c. Established over 18 years. er t: Estnblishe|[,over 18 years. Circulating h the D h ,n e t , f West V am ouver-A m bU ^^^ D„„d„rave fi.oo per year. Cvtitess P a r k . C / i i i l f f i l , } r r . . ' ^rmaravc Be p e t copy >> I „ \ '* '» < ^ '* ^ '̂ r ~ - ^ m D t e s i a e , H o l l y , Cypress Park, Caul/eild, Whytecliff, Etc. Vol. XIV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 18th, 19^0 No. 40 TRANSPORTATION T1u3 subject of transportation is once more to the fore i,] West Vancouver as a result of the public support given ' the iiew municipal bus service across the bridge. It is un doubtedly a proof th a t our residents are"" willing to support such a .service. ^ According to the figures given out, which 6ov"er a period "from the 11th to the 31st ultimo inclusive, a profit over oper ating was made of $664.56, the costs taken into account being, for gas, oil, and wages only. To obtain a true picture of the situation it vvill ibe necessary to add the figures for repairs and upkeep, insurance, garage expenses,' etc., and ,, of' course, depreciation. " In addition the fact th a t .the Christmas and New Year's Eve travel occurred in the period under r"view, must not be forgotten. However, a f te r taking all these things into consideration it is evident a profit has been made. . At the same time th a t is not to say th a t, basing con clusions on a lirnited service for twenty-one days during one . of the busiest times of , the year, we should suddenly make ■ up ouiMninds to put on a rush hour service morning and even ing without first giving^he m atter very serious concideration. For instance,'while one' new-bus was acquired on a rental basis, it may not be possible, even if it were wise, to purchase the four new buses probably required fo r a rush hour service, ■ on the same terms. If impossible or unwise, there arises the question of borrowing $30,000 approximately a t a time when "bond offerings other than those for the* conduct of the" war would be frowned on in the 'm oney m arket. For, if W est Vancouver were to go into the m arket for money, there is no • reason why other municipalities and cities across Canada should not do likewise With a consequent depletion of the funds available for the war loans which alm ost certainly will be offered-for sale by Ottawa from time to time as the conflict progresses. Again, the addition of a rush hour service would ' necessitate, the' establishment of a city biis terminal within a very short period to give such a service a reasonable'ch'ance of success against the competition with which it will be faced. . These are only two of the problems to be considered taken" ̂ at random. Undoubtedly, there are a number of others. ' Remain the ferries, w hich. will have to be maintained on- a reasonablelscliedule-regardles^-of--what-action-is-t-aken-- over bus transportation,, because autjjiorities best in a position to know state there are a t any ratie'~tvvo hundred-fam ilies , living here who cannot afford to trave l by jbus. Consequently, a cancellation or a serious reduction in the schedule of the ferry' service, would mean two hundred empty houses, many of which would inr these days of w ar "remain empty with con sequent eventual loss to the municipality in taxes!^ Jn addition, there would be proba.bly a Ipss to be. faced in the, sale of the ' terries, against which $52,qOO . by way of bonds '"and interest IS still outstanding. So th a t, there , will be a loss to be met im any case unless ferry receipts increase, which we believe they will with the natural increase in population. ̂ We against th e establishm ent of a rush hour bus sei vice across the bridge, nor have we ever been. But we do Cepiecate any attem pt to" stampede the Reeve and Council into making a sudden decision'without time being first taken _o-thoroughly review the whole situation, especially on the basis ot figures for such a short and busy period. ^ NOTICE While the dead line for news is 6 p.ni. Tuesday, we should be greatly obliged if organizations and others having news Hems send them in as early as possilile, whenever they can conveni ently do so. This will make for an earlier delivery on Thursdays, and will nuiieri- ally help our hoys these dark days on their routes. --Editor. COUNCIL NOTES COMINtJ EVENTS ' There wore present the follow ing: Four petitioners in reference to a petition' re access through Creery Avenue to properties in Elock 23, D.L. 558. Mr. McDonald speaking for the applicants said th a t there was access in the Bkxik except to Mr. Dundas, .him.self, and Mr. Vey kriiiay,^ Fob. pth -- Earbarian.s' tiiris' Auxiliary Uuip Year Daiicu ill 1 he,Orange ilall. h o a r d o f c e m e t e r y I TRUSTEES Ibe tkmncil appointed the fol- owing .|o coiislituto the Hoard o f, Ci'nu'tmw Trustees for the BURNS' NIGHT <« '« The West Vancouver Burns Association has arranged for a Supper and Dance in honor of the Scottish Bard to be held m ' Inglewood Auditorium on Friday ' evening, January 26th. The toast list and musical program has been prepared to include speakers and artists worthy of a good hearing and the supper provided by Andrew Reid will deserve a good appetite. The guest speaker Will be the Rev. Harry Lennox. Supper will start* prom'̂ tly a t 7 p.m. and fqllow- ing the entertainm ent dancing from 9:30 p.m .' will bq enjoyed to the music o f "The Tartan Mountaineers." Admission will be by ticket only, available a t $1.00 each from any of the following com- mittee members; Dave Ander son, Tom. Ha:miltdnT J. R. Mitch ell, Jack McGowan, Donald Mc- Tayish, J. Richardson, J. R. Sin clair, Mrs. Elm er Bell or Mrs. R. Fiddes. . . - Those- wishing to attend th e dance only will be welcome at"" 9 ;30 p.m., the charge for which will be, 40c. Make your reserva-y tions early a n d . prepare for a good time. Richardson together with the Engineer to bring in a report. ' ^ -- ----- • VT / * * * . , ; W. Templer. Jan. m i l , In reference to a letter from .■ DlO. JOncroaching on Lot 3 of- the Orange Hall Company re a ili<' \V'.t! of Block 3; D.L. 554 E •'sign a t the Orange Hall the 100, Ac. . ' ' CoungT went on record that, if To iyply the (knmcil have no It was intended to erect an elec- .lurisdiclion, the actions com- tric sign and the same was ap- plninud of being a m atte r.fo r proved by the Provincial Main- l>l•i\̂ ale■ adjustment. - tenance Engineer, thc,y would Ki'iuik VV. Temulej' Jan I IUi . "t ' Culvert 2271 Mauiers A v tconformed to Municipal Regula tions. ' ' • , . * * ♦ The rniitter ,ofj the licensing of bicycles was referred by the Council to Councillor Richardson and the Munjcipal Solicitor toi bring down a suitable by-law for the licensing'and regulation of same. - - . y-The-Gouncil-referred.~the"q^ues-" tipn of the licensing of halls in connection with dances ' held therein to the Reeve and Muni cipal Solicitor' to take up with the Police Department with a view to discovering the best way lo_oy_erc.Qme-the difficulty. nuu To reply that if appjicjiht pro vides the cost of the material recpi ired by the Engiluier the Council will-- do the necessary work. ' ' • ' , .>l< ■ ♦ ■ . -Referred to:-- II. Leeming,' Jan. 12th, 1940. Licensing of. SociaL Club at Or- ange Hall. * ♦ ♦ Clerk's replies :- The Municipal -Solicitor to en-' ..quire from Vancouver City auth orities theii\, pi'oeedure in such matters. A. E. Morris, Jan,, 1940. Street light 2400 block Bellevue Avenue;------- ------- , ---- The LighT/ile 7.T: B. C. Electric Jtly. Co, Ltd,, JanT 5th, 1940, W. V. Munici- • HOLLYBURN_HALL BRITISH - ISRAEL LEGION NOTES The regujar Monday evening meetin̂ g' of the D u n d a r a v e ranch as usual on January 2̂nd at,25,th and Marine Drive. Hamilton. eat Day, You are very icor- A Young People's 0 Service il lustrated with lantern views* will - be given a t 7:15 p,m„. tomorrow (Friday), in Hollyburn Hall. Sunday School and Young lEeople's-BibJe-Clas^will-be-held-- Properties. Jan. pality Ornaiiiental Street Light- «tn, 1940. Mr. H eeps request ing'I3tb-te_19th^Street, Marine to r a perm it or five years use D^ive. and occupancy of a logging road. The Chairman of the Light l.o_reply_tnat^the Council-ii]w__PeptT^to^talre'mp^vitb-the"W7"V~ preoiate the view of the British Chamber of Com merce. very tcor- P^^y®i*;Glroup on Groim̂ ^̂ ̂YU ? Bible Study m Mr a t 2:30 p." . •> Ins. Cornish in charge. *** TRANSPORTATION b 'a S ^ f T of a J ^ y ^ t io n Committee. Reid L 'the disculss tho whole question of-tran^n^rv- question of PossiWî object of to same. and - S ! ^ that all complaints " The next regular meeting will be held a t 8 p.m. tomorrow (F ri day) ; in the Legion Hall. All members are requ.ested to re serve this night, and attend, as -the-Fraser-Valley-M ilk-Produc-- ers. have arranged to give a showing of "sqund pictures""of"the Royal-Visit and-other, features.,- All ex-service men and their friends are cordially invited. All? members of the branch who promised donations for Sat urday n ight's party to the Wom- _en!s-Auxiliar-y--please-contaet-F-.- Rivers, West 22-M. Little Edna: "W hy wouldn't it do to pray for our bread once a week <»r once a month? Why must we ask every day for our daily bread ? Older Sister: "So as to have it fresh." a t 10 a.m. next Sunday, January 21'St, and at "the 7:30 p.m. ser vice on th a t day Eon l^ th ie of -P uerta Plata, W ^ t Indies, will give a Gospel acldress. Next ' Tuesday evening. iJanuary723rd,_ at 8 p.m. the same speaker will tell of the work_,qf the Gosi^l in the Spanish-speaking Republic of Santa Domingo, W est Indies, his addrees being illustrated . with lantern views. Dr. Nash, Jan. 10, 1940. .Con dition of 19t;h Street, The Engineer for a report, ' F„ C. Rummel, Jan. 4,' 1940. Drainage conditions Lot 7 and 8, Block-7,--D;Lr582r Ellery Marsden sez some folks is like his old Dominick rooster--They do a lot of unnece.s.sary crowing. Pacific Properties, as it appears to coincide exactly with the policy alfeady'established by the Council. H. Thorpe. Jan, 15th, 1040. -LiGenGe-fGF-Roller-Bkatlng Rillk, Lot 13, Block 36' D.L. 430. The Engineer for report. Applicant to be informed no a . E.-Morri.s, Jan. 1940. Con- licence (^n be granted as the lot dition of roadwary 2400 block, in question is not in the bu.siness Bellevue. R / r j - i T The Engineer for maintenance - --J.-J. JVIcGrath,-Jan .-LOf h, J_94 0. --attention-if-necessary-and-appli-- K^transportation. • cant to be advised his applica-r' To thank the w ritr for his tion for hard .surfacing will be considered in the Spring of this year. E. W. Baldens and A. H. Johh- sofi, Jan. 4, 1940, Additional w ater "Mar L Greek;; '""y '7:: v 7' ; To be filed with other ohp^ ^ communication-and say his sug gestions will be considered, R. Parkin, Jan. 11th, 1940. Ac cident to car January 2nd, 1940.' ' • To reply th a t the Council do not accept any legal liability but . _ __ ___ ___ are-prepared-w7Hh^cuiri">i'€ludlce tions a,nd referred to the Muriici- to contribute 50%.- pal Solicitor. $ l i p p o ^ ' Y o u r t r a n s p o r t a t io n SYSITIM ih for West. Vancouver to maintain ' --^ portation_S.vstemr-anri.;it.s-snp.ees«-fiftpend.s ^ your patronage: ' . . • , . SERVICE, COURTESY \AND COMFORT B. I, ViMpp ' " ' Manager ' ' K. A. RAY, " ' ' Chaflrman of Transportation ̂ * a; Committee Municipal Buses