i f<- If I nI' ! r-, : ,'» -I'J .Hft': d I. ̂ (.-,1 ■ i -*' 1̂1 ' I jj, "j i 'if ; -' i?;(.jf 1 ' ■ h '̂ 'it. n :|':L'3-4?- WM'$ ,■ •*(, il ?rIt[i: 5 • ?!' 11 ■■ V '̂•f : iMy'0'̂ . li® 'l- ir̂ L "̂ SIIE '-M 'f "' -'Ik :■iti :fit-Mlt-: ■ _l 4m THE WEST VAN NEWS Januaty 25. 1940. "illBJIMI S M IT H S M A R K E T pv i:: w =rriii'"-'-'-A ;~H arveir-Sm ltli--~'M ;^tir;w ait«6- Fr«c Delivery Scrric* » MontitJr Account PRICKS cool) FOR FRIIMY & aSATHtDAV, Jan. 26th & 27th f . iMrge piit. 22cUJX FLAKK8..... HOMAN MKAI. Dr. JackMMi'M ................... pkit. It2c PINK HADMON--Fancy quality 2 Tali No. 1 tIriH ....................... 25c qPICK f)ATH fi ll». Hack 30c COHN FLAKKH--KcIIokk'h FHFK (Vrcal Im>w| with 3 pkta. 25c FI N KA IMM.F^Hinuaporc .Sliced .................... . 2 16*02. tliu 19c FD.MFKJN -- Niil«)h 17 ounce tin .............................. He . HAHDINRS - CiinHiJIun .2 tliia, lie 1)1 CKD HUFri'H 17 0 2 . tin 9c OHAFKFHDIT . 1 for 1.5c HIINKIHT OHANCFH-- .Me<]iunt Hi/e ...................(lo/en 21c l.urKc Size........... ...........dozen 26c IHd A While HtlUF.S--Vegetable or Torniilo . .1 tiiia 2.'k* " 1 2 llna 90c Hed A" While FKAClIKH--Hnlvea ̂ 2 IH'OZ. liiiH 29c MEATS Fhutu; We«t .170 Free Delivery llKFF * - * Crndc A and A1 FOHK • * I.A.MH • * * ' VF-AI. FOWL A ClilCKKN Groin Ftd Top Quality Milk Fedr' ' I Grade A FHFSH FI.SII DAILY DKI.ICATEBBKN ( lou rleiif lender Hotter C:i.AMS < hopped W/i oz tin, each lie Whole No. I till, eacli..l5c AI'I'I.KS SITI7. \1 At S 6 1I)M. 2.5c; per box $1.50 lljH. 2.5c; per box $1.K5̂ RIJORY Rarhhu'k IhI XV H, Varnity II; Riirhlaek 2nd XV 0, Rowinjî Club Hi, 2'). 0. I). K. , J( w'jiH il HiTut (liHplay which Iht; firHlM put up iiKiiinHl Vorwity hint Saturday at the .Stadium. d)c.spitc iK'intj: wu'thout Isaacs, Jerry Hrown, Alcxantler and Miltfs they wen* in, the running .•ilflil up tc, no-mde, 11 iH hoped «r maKSizines aild timl, (or this fiatur. ay s cncoiin- , Halifax to the S<'C- It) I > î iu I tf lii 4nik l.tfiotvi I\«i4 .« « «■ I t T-k*/f...<■<»• . ........ .......ter on Amhic.sido the team, but for (jarnoy Smith (cracked rih.s), will h(> at full strenHth, since defeat by th<! Meralomas will put them ouf of the runningr for the City (Championship. 'rhi's .Saturday (he Seconds play IVo-Rec.s at I.)oui?lus (.3:00 p.ni.). In their kTime atfainst Rowing: Club bust w'cek they were hot Ho'fai* behind as the .score would indicate. Their line was only crosseil live times and in 14 of "the (flub points w'er<* two smartly taken drop proals. T'alu'u from a I'ecent.issue of tin- . Daily Province. (iuote, "jjnokiiiK backward . , . War's not news to the I.O.D.K. Way bark in February, 1002, the first edition of "Kchoes," official or- ;ran of (he Imperial DauKbter.s of I be Knipire, reported that the inlant oi'Kani/.ation ha'd .sent nine PalacJavji cajr.s and .six large and MUNIClFAIJTY 01' WEST VANCOUVKK NOTICE OF FUULIC IIEAHING He FropoMtHl Amendment, to the ZoiiiiiK Hy-law Notice i.H hereby givc'u that pur-' Huant to the provi.Hioim of the Town PtanninK AeL a lueotiiiK of the Coun cil of the Corporation'hf the District, of VVest Vancouver will bo liohl in the Council. Chnniher at the Municipal Hall, 17th ar.tl Esquimalt- Avenue, on Tiiesflay, January .'JOth, IP-IU, com- moneiu}; at 7:00 p.m., to consider pro- po.Hed ^uuendmeuts to Zoning- Hy-law Nos -178, a.s set out in the coj)y of the proposed Amendment Hy-law No. 8.'Ui, quoted below. , Went Vancouver "Zoning Hy-law = No. 47H, 19.11," Amendment Hy-law' No. 8.1t». .1940. WHEREAS after considering the recommendation.s of the Wo.st V.nncou- ver Town Planning Commission it..ap- pears--advisable - and--expedient--to- 6ii(i ■ (i'uiadian Mounted Rifles fighl itig •'the Boers ill; South Africa," Umiuote. , Present: The f'rovincial I. 0. I).!-:. Wai-' Work Committee has alivady knitted more than 2500 j)onnd.s (>f wool into soldiers' (•.enifoft.s since the declaration of war, Si'.pteihber 3rd, 1039, and tile local Duncan Lawson Chap ter, l.();I).L., under the conven- orship of Mrs, J. Br Ley land, has knitli'd into Field ("omforts in excess'of 2,5.pounds of wool since (lie forming of-the chapter's' Red Cro.ss Unit, October 19th, 1939, with Ml'S. Blair JVI, CJerk a.s convener. Meml>ers,̂ )f this chap ter's sewing group wifi please note that in the future meet ings will be held on every Mon day of the nunith, in the.Dun- darave School at 2 o'clock. The- knitters' regular meeting will be held every'second Monday of the month at the above hour, but, a very .special invitation is extend ed them to meet with the sewing group weekly if they care to do so. Remember; beginning Monday the '2 2nd, meetings will be held \yeekly. , Note: Following the conclusion of lecture classes in dietetics held oh Monday afterifoons, the regular olsse.s in Red Cross Nurs ing, with Mrs. D. A. Jay instruct ing. Will be resumed VVodnesday afternoon next, January 31st, at 2 p.m. .MUNICIRALITY RKDKKMK $136,000 WORTH R0NDJ> The. Corporation of the Dis trict of. Wô iiVanf̂ .Hi ver has this month redeemed .$135,000 s ' w'orth of ita debenture.s. 01 the.% $126,000 were on the Brothers Creek Bylaw ami $10,000 on the 14th Street Wharf LEGION NOTES 'During the past week the local branch of the lA*gion j)ut on two nights of entertainment: Friday evening the hall w'as filled to capacity witli members, ex-.scrvice men and their friends who were kept fully entertained every minute <>f.,tw;o, hours by a sound film sHow'ing of the Royal Visit from tl|e time the Itoyal party embarked at Ports mouth,, England, right through to Victoria, B.(̂ . ami back through Canada to . the States and back again to ('aiiada until their embarkation on Ibis side of the Atlantic for their home land, news, comics and other, full lepgth'featnrcs such as "The Silent Enemy,'- a native Indian picture which, was particularly interesting. These piotures'Ave.r.e shown by the'Fraser Valley Milk Produc ers, Ltd. ' Saturday evening about eighty members of the Ix̂ gion, and the Ladies' Auxiliary speni-a* most enjoyable time when UmM.mem- bersh'ip gave a return suppeFand entertainment to the Ladies' Auxiliary. . From 8 p.m. (ill 10 p.m. .the party were entertained by Bar ney's six-piece, orchestra, and their troup of Mexican and tap dancers and singer. At 10 p.m. a supper was served in the dining hall below, iRb tables being load ed down with good eats ̂ of all kinds, thanks f)o contTilmtions by our member.s. After the toast to the King the party continued its entertainment and dancing ... 0 ti] midnight. Eyei-yone at the party had a really good time. This bi'anch of the Canadian Legion invites application "for membership from, unattached ex-service rifen in the. district to he Ip u s i n t h e work th at sti 11 re- mains undone as regards veteran problems of the last 'War, and now new and perhaps more.dif- . fioult problems which, may con front our boy^who will shortly be fighting tlfis present war. Come along fellow ̂ and let's get acquainted. S e rv ic e l u m b e r Q » a U ty SASH A POORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PAINT BUILDERS* ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE SUPPUES Affittas .. .1 CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. V^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER C9* LTD. 15th & M a r i n e D r i v e Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED ADS *t'i. fftr ('laasiGeo AdfartlMtoenta is 1. cenU per word, minimum h.*tag r « o l « . e c u . . , . .11 cl„„. ^ ^ "llomBmlJLr^CUaHfl^ ̂ in the West Van News get ^m ediate resulta. at West Vancouver any time ny appointment. West 403. l.ElicV T. MASTKIiMAN NOT'ARY Real Estate. Insurance, ull nranen Canadian Company. WestOS, 111.' FOR SALE -- 7 Room House <>« Mar ine Drive; living room, dining room, ' kitchen, 4 bed rooms, place, full basement, sun porcli, only .$2500, terms. . Large Lot with creek in Dundarave, district, wnrivirLAWSON, w a l k e r West Vancouver Pioneer Realtors Est. 1905. . . _ Phone West 55. 0pp. Hollyburn F.U. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine-- ■ Purple , Heather, Tiger, Moimrch Wool, Beehive Baby Wool, Knitting Neeclles, Books, Crochet ' Cotton, Hand-Knit Baby. Woollens.______ PAINTING AND DECORATING --• Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, West 1022-L. _______ ■ GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & , Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. -G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN W. h ; VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block.________ MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. WANTED T - Girl for housework; . sleep out. West 66. ______ - FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 LOST --r- Boy's Brown Raincoat on . 25th, Tuesday. "Kelsey." "West ' 585-L-l.___________________- FOUND -- Small black terrier on ' 22nd Street, Jan. 17th.. Phone West 414-R-l. ■ At the meeting of the North' Shore Lo.cal Ck)unoil of Women held in the North Vancouver Club Rooms on, Monday .after noon, J. A. Bramham, Pfovihcial Lecturer of the B. C..,Bfanch of TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD amend "Zoning.Bv-law,No. 478, as follow.s: • " NOW THEREFORE the Reeve atid Council of the Corponitiori of the District of West Vancouver in open meeting us.semblod ENACT .\S FOL LOWS: 1. Th is I fv - la w__jiuW-4H*-rfteTl"foFliTl -----purposes ns "West Vancouver Zon- Guests invited to attend the Birthday,Banquet at the Clach- an at ():30 p.m. Monday, 29th in.stant, include,: Mrs. A. M." Watt, M.B.E., guest--speaker, .JDeaai'--Alr̂ Jî IIort, /Judge Helen McGill, Miss Evelyn Murphy, UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING The .annual meeting of the. United (ihurch of. West Vancou ver was held last Wednesclay night. A good attendance incli- the Canadian Forestry- AssMi- cated a lively"interest in the af- ation, i^ve "̂a very instructive, fairs of the congregation. Re- lecture illustrated by some won- ports from alLthe various organ- derful films in connection with izations within the church were -the- 1 orests-- and^unior--Forest- evidenc€"~of'°Tnuclr"aotivity~and vyardens. Some parts of Aus- a goodly measure of achieve- tralia.were also shown, the ani mals of Africa, Mickey Mouse and the vi.sit of the King and Queen. Mrs. J. D. Mobden reported on ment During the year a new resi dence has been erected for the minister, the exterioi* of the church, has been painted . and daughter of the late Judge Emily Murphy of Edmonton, Mrs. J. B. I^yhuid, T'rustee Mrs. M; A, O'Donnell. Mrs, H. Hooper, pix̂ si- dent North Shore Local Council of Women, and Mrs. Finder Moss, ing Hy*ln\v No. 478, Amcntl- mont By-law No. 836. 1940." The following lots to be mldi'd to and mmlo a part of tho (X)M- MERCIAL DISTRICT";~ Lota 49. 60, 51. 52, 63, 64, 56. andfiOA of District UU 1039. ' «uvi i.n i uiuei U)tA 1, 2, and 3, of Rosub. of fot A' pi'<JSident Point Grey Towns- of the East Half of Block 3 of women's Guild. Enaierly 100 Acres of District u>t Members are requested to till. A-K„d B of UI 20 of Diooi.-., ' not later-tHan-' ■ " ' Friday. JGlhjnstant________ the proposed Oakalla Auxiliary other renovations carried outi and , Mrs. BrimnrnmK<i ----: t___ 1__and, Mrs. Brinoacbmbe received donations towards the neighbor- hoo(l house and reported that light had' now been installed in the building. Mrs. Lindsay gave a favorable report on Laws and Morals. -----af_UieUl'>8terly-100-Acre.s-='t>f--Dis.r trict I.A>t 654. PASSED by Uie Coumul on the iruK 2-i ^ R L C O N- biDLREB and tinally adopted bv the' Council. SIGNED, by the Reeve' and Clerk and SEALED with the Corpor ate Seal of the said Corporjition all on the day of A.D. 1940, Reeve Cierk'.' ' ^11 persons who deem themselves atl^wtod-by the proposed amendments will be afforded an opportunity to be hoard by the Codncil on anv matters relating thereto____ - - : Dated at West Vancouver, B. C this ir>th day of January, 1940 '. W, HERRIN.. . , * Municipal Clerk. HOLLYBURN HALL .......... . A Young People's Service il lustrated with lantern views will be held at 7:15 p.m to-morrow (Frida,v)» in Hollyburn Hall. Next Sunda.v, January'28Hi, at 10 am. there will be Sunday School and Y'oung Pople's l^ le Glass, and aU the 7:30 p.m. ser vice that day Harold Summers will give a Gospel address. Mrs. Ian Rat hie will speak !i0xt Wednesday afteriioon at 2:30 to the ladies. She is a mis sionary from Santa Domingo, w.r. Sixty new members, have, been added to the Communion Roll.: $929,00 was contnbuted tblm̂ sionary enterpidses â mittee On local̂ ̂ that it had iniriistered . . . . practical ways to the sick and' A joint mwiing of the North peedy in the community. No part of the work showed more- ente îrise than the work among -the- young people. " 'l ê / meeting itself Was notable for •the number of young people presept and, for the proportion • of these elected to the new man aging board. The church is - quite aware of the:pressing needs of these times V̂est Vancouver Refugee Committee will be held- at the _home_ofJMrŝ F.-A.-W-alkeiv 2455 King's Avenue, on Monday next, (29th instant),, at 2:30 p.m. A good turnout is requested as Dr. W, -G. Black of the U.B.C. will address'the gathering. to attend New Westminster Local Council On CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, ragi, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91, WANTED -- Listings of houses for rent or sale. Clients waiting. H. A. ROBERTS LTD., (West,, Van. Specialists) 4447 Marine Drive West 54C CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; • brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. . WILL TRADE seven room modern home, close in, for sm.aller house and assume mortgage. Phono West 548-M. ________• , NOTARY PUBLIC (Complete Notarial Service) Reginald P. Blower, J.P., 1405 Marine. : 'West 21, 204-M.________ w e s t e r n WOODWORKERS--store and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. West 780, West ddtf-R. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Firej Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--^Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. J. EbWARD"SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone -^West-21.--or_West-553.R-l._____ _ _ through whick the world is pass- 13th February, in Queens Ave. ing, hut it purposes to look upon them as a challenge to its mem- bers' uinitedjst^ not as ah excuse for any\failure. In the ̂ spirit of loyalty io Christ devotion to their immediate duty as . they see it, they press on into 1940, the tweiftŷ firatc yê ai* of their work as a United Church ip West Vancouver. United Church was received Intimation was made of the meeting of the Council-of Social Agencies to be Jield at Welfare Headqiuuiers, 1675 10th Ave nue West. Vancouver, on Febrii-̂ ' ao\ 9th; when Mis&_Cl)4 i'lotbe \̂hltton, Ottawa, will be the guest speaker. ' WANTED Canvassers for popular household article to self in West Vancouver. Liberal cpmmission. Box 20. . West Van News. STORE FOR RENT -- 1892 Marine; reasonable rent; West 648-M. F()R RER'IT .p--̂ Seven rooms, close in, reasonable rent. West 548-M. WEST-A^ANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- ROL---- Sure protection; reasonable rates. West 927-R.________ ' UPPER CAPILANO -- Bargain 2Vi ' 'acres, new 2 room cottage, electric light, and log cabin, big snap, $425. ■ Just listed for qui^_.sale, particu larly attractivei "waterfront ■ home- site in very desirable location, $1800 Exclusive Agents C. J; ARCHER LTD., ^ West 225 \ Trinity 3063 , LOST --̂ Large tabby cat, white chest, phone West 1000. • ______ TO RENT -- Garage, phone West 523-R, evenings. _____________ DRESSMAKING -- Ladies' Suits,- Coats, Dresses, Children's Clothes, specializing-alterations,-make--overs.,_ Robbins, .West 619-R. ________ FOR SALE -- Cream enamelled Me- Clary Triumph Range, used two months, $37.50. ' Phone West 719._ LOST -- AU black kitten last Friday, 19th. Phone West 26-L-2. ^ FOR RENT--Modem five-room bung- alow near ferry. West 217-M. _ LOST -- Gold Ring, Inglewood, Hth to 15th . to Fulton. Reward. 107-L, evenings.______ __________ WORK WANTED -- Afternoons, by educated woman. Box 30, West v a News._________ ' ________ _____ La r g e h ig h v ie w lot pn line, partially cleared, water laid 1 -- $550 for-quick sale----- --------------- H. FALLOWS REALTY, West 912; West 243-M -3.__ PEMBERTON REALTY c6. LTD' Established 50 V971 < 418. Howe St. , .. Trinity Local represeiltative, F. Lay 2436 Bellevue Ave.. West 522- ^ FOR SALE -- Female goat. 9 months ' bid. Apply Mrs. O. Pearson, and Mathers Avenue. __ HELP WANTED -- Responsible as mother's help, 5 hours per ® one child. Girl living vicinity Bay or Sandy Gove preferred. 32, West Van News. - ■ -- LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED^ Special machine; repairs.^_9*.4g. West Vancouver Machme Shop, rM -----