n ^ ill 1̂11)i f V ;■ r! t\ f - u' i) b .hi i'.. *.* ?1 }r : M A : 1 \ p 'I :; ;.if:;; ' b •>': S .1-̂ ilf̂ = ; sr' p^l "'%■ MtiMi THE WEST VAN NEWS January 4, 1940. ..........Ill tKmmrn ■|•'k«. - w k i r i r '* - - A s 'H a r i r ^ - s m l t h -- Ktiifcw.tfS7»- Krc« Ufflivery Sttrrlcm - Mentiily Account w . c T. i:. o ^ ljfe r«gular mwlinK w ;-t) T. U. will 1>C' held in the vc*stry of tho United Thuroh, on * 1*huntday; January 11th, at 2tI5 p.m. PriccM Effedive FKIDAV and SATl KDAV. Jjj^ary 5lh & G(h A l'N'i' MAHV'H COITKH ll». »3c IjlNHO - - l.arxo purkage 2,1e HiSKIHT 0KAN(;KH--Sew kcumoii'h l-'umily hiz«»' Liirgf hi/.e SI NKIHT I.KMONK dozcci 18c dozen 23c .0 for ]5c iM.li.M JAM willi H|i|»U* Coluiitliia . idli. (ill ;(3c - (pjakcr »c IM rr ni) M'liKAT market HWANKDOWN ( -AKIi KI.OUU Packel . ......... ....... 27c JAM -- Strawbi-rry or UjiH|»lR*rry wiili a|)|)l(* ....... ....... 4 th. till 37c Hid A Wlihi- roMA'IOKS So. 2 > ' i Uhm ...........25c .SAI,MON t̂ -<'Iuiim No. 1 tin lOc 1'INKAI'I'MC - SiMKJtport* HlireH 2 Mi-oz„ (iiiH 19c IIONKV -- Clover iimnd (ICah(ern) 't*ll). (in '15c MEATS Free DeliveryFhofie \Vt'ht 370 DKKI . . . . .I'OKK I, AMD • * • VFAi, • F<t\VI, A CHICKKN Drade A and A1 . (iraiii Fed . 'I'op Quality .Milk Fir] > (>rade A January i» «et apart as adime for KiKicial prayer, and the hour from 3 p.m. 'to I will he led by Mra. Phillip of We.st Point Grey. Come and join us in this hour of fellowship that we may be in- •spired to l>etter service. CORRESIMJN PENCE Sermcê tl)MBER"-««aB*y . SASH & - H O O B S T M £ R E ~ | $ SHINGLES SUBSTITUTE PLYWOODS foRQUALITY LATH ■ / . '.Agent#!, _ CANX^A I'AINT c o m pa n y l t d . PAINT BUILDERS* SUPFUES ROOFING WALLBOAED TILE ^ E S T VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & M arine D rive Phone West 115 FltF.SH FISH DAILY DFI.K'ATICHHHN ,MA'K MF.S ~ . Kid A White Hraiid '( 1'airiily Boxea . . . ... 25c Hid A White-l*KAS~Sleve 5 J S o . 2 (iiiM .................................. 23c Kill A White Pt)KK A DEANS • 2 l><-o/. tiiiK ............................. 19c Dell A White DADTI.ETT PEAKS 2 17-0/, liitH ......................... 25c LiverpCK)! , DecemlHU' 141h, 1939. Editor We.st Van New.s. DearuSir,--I earnestly retiuest you publitth this letter of mine, in order that West Van couver residents may know how calmly and cheei'fully most of we Britons are tus-eptiiiif the dif ficulties of the war conditions here. • t CLASSIFIED A D S 25 cent#. Except I are r - , . •Kenieiuber Cl*##ifl®4# infled# are P*y»l>le »tricUy io yan Newa get inimediat# results. GORDON ROBSON -> Solicitor, 610 W. Hustings, b«y- 4199 a t West Vancouver any, timt by appointment, West 403. D.V.A. ANNUAI. DINNER uiisncdps.'----- If, " '.•it-j w ur ajro "Y„ WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT l*AT- • „ T1 1 I 1 •' / --̂ROL --' Sure protection; reasonableten from, Enj?land as long- agfo - - We,si V'anc<mvcr Ilrunoh , D is abled V e te ran s A sso c ia tio n 's An* niml D inner held ()n D ecem ber at lli<'lr Club Uoonis w it- nes.sed a largi? gatli(;i*ing of d is abled vet<'ra iis and the.ir w iv e s ' as ■ well-wisfier.s from -the .b u s i ness and .soi.-ial lile o f l.h(; com - rjiunily. kiieve .1. H. lAjyland in h is ,a d d ress paid a,., fine t r ib u t( ' to th e high I'haraelcM' of th e A sso c ia tion and (hy' o u ts la n d in g c a lib re of th e -m e n , eJtpH'.ssing a w ish th a t th e eom m uiiity would .sup- })ort.th<!in a s ti'iiskA'S o f th e ideal of sm'vice..T hose who liad served ' tin; .S la te w itli life and lim b sliould n ev er be su b je c ted to in- PAiNTiNG AND Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, West 1022-L. _______ Another paper has published parts of a letter evidently _ V age/ 1-72.L.3 that Ih('sounti, progressive basis as Augu.st 26th, last. Some of of th(i Assixiiation's activities the'statements quoted I wish to vva.s due sohdy to the sen.se of be British enough to refute and loyally manifested by the cp,pi- . ['.solicit your help by printing in radcs (owards each other and,;" your paper to help correot wrong WANTED .till' prai^tical co-operation ol,̂ - impre.ssions, from a letter (luotcd*. \v('1l-wishers in their effort.s; with no name and address to jtl and tip's ideal governing their reading thus: "If is terrible here, a(■1ivil̂ (̂ s should always be borne ■ all the lights ai-e out a^lg.^jj.* in mind as a sufficieiii guide for and wo have had to get thick cur- tho riitui'c, 'rhe loyalty of D.V. tains for bur windows. We are being ratiod^d, already" and so thejytter rambles bn. We are not rationed yet, and this is December 14th. Rations do not bebin till next We HAVE A CASH BUYER for a modemtely priced house on the Waterfront. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE, West Van. Pioneer Realtor.s, Established 1905 \ Qm), Hollyburn P.Q.________ West 66 CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sucks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing ..too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. Listings of housoa and vacant lots. Rhone particului^ to our representative, k . Buyliss, West 522-R. Pemberton Realty Oorp. Ltd., 418 Howe St. Trinity J 271. TO RENT -- 1892 Marine Drive; iiu- modiute possession. A. E. Austin & Co, Ltd., Marine 2431" or West ■' 548-M, A,s.so('i;d ion.s to th e m en engaged in I he pre.'-jenl conflici wa.s also emplia.si/.ed. Among Llio.se p re se n t w ere; TO RENT -- 6-room Suite; fireplace, hot water heat; overlooking water. Apply, West G55R. ' _____ e by night, if desired. EXPERIENCED GIRL Wants Work. Phone West '607-Y. WANTED -- Spanish Guitar for casli. Phone West ̂ ^ Reeve & Mrs. J. II. Ixiyland, Rev ami Mis..W,',D. McKay, Mr. and year and I shall probably start Mr.s.W. B. Small, Mr, and Mrs. back for West Vancouver .some LOVELY ROOM--Avail week or month. Mdiais • West 686R. LOST -- Monday; wire-haired terrier, vicinity West Bay. Phone West 728-R-L ' : . Waltei- II. Kirchner, M.C., D.C. M.. 'I'nislee and Mrs. Donald Mc- 'lavisli, Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor, dignity when in need on account A. Harvey Smith, W. VVHlkinson, of (M)ii(lition.s over which they Imd no control. He stated he had witness<,'d organj/.ation.s collapse beciinse the right spirit was wanting, but he luul realized the .sncc'e.Hs. of the^D.V.A. had re- ~snllT?d~Tromr"thTli--fine spiritnyD J. Wliilehead, R. Harrison, J. E. McN<'i), H. Strachan, Mr. and Mis. 'r. Lightly, E. Birch, J. E. Ivi'rigTTtv Mr. aiid Mrs. A. V. St('pli(iMson, Mr. and' Mrs, H. J. few days hence, and surrender my ration-card, unused, to the authorities. It i.s true that the black-out causes some difficult situations, and sdhie humorous ones.-But dt is not terrible here. The writer of those quotations, is fortunately, a glaring excep tion to our- British standards. FOR RENT -- Modern, four-room, fully furnished house, includes piano., West 207L. WANTED r-- Garage, near 18th and Ducheii^.»t,W'est 734-L, evenings, or ■ West 5G3-M. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointmept, West 403. FOR SALE -- Electric Range, late model; like new, cost $142, sell $75. Whytecliff 251. -J__________ FOR SALE--Garbage burner in good condition. West 1007. Pnrrolt, J. McLaughlin, H. Beck, Bedford accepted its thousands CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. FOR SALE -- 1928 Essex Coach, in good running order; tires, etc., $75, on terms; cash $65. W est 141. ... ... ' ^ cornrad.sb'ip di.splayeil and the I'heri.shing--of Ihe l.oyaliy of the 'war yeans. Rev. W.-l.,. McKay, B.A., H.D., clniplain of the a.sstxdation ami a Gi-eat War padre, gave a mov ing. addres.s of (he A.s.sociatioii'.s ..stal■̂.ng.■■t.he Power.miL -Mt ami MTm~IIr~Rjriikin, Î Tml ('. Jbggett, Mr. and Mrs. W. of evacuees 'and • the small mar- ('rk'iivo, Mrs. D, Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. MeCniJy, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Wai-dle, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kennedy, J. Hill, etc. CHORAI. SOCIETY Righteousness wa.s the only true .solvent of the world's ilhs. Rlns- trating his convictions he I'efer- red to hit^mpre.ssions at the recent li^k^^tional Baptist Con- fenmee Utiited State.s, when I h(fTl<M'nniir(leleg-ate.s-m5td(ir 'riie We.st Vancouver Choral Spedety K'ill resume, practice on Monday next at 8 p.m. in the Inglewood High School. ket town carries on with the , spirit of cheerful acceptance of difficulties lhat'must be met to safeguard on n ideals. Evidently there have been one or two indiv iduals who wiiIk blindly past our government posters "Your Colir-. Age and Cheerfulness-^viR-bi4ng- ,ns victory. WANTED.--Experienced, reliable girl ^ fur geiieraL housework and plain Rooking.' West 8rR. HAULING Manure, Fuel, Septic -- Tanks--and--Rotkpits--installed--and- cleaned. ■ West 187-R. V. O. N. WANTED-- Listings of houses for rent o t sale. Clients waiting. H. A. ROBERTS LTD., (West Van. Specialists) 1447 Marine Drive W est 546 The Victorian Order Perraton--Holden I only sign my West Vancou ver addres.s because! shall have loft my. Bed ford one before you • receive 'this. Enclosed please find photo of it. known they felt Hie pre.sence of gooiiwill manifested to them. ^ Kepresmiting Hu? , hu.sine.ss interests of West V^aiieonver, A. Harvey Smith of the Red tJi: White stores, stated the proh- St. FVanois-in-the-Woo(l, Caul- feild, was the. setting on New .Year's Day a t,2:30 p.m. for the ..marriage--of--Certrucle -Alice^ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon- posters. I wiIT endeavor toTbring you one back for your office. 0 Yours truly, -------- Îv.-DT-&A-UNBERBeN̂ ----- who has been giving service to West Vancouver residents Tor the past year was loaned to West Vancouver for 6 half-days a week by the Vancouver Branch. -- Commencing"with~the-2nd--of January, West Vancouver has a resident nurse,* Miss Riddell, re- kOR RENT -- Seven rooms, $35 per West_548-M. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palilaer, Capilano, North 811-Rr2. NOTARY PUBLIC ■(Complete Notarial-Service) Reginald P. BTower, J.P., 1405 Marine. West 21, 204-M. Siding at 2596 Marine T)rive. loins facing voton'nr and vivilimr alike wore duo to an.utibalanml economic system which we had tlu? power to modify to meet our need.s, and that it was our duty to work together _.to_ establish dignitU'd oitizen.sliip and a frnit- fuTTile for all in a country^with tiouudle.ss material means U? uf-' tain tliat desirable end. The ard Holden of Old Henley, Fcrn- Jnu*st, Sussex,_Engimub-and-Mi?. PercylT. Perraton, youngrest son of Mrs. Perraton of West Van couver, and the late J. A. Perra ton. Rev. George Biddle per formed the ceremony. The bride was wearing a wool frock in blue with beige- topcoat TrinimedJn-nmrteii Jloi-rhatch-- ing hat. also had accents of spirit of the gathering he wa.s addre.ssing.Ju? thought.-was'elo quent that spirit existed in We.'̂ l Vancouver, \V. Taylor. repi>l\s<'nting vSatV-̂ way'.s Limited, stated he had watchetl with vefy great intim- est-the efforts of the disabled viderans in-ove.ivoihing forniid- ably obstacles by .self help, and (heir doterminationTo work out tlieir own .salvation by applying the coairadeship of the war yVars to dheir present oconomie and -social problems. He* spoke with personal conviction because he ix>nsidored their work was an asset to the community. Mis. \V. B. bniali, speaking for Die Social and \Gonunuiiitv marten tails. The reception was held at the" homo of Mr.s. G. J. Vaiix on Ar butus Street. After the middle of January Mr. and Mrs. Porra- lon will take up residence at 390 Mathers Avenue. ♦ * ♦ A most enjoyable no-host party arranged by Bob Wliite and . Tim Chapman was held oh New Year's E,ve at the Clachan. It took the form of a tiirkev dinner and dance, the beautifui ChrisL mas decorations~-mul novelties- organizations of We t̂ Vancou ver gave an eloquent assurance ot tlie very d*vp ijiterest of the women in the welfare of the dis- ( abled vetenms which' was evid enced by lier collejiguc's promin ent- m publieiTforattending the gathering. " Secretary Walter H. Kirchner. D.C.AL, and President D. McTavish also addressed the annual gathering emphasizing adding to the gaiety of thex^c casiom, The guests were: Mr and Mi-s. C. Rathbone and Mrs Briinsby White, the Misses Regffy Carty. Irene Brophv. Eleanor Brophy, Edith White, Velma Woods, Doris Cartv, Kay McLeod. Elaine Tuer, ̂ Jean Thompson, Messrs, Bob White, Jim Chapman. Douglas Johnston, Ted Kennett, Tommie Dooharty^ 2958 Park Lane, Miss Riddell, or her relief nurse, Hollybuim. will be on call 24 hours- a day." ■ ----- -- The- -Viotorian- Order-of -Nurses provides skilled nursing care on a visit basis to medical, surgical and maternity patients in their own homes under the dir^^ of the family physician. Calls WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. West 780, West 443-R. -GORDON jGRAY r-- Insurance,-Fire, Burglary," Automobile, E t. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. A distant celebiration- join in by " long-distance " When far-away friends or relatives are celebrating a special event and you can't be there in person,.the. next best thing'^is to send your voice, - for service come from doctors, anxioub relatives' neighbors,, health and social workers, insur-' ance' companies and other organ izations. The 'maximum fee is based on the actual cost of mak- ing.-the_yi_s.it,_b_iit-the .fee charged. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE:--^Parcels, Baggage, light transfer .work, prompt service. West 700. FREDERICK C. AUBREY. Barrist Solicitor, Notary, 801-803 Birks Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar- "le Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691, West 546; Residence, Whytecliff 546. the family is based on the family "" Suther- TVhatever the occasion-- Ay^dding,. birthday, or anni versary-- the best ŵ ay to send congratulations is by long-distance telephone. ^rnbld Steele, Don McLeod, Rob ert Lemon, Met Chapman. . Pool onions beneath a running lap and no discomforts will be felt. W ater in which vice has been cooked ts a good basis for* .stews and soups. BRITISH COLUMBIA -TELEPHONE CO; income, .thus? making the service available to All who need it. The nurse's work is not limit- ed̂ t̂p instances of illness alone for in public health nursing to day special. emphasis, is placed on the prevention of diseases and the maintenance of health, hence the necessity of employ ing nurses;.especially_ trained for community seiwice. Though-the Victorian Order of Nurses for (Canada is a national. organiza tion, the affairs of each branch are directed by a local board which raises and administers the necessary funds an^ co-operates with the nurse to provide the best possible servipe to the, 60m- th i nurse, call West 1000. land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 J. ,EDWARD SE(ARS, Barrister, Sol icitor,. 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21. or West 553-R-l. WANTED TO BUY For Spot C ash - household furniture. Hewett, Auc- ; tipneers. North 89j Reverse call. ^-^SS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block.. m a r c e l s h o p -- Therniique Steam Permanents; only best materials- used. Expert operators. Phone'^ West 304, Royal Bank Building. LAWN MOWERS,SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. HOME NURSING CLASS The Home, Nursing Class will meet next Wednesday at 8 p.m. T?- 1 InglewoodHigh School as there will be only three more lectures, SPECIAL _Inside Fir:-- _^ from s h e d __ ..$6.00 per cord from mill ___ $5.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs .& Edgings $3,75 per cord XSAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL _ Phone North-620