PROVINCIAL " L IB R A R Y ' Kstablished over IS years. Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-Ambleside, Hollyburh, Weston, $1 . 0 0 per year. Cypress Parkl'Caulfeild, Wky tecliff, Etc. Established over 13 years, Dundarave 5c per copy Vol* HOLLYBURN P.O.,, WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 25th. 1940 No. 41 DISCIPLINE Man has always kicked against disbipline. The dis- ciniine of circumstances, the discipline of the Church, the discipiiJie of government, the discipline of the armed forces, the discipline of the home) all have been equally'distasteful to him. And in no previous generation has this feeling been so strong or so widespread, due chiefly to the breaking down of the cliiss system and the very general inclination .to ques tion all authority resulting from the spread of free education and the doubt oast upon the fundamentals of religious faith bv the findings of science. To a certain extent also this revolt has b e e n caused by the gradually increasing standardization of life produced by the machine agb and the drift to the citi6s. In past generations certain things were taken for granted, because the dire and swift punishnient meted out to offenders was such as to shake the self-confidGnce of the hardiest. How- RED CROSS SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING BURNSV NIGHT ------- committee arranging the, Ihe annual meeting of the program for tomorrow night is singer sewing machine CO. opens here ■ concerned lest the jacbommoda- tion for the dance is sufl'icient only for the goodly number who [C. respect ' ^priests and ministers. All crime was severely punished, and there was little chance of escaping its penalties owing to some technicality of the law or to the widely signed petitions of "sob-sisters."" Generally speaking, he who offended did* not expect mercy and seldom received it. Today all is changed, at'̂ any rate so far as ,the family life ,of mankind is concerned. The children bring up their parents rather than the parents their children. What is termed "self- expressio'n"/is one of , the chief keynotes of the hew education, which believes in sparing the rod regardless ̂of the conse quences to the child. The office and '.the' factory and the store do not, because, in order to survive, they cannot, and that's where trouble starts, both for the young and his em ployers. The law: is more m̂ while there is a kind of. mawkish sentimentality which ieeks to shield the criminal̂ from the Consequences of His crime, regardless of howCb̂ 'ujtjE that crime may be. And those who still subscribe to^bme form, of religion have a great-faith in God's mercy Sand ; little in His punishments. Apart from business, which only knows the rule of fang and claw, it is a kinder world, in which we live. S Yet is not much of that kindness misplaced, and whither is it leading us?- What about ,thelgrowing;;di,sresjaecf Jor Jaw and order, and the>, increase in the crime wave, especially among the young ? It is becoming increasingly evident that a happy medium will have to be struck ŝoon between the over- ;; •discipline of the past and the slackness of the present, if civilization is to continue to function. - What we have forgotten is that the basis of all progress is discipline, without^which indeed there can be no survival. For behind all discipline is self-discipline, which is another name for unselfishness and self-sacrifice. All the: relig- l ions of the world have taught it, as it has. been the teaching of .all the great philosophers and thinkers, and without it no nation can long remain great. . . . A leading American author once wrote this: "Nothing |n this life worth having is won for the asking; and the best IS fought for, and bled for, and died for." T^ey are good words for us to remember these days as we tread the winepress. . West Vancouver Branch of ihe Canadian Red Cros.s Society was held in Legion Hall on Wednes day evening last, January 17th, 1940,̂ with President J. R. Mifchr ell in*thei chair. ' In his opening remarks the Presl stricted. ident extended thanks to all The:toast list and musical pro- those who had worked so hard gram at the .supjier, arc as fol- and so efficiently since .the lows: V / Branch was re-organized, paying Grace, J. W. Banks; Address special tribute to volunteer to the Haggis, Win. S. Mitchell; workers who were engaged, in The King, The Chairman; Song, knitting and sewing hundreds of "Star o' Rabbie Burns," Watkin much needed articles of apparel., Mossman; Chairman's Remarks; He also expressed appreciation Song, "0 My Lu.v's Like a Red, for the very practical assistance Red Rose," Mrs, Jean-McMahon; of the Chrysanthemum Club and The Immortal Memory, Rev. the Municipal. Council, in con- Harry Lennox; Recitation, "Tb elusion urging that all citizens a Mouse," David Burton; Liind should give their support to the of Our Adoption, D. McTavish ; work being undertaken. , Response, Gordon Robson; Song, Mrs. Colin MacLean, who has r"The Deil's awa th' Excise- acted as Secretary since las.L September, gave a short history Mitchell; Response, of events leading up to the es- ^ ------ ̂ Ihe Singer Sowing Machine -t.oinpany realizing the rapid growth ol' Wesl and North Van- •il (kilgary, Alberta. Mr. Butler lias, hml many years oT oxixiri- eiiee and will bo able to render lirsl class service. This storO is mod('Vn and very atiractivo and si(iial<'d in the heart of the shop ping ('('liter of West Vancouver, next door to Kennedy's Meat Market. ' ' S. P. C. A. tablishment of the Society, stating that the Executive, who for all practical purposes were ^The Charter Members; had held six meetings and outlined the work of the different bommit- J. B. Leyland; Song, "Afton Water," Mrs. Jean McMahon; The Lassies, John Brube; Re sponse, Mrs. Harold Lang; Reci tation,. "The Problem," David Burton,.;' Tlui annual mooting of the West Vanoouvor . Branch of the vS. P.„C. A. will be held at 8:110 p.m. next Monday, January 29th, ai_ the home of Mrs. Ricardo, 8()02 (k'eoiy Avenue, West Bi^/ All inoinbers and any others wf are iiiibrested in the work of * Society are asked to attend. TEA AND BRIDGE Ted and bridge can now be had at the Clachan, 2{5th and Water- tees. She stated that 550 West..., detective arrived front, at 25 cents. Any to whom V^couver women, through their ■ at the sCjene of the crime-.. this appeals are asked to kindly' different units, were engaged in "Gr^ious,"̂ ho said, "this is; phone West 604 and ask for;Mr. knitting and sewing and' that more serious than! I thought. This or Mrs. T. P. Fisher, who. are . many other activities were under window is'broken on both sides." now conducting the hotel, way, such .as ;hi>me nursing ...-- :------------- An'̂ ■advertisement relative.- to Classes: She-reporfed having're-' ceived a communication from the Provincial Red Cross Head quarters, stating that the work sent in by the West Vancouver Branch reflected great credit. and was an- example to all other Provincial Branches. H. Ostrom, in his capacity as treasurer, reported the total re ceipts since November. 6th to have amounted to $408.27, and the cash balance in the bank was $323.46, which must be forward ed to the Head Office of the Red ination fbiTpr^ciency is ffequirn ' above appears in this issue. i._ Meglaughlin, Chairman-̂ of . BRITISH - ISRAEI, the Transportation Committee, ' --- ;-- reported that' many owners of Mr. Graham of .White Rcx;k, is private cars had donated their the speaker at the regular Mon- services for the delivery of mat- day (̂ veiling meeti-ng of the Dun- the ported which had been obtained oppos- hear this fine speaker. Bible Study Group with Mrs. NOTICE_____ ~ While the dead line for news is 6 p.m. Tuesday^ we should be gr_eatlv-obliged-if- organizations and others _^ving-_news-items--send- them in as early as possible, whenever they can conveni ently do so. This will make tor an earlier delivery on Ihursdays, and will materi-- ̂ any help our boys these nark days on their routes. --Editor. TRANSPORTATION Councillor Ray, Chairman of the; Transportation Committee, -informed-^ul-that'theTei^ cap^ tains were prepared to take, off -one-day--per- weekHn-order-that- those~who have""b"eeh~laid off may work. He-also stated he might possibly recommend a siniilar scheme be extended to include, the engineers, mates and deckhands, providing they were willing to accede to such an ar rangement. in Ottawa Thp' larw^t the Memorial Arch oh Mai ine btuciy Croup with MrsCross m Ottawa, ihe largest • stating that it had been Cornish at 2:30 on Wednesday c on t r i b u 1 1 on'-amounted to •/T', A ; ̂ Praver Mnetimr nn TVinruri-M,'R113 63 Ihpinp-nrocpedq fmm thp suitably fitted up With sheJvmg, irayei Mcciing on J hur.sday at h o S c u lS tables, trestles, etc., and that .8 p.m. _ by the West Vancouver Amateur-"' Practically, all labor, had been WOMFN WIl I I*AY-̂ Phrvctanthpmnm Afisooiation----- given-free. -Equipment such us wujviî .i\ wilJ. l AY ^ W ■ typewriters, etc., had been Joan- AT LEAT-YEAR-irA r«' Chairmap the Municipal Councilof the Work Committee, -that--'there--were--over^20 local DANCE "The woman always, pays/'- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER otice is hereby g iven th a t the fo llow ing regulations under Prov-' Statutes are now in fnrr»p- -that--there--were over .iu mcm the premises. The Headquarters when it's a Leap Year dance,.and units with a membership of 550 also placed at the'disposaL the feminine "escorts" at the and-that'Miss L. McCallum was. q£ the Committee in charge of dance at which the Girls' Auxil- acting^7as3^supe.rvisor--o f^ th^^War^Ch^t^DriveT :----- îarv4:oHhe"West"Vaticouver'Bar;=-- pertaimng to surgî l̂ dressings. 'Capt. H.̂ M.- Lunn, Chairman barian Rugby Club will entertain Ther (Divisional Heaaquarter.s the Finance Committe<3, re-̂ ̂on the evening of Friday, Febru- have been particularly pleased pelted that all materials were ary 9th, at the Orange Hall, will with the face masks 'and -thoroughly checked as to yard- have before-dance parties, boui- geons caps. Mrs. bmall reposed age. and weight when received at onnieres, and transportation as that the jSe,wing Oommittee had jj^adquarters and that an accur- --well as the arranging of pro- out and sent out to units during.. accounting is kept as to the grams as their particular prob- the month of Decemto, 104 disposal olsame. The Chairman lem for the evening, garments and haa received 190 Asked to extend patronage to c(^pleted^garmente^n ̂ of^tM Finance Committee was the affair are Major and^Mrs,' to 64 pairs of socks. investigate all offers to raise. Angus McAlister, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Chairman f̂ ndĝ which an accordance with R. A. D. Berwick, Mr. and Î Irs. of the Purchasing Committee, must first be approved by W. B. Small, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip - reported a summary of niaterials Society. He assured thê D. Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs. J. used to date mcluded: 150'lbs. j^j^ting that the Committee C. Hammett and Mr, and Mrs. sock wool; 12. lbs. of sweater vYouId glacl to receive all sug- Russell.- As general con- wool; 9 b^es thread; 900 yards gestions for concerts, bazaars,, vener, Mis.s Helen Edwards will° tape; 7.00 Red Cross labels, which dances and that such be.assisted by Miss Barbara Mc- are' sewn on every article~when offers would be d ^ t with m ac- I'ntvrp> whr$ ig /vf̂ ^̂ rrmyr- P®4estrian proceeding along any, highway where a ewa is provided shall proceed upon the sidewalk. Every _j„̂ proceeding along any Highway where no. sidewalk provi ed shall proceed on the extreme left-hand side of the ; roadway, - . .highway shall bicv̂ l P̂ ŝt>n_Qn.,̂ e bicycle; provided -that, i f a thp ̂ ̂ constructed to carry more than one person, ; that^b^y ]̂ ̂ persons for which-it is constructed may ride 3- All bicycles m ust have rear red lights or reflectors. Holl'ybum, 'B. C January .22nd. mO. F. W. SQUIRES, .. -- Chief of Police. completed: 1,773 yards mat̂ r̂ial--cordanoe with the regulation.s of ations, and Miss Dorothy Dovas- ^for -garmen the-War Charities Act. ton is making , arrangements plies; 415 yards of material for R^ve Leyland expressed on about refreshments. surgical dressings. behalf of. thq Society thanks to ------------------- Chairman of the retiring secretary, Mrs. Mac- ' MILLER CUP Home Nursing, reported ' that Lean, who for a numbej* of - .. . ' -------- four classes had been organized months had undertaken very AIL those who are interested' in the municipality with a total arduous duties. He also thank- in Rugby .should make a point > enrollment"of 49̂ All instructors ed the local for their will- of being at Ambleside Park at 3 are graduate "nurses "and have " in"gnes.s to publish lall hews per- p.m. on Saturday of this week taken a six weeks' refresher taining to the activities of the for the match between the All course in the-Van<k)uver General Sodety and stated that their co- Black Barbarians and the Mera- oii St' Paul's hospital. Each operation could always ho de- lomas. . This is a league fixture coursê covered approximately 7 pended upon. the All-Blacks will be field- lectures including demonstration - - l ug thcir strofigcst tearfi, bccausc . an(3 practice" in home nursing . Red .Cross Headquarters are ' defeat will put them out of the measures,'maternity, home nur- opeiL^erviiay_exce!p.t-SaLi^ay--mnmng-txnriihs~CiX:̂ -sin^g-and-TiteteHcsT^rthe con- froraTll aim. to 2 p.m. instead of ship. Come and help the local cIusiom-of-eacH course an exam- 10 a.m. to 2 p.m, as formerly. boys win!