• ■ V I C T O R ) Established over IS y ^ s . Established over 18 years.Newspaper Circulcttifig in the D istrict of West Vancouver^^Amh/esidey ̂ Holly burn ̂ Weston ̂ Dundarave $1.00 per year. C ypveSS Park, Caulfeild, Whytecli/f, Etc. - 5c per copy Voi. XIV HOLLYBURN P.O , WEST VANCOUVfilfC B.C^THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1st* 1940 I No. 42 7 THE TOURIST P. D. Q. CAFE I. 0 . 1). E. ' Tiu» tourist industry is one of the largest sources of rM'ei i • ill Canada. And, as is proved by Government stat- ' of it comes from the United States. Taken on Va inos American travel in the holiday season proceeds r t i e M to the British Isles and Europe ;and the 0 this broad land of ours. This year and probably for sev2 * 1 years the war will deflect the first stream ; r ni wl-i which with th a t which normally holidays with us ."nflwult'in our cities and countryside being filled with Am- pricsn bmrists diiring the warmer months. ^ , This is especially im portant to the ppople of British Col- nnihia licniuse there is no province in Canada which is so rich ■ naUiral beauty of sea and mountain, oh river and lake, as pro is none which offers so many opportunities to the ardent himler^ind aiigler. And the American does not come to see our cities, which with a few exceptions are but smaller replicas of his own. . ' 1 /« • u.' uThe particularly mountainous brand ot scenery ,m which oiir'urovincG excels'and of which it is so full is useless from the standpoint of cultivation, and were it not fo r the rich lodes of minerals found there,' we should be poor indeed.. As it is,; since in this age of motor travel the tourist is only anxious to see our mountains and forests from the seat of his oar, it follows that to. a ttrac t him hither we must have many miles of paved or surfaced highways. . The announcement, therefore, th a t the Big Bend High way is expected to be ppen to traffic.by summer will be of more than passing interest. This highway follows the great northern bend of the Columbia River between the Towns of Revelstoke and Golden. I t is 195 .miles in length, and on com pletion will form the final link in the western-half of the Trans- Canada Highway which will ultimately extend from Halifax to Vancouver, a' distance of approximately 3500 miles. The new road which as a development almost ranks -with the completionmf the first transcontinental railway more than half a century ago will open to the motorist a truly alpine world of magnificent mountain ranges, snowfields, and glaciers, including the snow-capped Selkirks and the giant peaks which form part of the Great Divide. I t is the old stamping ground -of_t-he4ui^tr-aders-and--gold=seeka^^oljeaHy. WeeteimJ^Ian.adiai^. I.niEHAI. ASSOCIATION 1\1EETIN(J The P. p . Q. Gale,'G22 Howe The regular monthly meeting . ------- --- Su'eet, solicits the palronage ol Duncan Lawson Chapter, A general moeling of Iho West Vancouver n'sidenls, sit- l.Q.D.E. will be held in the home West Vaneouver Liberal A.s- uated as it is across trom the of Mrs. W. B. Small on the after- .socialion will be held at 8 p.ni. Municipal Bus Stop. Lunches, noon of Monday, February 5th. next Monday, February 51h, in dinners and afternoon leas are ijno to the fact that the first I he Legion Hall. 'I'lio business served, and there is also teacup Monday of each month is the to ciiine before (lu' meeting will reading by the Marcliioness, 1.)'- regular meetinjij® day of the . be I lie Nominating (kmventiopo. chapter, the seeing convenor. All meniluM's are reiiuesled to Mrs. J. B. l.Aiyland, wishes to aUeiul. . Autier de la Rochebriant. The cafe is under the personal man agement of Mrs. D Prest, late of the P. D. Q. Gafef'Norlh Van couver, and Ed. Green, both of whom were for,a time connected with the P. D. Q. Cafe in West Vancouver. An adVortisement relative to the above appears in this issue. .. ' call the attention of the mem bers of the, Red Gross sewing group to the fact that no rneet- ing will be held on Monday next, but will be held oil the 12th, 19th, and 26th inst. at 2,p.m. HOLLYBURN HALL A (diildren's and Young Peo- lile's Service illustrated by lan- BU RN SN IG H TA . GREAT SUCCESS The annual meeting ot the in nri*wi)>\rv in TiniivDuncan Lawson Chaptei- will be (I'nilay), in Holly- held on the evening of Tuesday, February 13th a t 7:30 in the Clachan, 25th and W aterfront. This meeting will be of special clays, and, as such possesses a_rich background of explor^ation and I conquest. Not only will it prcivide a . direct route from Western Ontario and the Prairie Provinces to the Pacific Coast, but it will bring Lake Louise, Banff and Jasper within easy reach of Vancouver and th e coast cities of the^United States. There should be, therefore, a large increase in the motor travel through Vancouver this summer, unless the war takes a particularly tragic turn . And, as every motorist passing through Vancouver will cross the Lions Gate Bridge and pro ceed to Horseshoe Bay, W est Vancouver should share in the increase. Of course, i t has been frequently^ stated th a t the average tourist in passing through our municipaity does not even buy gasoline. But th a t is because, as we have stated on niore than one occasion, there is nothing to make him stop off . except the scenery ^ i c h he can see as he drives along. Other ' places of far less natural scenic beauty manage to keep the visiting tourist within their boundaries for a t least days if not weeks. It is up to us to follow the ir .^methods and example. , It was a real BunisLiiight_at---importance to Imperial Order the , Inglewood Auditorium' on Daughters of the Empire, as the Friday. Everybody there who date is known as "Founders was a Scot was proud of it, while Day." ■ th e , Sassenabhs present, o f By calling the convenor, Mrs. whom there were a goodly num- W alter Gourlay R.N., West 664Y ber felt sorry they weren't. The any interested woman in the dinner was an excellent one and community may - register in a the Haggis, played in by Pipe- new "beginners class" now form- Major Wm. Lamont of the Sea-- ing for a course in Red Cross forths, seemed to - be especially Home Nursing, which is to begin popular, as were the other items next week. Evening class every on the. menu" peculiar, to Scot- Monday at 8 p.m. Afternoon , land. • A spirit of good fellow- class on Wednesdays a t 2 p.m. ship prevailed throughout' the Dr. A rthur C. Nash lectured to evening, which with the 'good a large class on Tuesday evening , food and the witty addresses last who have nearly completed ^ iven bxA,hQ5eJjL_charge_of-the__tVî ir p.onr.se in home nursing. burn Hall, the speaker being J. Andei'son. Services next Suii- ,day, February dthy . will be as follows: 10 a.iii., Suiiday School; 11 a.111., Breaking of Bread; 7 :30 p.ni., Gospel Service, this meet-' ing to be conducted by the Gospel Messengers' Quartette, who broadcast eacli Sunday over C .1 0 R from 4:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.iif. T'uesday, February 6th, jirayer meeting and Bible Study. C. C. F. CAMPAIGN A largely a ttend ed la nd en- thusiastic C. C. F. Campaign meeting of th e xN orth Shore clubs wa$'held in N orth Vancou-- ver om Monday evening last in support ] of : the candidiite G. G ran t MaeHoiLdTr tl^^ fortheqm - various toasts-m ade'the-dinner A First. Aid; team formerly, in- mg Federal Election. ̂ ̂ ~ an outstanding success.- ' structed by Dr. Nash gave a - ' Arrangements were* made lor The Rev. Harry Lennox gave splendid and most helpful dem- Meetings in the Legion 1 eloQuent address on "ThA Im- nnsir-nf.inn for the benefit of the Hal, Friday, rebf'uary 23rd, and V a)n eloquent address on "The Im- onstr-atiori for the benefit o f the mortal Memory," illustrating his nursing class. points from time to time w i t h ------------------------- excerps from the poet's works. . COUNCIL NOTES 'He..said tha t Burns, a lover of ----̂ -- the :&imple life, expressed the in- CLERK'S R EPLIES: - articulate feelings, thoughts, and West Vancouver Welfare As- desires of the people, so display-, sociation, undated. Annual-meet ing the common bond which ing, February 1st, 1940.. _ in the. Orange Hall, Monday, March 25th. G ran t. MacNeil will address both meetings, and will bo sup- portefTby prominent siieakei'.s of the.C.C.F. unites not only Scots but all mankind. Hence the universal ity of his poems. - Councillor J. Richardson acted To'reply th a t as many of the ' Council as find it possible will V ' THE HIGHLANDS CAFE & COFFEE SHOI' JUSSI BJOERLING IN CITY RECITAL Jussi Bjoerling; young Swed ish tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Company, who will be heard in recital here Monday,. February. 5th, at the Auditorium -has,_at_the=early_age-of-twenty--^ eight, one of the most complete operatic repertoires of "all times;. Already he knows and has ap peared in over fifty-four roles, an extraordinary feat for one so young. . ' . For his; first year a t the Met-; I'opolitan Opera, where he was fhe youngest a rtist to receive a Suest contract for principal parts, General Director Edward Johnson asked Bjoerling to pre- Part "La Boheme," "Rigoletto" . and "II Ti'ovatore" as i t should sung; that is, h itting the U s and sustaining them in uil. voice; Jussi Bjoerling-can -- to-a-high G-and -hold -it. - n trovatore" began to suffer ̂s a box office attraction when . ors transposed their arias seemed to lose its fhn W S otherartists in the three E i f but it is hoped fS s ir^^ii B j^ rlin g 's ef. W . It will be revived,to its former popularity. - ^ ■ suf- • an the same way. is son W i "̂i Edward John.' Bori ID .^ '̂ y^^ang with Lucrezia' • Mr. Johnson S w confidence in , Pi*ophesied a won derful future for his youngest a rtist, and asked him to leai^n the part of Romeo in French, as well as the name part in '"Faust." Tickets are now on. sale a t Kelly's Piano Store, 632 Gran ville Stfeet.***- ROBERT-MIHTGN HUSBAND PASSES The body of Robert "Milton Husband w as.found at .10:15 a.m. Saturday leaning against the back fence of his home a t 1640 Fulton Ave., where he liy^d alone, his wife having pre- ■ deceased him several years ago. L^eath had apparently come to him suddenly Friday night on his .return f r o m visiting a friend's home, which he had left a t about 11 p.m. in the best of"' health. - The deceased,, who was ■ born in Halton County, Ontario, 78 years ago, had lived here for thirty-five years and was one of the -oldest employees of the Board of Works, from which he retired on superannuation, a few years ago: He is survived by four brothers, W. IL, of Clover- dale, B. C.; C. E., of Wawota, Sask.; A. P., of Claydon, Sask., ' and J. F., of Guelph, "Ont. Funeral services were held a t 1 p.m: Tuesday from the Holly- burn Funeral Home of Harroh Brosv Ltd. the Rev. W. L.--Me--- Kay officiating - and interm ent . was made in Capilano View Cemetery. attend. . ; The Highlands Cafe and Col- ■ J; S; Matthews, City Archivist, - fee Shop opens on Saturday of as chairman and toastm aster,^ January 19th, 1940. James At- this week, February 3rd,' a t the -and the program was„as follows: kinson Woodward, Plenty, Sask. old .stand at 13th' and Marine Grace, J. W. ,Banks; Address to To acknowledge with thanks Drive, where,breakfasts, lunches, the Haggis, Wm. S. Mitchell; the and inform, the writer that the teas and dinners will be avail- King, the Chairman; Song, "Wat- Council are forwarding to Mr. able a t modest prices'. Only first- kin Mossman; Chairman's re - ' Woodward a recent issue of the quality foods served. yit^:or S. marks;- Duet, Mfs7"Jean McMa- local .paper giving fuir'details of Waram, the new proprietor, has han and Mrs. McNeil; The Im- the progress of the Municipality many, years' experience in this morta Memory, R^v. Harry Len- in the last few years. line, having been for fifteen .. nox; Recitation, David Burton; To write James Atkinson years assistant manager of the Land of Our Adoption, "Trustee Woodward'a'n<d^jnform_him that Empress Hotel in Victoria and Donald McTayish; Reys p o n s e, the Council have read with much for the past ten years secretary --Magistrate--"Gordon-=R-o b-S 0 n ; pleasure"T5f~the"connect!on of his ahd" m aha^r~()f the TeiWinaP Song,-- Watkin Mossman; Oor family and himself with West City Club in Vancouver, from Ain Toon, Principal J. R. Mitch-'. Vancouver and th a t should 'he which position he recently re- ell; Response, Reeve J. B. Ley- come toi West Vancouver at any signed. He is a re.sidcni of West land; Duet, Mrs. Jean McMahon time and present himself at the Vancouver,i and -will be a.ssisted and Mrs. McNeil; The Lassies, Municipal Hall members of the in the ckfe, by His wife and John Bruce; Response, Mrs. . Council will be .very glad indeed daughter. He solicits the patron- .Harold, Lang; Recitation David to meet him. / - age of the public. Burton. Mrs. D. J, Stephenson B n i t i s h Pacific Properties, ̂ acted as accompanist. ' Ltd., January 22nd, 1940. Bus Following the clearing away of transportation, Capilano Estates. of the tables the remainder of To reply th a t this matter is ------------ the eveninjg was spent in danc- receiving consideration and they ̂ Moving pictures in technicolor, ing, when the dans had a royal will be advised-the-result later, including the Royal Visit to time stepping to the music of J. W. R attray, January 25th, Vancouver, will be shown a t 8 the Tartan. Mountaineers, who, 1940. Lane northside of Esejui- p.m. next Tuesday, the 6th in- among other numbers, played m alt Avenue between 18th and stant, a t the West Vancouver .several reels and other Scotch 19th Streets. ' ̂ Baptist Church under the aus- Applicant to be advised that pices oP the West Vancouver Y. the Council a t the^present time W. C. T. U. The program will have no fundsi available, for the include music and' readings. Sil-^ opening of lanes. ver collection. THE ROYAI> VISIT IN TECHNICOLOR dances in real Scottish fashion. BRITISH - ISRAEL Mrs. Brereton of North Van couver, .will be the speaker a t the regular weekly meeting, of the Dundarave Branch of the B.- LAID OVER: C. J. Archer Ltd. January- V. O. N. -----annual meeting of I: World Federation, 25th .and 33, Block 6 WJ/2, D.L, 775 W 100. V. 0. N. will be held at 2:30 Marine Drive, Monday, Febru- N. A. M. E. of Canada. Janu- p Thursday, February 8th, ary 5th. The subject: "Qur ary 19th, 1940. Mutual extension Legion Hall. Anyone in- Great Adversary," You should of existing Engineering agree- terested will be very welcome.. hear this very ip e f^ tin g ad- ment for T940. ,,. " " .............. ^ _________ dress. Prayer Meeting on Thurs- For transportationm eeting. a r, r, rday at -8 o'clock. fWednesrisy B. C. Electric. Rly. Co, Ltd. A. E Brown, January :6th, -a-^mooH-Stud-y-Group^ith-Mrsl--January_ 5th,. West 1040. Ac<̂ sb to Sub. Lot L, Lot 'Gorni.sh at 2:30. You are cordi- Vancouver ^Municipality Orna- . 3, Block 19^JXL. 008L / 2. ally invited to any and all of m entaPStreet Lighting. 13th to For the Board of Works esti- 'these meetings.*** ' - . - ' 19th Streets, Marine Drive.. . mates.