a ̂-«i-,-«e, B'̂u'tw sif» -o « ,c I I M I N ^ I p p i P p i i i P . n t ' K - s ,* ' ' 4 j -t •.<■ i I -n*- t ( e «ipipniipn|ipi;î ■IP! %.■ j -- •a" 3 r=*'> 'V>- " ;«(*■•«< >ihi ̂ » ,v * ^ Sf "SSr ,1 ,,~hf.- 4 /•-!,.JĴ'OT f»-(.- f-.; r <̂r -4:,. » (. i- ) ̂ 1 )w'̂ * n t, .J 1 <1, j; I jft{ »-<t '.'!#<{! •*. S. vfi » m § 11 - .•' i ( I ̂ .3 ft «Ml ■I ].' i i ^ I ..,'S . Vf { k : ' k : 4 f '/: ■ , "" ̂ ' 4 ,<r : H I , 'l" > '■? ft, '- *; ' - l « ®s iiil W M >»/ ' Kc' 'K V^j C » l i |f s « r -- m J a n u a r y 4 . if lp > »'̂yi'TS»-' '"5* }̂ -enwrft-v**-,! 1 # w a n V A N . . UNIXBO C B O IK a Cor. 2Jst A EtqoinuJt Av«, ItBV. W. VANCE; &A.. Mtttl»t«r 2047 Gordon Av«»a« Pboiit Wenl 244-K Sunday 8«rvic«*; II n.m. A 7;80p,m. H tr m n g t r § and VUitora ar« weleoma M ........» A i» T isT .c a iC B c a ........... Rar. W. L. McKay, a A ., a D . .,,.,,.,«̂ „.„,,gaiidiyr„StiirJto..,̂ ™--̂ 10:00 a.m.--Cburch School In dudW Adult Clasa 11 a.m. & 7:30 p.m^--Preaching ServlcM. A hearty welcome to all Hairatyling M agic The umiirL wonu-n of today want it Jiairhtylc aa practlcul /»« it i» chic; one tliul can be coinlx-d out Jh"'u Jilfy and «till look trig. ('olirurcH done a t tin* (Iwondolyn have thia welNgroomed look bocauMc of their expert tapering and ijuallty permanent wave». Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creature of Exclueive Permanenta, . 1 6 4 6 Mariq^ Drlre Wcat 117 HOLLYBURlf HAU 14 th and Duchene KI'NDAY, Jmi. 7th, at 10 a.m. .Sunday School and Younif Pcoplo'a Bible Claae .Sunday Evening a t '7:30 (JO.SPKC ADDUKSS * Speaker: M H . J . Y. M. AITKKN TUESDAY a t 8 p.m. Prayer and .Scripture .Studiea W E S T . V A N CO U V EH Chriftian Science Society •A* CHURCH W F IC E 20th and Bequimalt, Hoilybum Tbla Society is a Branch of The Mother Church , The F irat Church of Cbriat, Sclentlat, in Boston, Maasnehusetts Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. Sundiiy, Ja n u a ry 7th, SUBJECT: . " G o i r Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting W«5dnoBday a t 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our Berviccs and meetings. i. r r PATRICIA SCHOOL A K S ' S »•"«««« Dancing Klocution, GamcB and Outdoor. Act|yiti08,.PercussionHand, ' .Singing, ri«no and General Playtimes. Transportntitm . ̂ Medical Supervision Arrangements for parti lor full time. SCHOOL HB-OI»ENS MONDAY, JANUARY 8th. MISS MAIUORIE R. McGILLIVRAY . 2G67 Haywood Ave. W. 516 Call before 2 p.m or after 8 p.m. HOLLYBURN '« bu sin ess college : Individual Tuition Phone vyest '341 Hth »nd M»riti, THE UNITHI) CHURCH 2lst and Esquimalt Aye, Rev. William Vance, Minister DR. a D. H. S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST K-kay Hoy Block, 14ih and Marine Dr. Office Hours 0 to 0 p.m. ;, Evenings by apppintment. Phone WcHt 72 DR. McRAB D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 9 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment. 1860 Marine Drive West 432 Eatabllshed on North Shore 26 Years ' (Lady Assistant) HARRON^BllEOS. LTD.- IFaarrai Bimtors V ...... ■uin p i . i i , 'i - i - J '. ' . ' Uollyburn P'uneral Home 18th and Marine West 184 * North ' Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street ---------- Phone-North-184----------- b a p t is t c h u r c h llev. W. L. McICay 1545 Duchess Ave. Sunday Services: liiOO a.m.--Subject: .'A Spirii.- imi Dynamic.". The Lord's Supper will be ad ministered. 7:;{U p.m.--Subject: "What Hap pened at Pentecost?" The service will open with a bright sing .song.' IU:00 a.m.--The chui'ch .school and adult Bible class will meet. Mond.'iy, 8 p.m. -- The Young People's Society will hold their , first meeting of the nOw year. 'I'lie.sday and Wednesday -- The cluiroh will unite with the P United Church in prayer ser- . vices. Tuesday, 8 p.m., Bap- ■ list Church; Wednesday, 8 p. m., United Church. 'Fhe annual meeting of the Mission Circle will be held -in Vancouver Barlora 55 Tenth Avenue Eaht Phono Fair. 134 the church Tuesday, January 9th, at 2:30 p.m'.* Mi'.s. Vernon will bring the devotional mes-, .sage. ^Election of officers'will take place and all Jadies are asked to have reports ready. CHURCHES OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST Sunday, .lanuary 7th 10 a.m.--The Sunday School. 11:00 a.m,--Coihmunion Service. Renew your j)ledgo of loyalty at this service. 7:30 p.m.--Evening Service. Subject: "The Old R o ad Again." ' N.B.--Onite for a devotional meeting in the Baptist Church on Tuesday night at 8 p.m. (address by Key. W. Vance), and 'on Wednesday night in the United Church (address by Rev; W. L. McKay). This is the 'Week of Prayer. Mrs. Newcombe of the Buni- • aby Home, will be the guest speaker at the iTgular monthly meeting of the Women's Associ ation on Tuesday, January 9th, at 2:15 p.m., in the Church hall. The new officers will take their places and reports of 1939 will be given. A cordial invitation is extended to all ^omen interested. Y. P. S. The ^-nited Church Y. P. .Society h^d a successful party at the Cl^han on Friday, Deo-. ember 29fh. The Anglican Soci ety was invited and all who at tended had an excellent time. - There will be a meeting of the Young People's Society on Mon day, Jan uary 8th. A good turn- out is expected for the first Public Meiecing LEGION HALL, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10th, 8 I*. M, Addresses-by . MRS. STEEVES, MX.A. C. G. MacNElL, M.P. ^ "The Recent Session at Victoria," :uid "The' Coming Session at Ottawa." NURSERYCRAFT CENTRE 241li and BellcVue Avenue Three Departments:--TRAINING SCHOOL FOR-NURSERY NURSES NURSERY SCHOOL, BABIES' & CHILDREN'S HOTEL ^ Supervisor,: ... 'Hon. Medical Advisor:" MISS ,RUTH ELLIOTT, ' DR. W. G. SAUNDERS 1 9 4 0 RESOLUTION HAVE that long wanted Concrete Floor or Basement Wall ' r put in. Estimates Gladly Given. ' Workmanship Guaranteed TEAROE & SON, 1 4 2 7 M A R IN E DRIVE P H O N E W ES T 84 SEVENMDWARFS INN LUNCHES ■ TEAS SMORGASBORD DINNERSSUPPERS NV̂ HAKe BROWN & MUNTON 1S4« MARINE ORIVK WEST SOS■ XriiiltOTK A,.n,T, nf D.O. "GOD" will be the subject of the! Lesson - Sermon in all Churohes of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. -The-Golden-l^xt-i-s-:--̂ e-shall- Donald McAlpine Pianist fr Teacher CLASS »mi INDIVIDUAL INSTKUOnON Studio: 233 31st Street Phono Miss Wilcox' residence " Saturday. West 367-Y-l WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal W oAs Purnaca and Range Repairs. Saiwduat Burners Phono Weat 39 The News .know that I am in the midsT of -laraolr-And-fhat--I- am- th^Loi-d- your God, and none else." (Joel 2:27). Among tJie citation^ which comprise the Lesson - SefnVon -wiil-be-seli^ions-fi-om-fhe-Bible.- The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes . the following passage from the Christiarv Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Seriptui'es".by Mary Baker Eddy: "This text in the book of Ecclesiastes conveys the Christian- Science thought, es- pecially when the word" duty, which is not in the original, is omitted: 'Let us hear the con clusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep TIis command ments:- for thiS' is the whole duty of man.' In other words: Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter,: love God and keep His commaiidments: for this is the whole of man in His image and likeness. Divine Love is infinite. Thei^Yore all that Ideally exists is in and of God, and manifests His love."______ m ating in the new year. .1s t . ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van 1 ; '̂̂ as t̂or ______ Sunday Services , Anne Bell-Irving, Prop. : 'Miss M. L. Duncan and A. A. S'. Milne, formerly .of the High- -lands7rWest4^ncouveFra-re^w,w-afftIiated'yvitLb-Amie-Beil--Wng- Phone Trinity 1520, 871 Hornby St., Vancouver, B. C. Low Mass.-- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.mi Catechism andlBible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass^-- 8 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction -- 7:45. Saturdays,.--- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. ST. STEPHEN'S Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector ms: Iftel- I * ■ I mMk THE W est Van N ew s PubUahed Every Thursday Publisher F. 'F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 \ " L LBusineaa and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 North VancouVisr Office: 128 Lonsdale Ave. - $1,00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a yipar by maR WEST VAN. TABERNACLE . Cor. Marine and 25th Ave. Rector: Rev, Robert H. Birch, B.A. Sendees Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Services....... 11:00 a.m. and.7:30 p.m. . Wednesday ................. 7 :30 p.m. Pi'iday, Children's Meeting.. 7:00 p.m. TEvangelical Independent Mr. andJWfrs. Robert F.'Davey, who havel>een staying with the latt^'^s mother ,Mrs. W. Reid of AppIet?on Court, have left to take up residence in New Westmim Sunday, January 7th 8:00 a.m.--Holy (Dommunion. 11:00 a.m. -- Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. Monday, Jan. 8th at 6:30 p.m.-- Annual Meeting Suppei*; Thursday,-Jan. 11th *-^-^Illusltat- ed Lecture at 8 p.m. St. Francis-in^the-Wood, Caiilfeild Sunday, 3p.m; -- Evensong and Sermon. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Annual Vestry Meeting. Jealousy: The fri«msl woman has for another. PROSPERITY FUELS NORTH 934 WEST 1032 "BUSH LNSIDE FIR.... $5.50 cord MILL INSIDE FIR.„. 5.00 cord FIREPLACE-FIR 4.00 cord SAWDUST--Guaranteed 200 . cubic feet, 1007c F ir.....$4.00 _____ H. P. ALLEN Free for the ^k ing , this valuable booklet, "Style in Light Conditioning", gives new ---- developments in lighting, qualities to look for in lamps and fixtures,, and how to achieve the best lighting effects. Phone or , write th e \ Publicity D epartm ent,. B. C. Electric, Vancouver, for your free copy! B R i T1.S H= C O t U-MHB W--E-L E € T W & RAILWAY C O M P A N Y L I M I T E D Place Your Job Printing with The West Van News