West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Jan 1940, p. 3

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o CORPORATION OP THE DISTRICT OP 7 .....-™ ...™ ,W E S ^A K ^D yB R - Notic^^to«Ratepa3Qe»5 P,vmonl o£ taxes for tho y ^ r 1940 can bo ™ade ,>« «'i- ̂ n, 1 it* paid on or before the 30th of April, will bear ":l th /ra te of , . _ . ' ...... 5% Per Annum from the date of payment to I, the* end of June, 1940. may be made a t the Municipal Hall, 17th and ,J & l,H o lly b u rn ,B .C . ; ^ .H E R R IN . Municipal' Clerk. Local and Personal P lio n e W e ^ t 2 6 8 Day or N ight (Bill Grout) - W est ' f k n Motors the' SfANiiA 16th and Marino WRECKER SERVICE ROAD TROUBLE SERVICE Motor Tune-Up by Bear Brand Tune-Up Machine GENERAL TIRES AND BATTERIES FERGUSON'S MOTOR TRANSPORT CO. 5 FREIGHT TRIPS DAILY Hetween WEST VANCOUVER and VANCOUVER Phonos: \Vest 85, North, 1243-Y, ,Trinity 0429 . No Service' on Sundays or Holidays. "Ship the Ferguson Way and'Save." REFUGEE COMMITTEE The meeting of the Refugee Committee announced, for Mon­ day, January 15th, has been post­ poned until- Monday, January 29th. ALL-BLACK BARBARIANS RUGBY __Last Saturday marked the opening of-the Miller Cup Rugby with the' local boys: on the long end of a 12-3 score against U. B.C. The game was featured by the excellent playing of Art ■Alexander, Hank Smith' and ::_Garaey Smith ; Hank Smith: s'oor- ing one-try"and Garney Smith the other three. It looks as if the present team will go a long way. _ ' , While the Barblacks were tak­ ing the measure of the . U.B.C. out at -the Stadium, th e Second XV All Hiack Barbarians were out for the first time th is season on Douglas. There they finished' at the short end of a '6-3 score after being on level terms with -the-Art Club for ̂most of the ■ "game. Pat Fagan scored . the Barblack try. . Next Saturday's fixturesjKvth _ Ir ̂ S^i'blacks' is t XV vs. JJarpole, Confederation Park; Barblacks 2nd XV vs Pro-Rees' high, Douglas Park. MRS. RENNIE PASSES Mrs. Jessie , Rennie of 2f93 Argyle Avenue, widow of the late John Rennie, formerly of Glasgow, Scotland, passed away last Saturday in her 90th year. Mrs. Rennie, was a retired stew­ ardess of the original Empress of Japan. Funeral services were held a t 3 p.m. Tuesday in the City, the Rev. J. Robertson offic­ iating, and committal was made in Ocean View Burial Park. . .....Mr. and.Mrs. Norman Sewell arrived from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, last Fidday and are the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Criokmay, 2078 Gordon Avenue. Mrs. Cranwill and daughter Joy, 1565" Hayw(K>d Avenue, ̂ have returned , from spending the Christmas holidays iii Win­ nipeg and Edmonton.' ♦. 1*1 lb Major H. E. WhiU'in of Cypress Park, is leaving tliis week end on a business trip to the Eastern States and Ontario, lie expects ■"to.retui'11 to the Coast about Uie middle of February. The Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Dingle, have moved from Burnaby and are now occupying their homo at 20th and Esquimau Avenue. Word has been received that Miss Betty Mackay,, who has been a frequent visitor at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Stratton, is re­ covering in Invcriiess from shock sustained at the sinking 'of the Athenia, in which she was returning to Canada following a visit to relatives in Scotland..h )|< >K - * Mr. and Mrs. Dobson have moved into a suite at "The Gables," West Bay. ^♦ ♦ H« ^ Mrs. J. Dodd Allan, formerly of West Bay, who has recently returned from England, is very seriously ill in the Vancouver General Hospital. ;♦ ♦ * Mr. BowIoh, 101 h, ami Duchess Avenue, left yesterday for a 'Short motor trip to San Diego, California. Lieulemint Ronnie Jackson, R. C.N.R., has arrived from York Island to spend a wwk's leave at his home, 1243 20th Street.* * * Jack Gillmore,, 1518 Argyle Avenue, left by plane on Tues­ day for New York, where ho will' attend the Motor Bout, Show. While east he will fly to Boston to visit his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillmore.Di 4> ♦ , Engagement Mr. and Mrs. L. R. M. Bould- ing 339 East Twelfth, North Vancouver, announbe the engage­ ment of their elder daughter, Cliy<3 W aters,'to Mr. Edward Jonn/Bcard, older son of Mrs. E. M. Beard of 2425 Ottawa Ave­ nue, West Vancouver. The wed­ ding will take place in St. Agnes' Anglican Church, North Vancou­ ver, January 29. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY The next regular practice of the B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society, West Vancouver Branch, will be held at 8 p.m. on Satur­ day of this week (January 13th) in the liOgion Hall. Members- are asked to kindly note the' change of place of meeting. FUNERAL SERVICES Î 'OR CAPTAIN L. R. W. BEAVIS TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE First Division Teams P W .L .T Pts Dudes* 9 6 2 1 13 Maple Leafs -9 5 2,-.2 12 ,W. V. .Sizzlers 9 5 - 3 1 11 Canadiens ' 9̂ ̂ 3 4 2 8 Last week's scores: ., ' Dudes 9, Canadiens9. Maple Leafs 10, W.V. Sizzlers 8 Second Division Teams P W L T P ts % W-estenders , 1 1 0 0 2100 Sockeyes 1110 0 121-95 Norvanites 11 9 1 119 86 Hillbillies' 11 6 5 0 12 54 Three Plys 11 5 6 0 10 45 Comets- r :1T 0 9.̂ 2 2 " 9 N ifties' 11 0 .9' 2 2 9 Crimpers 1 0 1 0 0 0 Last weelfs scores: Mr. and Mrs. George Cowan of Gaulfeild, are spending some time in Edmonton. i i|c i|e -H: ■** The next meeting of the Whytecliff Unit of Canadian Red Cross will be held a t the -homepf-Mrsir^P--Av^BealVGar-row* Bay, Whytecliff, .West Vancou­ ver, on Monday, Jan uary 15th, at 2 p.m. 6th SEA SCOUT GROUP AND WOLF CUB PACK The regular monthly meeting, of the Mothers' Auxiliary,to the above group and pack will be held at 'tho home of Mrs. E. J. Alton, 2485 Nelson Avenue (Upper Level bus leaves Ferry Wharf 2 p.m.), on Thursday, January 18th, at 2 :30 p.ih. when all mothers are'cordially invited to attend. ST. STEPHEN'S ANNUAL MEETING ' Funeral services for Captain Lqpcelot Russell Waldron Beavis who died on Wednesday of last week in his 76th year at the home of his daughter, Mrs. K. A. Richardson, in Portland, were ^held. on Saturday at ll-MS a.m. ~from" St~StepKelT'̂ GhlIrch7H;Kcr Rev. F. ; A. Ramsey officiating, f oil owed by i n termen t in Capjj- ano View Cemetery; The Holly- burn Funeral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd., were in charge.of the* ^arrangements, and the pallbear- _ere were T. P. Q. Menzies, ..Noel --- Robinson, S t a n l e y Bi*aoe'wll, George Barker, Dalton Allan and L. V. Kelly. During his 53 years . a t sea the deceased commanded a number of well- known shii)s, and . was navigating ofi'icer of H.M.S. Shealrwater . durtrrg ' the War. Latterly he had contribut-, ed .a number of sea stories, to_ leading magazines. Besides his' daughter he is" survived' by Ihi'ce sisters in.England.i,;. . Westenders 18, Comets 0. • Sockeyes 14, Nifties 4. Norvanites 12, Three Plys 6. Hillbillies 15, Crimpers 3. BUY Dominion o f Canada Bonds CANADA'S SAFEST INVESTMENT RIDDELL, KEENLEYSIDE & CO., LTD. 808 West Hastings St. Sey. 4491 • Vancouver nelsons l a u n d r ie s l t d . \ DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine * Good Housekeeping) ~ C. C. PINNEYj West "Vancouver Representatlvef^ Phone West 782 and Driver will calL for your DRIVEWAYS road m a t e r ia l s lim ited 1*110116 N o rth 1 1 4 1 ALF ELLIS, West 160-Y -----A-well.-attended-Annual-Meet- ' îng of St. Stephen!s Church was held on- Monday in the Parish Hall. After'a good supper served by the W.A., the Rev. H. J. Greig gave a thoughtful--ad^^s.^. on . "The Responsibility of Christians in the World Today." Reports were received of the various organizations of the Parish, each of which reported progress and increased activity. The Church wardens reported tha t every obligation had been met, includ-, ing the Missionary apportion­ ment,' in full. Oflficers for the ensuing year are Rector's War­ den, F. J. Hayward; People's Warden, D. A. Jay. Lay dele­ gates to Synod: V. Bracewell and F. H. H. Parkes; Alternates, J. T. Lane and R. Silva-White. Committee; H. M. Bruton, M; Clarke, J. Sheflfeild, D. Halstead, and Mrs. T. E." Batchelor. Miss M. B. Almas having completed twenty-five years' active service as Superintendent of the Sunday School, was appointed Superin- , tendent Emeritus, and H. M. Bruton assumes charge of the Sunday School. EXPERT:: .̂ Watch and-j;ibck r e p a ir in g T. CHRISTENSON. (formerly ■with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive I. 0. D. E. NOTICE * Members of the I.O.D.E. lied Cross' sewing"and knitting units will please note' the change of address for The meeting on Mon­ day next, Jafn uary 15th, at 2:30 o'clock, which will be held ,in Dundarave School., The sewing ^oup will watch their local ne^wspapers for meeting on M'on̂ day, January 29th. The Emergency Service (Jofn- mittee will shortly announce where citizens interested may register for classes in dietetics, motor mechanics and Red'Cross Home Nursing; CORRESPONDENCE Dear Mr. Editor. Referring to your list of sub­ scribers to the local Santa Claus Fund, may I through this med­ ium, compliment the four cbild- \ren--Roy Jordan, Mary Ĵ une Jordan, Robert Edington, Gerald Gray--who by carol singing col­ lected the handsome sum of $7. T^efe you are, they did it, but perhaps it was, as someone said, a smile from Mary June would make anyone part with a quar­ ter. ......-- ------------- So here is luck to them all,., until Xmas^940, when they probably will do-it again, but re­ member Mary June, always keep the price up. Yours truly, ' D, FAULKNER WHITEl Bennett's BAKERY (fonnurly Strattons) B u rrE iu 'iiu sT b r e a d Scotrii Pancakre, Scoiu's, Abcrnethy'.s ami Oat Cakes M68 Marine Drive Phone Weal 27 Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES Went m PHONE -- Went 5820 ^ ( HAULES THOMPSON H12 lOHi Street Onrico at 133(5 Murine Drive Hollyburn Theatre Tin I US DAY AND FRIDAY SATURDAY MATINEE .liuumry 1 llli, l^Ui niul l.'Rh TOMMY KELLY "PECK'S BAD BOY AT THE CIRCUS" also "LISTEN DARLING" SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY .Jimunry L'iUt luid IBUi SON.IA -HENIE TYRONE POWER 'SECOND FIDDLE' ^ also , , . "MAIKHI OF TIME" TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY January lOLli ami 17th LIONEL HARRYMORE " CALLING DRv^KILDARE^ (Once only at - . also . "HOU) THAT CO-ED" Nellie Harrison . A.T.'C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of - PIANO ami THEORY RcHidcnce s tu d io : ly.'iS Injylowood Av(,*iiuo, W e st 10r>()-L Betty Cavendish DANCE CLASSES - BALLEl^^rAlV 7 ACROBATKJ, BALLROOM, Etc. for children and adult.s. Legion Hall, We.si 308-11-2 Sey; 8623 S e y . 8627 26 Water SI. UNITED UPHOLSTERING Kepains a Specialty Needlepoint Mounted ; D, HOPE. J'hone We.sf, 8L5-R S. H. SRIGLEY Painter and Decorator 170 6 M arine""D r iv e in th e S to re occupied b y T h e Flo re n c e Studio.s P h d n 6 W e s t 9.'58 VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, • adc6 ^ood, Coal, o Builders' Supplies