/ I' if li .'1 \ ̂ W ' ■) li' ! ' I ' ,1 ' J: r- ' ' 'h i ̂ ̂4? .̂. • ■?,' , r 'il. "5 4yB̂¥.: 't? TOE WEBT VAN NEWS wkst^Van. (jnitkd CMi;iicii Cm t . 2 1 * t Jk E s q u Lttts It A v a * ... KKV. W. VANCK, B.A„ Mtuhrt^r H047 G o rd o n A v e n u o , Sunday H^rvicea: 11 a.rn. A 7;30p,ni. .Strungerji and Viaitora are welcome Her. BAKHST CHUIICB . . i i l a l a t i r .. W. JL McKay, BJL, BJ), Sunday Serrlcea I Q M . a ,m .r ~ C b « r c b S c h o o l. in- cludioir A d u lt Claaa 11 B.ui. & 7:30 p.m.--ij^eacblnisf Servicea. A h e a rty welcome to all IlairatylinilS M a flic 'I'Im* m »)(u '( witinvii.'of tod ay w a n t a liair.slyh' aiv p ra c tifa l a« it in c h ic; U n it can f>c coinlR'd out in a jUiFy and .'iliJI looh tr i ;f . ( ' oilfuroH done a t tlic (Jw<' ndaiyn liavc Ihia w ell-jfro om cd look Ijc c u u h c ol' llii'ir e xp e rt tu |K T iri(f and q u a lity ))i'niiancnt^w aveK. GwemIo/y»'s Beauty Shoppe CifulorH of KxcIuhIvc rernianunta, 1540 M a rin o D r iv e W eal 1 1 7 HOLLYBDRII HALL 14th and Duchesa I It I D A V K V K M N G , J u n , 12 lh a t 7 :1 5 Voujtjtf I'eople'M Service S u b je c t: "N a a n ia n the S y r ia n " S p e a k e r: MIt. JOHN WILSON A w (niderful a to ry , w onderful , icwh and a w o n d e rfu l nie.swij'e. S l ' N D A Y , J a n . M l h , at 10 n .m . S u n d a y School and V'ouriK i'eoplo'B B ib le C Iubh Sunday Evenin£f at 7:30 (V O S I'IO L A D D K I O S S M B . S p e a k e r: A . M O R N I N G T U E S D A Y a t 8 p .m . P r a y e r and B ib le S tu d y S u b je c t: f " H i e lOpialJc .to. the G a ln tia n H " WEST VANCOUVER Chrisfian Science Society C l i U t t C I l E D I F I C E 20th and Baquinaalt, H o lly b u m T h i » S o c ie ty is a U rnu^ of T h e M o th e r Church T h e F i r s t Church of C h n a t, S cio n tia t, 'n Boston, Massachusetts S u n d a y S e rvic e : 11:3 0 a.m . Sunday, J a n u a r y MlH S U B J B C l ' : * "SACRAMENT" S u n d a y School at 10:00 u.in. . T e s tim o n y M cetihir Wednesday , , a t 8 :15 pun. T h e public is cordially in vite d to attend our services and pnee tinga.. GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE /I730 -Marine D riv e ___ W e »t $«£ ( learance of all F A u / a n d W I N T B H M E R C H A N D I S E at G r e a tly Reduced P r k e a / INVEST IN CANADA'S PRIME SECURITY buy DOMINION of CANADA BONDS \Vm. E. Tliom.son, 3247 Travers, ̂ West 233-M-2 PEMBEIiTON & SON ' Vancouver, Ud. D R . G. D. // . S E A L E • D .D .S . , L ; D . S . ' DENTIST . X - R a y ' . H a y lllo c k , M th and M a rin e D r , O lfic e H o u rn 0 to 0 p .m . . K ve ninifs by a p p o in tm e n t, 1' iiorie W e st 72 JTIE UNITED CHURCH 21st, and Esquimalt Aye. Jiev. William Vance, Minister DR. McUAiO D E N T I S T fo rm e rly o f 705 M e d lg n l-D e n ta l B u ild in g llo u r s ; ,0 to 0 ^ E v e n in g s b y ap p o in tm e n t. IHOO M a rin o D r iv e W e st 432 .Sunday, January 14th 10 a.ni,--The Sunday School. 11:0() a.m. ™ Morning Worship. Sunday School . Snhjed,, "Our Prayer Life." Sunday ^rviees 7:30 p.in.™Iley. Dr. Hugh Dob. ..son will be the preacher. His Wednesday ,siibj('et, "'rhe Inner Life and • -Prayer F WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cor. Marine and 25th Ave. Red or: Key. Robert H. Birch, B.A. , There has prf)haldy never been such a volume, of prayer being olTered from all j)arls 6f the world as there is tcnlay. God is answering in marvellous ̂ ways the record of .which is a stilhulus to our faith. Bill do we know how to pray so tliat we know God hears and answers? This will be the sul)jed foi* consider-, atioii on Sunday evening. Que.s- tions are invited. S e r v ic e s ....... ,9 ;45a.m. .... 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD Y. P. S. The United Church Y.P;S, la.st Captain M. C. Robinson, M.G., Monday night invited the West est speaker at the Clachan'on Point Grey Society to Bold languest Friday evening, 51 h instant, ex- ' informal debate on the subject; nlained 'dearly the various ser- "Military Conscription in Canada * ' should be enforced immediately," with West Vancouver taking the negative view. Speakers from vices of the Co-Ordinating Coun cil for War Work and Civilian' Services for Greater Vancouver, of which he is Advisory Chair man. Mrs. Hundy .reported 35 Xmas boxes were sent to West Vancouver boys in brandies of West Vancouver were Marjorie O'Donnell, and Douglas Colqu- houn, while their opponents were Bob Pooley and Beth Good: Eric Mitchell from West Point Grey, H^Mlftblishc'd on N o r t h Sliora 25 Y e a rs ( L a d y A s s ls tu n t) HAimON BROS. LTD. jFulirrai Slrerlors Ilo lly b u r n F u n e r a l H o m e 18 th and M a r in e . , W e st 134 N o r t h V a n co u ve r P a rlo rs - 122 W e s t S ix th S tre e t l*h one N o r t h 134 V a n co u ve r P a rlo rs f)f) T e n th A v e n u e E a s t Phono F a i r . "134 'I'he Outer World.^' Wi'dne.sday, Jan. 17th, at 8 p.m. the annual meeting of the con- gi'egation will be held. Re ports and busine.ss. The Stew- ai'ds will be hosts at the Get- acciuainted l)pur. Everybody wdoorne,.' The regular monthly, meeting of the. \V.M.S.,'of the United' riiui'ch will be held on? Tuesday, IGfli instant, when the Rev. Mr.^ Vance will oR'iciate at the instal lation of officers fo r-th ey ear 1.940. ft is hoped that there will Ije a good attendance of mem bers and friends. Fellow.shii)--. 7 :30 p.m. Horseshoe Xlay and Vicinity Bible Fellowship.......... 7:45 p.m. ST. STEI»HEN'S Rev. F: A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, January 14th 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. ,J1:00 a.m.T--Matins and Sermon. 7:30 p.ni.--Eyensong and Ser- ■ mon. ' ^ St. Francis-in-ihe-Wood, Caulfeild 9:45 a.m.--Morning service. Wednesday, 2:30 p.m. -- Ingle- - wood W.A, meeting. - BROWN & ON NY MAKE MUNTON 1S42 MAniNB ORIVR WEST 300 . >;i|.'rnlim A.ll.T. nf 11.0.________ BA1»TIST CHURCH Rev. Wr U McKay 1545 Duchess- Ave. Sunday Services: il:0p a. m.---Subject, "Personal Evangelism." There will be. a story for the boys and girls. 7:30 p.m.-- ĵtev. T._ B, McDor- . , mand, B.A., B.D., will preach, lyir. McDoi'inand is the Direc tor for Church Schools and ~ Young People's Work for the -- Baptist- Union - t of Western Donald McAlpine Piafflst tr T^HclT .C L A S S , am i I N D I V I D U A L ' I N S T R U a n O N S t u d io ;' 233 .'list S tre e t P h o n o M iss W ilc o x ' residence S a tu r d a y . W e st 3 0 7 - Y - l Canada. 10:00 a.m,--̂-The Church School, including the adult Bible Class -- Avill meet-- ■ ------- ir-- ----- Monday-rLrThe T'oung lY'oplc will attend the Wiiiter Young People's Rally in Grandview Baptist Church, 7 :45 p.m. Wednesday, 7 :45--Prayer meet- ing. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev.'Father Van ^astor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:16 a.m. High Mass and Sermon a.m. Rosary and Benediction p.m. _ . :_____ Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7r:45;--- - Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. service in Canada,, and abroad. JRupert Harrison from West Van- Several interesting letters of couver and Tak Uyeda, fi-om the appreciation were read. The . Union, acted as judges. The de- Committee wishes t6 thank cision went to West-'Vancouver. Guild members and friends for generous donations which helped^_y to ' make up these attractive boxes. The Guild i:̂ still collect ing Oxo Cubes and wool scarves for di.stribution to soldiers froih time'tQ time. Guild.Red Cross .sewing group will resume weekly- meetings at the United Church Hall at 2 p.m. Friday, (tomor row) . These meetings are well. attended,'with a good volume of - work resulting. - The Birthday Banquet of the • Guild will take place at the Clachan on Monday, January '29th: 7 " "■ 77'" "" The Bookclub niet at the home of Mrs. E. Therrien on Monday, 8th instant. Mrs. J. H. Moncrieff reviewed "Brazilian Adventures" by Peter- Pleming; Mrs. "Weber reviewed "Wind, -Sand & Stars"„ by Ahtainne de St. Exupery. PROSPERITY FUELS N O R T H 954 ' W EST 1032 B U S H I N S I D E F I R . . . . ' $5.50 cord M I L L I N S I D E F I R . . . . 5.00 cord F I R E P L A C E F I R . . . . 4.00 c o r l S A W D U S T -- G u a ra n te e d , 200 cubic f e e t , 1 0 0 % F i r . . . . . . $4:00 H . P . A L j b E N Gonsoience: An inner voice -that warns us somebody is look ing. - ■ ■ M oney Circulating in W est .V an cou ver W e s t Vancouver Chamber o f C o m m e r c e 10:15 7:45 Y. W. C. T . U. W E S T V A N C O U V E U Sheet Metal Works Furnace and Jtnnro UepnirH, Sawduat Burncra Phono W e st 39 CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver Y..W: C.. T, U. will be held a t the home of Mrs. Norman pole, 2920 Mathers Avenue, oh Tuesday, January 16th,. a t 7:45 p.m. All The. News •k klf :: ' j:!'__^-- I "SACRAMENT" will be the ..................... . .subject of the Lesson - Sermon young ladies who are inkrest^^^ ̂ in all Churches of Christ, Scien- in this work Sito. ffiven a henvtv ti.st, on Sunday. The Golden Text is :' "I am the Lord that bringeth you up but of the land of Egypt, to be your are given a hearty welcome to attend. BOYS' BAND AUXILIARY T H E W est V an News. Puhliahod E v e r y T h u rs d a y I 'if - Publiaho.r F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business ,nnd Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive, Phone West 55 •M' North Vancouver Olfice: 123 Lonsdale Ave. - God: ye shall thei'efore be hbly, for I am holy." (Leviticus 11: 45). , Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sexnioii is t h e following fix>m the Bible: .o,- mA "Study to shew thyself approved President Airs ^ T T ' unto God, a workmiaFthat need- \ 4 ; Pre.iden^^ ? H ' eth not to be ashamed, rightlv Mis^J. H. Hall; dividing the word of tnith." (II Timothy 2: 15). , The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following ,.|passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to. the Scriptures" by Maiw Baker Eddy: "His true flesh and blood were his Life; and theS' truly eat^his flesh and drink idsJblood. wdib partake of The annud meeting of the \Vest Vancouver Boys' Band Auxiliary, was held iii the lunch room of the Pauline Johnson school. The six officers elected for the ensuiher * year Secretary, Mi:s.. G: D; Bai'bour, Ti'easurer, Mrs. W. M. Thomp son ; Social Convener, Mrs. A. H. Visitor, Mrs. E. W. K. Doherty; Press, Mrs. P. E Ti'ussell.' divine Life. • loo a year by carrier: by mail •2.0 0 a ye a r Mr. and Mrs. James Reid have moved into a house at 10th and Marine Drive. MODERN MIRACLES OF PRAYER "How to I>ray Effectively" AVEST VANCOUVER , t a b e r n a c l e Sunday, Jan. 14: 7:30 p.m. Your iire welcome. Place Your Job I*ribting with The Wê t Van News