i| i.\>bruary I. isW. THE WEST VAN«NRWS Come in an d See I7s! you that the UILLInV ^ KOOLBHWAVE aetuaUy ia«ooki>,,qukker» safor^atKl that it laata luUKer because it is so much closer to the head, 1370 Marine Drive "Across from Safeway** Phone W est 331 m o v in g p ic t u r e s in TECHNICOLOUR Including T he Royal Visit to Vancouver will be shown at the W e s t Vancouver Baptist Church on TUESDAY, February 6th' 1940, at 8 p,m. Under the auspicesrof the W est Vancouver Y<W .C.T.U, The jirofjramnie will include music and readings. Silver Collection West Vancouver Liberal Association GENERAL MEETINO . in Leî ion Hall, MONDAY, February 5th, a t 8 p.m. Busines.'s--Nominating Convention. ^ All members are requested to attend. ^ \ FERGUSON'S M O TO R TR A N SPO R T CO. 5 FREIGHT TRIPS DAILY Ik'lVcen WEST VANCOUVER and VANCOUVER Plumes: W est'85, North 1243-Y, Trinity 0429 No Servioo on Sundays or Holidays. "Ship the Ferguson W ay and Save.'! -- AVhilti wc^may^yyLsulTcr from It wuh aimouiuMHl lust nigfhi. a cold snap, indicaluuis in nature by the B. C. Association of point to the cold weather being €iuirler<ed Accountants t h a t over. Brewer s blackbirds, which Jack W alt, eldest son of Mr, and usually return from the south a t Mrs. J. Turner W att, had beon the loginning of March, have successful in passing his final already returned hero. The i»xunis in accounting and nudit- salmom berry bushcj; are also ing. - beginning to bloom in some » ♦ ♦ parts of the municipality. ' Mrs. J. B.,Loylaiid, 2848 Bollc- ^ - vue Ave., invited the old friends Mrs. George Cowan Jias re- and associates of Mrs. Eva B. turned to htm home at Caulfeilds Dauphinee, to a tea a t her home after spending several weeks in last Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Edmonton. Dauphinee is making her home _ ̂ uuar Crescent Beach in the near Eva 1x3 Galhenne, recognized future. . * for years as one of the leading The guests were, Mrs. Eva B. exponents of Ibsen „aml Shake- Dauphinee, Mrs. W. B. Small, . spearcan drama, who recently Mrs. P. C. Chapman, Mrs. Mor- played at the Em])ress Theatre ley Johnston, Mrs. A. Chilton. : with a New York company, lias Mrs. E. I. Lane, Mrs. J. Corlan, an uncle here in the person of Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell, Mrs. K. - Mr. Lq Gallienne of 25th and Hirst, Mrs. J. P. ©ingle, Mrs. 1-Lawson Avenue. He visited her W e l l s Crawford, Miss Grace while here, and they conversed Dauphinee ami Miss Katharine together in French, afterwards Hirst. ' ' ' seeing her in her presentation of ---------------------------- of Ibsen's famous play "The SCHOOL BAND AUXILIARY Master Builder." Miss Le Gal- -- _____ _ liehne's fathm', Richard Le The W est Vanoouver School Galli<?nnc, a famous lYench poet, Baiul Auxiliary will m eet a t used to live in New York, but 2:30 p.m., Wednesday the 7th of PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE CITY PRICES TEAROE & SONS. Cement. Sand Navy Jack- • Crushed Rock CONCRETE and Drain Tiles, Brick GENERAL CONTRACTING Lime, Mortar 1427 Marine Drive P H p N E W E S T 8 4 The News BAPTIST CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING Burrard Laundry Ltd. well known - TiQttlLTLAUNDRT Phone North 1310 or W est 691L The anual meeting and con gregational supper of the Bap tis t Church was held, Wednesf . day, January 2.4th. In spite of -much sickness-in the commun-., ity, there was a large turnout of the congregation to ejijoy the splendid, dinner prepared by the -ladies.7-^up^er^t^he--epnv^^ has since retired and now re sides .in his native cOuiitry., H< ' ♦ >l' Mrs. Phillips mpvod today into a cott% e at 2710 Bellevue Ave; Silver Anniversary Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Hampson entertained last Monday evening a t their home on 20th Street in honor of the silvei* wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burley. Tlie latter were the recipients of a number of delightful gifts. Among, the ' guests in addition to Mr. and Mrs. Burley were the Rev. and Mrs. j . P. Dingle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forsyth, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sims, Miss EileenJSampsoh, Miss Tjouise Slater. February, in the lunchroom of the Pauline. Johnson School. All mothers ,-of Band Boys are wel come. CHORAl. SOCIETY . Members of the West Vancou ver Choral Society are notified th a t the meeting next week will be held on Tuesday, the 6th instant, instead of Monday, the time and place being the same. MUNICIPALITY REDEEMS . $135,000 WORTH BONDS With reference to an "article appearing in our last ̂ week's is sue to the effect that the muni cipality--had--redeem ^--$-1367000-- T ^ep h o n e - I today in stead o f S i t i n g tom orrow Many people dislike writing letters and, therefore, put off writing until tomorrow. But ib_at_!ltomorrow în manyxases,- never comes. It's qasier to talk than to write, so here's a good way to solve the correspondence, .problem novv._ __ /___ _̂__ Cal! today by long-distance ' telephone. of Mrs.. David Willington. . The a „ •• • i worth of bonds, we hear' th a t new cutlery, purchased by the nypne requiring new keys go^i^ person's have thought the ladies, was used fo r the firs t Council borrowed the money .in i t a e . - ™^de to M der at the West . order to do so. It shouW Following the dinner reports M anne I^ v e , „ebessary to say tha t the BRITISH COLUMBIA t e l e p h o n e CO. ' were given by the various., offi cers and. organizations of the - church. The Pastor's report re vealed a very busy year, includ ing attendance at the sixth con-, gress of the Baptist World Alliance, held in Atlanta, Ga. The clerk's report made mention of a g ift of $500.00 to the build- .ing fund., from an interested friend, outside the congregation. The treasurer reported a sub stantial balance in the current account, a . steadily growing building fund,, and th a t the -church--had--gone--over--the--tqp- in its missionary 'budget.--The- bhoir's report prompted many expressions of appreciation for the faithful services rendered by the choir, under the direction _oTl.B.en_ S.._Short,_ Jwith .Elmore_- Humphreys a t the organ. The Sunday School,' the Women's West 828. ' - '. Mr. Haws of N orth Vancouver is having a new home built, a t 14th and Jefferson Ave. Bob .Parkin, one of -the local B. C. Electric lineman, m et with a bad accident last Sunday when: he severed hi§ safety belt while topping a tree. In h is 'fa ll he broke several ri bs and badly in- ju red .a hip. He was taken to the North Vancouver. General Hospital' ' ^ ■4: :i: . II^-new 'hou^~isn6eing builFfor" Mr. Normand of Vancouver a t 13th and Clyde Ave". bonds were met in the regular way from sums which have been laid aside yearly for that ,])ur- pose in the sinking fund. TABLE TENNIS LEAGIJL F irst Division Team s: P W L Dudes 12 6 2 Maple Leafs 12 5 2 W.'V. Sizzlers 12 6 4 Canadiens 12 4 Last week's scores: Dudes 9, Mapl_eJlfea£s-9^ ----Canadiens 10, W.V. Sizzlers 8. Second Division WENDY HOUSE Team s: Westenders Sockeyes Norvanites " HillbilliesThe Pre - School Study Group will meet on, Tuesday, February pj Mission. Circle *Wd"I h e ' Youni- 6th, U 3 p.in , a t the Wendy - People's Society reported an House. The di§.cussion will be active and successful year. ^ Mrs. K ing^ tt, on . 'The election of officers took mg Uood Health, place,'following the reports, in- ~~ eluding the appointment of a TRANSPOR'TATION -stimg"^building co m m itted 'Build- Comets Nifties Crimper.i P W L TPts^% 4 ~ 4 0 0 -8-100 13 T2 0 1 25 96 13-10-^2-U2L 13 7 6 0 14 14 6 7 1 13 13 1 9 3 5 14 0 12 2 2 4 0 4 0 0 .-81- 54 46 19 7 0 Last week's scoi;es: ̂ Westenders 15, Crimpers 3. Norvanites, 15, Nifties Oo. Three Plys 14, M ftieir4. W EST VANCOUVER S h ee t M etal W o rk s Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners Phone W est 39 n e l s o n s l a u n d r i e s L T O r ®RY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) C. C. FINNEY, W est Vancouver Representative Phone West 782 and Driver will call. The Council last Monday night on the recommendation of Coun- ; ' cillor Ray, Chairman of Trans- • ̂portation, decided to give ferry q Smith ('W) masters, mates deck hands and. j/B rad ley (S) eng in^rs d a p a week work q Bradley (H) in order that those employees - - ' out off on account o f the curtail ment of the service might secure employment.^ No -new staff are being taken' on. Councillor Ray also suggested shade trees be planted on the south side of Ambleside Park and the beaches be. improved to attract visitors a n d s o . help, transportation sys^m . Referred to the Engineer for estimate. T. Gardinall (Nor) E. Livsey (W) M. McDowell (S) A. Coy (Nor) B. Milne (TP) J. Masterman (S) P. K err (W) The Big Ten P 18 78 72 '78 24 78 72 84 76 '24 VW: 18 70 62 66 20 60 52 58 50 15 .100 00 .86 85 83 '77: 72 69 66 63 COUNCIL NOTES a B ennett's BAKERY (foiuiurly Stratlwus) SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 25c n doz, m riT E R C U U ST BREAIV Scotch Pancakes, Scones, A bernethy's and Oat (>akes 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 H ollyburn T hea tre TIIUUSDAY AND FRIDAY SATURDAY MATINFF I'Vhi'iinry Ist. 2nd nnd 3rd RK'IIARD ORFFNE NAN('Y KUl.hY ' Subm arine P a t r o l ' SA'l'UKDAY FVFN1.NG l•'('l̂ lTmry 3i'd AKIM TAMIROFF " RIDE A CROOKED M ILE" MONDAY, TUFSDAY ami . . WFDNFSDAY . Fubruary OLli, Otli and 7th Goodbye Mr. Chips' (Olid lyM'I'di'inalicd only uach ('vyiiing at 8 inni.) FOR IJMITlS^ TIMF <)NLY Sawdust S3vO 0^ u tiit- Sackeci Fresh Out No.. I Pij.ro'^Fir We do not handle storago saw- du.st.' PJione-iiow while iprice.s are low W OOD an d COAL SPENCER'S FUELS 812 Kith Street Office at Marino Drive West 582 - PHONE - We.st 582 ^V ERN O N - FEED-STORE -- -- A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9_ - - ----- Fertilizers of Ail Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, '*-A . ' , Builders' Supplies ^S 7-H rS R IG L T 5Y ~ Painter and Decorator 1706 Marine Drive in the Store occupied by , The Florence Studio.s Phone Weeb 938 N ellie Harrison A.T.C.M. Special Diploma \ • Teacher of ^ PIANO and THEORY Residency, Studio:. 1955 Inglewood Avenue, W est 1056-L ~Preinix f o r - y o u r -DRIVEWAYS ro a d MATERIALS LIMITED 1141 ■ - .„ .. j iu p ELLIS, W est 160-y EXPERT Watch and Glock^ , REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) . __ 1522 Marine Drive L. H. Braim wa,s pre.scnt to speak to his le tte r /o f January: 26th, 1940 re acces,^ to lot.y 9 and 1-0,-Blbck U X . a i } 89. He. was informed the matter would be considered in Commitr tee and he would, be advised-the result. • /1 ■ Decision: Request referred for consideration when the Board of Works Estimates are prepared. _, A new way to do eggs is some thing you don't find very often. To 'flu£ELeggs,_separate-^nd beat salted egg whites until stiff. For each serving, pile a beaten white oi^a well buttered, piece of toast.. Drop an egg yolk in the centre and bake for 15 minutes in la _moderate oven ( 3 5 0 F.). r n s i m i t ?