r . ■ Comc,in .an^lJI^JtfsJ.ytrt ̂ KOOLERWAVE actu«Uy ia «ooler, quicker, safer--and that it lasts because it la so much closer to the head. 13/0 Marine Drive "Across from Safeway'* Phone W est 331 ,, Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club the Highlands Calc and cjciiccts Monday ■ announced their enU'y ANNOUNCING 'I'lio opening of a Distributing Shop for the convenience■■■■»: j ̂ w«* ot' Nolili and West Vancouver citizens with J. H. Butler in fliargc- ' Call or Phone for Sales and Service. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 152!) Marine Drive Phone West 1041 to open same early next week.: Hi' <1 ' * * First Aid Classes of St. John's Ambulance will be resumed on Thursday, February 1st, at 7:30 p.m. in the Inglewood Library. Lieutenant and Mrs. Peter ..Jxrossman and daughter of New ■ Westminster, spent the week end at the Clachan. Ed Black returned on Monday in next wtHik-end's Noseeums Kandahar race on Grouse Moun tain. In Jack Pratt, Ed. Oakley, ^Steven Harrison nd Kon Lien, the Hollyburners huvjD a fast and capable team which may sur prise some of the veterans. Graham--Dickinson The wedding took place bn December (Hit at Tatla Lake, B.C., of William R. Graham, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. to h\s home at 25tli mid Marine Graham of Tatla Lake, B.C.. to Drive alter spondiiiK two weeks Joyce J., twin (lausMer of Mr. Shaughnessyas a patient in Military Hospital.. .. IN <¥ ♦ ■ Noel Traill. 2526 Marine Drive, is confined to, his home through sickness. ■N 4i * " THE CLACHAN " TEA and BRIDGE 25c J)oo.s,it appeal to you? Phone and'Let us know. MR.,, and MRS. T; P, FISHER ' ' Phone Wost , 604 Thirteen plays, a dance revue,, orchestra selections and the ad judicators', remarl̂ s will mark ANNUAL MEETING - (West Vancouver Branch) ' MONDAY, JANUARY 29lh, at 8:30 P.M. at the home of Mrs. Ricardo, 3602 Creery Ave., West Bay All members and interested (parties, are asked to, attencU Burrard LaundrpLtd. well known FAMILY LAUNDRY- Phone North 1310 or W^t" 691L PROSPEBITY FUELS NORTH 954 WEST j 0 3 2 i BUSH INSIDE FIR.... $5.50 cord MILL INSIDE FIR.... 5.00 cord FIREPL.ACE FIR .... 4.00 cord SAWDUST-^Guaranteed 200 'cubic feet, 100% Fir._... $3.75 ' -------- Hr P. ALLEN MILLER CUP M eralomas VS. Ail-Black B arbarians Ambleside . Saturday, 3 p.m. TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE- E. J. Dickinson, 8509 Laurel Street, Vancouver, formerly of West Vmicouvei*. The Rev. B: Prockter iierfornied the core-■rm'ony. ̂ ̂ * ■ ' - * îR' iR Shower In honor of Miss Peggy Wood bury whose marriage to Mr. Ian I.U - I I I , . . II i • , Elgar takes place on the 26th Mrs. 'J. Pearcy, 2859of the Greater ^neouver Young Bellevue Avenue, entertained at a miscellaneous shower. Invited guests'Were: Mrs. N. Woodbury, Chuioh of Canada, which are Miss B. Woodbury, Mrs. G. D.. w ifi Miss D. Elgar, Mrs. R., Allen, Mrs. W. Stratton, Mrs. W. la. Collins, Mrs. Young, Mrs. E.and Friday and Saturday, I eb- -Dingle, Mrs. Wild, -Mrs. M. Mc- ruary 2 and 3, commencing.at ̂ LWhiiid, Mrs. 8.15 each evening-. In all eight Sharpe, Mrs. R. Fiddes, Mrs. different troph es will be com- Newell, Mrs. Dollman, Mrs. J. peted for. (3n Wednesday even- Allen, Mrs. T. Watt, Mrs. E.Bell, West Vancouver United Miss K. Sharpe, Mrs. T. Hamil-. Y.P.S. will make their festival ton ' '. debut in Unicorn and a Fisĥ ' * )k TV/TnV * /\ * *̂13 1 "Ayr tvt * ̂ A meeting of the GlenarbourMarjorie Bank^ Iten McNair, . Unit of the West Vancouver Red Flora Lowe and Ernest will be, held on Monday, -With James D. Fiddes as direc- January 29th, at 1 p.m. at. the ' home of Mrs. C. E. Drury; Fish- erman's Cove.DEATH OF BASIL ,U JAYNE » ♦ ♦ ------ Miss Frame of W«st Bay, has Basil John Jayne died on Wed- moved to Vancouver. nesday of last week at his home , -------- =----- _̂_ i -r- at Gleiieagles. H^is survived by bis wife, at home.; one son, ,C. Basil Jayne, in England; and one daughter, Vivian, at home. Private funeral serviceŝ , were held in Vancouver. CANADIAN LEGION W. A. WILLIAM HENRY HIGGINS PASSES PrD:QrCATE 622 Howe Street (aci'oss from bus stop) Tea' Cup Reading' by Marchioness D'Autier de la Rochebriant First Division . . Teams P W L Dudes 11 6 2 Maple Leafs -11- 5.- 2 W. V. Sizzlers 11 6 3 2 14 Caiiad tens-- --IT--" 3-^5r^ 9̂ T Pts 3 The Canadian Legion W. A. Unit of the B̂ d Cross held their, election of ioffioers for 1940, on Monday 'aftern bony January 22nd, the following members be ing elected: Mrs. Rivers, pre.si- dent; Mrs. Allison, 1st vice ; Mr.s. Wibkihg, secretary; Mrs r Wa rd, treasurer ; Mrs. Phillips, sewing; Mrs. Simpson, knitting; Mr.s.. Steele, tea ho.stess. ' - , , --------------Mrs._HarryJ^binsan--wiJtebe-- one TIT '--®?̂ '̂ -7"ntirseTir̂ arge of surgical dress-daughterrMrsrDorofhy Pearson, jngs. ̂ 'William Henry Higgins of 2460 Nelson Avenue, passed a- way last Monday in his 65th ye_ar._ He is ŝurvived by his wife. For tha t ------- NEW McCLARY RANGE , See HUGH McKAY - at , Brown & M unton's 1542 Marine------- ' -- West"3 6 6 Last week's scores: Dudes 9, W. V. Sizzlers 9. . Maple ^ afs 9, Canadiens 9. The Big Seven Playefs P W J. Fiddes (D) 42 39 L. Lefeaux (ML) 66 51 T. Fulcher (D) 66 44 J. Lidster (WVS) 60 40 B. Trafford (C) / ' 66 42 -H..WeIIs-(WVS) 60 34 H. Smith 7WVST 60 33 and two grandchildren, Vancou ver; also one sister and"'one brother in Galt, Ontario. Requi em Mass was „held at 9 a.m̂ yes terday in St. Anthony's Church, the Rev. Father Van being the % -celebrant, and interment--was 93 made in Capilano View (3emet- 77,. ery. TJie Hollyburn Funeral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd. was in charge of the funeral arrange ments. • The general meeting of the W. A. will be held on Monday, January 29th, when'it. is hoped all members will be present. FIRST WEST VANCOUVER SCOUT TROOP (St. Stephen's) 67 67 64 57- 55 BASKETBALL Second Division foreman diggin' at the Teams Westenders Sbekeyes Norvanites Hillbillies ' Three Plys Comets Niffeies- hm, startpH of +1,0 v̂ rimpers P W L 3 3 0 1312 0 12 9 2. 13 7 6 13 5 7 13 1 9 12 010 ̂, .3 0 3 TPts 0 6 125 119 014 111 3 5 2 2 0 0 % 100 96 79 54 42 i9 , 8 0 same time, he has a bigger uile of week's scores: dirt than you?" Westenders 12, Three Plys 6- .Sambo: "Well, you see, boss, be's Sockeyes 12, Hillbillies 6. Q'ggm' a bigger hole.' Comets H, Crimpers 7. y NELSONS l a u n d r ie s LTD. IIRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) C. C.̂ FINNEY, West Vancouver Representative Phone W est 782 and D river , w ill caJL The local entry , in the Senior "B" Community League, West Van. Lumber Co., is doing very well for itself this seasonr-With only two games away from the play-offs the locals are leading the loop, thus having a play-off spot cinched. Members of the team are: Jim Love, Bill Atwood, Ron Irish, Jim Spencer, Bob and John Fiddes,, Jackie Brow, Alf Annan and Fred McIntosh; League Standing Teams ^ P W L Pts W. V. Lu m her - Co, _12- 10-_2- 20__ The regular monthly meeting of the Mothers' Auxiliary will l)e held at the home of Mrs. Ted Sewell,'T590~Gbfdbn"AWnue7 oh" Thursday, February 1st, at 2:30 o'clock. ' MISS GRACE VICTORIA ADAMS PASSES Pro-Recs Royals V arsity Pals Crosses Bombers Adanacs Reds Ryerson̂ , \ 11 11 11 12 ,12 12 11 12 12 8 8 8 7 6 5 3 2 1 3 16 3 16 3 16" 5 14 6 12 7 10 8 L 6: 10 4 11 2 Asphalt P rem ix for your DRIVEWAYS R O ^ m a t e r ia l s l im it e d Kione North II41 ALF ELLIS, West 160-Y EXPERT . ' W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTmSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., 1522 Marine Drive . T Much regret will be felt by her friends in West Vancouver at the passing last Friday , in her -28th year in a city hospital of Miss Grace Victoria Adams, a former Altamont resident, as well as sympathy for irer mother, Mrs. S,(x. Adams, whose husband died suddenly only last spring. Her brother pre-deceased ,_her some years ago. Funeral .ser-_ vices were, held at 3 p.m. Mon day in the city followed by cre mation. The Rev. William Vance and the Rev. A. W. Ward officj- ated; ' . Miss Adams was first pre.si- dent of the Alpha Gamma Delta fraternity, and pallbearers were fraternity sisters, Misses Alice Bailey, Donna Leitch, Jean Black,'Margaret Rathie, Jo Mc- Dermid and Phyllis Bod; Miss Adams was born in Cal- . g^ry and lived in Vancouver nineteen years. She graduated -from the University of British Colurnbia in 1932, and had beep teaching school for several years at Nicomen Island. Bennett^s BAKERY (formerly Strattons) SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 25c a doz. milTEHCRUST BREAD Sotdeh Pancakes, Scpiicti, Ahei nelliy s and Out Cukes 1468 Marine Drive I'hono West 27 Wood, Coal, Sawdiist FUEL SUPPLIES ))oh( 582 •-- I'HONK Weat 582 CIIA ULUS THOMPSON 812 lOlh Street Office at 1336 Marino Drive Hollybura Theatre 'i'lli)ksi)AY AND FRIDAY SATURDAY MATINEK 'Limmry 2r>th, 2mii aiul ■Z'lvh ANN SIIUUIDAN l{IUnAUI) CARLSON " Winter Carnival" N'l'ws a loo ('arlooM «&. Short Subjc'cla .SATURDAY KV13. & MONDAY .January 27tli and 29th I RUNE DUNNE KUEI) MACJVIUKUAY " INVITATION TO HAPPINESS " also "WESTERN WELCOME" TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY - .January ;U)th and'3lHt .lOHN BARRYMORE PKl'ER HOLDEN "THE great MAN VOTES" also ■ . "NEWS IS MADE AT NIGHT" Seven Dwarfs Inn 871_jIoruby:-St-. LUNCHEONS, TEAS, DINNERS, EVENING SUPPER operated by Margaret L. Duncan & A, A. S. Milne -Late .of "TICE HIGHLANDS". N ellie H arrison . A.T.C.M. Sp(idal Diploma Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Residence Studio: 1955 Inglewood Avenue,'- West 1056-L Sey.-8627 26 Water St. UNITED UPHOLSTERING ̂ Repairs a Specialty Needlepoint Mounted D. HOPE. Phone West 845-R S. H. SRIGLEY " P a in te r an4 D ecorator.___ 1706 Marine Drive ih"f:he Store occupied by The Florence Studios Phone West 938\ VERNON FEED STORE A. C, SEARLE Phone West 9 .F ertilizers o f A ll Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies • \ .