Established over 13 years. Estttblisfied over 18 yeara. C trculatinsin the D istrict o f West Vancouver^Ambleside, H o//yburn, Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per >̂ o«r. ' - Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, E tc. 5c per copy Vol. XIV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY. JANUARY Hth, 1940 No. 39 RUSSIA m a/m THE SCHOOL BOARD COUNCIL NOTES COMINC EVENTS Russia is bulking very large in the eyes of the world today and is likely to loom much , larger before the year is out ' She has been the great Euroi>ean enigma for years now bv reason of the vastness of her territories -- at the begin^--- 1 iiliii? of this century the realm over which the Czar ruled was preatur in Area than that of the whole British, Empire,--Jier scattered and illiterate population, and the fact that under the Bolshevik regime strangers generally were and are only al lowed in that part west of the Ural Mountains and there only undei^strict supervision. : In making any assessment of Russian power it is always • necessary to. remember that she is the last great European nation to be industrialized, and that industrialization is scarce ly begun, being only, a few years old. Up to the time 6t the fall of the Czar Russia was for all practical purposes wholly agricultural. That is to say, and it probably offers one of the chief reasons for the non-success of her mechanized arm in Finland, the present generation is the first which has ever had anything to do with machinery as compared with several ,generations in the case of the other great powers. It certainly provides the true explanation behind the arrest some few years' ago of certain British engineers, who were accused of sabotaging the very plant machinery which they had just set ' up, For semi or half skilled hands let loose amid the intri- . cacies of a modern plant can wreck it more quickly and surely than those with no knowledge at all. • However, be that as it may, an earnest attempt has been made these last few years to industrialize the nation by means of recruiting campaigns in the villages for labor power. They had a census in 1938, but, owing to the figures as regards literacy and religious beliefs not being quite what had been expected, many of the members of the committee in Charge were exiled or shot on charges of spying and "sabotaging the census," and the figures were never published. A further . ' ■ census taken in 1939 revealed a'total population of 170,487,186 representing an increase of 23,000,000 since the last census ip 1926. ° The most striking item in; the figures was an increase of 30,000,000 in the number of city dwellers, this being the --result--of--the-Jabor-recruitihg-campaigns-referred-to-above:---- Moreover, the peasants are flocking in .in ever increasing numbers from the villages. And the thirty million men and women with money in their pockets. have created quite a problem already. B^ause, accustomed in the past to making most of the things they consumed, they have demanded_ manu- ' factuied foods, clothes, shoes, factory-made furniture, electric: lights, radios, etc., which demand Soviet light industry cannot ,, begin at present to meet. History records that a dgift to the cities from the countryside ie seldom a healhy sign in any nation, yet Stalin at the eighteenth party congress last March appealed for two million peasants every, year to join the ranks of the .industrial workers. Ever- since the Bolsheviks came into power there has been a tendency ih western^ civilization to either eulogize or revile ■ Russia, but always vdth a t the back a certain note of fear begotten largely of uncertainty as to her power and progress. Today as a result of the Finnish campaign this has been suc ceeded in many quarters by relief ahd"scornr Her unprovoked attack of course, .on the brave little nation to the north of her is wholly on a par with the Italian rape of Ethiopia, but one hundred and seventy million people stretched in one solid-block-across-tworcontinents-and- on thedndustriai--7T if not the military march are a real force to be reckoned- with. It will be best if we do not halloo before we are out of the wood, . . , , The following brief summary There were present the fol- of last year's work is offered by lowing: the School Boai*d, with the final Mr. MinioiivS in relerence to a figures for 1939. > • rt- propo.sed subdivision of D.L. FINANCE.. -- Estimates of 1062. o r d i n a r y expenditure were it wiis pointed out to Mr. Min- struck at $60,570.00. Increased' ision did not comply with the enrollment was anticipated and, ision di dnot comply with the more than usual allotted to. pro- requirements of the Zoning by vision of added eciuipme.nt and law and the Council would pre furnishings. Economies in other for the property be divided into depiu'tments prevented over-ex- 20 lots instead of 24. After dis- penditure in. this account. Plans cussion the matter was referred were made for submission of a back to the, Plans Appmval Of- by-law to build an addition to ffeer to take up again with the the High Schools, but had to be applicant and, bring in a further abandoned on, the outbreak of report. - war. To relieve the congestion Mr. Richmond, Barrister,. on temporarily two rooms were behalf of S. Pride, owner of D.L. added ,,to Inglewood Annex at a 1071 S.E., in reference to prOr cost of $3,100 of which $1,000 posed diversion of water, was authorized from school cur- Mr. Richmond was requested rent account and $2,000 advanc- to .file his objection with the ed ' by the Municipal' Council Municipal Clerk. against the 1940 levy for schools. . -------- ^ MANAGEMENT -- Problems Question of' direct approach to of, increased school, population Council re MunicipaF matters, have been-m et satisfactorily. The Clerk to arrange to advise Transportation for pupils was the public through the local Friday, 26th January, at 7 p.m. ---Hiirns' Dinner in Inglewood -..Audilorium. BErrV CAVENDrSH DANCE CLASSES Miss Hetty Cuvondish is re suming her (lance cla.saes lor childrc'ii and adults in the Ivc'gion llaH following (he holiday recess. Halh'ooin, ballet, tap, acrobatic, <'(c. Aliy interested are asked to kindly phone her at West 308-11-2 or Seymour 8623, INITIAL OFFERING OF WAR LOAN bonds augmented in September by hav ing both school buses cover, the whole area, j The highlight of the year's^" work was the success of the eh- - press that persons wishing to appear before the Council to speak on any matter should first notify the Municipal Clerk by mail of their intention in suffici ent: time- before the Council'tire matriculation class in the June exams. It is nqteworthy meetiitig they desire to attend. that this was the first class to -------- complete the Junior High School Building Inspector. January oourse started" in ,1932 despite^ 2rid, 1940. Re building on Lot;8, mWy "obstacles and; S.W:%, DX.1050 TRc Dominion Cuiinda'.s initial (dVering of. War Loan •Hoiids will bo made on Monday. 11 is under.stood that AnT"nppeal will bo made to small invostors as well as largo by hiiviiig boiida ill small denominations. In the war omoi'goncy it is nocossary . to have full support of all citi zens. • , Gc)vernmont bonds are always readily marketable at a moment's notice, and since they ])ay much liigher interest than bank sav ings, will be ciuickly taken up through the; combined ])atriotic and economic appeal. MRS. OLIVE BRAKE boding at the time.! HEALTH -- The usual pre ventive work had been done throughout the year and the ser» vice of' the Director further ex tended to include eyesight ex aminations of all pupils._ Defec tive vision in 82- cases was dis closed. Dental examinations were made of all children and over half the school populatidn was medically-examined. MAINTENANCE -- Enroll ment called for more equipment and fixtures which were provided by this Committee. 340 lockers were'ihstaiTed in the cloak rooms The Engineer to arrange for the building to be dismantled. K. Sogoff. January -1, 1940. Cement steps to Lot 21, Block 31, D.L. 430. The Engineer for a report. ViOletr Murray, Decembei* 28, 1939. Drainage from Rosebery Avenue east' of 26th Street into Marr Creek. , The. Engineer for review of situation y when time of notice expired. The Dundarave Branch of the- Britishffsrael World Federation announces as speaker for iiext week, Mrs. Olive Braky of |Vic- toria. Her subject is ; "The Longest War in History." In stead' of Monday evening, tlie meeting is set for Wedne.sday eve, January 17th, at 8 o'clock; a t 26th and Marine Drive. Mrs. .Brake is an excellent speaker and . we give you a very cordial •invi tation to come and hear her. legal Kindly note the date, January 17th. . ' *** J entin el h il l r e d c r o ss A."' "UNIT NOTICE RE RED CROSS The annual general meeting of West Vancouver Branch of Can adian Red Gross' will be held in The following officers were re elected for 1940: . ' ______________ . .-- -- - - President: Mrs. Wm. Dickinson the Legion Hall on Wednesday, -Vice' President: Mrs. F. Richard- January 17th, at 8 o'clock. son . A member of the Red Cross Secretary: Mrs. H. P. Allen -. Society is one who -- Treasurer: Mrs. G. Jack. ̂ A--has paid his membership fee Any women wishing to assist. ; for 1939; ; Engineer's; reports worê ^̂ d̂ with by - the GoUnciLajj îifqUo ; Demolition of Bridge on Rose- at Inglewood at a cost of $3.50. bery Avenue 6ver~Rogers Creek each. Redecorating, inclu(Ung That this be referred to Coun- rewiring and painting Hollyburn cillor Ray and the Engineer with school-class-rooms-as- required- power to act?-- - . . b ythe lighting survey, was, com- Jas. A. Frith's application ..pleted during the summer holi- December 19th, 1939. Street, days. At Inglewood the corri- drain comer of Palmerston and dors were surface treated and 30th Street. , the dadoes panelled. Lesser ' That this matter be referred C. J. Archer Ltd. December items Dncluded~refinishing_4M_;toXheXe€V€Jand_theJ5.Dgineer^l8th,_JL939.__^ desks, supplying tables, benches, Snow Plow Board of Works : Lot 6, SW?/4 D.L. loso: ---- - cupboards and other fixtures, truck. ' Mrs. Howdle, January 2rid,.; p d general maintenance. Build- That the necessary gear, as 1940. Request to purcha^ ings generally are in a .good recommended by the Engineer, 6, SŴ /4, D.L. 1050. state of repair. . be purchased. * - That Mr.s. Howdle be advised The maintenance committee Water Accounts. Dept, of that 30 days will be.allowed to. . planned and erected the two new National, Defence. enable her to make necessary rooms !a«t Inglewood School which That the ordinary rate as pre. arrangements for the purchase 2. Scrubbing of. ditches. Action taken approved: 3. A. W. Fisher's application on behalf of R. A. D. Berwilh and Mrs. H. J. Berwith. Reo- ember 28th, 1939. Re N>/>, NWVrDTL. 1062.. ---- Item three referred to the Reeve, Municipal Solicitor and the approving officer. Resolutions in this necessary work will be welcome to the meeting every iuesday afternoon at 2:30 in toe. Inglewood Sunday ^hool rooms, 11th and* Inglewood. RRO-REC gym CLASSES The Women's Pro-Reb Gym v C asses will continue on Tuesday nights at 8 p.m ., in the High c ool. A full attendance is re quested at the next meeting. illustrated LECTURE a n d p l a y l e t ' ■ ■ ■ 0> pon't forget the illustrated . of 2464 Marine alsofl kioTri '^Vivb, is in the North Vancou- iliarv General Hospital having cents ̂ ® Church. Tickets, 25 undeirgone ah operation.. He is -' .; making a satisfactory recovery. are well appointed and perman- . scribed in' Waterworks By-law ; of L0t 6. Meanwhile, G. J. Arch- ent, and at the same time renov- No. 472, .1931, be charged. er and Co. Ltd. to be informed B--has paid his membership fee ated the wiring ^nd-lighting of Short road in D.L. 1063 (ap- of Council's decision in connec- man supervised all this ̂^york personally and the Board is sat isfied that the best of value has been received for the outlay. HOLLYBURN HALL ApYoung Peopte's Service will for 1940; C--Who has the stub of his War Chest Campaign card show ing a cash payment-of $1 or more; D--or having no such stub is listed as making a bash don ation ; E--or who- has^pledged^ t<x--the------------------------, - ^ War Chest since the cap- be held a t j :1 5 p.m. tomorrow paign has ended. (Friday), in ,HoIIyburn Hall,\ Subject to above .conditions, when the subject will be "Naa- menlbership cards wilk'be avail- man the Syrian," and the speak-. er, John Wilson, who will have a t the door on the night of the ' » ,meeting some wonderful views with which Ah executive meeting is called to illustrate the story-- Suriday by tjie president for Monday, School and Young People's-Bible January 15th, at the local head- Sunday, January 14. At the 7:30 p.m. service on that day A. Morning will give a Gospel address. " Tuesday a t 8 p.m. prayer and Biole stucty, subject, "The Epistle to the Galatians. the adjoining library. The Chairr plicatio nof P. Janelle per Helene tion with Lot 6 and also that in- Chapman. , structions are being given the ; That the work be approved, / Ehgineerito dismantle the build- cost not to exceed $171. ing oh Lot 8?m Miscellaneous items. the, ; recommendation of the 1., Poor road condition 18th Building Inspector in reference Street. thereto.