites, Rogers all-wave radio, B. G. Elec. Washer; "Indian and Axminster rugs, bric-a-brac, kitchen range with oil attachment, household linen, lino, as laid, crockery, glass- w arer kitchen- and garden Ute'nsils," tipp-po r*Ai>TT AXTf»' ' nor^rom'2'/i mower and many other things of i n - / S I • CAPILANO -- Bargain 2/2 terest. On view morning- o f sale ̂ file' WEST ROL rates. VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- -- Sure protection; reasonable W est 927-R. 4 1 /5 miles. milgj if , TOO ̂ LATE "Pvc been thinking it the husband, "and I 've Hgree_\vjth_you. over," said decided to his "Timt XTOii't do you any good," said s wife. 'Tve changtM niv mind "my mind,' February 10th and the houi',s aiv fix>m ten until five daily. For fu rth e j' inform ation please phone W. 92 R2. . "Will you guarantee the upholstery of the c a r t" demanded the pro.spectiv'e purchaser. "Madam," replied the salesman, "the p roof,o f the padding is in tlie seating." 5 9 c S P E C U L 5 9 c Handmade Washable 36 /A b l i n d s X 72" C JORDAN-ft/"-.-.' '■ '.■■'.'.■.I'-' J364 Marine W. 933 Terms cash. Auto's turn ik t a t Hey wood Barbecue. * W. E. EKINS Auctioneer North 1338 Res. North acres, new 2 room cottage, electric light, and Jog caW ; big snap, $425. 1022 PROSPERITY F U E L S NORTH 954 W EST 1032 ' FIR-.. $5.50 cord MILL INSIDE FIR..., 6.00 cord FIREPLACE FIR .... 4.OO cord SAWDUST--Guaranteed 200 ̂ cubic feet, 100% Fir.....:'$3.50 _________ H. P. ALLEN ' Just listed for quick sale, particu larly attractive waterfropt site in very desirable location, $1800 Exclusive Agents - ' C. J. ARCHER LTD., W est 226 Trinity, 3063 TO--RENT-. ---- Garage,--phone- West 523-R, evehinigs. d r e s s m a k i n g -- Ladies' Suits, Coate, Dresses, - CJhildren^Clothes, specializing alterations, mak'e-avers, Robbins, W est 619-R. k LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - '.Special 'machine; _repairs, p ^ ' West Vancouver Machine Shopi l̂445, Marin'e. .