1 , r* f i l i '"•Yy*'"""""VH(« U -I It" 'W'F 'fi' WEST VAN. UNITED CBUBCH . , Cor. ZlBt & ISt gttlmalt Ava. REV. W. VANCE, B.A.. MlmhUr 2047 Gordon Avenuo §uodliy,.^ervic« iit!Sr« f tiS'6 p.m, 8trang«r« and Viaitora aiji welcom* ' t f ' |i ^I if i- if (Jutatanding Wavea Sf'll EAi*TI8T CaUIlCB , . . mintat^f..... ,....... ,, l(#r. W. U McK*r, aA., aD . SuMay Berricoa J0;yu a,tn.--Church School In cluding Adult a a a s n a.m. & 1:30 p.m.--Prcaching Servicea. A hearty welcome to all OJi.'MininK JuHlrou«' curia, wavea mid joIIk, nwuJc |)t)KHihJ(* by Duart IVrrn- jincnl W»vc«, that leave your Imir ■ riuli/uilly Mofl and alive, combined with fuir method of halratyllrig aa«ure you of a lovelier coiffure. J. if, Pi I. : .1 J4 .»L> Gwendolyn's Beautf Shoppe (Jreatora of E xcIuhIvo Perm anenta, 1646 Murine Drive, Wcat 117 HOLLyBDRN HALL 14th and Duchess I IMDAV e v e n in g , Jun. DMh, at 7:15 ' yt/UMfj Pcojde'H .Service illustrated by views St NDAY, Jan. 2In1, ut 10 u.ni. Sunday School and .■ Voinig I'cojde'a Dlblc Clans Siimluy feveninK a t 7:30 CtbSPHL ADDIiESS , ■ .Speaker; MR. KON HATIIIIS of Piierta Plain, WM, Tl lOHDAV EVENING, Jan. 2.1, at K p.ui. .Mr. Kon Itatliie will tell of I 1 1 1* vvoj'k of the GoHjad in, the S|);uiiHli'Hiieaking Republic of ."■'iiiita DoiniiiKO, W.I., illuHtrat- I'd by viewH. WEST VANCOUVER ChrisHah Science Society CHURCH 'EDIFICE 20th and EaquimBlt, Hollybum This Society ia « liranch of The Mother Church , e - The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Miisfuchuaett.s,, Sunday Service: 11 :*'10 a.m. .Sunday, .InniJury 21 Kt, \ SUBJECT: L I I' K Sundoy School at 10:00 a.m. , Testimony Meeting Wednesday ot «:15"p.m. The public is cordially in- ,vlted to attend our services and meetings. . T H E , . F A M O U 5 , . , - . ^ .... F lilE MASTER . WKm mm mmSm ̂ HWr (Vancouver made) Smothers Gas, Oil and Chimney Fire.s automatically releasing fluid at fire heat. Does not damage contents. Available fit LFW'S BARBER SHOP, 14th and Marine. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ENTERTAINS COUNCIL kul. B R , G. D . H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.U.S. DENTIST X-Roy * Huy Block, 14th and Murine Dr. Office Iloura 1) to 0 p.m. Evenings by .ujipointmont. Phono West 72 3'H E 'UNITED CHURCH Ust and Esquimalt Ave. Rev. William Vance, Minister DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Mcdicul-Dontal Building ■ ' Hours: 9 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment. 1860 Marine Drive W'Cst 432 Sunday, .January 21st, .10 a.m.--The Sunday. School. 1 i :0() ji.m. -- Morning Worship. .Subject, {'Keeping One's Feet ill a Slippery Time." V:.'U) i).m.---Evening Service. Subject, "What Do You Expect . oi' I be (Iluirch ?" I'h'cryone' welcome. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC (CHURCH 23rd Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van • Pastor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m, - -------- High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 , p.m. ' Week-day Servicea Mass -- 8a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction / ,7:45. Saturdays :-- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:80 p.m. At the monthly dinner meet ing of the West Vancouver BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay .1545 Duchess Ave. WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cor. Marine and 25th Ave. Rector: Rev. Robert H. Birch, B.A. . 0 /I ■ I * n i i i ISatublitihed on North Shore- 25.Ycara (Lady AHiiiatant) HARRON BROS. LTD. S^uneral Rirectors li?*! i'j ."̂1" Ilollyhiirn F u n l^ l Uoine 18tb and Maymo West North Vancotfver; Parlors 122 We»t;:^fectb^treot PhonoTNorth 184' Voncouver-Parlors -S u iidfiy-S er vd cej?7' 65 Tenth Avenue Eost Phone Fair. 184 11 :()() a.m.--Subject, "The Testi mony of the First Di.sciples." .Story for the young worship- pers., 7:30 p.m.--Subject, "God's End- le.ss Quest;'.' \ The service i.s opened with a bright sing song, d'ho Church School ;and Adult Bible Class Tneets ut 10 o'clock. Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's __Sooiely will in<Kd.._ Ja^ik Mei:cej,L_ will s])cak on the . subject, ' "Christian Patriotism." Wednesday, 0:30 -- The annual meeting, ami congregational supper will be held. ST, STEPHEN'S tNY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector More pow('rl'uI than our mightiest araiie.s; more signifi- cant than tin*_hitcst cabinet changes: more hopeful and last ing than oui- brightest peace plans: surpas.sing all these, is the woi'k of redeeming and re claiming lives from sin, by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. An ac count of this great work of the Kingdom of God in Japan will be told on Sunday evening by Rev. Stanley Smith. Mr. Smith has just returned from Japan. - Services _Sunday.^.diool_______ 9:45-a.m^ Sunday Services....... 11:00 a.m. ' and 7 :30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Fellowship.... 7:30 p.m. Horseshoe Bay and Vicinity Bible Fellowship, Thursday at.......... . 7 :45 p.m. -- ^Thr-Rev. .Stanley SmifF will- speak. ■ . (Chamber of Commerce lield a t Ye Lions' Gate Arms last w ^ k , thel Reeve ami members of"the Municipal Gouncil, accompanied bv their wives,, wore gu,e.st& of honSn, fil.so the two ̂ retiring oouncNilors' with their • wives prc.sent by invitation. The even ing was one of the largest in m atter of attendance, yet held and ceiHainly could be voted as one of the most successful. After a delightful dinner served to perfection the even ing's program was openedi by .several musical selections ren dered by the Misses* Cooper from Vancouver in a rnost.entertain ing mahher. Items of business were next dealt with including a special, report presented on.be half of the Executive, giving a retrospect account of, the organ ization and activities pf the Chamber of Commerce since its inception less than t year ago. This report' was well received and, from observations of mem bers of the ■ Council later, was timely, as it drew the attention of the distinguished guests To the efforts being made to build an organization on a sound foun dation for present and future service to the municipality^ ReevQ Leyland, being the speaker of the evening, was then called upon and in one ̂of his more humorous veins, entertain- • ed the-riiembers-W-ith an-account - of sorpe of his experiences since_ entering public life in West Van-' epuver. His address wa^closed with* an earnest appeaPto all citizens, everywhere, to refrain from making disparaging critic- ism of men in public .service otherwise tim e would cofne when "good citizens" would refuse to offer the ir services for public of. flees. Each of th e other coun- cillors made brief addres.ses, also in; lighter vein, leaving .serious municipal m atters for the Coun- cil Chaniber itself, and to round out the evening a surprise was sprung when, on behalf of the Municipal Council and citizens,, the Reeve presented Ex-Coun cillor Gisby and Ex-Councillor Elgar .with silver tea services, suitably engraved, as a token of esteem . for their long years of public service in the municipal- ity. The recipients, though tak en completely by surprise, were- equal .to the occasion and ex pressed the ir pleasure and ap. preciation for the be^u.tlful gifts and the ffood wishes' that ac companied them. Also, on behalf, of the Municipality, Mrs. Ley- land presented Mrs. Gisby and Mrs. E lgar with bouquets of flowers. In the absence of Coun-, cillor Brown' on official duty with His M ajesty's Canadian Navy, Mrs. Brown was present as one of the guests and was formally introduced tp the gathering by thepfesident,' Tom Meglaughlin. SPEOAL Inside F ir;-- from shed per cord from mill ....... $5.60 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 "per" cord ̂ Slabs & Edgings $3.76 per cord SAWDUST. PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 IMS MARINE DRIVE WEST 300; ,M.*nil>er. A.U.T, of n.a The l)o(dor\s Orders 'I'he-tltx*.tor-met Mrs--Brown-ur the street. "And how is your husband sleeping now, Mrs. Brown?" he a.ske<l. ."Did "you give him the sleeping draught?" - Sunday, January 21st. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion.- 11:00 a.m,--Matin.s and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.--Evcn.song and Ser- -- mon. Monda>'7~8""p7nT.--Ch u rch Com- NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN ---The regular monthly meeting of the North Shore Local Coun- - - Y e . s ^ s i r - , -- ji 1^. - r e p l i e d V - -- V t n i m ittee Thursday, Jan. 25th, St. Paul's D ay-----10:15-- Holv Com munion. Tuesday. 2:30 n.m. -- W. A. II told me to give him the amount I could get on a .small nk-kel, but as 1 hadn't jiny^silver 1 u.'̂ ed five pennies ami he's b^en fast :iskH']> I list ra ted -IjOc tu re--S tu d y mee ing. ______ St. Francis-in-lhe-Wpod, Caulfeild cil of Women will be held in the North Vancouver Club Rooms on Monday next, 22nd Jiinuary a t 2 "p.m. _ - ___- An illustrated lecture will be for five days.n 3:00 p.m» -- Evensong and Ser mon. vincial Lecturer of th^ B C Branch" oT the Canadian Fores try Association. A large turn out of delegates is requested and the public is cordially invited to -attends-------------- ------- -̂----------- k - kfM ■ '.IT 3 5 WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works Furnaro and Rani|p Repairs, Sawdust Burners Phone West 39 CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST DEATH OF MRS. MARGUERITE E. PEARSON i i _ "LIFE" will be the subject of the Lesson .- Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. , \ Tlic Golden Text is: "This is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is imhis Son." (I John 5 :11) ^ t x r £ r r XT Among the citations which Colette^anw m the following from the Bible • • • • / • • • / a • • • THE Mrs. Marguerite E. Pearson Cnee Marguerite E. Payant), wife of Roy Pearson of 2465 HelJevue Avenue, passed away on January lOth, in the Vancou ver General Hospital, aged 27 .years. Besides her husband, she Xvict 'ft' 8CC ap tea* Publiahcd Every Thursday ' Publisher ' P. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 353 , Business and Editorial OfTice: 1704 Marine JDrive_____ PhoneAVest «55 "How excellent is thv loving- kindness, 0 God! ther^ore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings " (Psalms 36: 7). The' Lesson-Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- _l)OAlcj;!Scmce_jmiiJ^ witli sons, Maurice and Laurie, all at services were held at 11 a.m, last Saturday HoniV M -Funeral officiating, and v i f Capilanoview Cemetery.. " Tl^ey^o-the-Scriptaresi^v-M iii'v Baker Eddv: "Life is, always North Vancouver Office; 123 Lonsdale Ave. .Si' ^ $1.00 a year by carrior^ $2.00 a year by mail Baker Eddy: ........... has been, and ever will be'inde^ pendent of m atter; for Life is God, and man is the idea of Ciod; n o t formed materially but spm t- ually, and pot s u b j^ t to decay and dust." REV. STANLEY SMITH .Just, returned from Japan will spc.*ik on "Latest News and ' Japan and God's Work- >nR There," . ' ' ®̂ T van. tabernacle <-'r. Marine and SUKD.A.Y a t 7:30 p.m. tJO Place Your Job Prioting with The Weal Van News'