WHlHi "̂1 THE W EST VAN NRWr j a n i i s i i T - C ^ r a n c e ~ S a ^ ^ ^ ^ Our Entire Stock CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS -pOR*M EN^at' Bargaln-Prlcos. ~ ™ --- -- ------------ McLEOD'S mens w ear WEST VANCOUVER n V T i m V f i l y r w f j w j i i w 0 U I & J N 9 M J I V a U L The Annual Burns Supper and Dance will be held in the Inglewood Auditorium On Friday Evening January a a th . a t 7 o'clock Dancing from 9.30 p'm, WEST VANCOUVER BURNS ASSOCIATION. r HOLLYBURN business COLLEGE ' „ ; In d iy id u ^ Tiidtion Phone West 341 14th and Marine A '^ 5 ' Mrs. l r̂cavsiijs land week end a t Wcstlako bki Gamp, family are movingf from 15th and there were a la rp r number ami Inglewood Avenue, into their of winter sports enthusiasts on home at 15th and Palmerston the Ridge than a t any time this Avenue, winter. There is good siding on * ♦ ♦ the Shoulder. . ■ . Several great horned owls and * * '*' ravens have been noticed in Miss. Gertrude Lawson ha.s West Vancouver. Those birds returned to her duties on the only come down from the north teaching staff of I'auline John- . when the weuilier is very cold son School after, an absence due in the upper latitudes, to sickness. . * *. * . ^h\ and Mrs. iVyarreii and Mr. and Mx's. Erie J. Cunning- ' family of Vahebuvor, have' ham have returned from their moved into a suite in the Holjy- weddjng trip and are residing in burn Block, IGth and Mariii<> West Vancouver. Mrs, Cunning- Drive, ham is the former Cwon Haley. ♦ ♦ ♦ * * * The condition of Mrs. J. Dodd Mrs. R. Baumer. the former formerly of West Bay,, Toy Lawrence, who loft here seriously,, ill in the Van- some time ago to reside abroad, ^̂ î»ver General Ho.spital, -is has written her father, Captain «lil?htly impi'oved. ■ Shaughnessy Cypress Circle bet yesterday afternoon fo r 'tea and a business meeting a t the home of.Mrs. Clarence Sorenson, Sinclair 'Avenue........................ In the E ighth Annual Drama Festival of the G reater Vancou-i ver Y. ,P. Union the V/est Van couver United Y.P.S. will pre sent on .Wednesday, January 31'st, "Unicom and a Fish." S. A. Lawrence, that she and her family are 'all well ami happy and had a very enjoyable Christmas. * ♦ Ik , Mrs. Ross Jordan, 2536 Belle vue Avenue, has moved into a house at 2489 Bellevue Avenue. W. C. J\ U. Mrs. John H, Redden of Caul- foild, ami her soil, John Redden jr., have left for a trip to Kan sas City.( A, J. T. Taylor left Thursday" for Victoria.•k' ■ ' Burrard Laundry Ltd. w ell known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L A I- fVi/̂ .... • ■ C^^i*icillor „W. D ick in so n Has iP f U w ^ /T ^ ln n f w " been appointed m Management of North Vancou- members m ver General Hospital to -reprep attendance. Mi s . Geoige E. sent West Vancouver. -- ~-- Brealey sang a lovely solo. Feb- - * * n. F irs t Division " ruary being Frances Willard s A meetimr of iho Crnv?nder<<' Teams P W L T P ts m toth the members will attend. ChVfeUan DemocraSy TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE PROSPERITY FUELS NORTH 954 WEST 1 0 3 2 ! BUSH INSIDE FIR.... $ 5 |Q c o r ^ MILL INSIDE FIR.... 5.00'eord FIREPLACE FIR 4.00 cord SAWDUST--Guaranteed 200 cubits feet, 100%'-Fir...... $4.00, ' H. P. ALLEN Dudes 10 6 2 2 14 W. V. Sizzlers TO 6 3̂ 1 13 M apleLeafs ' 10 5 2 3 13 Canadiens ' 10 ,3 5 2 8 Last week's scores: Dudes 9, Maple Leafs 9; church together on Sunday Morning, February 11th. W.V. Sizzlers 13, Canadiens 5. of the former, 814 20th Street, J- ' ■ _ ■ 1_ _ : _ . . - _* ' ■ . ■ • ■ -I ■ . ■ 'n at 8 p.m.-AYe^esdhy, Janiiary 24th, in th e^^ ro v i nee > Board A rr Rooiii, subjoct I "Tlio Inevitable Mrs. A. Hampson and Mrs. L. Conflict." Anyone interested in Burley were co-hostesses last economic conditions and prepar- T^ursday afternoon at the home atioiis for peace, .please attend. Second Division a t a housewarming in honor of Miss Edna and Miss Joey the Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Dipgle, Gray, who have been spending who have returned from Bum- ̂ the past eighteen months ' at aby for a year's residence a t Cypress Park, have returned to their home, on,' 20th Street. A the city and entertained a t the very large number of -fornfeh^- tea hour on Sunday at" the ir parishioners and friends were' home in West Point Grey, present to extend a hearty we- , ♦ * * . come to the guests of honor.^. Mrs. John Macphersoii, 1061 A fter the serving qf dainty re- • 24th Street, is slowly recovering freshiiients the Rev. J. P. Dingle from a dislocated foot and will e:^tended) thanks on behalf of soon be out and around again.Make happy folks happier with a long-distance ------- call--^ Birth or Birthday, wed ding or anniversary---when the people to be congratu lated are too far away for a personal visit, call them by long-diM ah^tel^Fone.'""^̂ . The happy people called will be happier still when you greet them voice-to- voice. Teams Westenders Sockeyes Norvanites liillbillies Three Plys Comets Nifties Crimpers P W L T P ts % 2 *2 0 0 4100 12 11 0 123 96 12 9 2 119 79 12 7 5 014 58 12 '5 6 111 46 12 0 9 3 3 13 12 010 2' 2 8 2 0 2 0 0 0 Last week's scores': -■Westenders-13,-Norvanites-5. welcome accorded them. : Included am ongCthe: gudsts were: The Mrs Hillbillies 14, Nifties 4 Three Plys 9, Comets 9. TOWNSWOMEN'S GUIU) NOTES RUGBY Dingle, ' son, Mrs.-.,J. H.. Smith, Mrs. President of the Assooiatioh.s of'. ^ r r u Hodge, Mrs. Gwen Ross, Mrs. the Country Women of the -On_ac£omit^f_snow on^itches--Effie^ioung, Mrs.-Lawson^Mrs.-- ^rld,-has-accejjt<^-Uw-imdi:ii-_ : Coniederation and Douglas w t' i\yrv.« i\/r a -n-- : - .. A time for congratula tions is a time for a long distance call. ■ BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. a t Confederation and Douglas t . Davies, Mrs. M. A. Payne", tlon (unless something uiilor- Dorothy Griffith, Mrs. seen occurs), tq attend the ^ames last Saturday. Sims, Mrs.vT. Miles, Mrs. Kathie Guild Birthday Banquet on Jan- 'Diis Saturday fiidures: 1st 'Forsyth, Mrs. F. V. Guinan, uary 29th a t the Clachan. Mrs. X y vs. Varsity, a t Point Grey ]\̂ j.g MarJ^orie H. Jay, Mrs. k W att has made btadium, d P-»i. _ Millard, Miss E. M. Millard, Mrs. since last, visiting the Guild. - A Isabel L. DoIIman^.^Mrs. E. Me- Mrs. A . E.-Young. Hom(> lOc.o-. . Amplesiae, 2.30 p.m. "Millan, Mrs. WT^E. Davies, Mrs. nomics Convener, has arranged ~ M. V. Masterman, Mrs. E .-Le- ^ program for Thursday, Janu- ST. JOHN AMBULANCE feaux, Mrs. R, B. C. Mundy, '^ry 25th, a t 1:30 p.m, at her _ Mrs: F." F. Lovegrove, "MrsrH"."- home a t 24th and King's.- Miss-- All the candidates were sue- Dixon, Mrs. W.„ Dickinson, Mrs. Muriel Cameron of Ottawa will ,i J3ei^ful Tn ipassing the_iSt.,_Jqhn G. Newm'an, jMts. M. Gracey, speak on "H ome Economics of Ambulance F irst AidTi^"s o c T a l : io f f J J r g T o lm s o n ,- Mrs. -Ronnie- rAgricultufe." All riiembllnr'mt^ exam held "on'T anuary~ llth in Jackson, Mrs. T. E. d'Esum, Mrs. crested are invited, the Inglewood Annex. The lee- R* M. Grout, Mrs. J. K. Smith, Members are also invited t o_ tures have been delivered bv D r.-- Mrs.--M.--L.--Yatesy--Mrs: Dora ^yisit~the "Bahies Hotel," Child "A :rC rN asli7lhe examining^offic- Jupp,^ Mrs. Dulcie Nesbitt, Miss Kindergarten, conducted by Miss er being Dr. W. G. Saunders. Marion B. Almas, Mrs. Alice Elliott from 2 to 4 p.m. Thuns- The pupils 3 being Dr. W. G. Saunders.. _ Marion B. Almas, Mrs, Alice Elliott from 2 jLiid pupils' names are as follows:.., Forsyth, Mrs. M. J. Wrisberg, February 1st 8th . year Label: Miss Winnie. Mrs: C. S."Downing, Mrs. Bessie The Soldiers' Comforts Com- . Dorchester; 7th year L a b e lC ra w fo rd , Mrs. L aura-G isby , working in conjunction --. C4-1. Mva nnrnPTnr'M T\/Tv.r, - With the Co-Ordinalimr rmincilDouglas Label 3rd year Madeleine Cross and Frances Garthorne, Mrs. 'H. Sa,Iter, Mrs. ^ Powell; 2nd year Voucher: Miss E. McGowan, Mrs. D. Hawtin, of Mrs. R. L. Mundy, A af Lfkv M -Tnelra TTlrirt Penenek Mrs. H. W. W hitaker; : Mr.*?." "030- - Esquimalt. Mean while , ing 'at 2 p.m,^ January' 22nd, a t by; 1st year Certificate: Miss A. B. Williams, Mrs. E. A^Ford,--Tir- -̂Tfr-- , -- , i r̂ . oro D or.:----- *i__i...........3 ' -------- -Mrsr-MiIdred-HQghes„Mrs. Mar- ^undy a t West 253-R.: Asther M. Jacks, Eric.Peacock, .Mrs. H. W. W hitaker, Mrs. i • 4. Leslie Stone, George S. Willough- Shackleton, Mrs. J. T. W att, Mrs. those desiring wool to knit into . 1 • . - J. ■ • 4̂ * • V* • f I t ' A J D , T X r- i 1 1 1 n - • T TTl - A : T : i : f Esquimalt esiring wo s c ^ YeS;_and_Jiiilts--may--p h one-- Suzanne-Blaekwoodr N E L S O N S l a u n d r i e s L T D . dry CLEANING (Certified aS advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) C. C. FINNEY, West Vancouver Representative . Phone W est 782 and Driver will call. garetta Leyland, Mrs. YV. B. Small, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. W. A full executive meeting will be"heJd"a t' Hu n tef'̂ Cdffee""S hopTOXXXd>il̂ XVXl o* S* , W • o • *n * 1 ^ •, Gourlay, Mrs. Chas. Burbridge and Marine, Friday (to- -"^Mfs. T. H. Dauphiriee. Mrs. H. m q^ov) a t 8:00 p.m.^Mfs. T. H. Dauphiriee, Mrs. H. r . ^ Huggins, Miss. Eileen Hampson; - foW nswop __________ en's_ Guild wishing tickets:ytor Service Station Man: "Where's_ _ your radiator cap ?" ' ' Motori.st: "O n the fron t end of my car, but don't call me 'Cap'." . Bennelt's BAKERY (fojmerly Strattons) BDITERCRUST b r e a d Sciddi Pancakes, Scones, Abernethy'js and Oat Cakes 1168 Marine Drive I'hone West 27 Wood, Coal, Sawdust fuel su pplies WoHt 582 -- PHONE ~ Wo«t 682 CHAULES THOMPSON 812 Kith Street OITit'o at 1330 Marino Drive Hollyburn Theatre TIIILUs DAY a n d FRIDAY SATI.IRDAY MATINKK •l.aHilary ISlIi, ll)(h and L'Olli Smhi.EY TEMPLE RANDOI.ni StHl'IT "Susannah of the Mounties" 1' also Ni'ws, darluon and oUrm' Short S'uiijocls. , SATURDAY ijiVI'i. MONDAY ' ' .Imuiary 2 0 th and 2 2 nd GRAClk ALI4EN WARREN WiLIJAM "The Gracie Allen Murder Mystery" also "KING OP CHINATOWN" TUESDAY <fe • WEDNESDAY -lanimry 2 :!r(! and 2 -lth , CI4ARK (JAlUAi) ■ MYRNA LOY " ■ " TEST PILOT" (Once only at 8 :0 0 ) ' also One hoar of carefully selected Short Subjects Nellie Harrison A.T.CLM, Special Diploma Teacher of I'lANO and-THEORY Residence Studio: - 1955-JnKlewood Avenue, West 1056-L Sey. 8627 . , 26 Water $,t. UNITED JDPHOLSTERING Repairs a Sjiecialty - -- Needlepoint Mounted D. HOPE. Piioiie West H-IS-R S:^H.^SRIGLEY: Painter and Decorator-- 1706 Marine Drive in the Store occupied by . The Florence Studio.s. Phone West 938 V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A. C. SEARLE - Phone West 9 Fertilizers of A ll K in d s .- ADCO -----------Wood,-Goal, Builders' Supplies , the banquet on Monday evening, the:. 29th. instant, can obtain them -from Mrs. W. K. Wood-, cock, Mrs. DolJman and Mrs. Gushing™ ^sphalf^ P rem ix / d r w e w a y s ro a d m a t e r ia l s L IM inm Phone North 114i ALF ELLIS, West 160-Y -EXPERT" W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd;, \ Montreal) Drive SENTINEL HILL RED CROSS UNIT The Sentinel Hill Rod Cross Unit has plenty of se\ying on hand and will welcome an}'one interested and. willing to help in th is work. Keep your . Money Circulating In W esr Vancouver ' "West Vancouver Chamber oF Commerce