ill ##< ki f 5 i! !,' ^4-j| •* '•1'!'̂ 'J / ■ / fli' \f' . K"-̂jiS A*. ^ i : . IP ̂ 'v ̂ "" I. • >1-/ M / HiM", lii"' M '■'̂pî'i-1 I' i lMl-*- * ^ f i r - h pH THE WEST VAN NEWS January 1 8 .1 9 4 0 . SMITH'SMARKET llbmm ■ "WMi' 46 .„. ...'Af a SSjttStiipi*..-,,4M**tSwi-Wsst 170 Free UetiviNry gerriee - MonUiJy Ae4r<̂ ua( 20 th LECrON \v. A. IMioiw Wehl 370 ritlOAY and SATUIIDAY, JA M AUV Heil K WhIU rO.MATOKH l.ertr**. 3!// linn...... ......2 (in» 25c (,'OllS-- <»<Wd»*n fiiintani I7-OZ. liiiN . , , , 2 tina I9c ^fA l/N T MAUY'S ( OFI-KIi . |5. 33c ( (HtNFI.AKFS -- KHIoKjfV (HIuHN ( Vrcal FHKE with 3 phta, 25c sited A \Vhil«* MAK.MALADK Mb. tin 39c ( 'HKAMhrn'KS (kciidy Cut Macaroni) 3 M*o/, pklN, , 25c Ml/HTAIU)--<:«ilniHrrM •/ -̂Ih. tin 25c IJFKIH/OV--An 'AntiaepUe and ClciinNiiiK .Soah . . 3 caki^ 20c Red A Whlti. ItASI'HKKKV JAM I'lirc , 32-oz. Jur 32c IIONFV 2-lh. 'I'in 25c OcatiM'd ; i»-oz. plkt. 9c Ited A While S rA lil lim T with Tomal4M'N and CheeHe ...2 tina I9c tUth and MEATS Free Delivery IJliKF . - • FORK • • LAMR • - VFAIv 1 'i ♦ - - - Milk Fed FmVT- A CHICKEN - Grade A FltEKII FISJI DAILY I . DELU'ATKSSKN The final nietting <>f thr- ( an- fidian Lcifion W.A. for 10.19 Tvas held in the Legion Hall on Pec- J940-.K\'ere installed. Preceding the 'Imeeting a very enjoyaWe luncheon was held in the club room at which 20 guests were present. .The gu<*sts wen? dames Allison, TliomaSr Simp son, liech, S. Robinson, Kiverg, Barnett, Ward, Parker, Duok*r worth, liippon, Batchelor, Black, .r. r. It, , Howdle, Stokes, Bittleford, New- ***»,?"** man, Phillips, Partington, Stmt-. ance, Tratford, (traliain, H. Rob inson, Morgan,. I)iggon. Turner, The cushion whii.Ti wa.s donated by Mrs. Gibson of,' 1129 Marine Drive wtts won by Mr.s. Torney tirade A and Al . Graih Fed ' Serv ice... - ' SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS_ NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAU1Y »a,0IL»EBSU8HFPM|;fc*. EOOFINO ^ WALLBOABD ' lULtiB# CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive.............. Phone West 115 AI'JM,FS--' .SITJ'/ ItO.ME HEACTV .MA( eViOSH ) . .NEW'FON'S „ W(W with ticket No. 17-1. Next Mon- ihH. for 25c day afternoon tin? .('anadian per horli.Gpv .J,/egion W.A. unit of Uie R<?d Cross will hold its election of CLASSIFIED ADS I'he rau> for CUsbIOw! AdvortlMinenta ia 1. cent* per word, mlnlinun, 25 cen^. Except In the caoe of Uioee having regular accounta, aU cUsat. fieda are Weat Van Newa get immediate results.Remember Claaaifieda in JAI ' O IC \.\'(;K S~Spcclu) per l)(»x . , , , ll)N, for 2.5c 39c I. O. I). K. • 'J'ln* annual nomination meet ing of the Duncan Lawson Chap ter, I.tbD.K., wag held on Mon day last. Year end reports were given by Mrs. Percy Jenner, con vener of the, Cliristmas Toy Shoj), that toys had been dis- ^Lrib'uted to , 81. oldldren in the corninuiiity and that many appreciative lett<?rs had been re- ceiveil from the happy mothers, 'Mrs, Jenner Htre.s.sed the, loyalty hiid enthusiasm of those who /worked on her committee and the many kindne.s,se.s shown by 9'oc II rnember.s in allowing the Use of their cliibriK)ni as a work- .shop and th< Mj's. it. M. Weir addres.sed the Cros.s Home Nursing Class on . <li<?l<'ticM and will complete th<* on diet instructions to ibis same class, Momiay of N<-.xt week, January 22ml, a t 2 o'clock. otficer,s for 191<> in the clul.> room of the Legion Hall. It is hoped all rnembers will attend. It is not necessary to be a mem ber of the W.A, to bcconie a member of the Red (b' unit and anyone iptcresled will be welcome.. WENDY HOUSE 'l l PS FOR SKI TR IPS ' Before this winter is over an est iinated 2,000,00() persons will try their skill a t .skiing in the United State.s, and goodnes.s only knows how many in Canada. Wlith numbers in mind, ajK.l also lK? of 'Rhe fact than .skill and e.xperienoe have be<Mi unable to keep pace with . a.ssi.stancc given enl husiasni," the following Safe- hy several members in mending ly Hints have been i.ssued by the oi toy's. Amerii'an Red Cross. Most of The "toy.s" committee wi.sjh to thes<- sugge.steci, measures fall report and. thank the Brownies (lirei-dy in linn with what ,Pro- J-or their donation of. $2,00 Rec ski instructors have'i)een and all the wrappings fOr.Hhe tryijig^to impres.s up o n 'th e ir toys. the Girl Guides, of ourdoor and "dry" skiing mem- which one member donated a bc?i*s foj-'the? past two years, and (loir house made by her father, nil of thojn arc worth noting: The new house was painted, l." Tone your mu.scles GRAD- papt?red, carpeted and complete- UAL/,Y (hj-ough exercise before The Mothers' I're-school Study Group will meet at the Wendy House, 24th and Bellevue Ave nue, on Tuesday. January 21rd, al 1 p.m. Mrs. Zeggil will lead 'the discus.sion on "Ilelping Your '('hild to Help Hi m.self." Neighbor: "What do you plan to do, Janio, \yhcn you p-et aw l)ig a.s your mother?" Janie: "Diet." - GORDON ROBSON --- q* Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Soy. 4199 at IVest Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. FOR SALE -- 4 Room House; close LAtvSON.'^W*.^ & West Vancouver Pioneer Realtors Est. 1005 ■ , 0pp. Ilbllyburn P.O. West 55 PERCY T. MASTERMAN, NOTARY, Real Estate. Insurance, all branch es, Cunadiuti Company. West 111. TO RENT -- 1509 21th Street P^ur room bungalow, $20. P. Gibbons Ltd. Sey, 2235. C. MU.\ICI[*AMTV o f WE.^T VANCOUVER NOTICE OF PIJHUC HEARING ■ iy furni.shed in the moat rninult (lotails by Guide' rnember.s and lire.sented as li Chri.stmas gift to two .small girls. Ckinvener for Service and Ex- Sc'ryice Men reported the regu lar v i si t s t o S h a u ghnes sy M i 1 i t a ry Hospital with the usual gifts of cigarettes, candiesTuid pipe tob- noco. Educational secretary report-, ed that 18 l.O.D.E. calendars for 1940 had been distributed in the l(x*al schcKils. -- rrovindal Chapt<?r"asked that a War W'ork Committee be form- <?d by the local BO.D.E. chapter.' Members comprising thi.s com mit t,w aIX? n.s follows:--Mrs. \V. B, Small,• regent] general con- vener; IHrs. Blair M. Clerk, con- v(?ner Rotl Cnxss Unit:- JMrs. Re Proposed Amendment to the Zoning By-law. , alteinptiiig aiiything too ambi- tiou.H. , ° Notice is hereby given that pur- 2. u n c o n t r o l l e d <rû r>rl • provisions of the Town ie mu^ n f fU" ^ P " Planning Act a meeting of the Coon- . i vaU'Ses-of ac- cil of the Corporation of the District c ltien ts. Don t s t a r t dow n a West Vancouver will be held in the .'^teep slope? unit's,s y ou 'know how Chamber a t the. Municipal to slow dow n or .stou. HaJl. .n th and Esquimalt Avenue, on o Tj ^ uosdiiy, J.miuflry 30th l 1040 coin- J '̂dU ipm ent »»cncing at 7:00 p.m., to consider pro ' s good. J b is not only in c reases P^sed^ amendments to ."Zoning By-law safety. 'but pleasure, as well 4* VVhon cliinbing, .day well to the SIDE dr the trail and 'thus avoid-getting in the way t),t others who may be coming down. No. .1/8, as set out in the copyof the proposed Anieiulment By-law No 836qufAed .below. - ' ' West Vancouver "Zoning By-law' .No 178 By-law a\o. 836, 1940. >V1IP]REAS after considering the recominetuhitions of the West Vancouver Tnwh P .. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 M arine- Purple Heather, Tiger, Monarch Wool, Beehive Baby Wool, Knitting Needles, Books, Crochet Cotton, Hand-Knit Baby Wbollcns,_______ FOR RENT -- Modern five-room bungalow near ferry. West 217-M. PAINTING AND DECORATING -- Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, West' - -1022-L.____________________ _ WANTED -- Listings of houses and vacant lots. Phone •'particulars to our representative, F. Bayliss, West 522-H. Pemberton Realty Corp. Ltd., 418 Hov^e St. '-Trinity 1271. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & . Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 , a t West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. - W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite Hollybum Block. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, ragi, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, otc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91, WANTED -- LisUngs of hous'cTfw rent or sale. Clients waiting, H. A. ROBERTS LTD., , (W est, Van. Specialists) 1447 Marine Drive West 5j0 $1,000- or $2,000 available fur Mori, gage on good security. C. J. Archer "Ltd., Weat 225. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; • brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano. North 811-R-2. WILL TRADfe seven room modern home, close in, for smaller house and assume mortgage. Phono West 548-M. NOTARY PUBLIC (Complete Notarial Service) Reginald P. Blower, J.P., 1405 Marine. W est 21, 204-M. WESTERN WOODWORKERS-Store , and house fixtures,. turning, glass, glazing. West 780, West 443-R.■___ ..' -V ■ •■ ■ ■ . L • ■ GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele- „phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. " - > J. J^W A R D SEARS. Barrister, Sol- V icitor; 1405 Marine? Drive; Phone West 21. or West 6S3-R-1. SMALL, DARK PRICK-EARED FE MALE TERRIER. Owner or prof- : fered hoihe iphone West 414-R-l. WANTED ;-- Canvassers for popular household article to sell in West Vancouver.'- Liberal commission. Box 20. W est Van News. FOR RENT -- 5 Room Bungalow near beach; oil. range. Trinity 5963-R or West 406-Y. ' v~ blow down whn ro'undinif '■•'own Planning Commission it ap.' blind turns. P<'a»'S advisable and expedient to 6. Travel in Kroups and staY " '"31," A ogm er, especially on the high- ^ NOW t h e r e f o r e the Reeve and or slopes. Throe is' never a the Corporatidh of the crowd in skiing*. District of West Vancouver in open 7. Obsorv.. «muv ,a , m w i ' f ENACT AS FOU FREDERICK C. AUBREY, Barrister. Solicitor, Notary, 801-803 Birks ̂ Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691. West 546; Residence, Whytecliff 546. FOR RENT -- 1st March, 4 rooms, basement, -furnace, laundry tubŝ ,': $25. Reference. Wst 216-Y. HAVE PURCHASER for small 4 or 5 room modern house in good local ity. Large 'living room essential., H. Fallows Realty, 1429 Marine -- Drive. West 912. Res. West 243-M-3 FLOOR SURiPACING -- J. Snther- laud, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 '29 FORDv COUPE -- Reconditioned motor; new ' clutch, radiator and paint job. Sell cheap. North 1495-L-2. Is undor convt?nership of Mr.s, Dallas Ik'rry. Registration ha.-i |HH>n under .the:_\Var (."haritie.s Aid, ' • ̂ Mrs. Walt<?r Gourlay, Hospital bupplies; Mrs. J. IL Ley land, Ivintting J Airs. Goi*'don Gra\' lie- creation. The \y*ar Work/(\)m- biittt'e has bi,H>n" functioning- for some time. The recreation c'on- v'oner has forwarded -a largo number of books and magaidnes to IVovincial Head(iuarters for, rdistribnticTffT^ Nkitional Chapter, l.O.D.E.. wdl care for nm ls of all Can- _adiaus-- oversea'^--under I Convforts. ongth may be serious; 9. Ever bear in mind that, even though a ski accident may be slight, injuries are always aggravated by cold weather, and Jlie° distance from medical care i.s genei-ally great. sum up)' BE CARE- i'UL. ; - -^^OnrM arme Drive, ladies' ,-felt-overshoes,--fui?~trimined.. Police Office. JAPAN ;RESGUE-31ISSI0N" The regular monthly prayer ..... moet-iiig oiy behalf of the Japan Uield ; Lescue-Mission will be held (D. --------^U )-nexL& vturday7-J{iinm ry-20tii7 MERCIAL D l^ M C T "*-^ - 54, 55, p6.A of Distnct Lot 1039. . o n h o l 7 ? , a f f » e l 7 V b of I..ot 20 of Block V Hu' Council on the 15th oTTspp A.D. 1940. -RECON- • Council.^ SIGVFp t y ^ NOTICE - tp- the-Barber undergoing an jiperation, the Dundarave IJarber Shop will be closed until further notice. We" wish to thank our customers for their past patronage and_ hope to be open for business again in the near future." A lovely handmade towel don- home.of L-'Hibberd,*li36 Reevei ate<i a ndrie was won bV Mrs, Jefferson AvenutC a t 8"p!m. ^The «»fec}edTv"?hVl^" themselve HeidKrt hibbs (noc Betty Gour- pev. Stanley' Smith, late of ) the luckv hum bcr .Innnn win ___ J- h**"*̂-* ~ ' PPOrtunitv tn k No. % Monday afternoon last,' bivited to attend es 5? Harry Emerick sez that Jake Smith- ers usually has the baby-crib occupied but his corn-crib is empty. * * * ® 4̂ . heap q f ; difference twixt -^gFound-hog-aud-aTo^^lxdg;; W^re~ fer the ground-hog every time. * * ♦ The feller that t e d up th . "'AN'TED _Woman for general housework, plain cooking, 3 adults, 1 child. Phone evenings, West 956L FOR SALE -- Open face Fawcelt heater, like new, or trade for ice box. West 79-L-3._________- HAULING -- . Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks and Rockpits -installed and; cleaned. W est 187-R.- RELIABLE LOCAL GIRL requires work. Two yea^rgL-office-experience-- " Amy reasonable offer accepted. West 946. STORE FOR RENT -- 1892 Marine; reasonable rent. West 548-M. FOR RBJNT -- Seven rooms, close in, reasonable rent. West 548-M -̂------ WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT ROL -- Sure protection; reasonable rates. West 927-T? .r VjvfMir - ~ OI . an OrmorfnnJf,, * , -lUtf le ̂ invited to l«d «t u est . Van/'miP ,̂. t> ^ hardships. H O L L Y B U R N D R E S S M A K E R S this H 5th Vancouver B Cthiih loth day of January. 1940. " Speeiafists-in- LADIF^' TAILORING, s u it s AND OVERCO.VTS Reasonable *^Prices1890 51arinc Drive West Vancouver Phone: 583 Prop. -Miss D. H. Horie ;.C..LL W. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. H e h e a . s i s . « e oar Cement." Sldd Navy Jack, Crushed Rock Drain Tiles, Brick Lime. 'Mortar CITY PRICES prompt and courteous service T E A R O E & S O N S ^ CONCRETE and general contracting 1427-Marine Drive ' 'j;:: PHONE W EST CARD OF t IrANKS We desire to thank most heartily aJl those who had any part in the delightful house warming, which signalized our return home ' to West Vancouver. THE REV. AND " MRS. j ; P. DINGLE As an old boy of the. Oxford High School, now known as the City of Oxford School, I wish to personally welcome back the Bev, J- P, Dingle, who was an assistant master a t th a t institution. --Editor.