Established over 13 yeara.Established over 18 years. . ... ■ • V ■ ' Citculating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver--^ Ambleside^ H olly burn ̂ Weston^ Dundarave $1.00 per year. _______ ____ G y p rC S S Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, ^ t c . 6c per copy Vol. XIV HOLLYBURN P.O ., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1940 ■ No. 38 THE WAR STATUTORY MEETING PUBLIC MEETING Tlie^niost important thing in the life of every individual in tho British Empire today, regardless of his or her station life is the war. Victory must be ours, ff we are to continue lo ojijoN' liberties to which we are accustomed, even if soonis (luite possible, we may have to suffer some small cur- l iiiniorits of'those liberties for the time being. And, because jj 1̂ going to take all our energies and resources to defeat'oui' ciichvios, post-war problems may well be left until the oease- (iro has'been sounded. In any case nobody knows exactly what those problems will be. Some yeai's ago we stated editorially, and were,, severely critici/ed for so doing, that Russia and Germany would sooner ()i later be united together against us. It could scarcely be otherwise, so long'as both were dictatorships, because dicta tors must always be predatory in order to remain in power. Stalin's attack on Finland does riot mean that he had suffered a change of h ^ t , but merely that up to recently he had been just waiting for what he, figured was the psychological time to strike openly. He has been hitting out at,us in the dark for years and is still doing so, as witness all the Red troubles from which we have suffered and are still suffering. A.nd, whether we appreciate it or not, his hidden hand is infinitely the more-dangerous. ■ ■ Evidences accumulate that ere. long the conflict will be spreading with probably the Scandinavian countries the,first to be drawn into the fray. That the Finnish i forces have put up a wonderful fight is undoubted, as there is also no question that they will, continue to do so until the end, whatever that end may be. But they have been more fortunate than the Poles- in that the weather has been all on their side. When spring comes, they will need very material assistance, if they nre to escape being swallowed up by the Russian bear, and the peoples of Scandinavia will be their natural allies, faced, as the latter will be, with the same fate unless they bestir themselves. For, howeveri incompetent its personnel and leadership, the Russian Army is still the largest in the world and its country too big to be conquered, as Napoleon found out to his The Reeve in opening the meeting welcomed the Council lors elect and complimented them on their election. He then ad* A public meeting will bo held at 8 p.m. next Wednesday, Janu ary 10th, in the l»egion Hall, when the speakers will be Mrs. di^ssed, the Council as follows: Dorothy Sleeves, M.L.A., and C. G<5fitlemen; , It iŝ ,a pleasure for mejto wel come you to the 1040 Council, feeling sure that co-opbration and harmony will exist through out the year. Certainly, never was such a spirit moie nebes- sary than at the present time owing to very serious i)r6blems which must be faced, some of which are so difficult as to make their immediate solution any thing but an easy task. Following upon years of de- Grant MacNeil, ' M.P, Mi*s. Sleeves will sj^ak on the recent session hi Victoria, and Mr. MacNeil on the coming session at Ottawa. The public are cordially invit ed to attend. LEG16N NOTES iio Llyju irn b u s in e s s COLl.EGE Hollyburn Business College, situati'd at 14th and Marine Drive above McNeil and McCue's ReXall Drug Store, will ixsopon for (he new term next Monday, 8(h .lajumry, Included in the cm-riculum are typewriting, shorthand, bookkeeping and comptometer. Students are also prepared for the civil service i'xams. Night classes are held on Mondays.and 'Phursdays from 7 to, p.m. Any interested are aski'd to call at the college or Drawing, the Legion w^s able to h'elp many deserving ex-service • Aw. and several widows, andpression this community, in cbm- Provide fiiiuk for the onrchase mon with all others, finds itself the puicnase facing another period of uncer- Through the generous support * particu- of the public to its Christmas ' ' 'V HOLLYBURN HALL There will be the usual Sun day School and Young I'eople's tainty owing to the War. In addition, our own local problems o f , growth and changing condi-1 tions resulting.from the opening of the Lions Gate Bridge, must be of. real concern to those of us who are charged with the re- U1 VJJII libLJlIaS yx 1171 Ufi J.U11 •• |>|KU» /"■'I.,., ..i 1A Ci ly large number of children ,i. a ^ ^ under twelve during this'tiresent Hollyburn Christmaa season. Every cent received was paid out to those in need, and only the cost of tioket printing held back.' . The Executive again take this opportunity of extending their « !• I " -1 1 11* Mall. At. Liu; 7 :.'i0 p.m; service on lhai day ,1. Y. M. Aitke[n>»«*ill give a Gospel address. Tg^day at 8 ]).m. })rayer and Btri'ipLure studies.- : provide any contribution towards views in St. cost. What is to be most feared is that Hitler may send Ger- maiTstaff_.officers-to lead the Russian armios, since it is becom_ -ihg-'increasingly-plain-that the-two diotators-are-in-very-close-- ^-tion-:-oL-War,-^substantial--sums alliance. . .......... . __ ' ' . were received frojn> the sale of There US little or no question that Stalin has intended all, Municipa which along to strike for the Suez Canal and India. And he is the more certain to do it mow in order to recover the loss of pres tige he and his armies have suffered in Finland, regardless of whether he conquers that brave little country or not. Under the circumstances, therefore, the recent terrible earthquakes also ourselves. ; . Another reason for a Russian thrust south is the present stalemate on the western front, because sufeh a thrust would create another large theatre of war_.fpr_Qursel_ves.-and-F'rance to sup̂ jly witETtrodps, so causing at least a temporary deple tion of our armies now faclng_the-GermMs_ak>n^he-Maginot- Line. Taken altogether, indications • everywhere .point to the war beginning in real earnest on land before vory iong,^ o s t - probaMy on severaI~fronts at the same, time. Meanwhile we must be very thankful for our unexpected successes so far and most of all that, contrary to the fears of some, the spirit of our race is still the sani-O-in^spite of the_enervaimg--efleets of a luxurious civilizationT^ sponsibility of Municipal admin- appreciation to donors and public istration. ̂ ̂ alike for making this possible. The position of this Munici- Short gerieral meeting and ini*- pality is considered by .finance stallation of- new officers, Fri-' authorities to be comparatively day, January 5th, 7 :30 p.m. sound, but this position can only Grant MadNeil, M.P., will ad- be maintained through the great- dress'members and other ex- NURSERYCRAFT CENTRE est caution in all * departmental expenditures. Prior to declara- servioemen following installation of executive. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE AND PLAYLET has almost disappeared since last ---- --̂ September. In 1939 the trans- '̂ Scenes, Life injd Industry of portation system ran at-an oper- Old and New Ontario," will Be ating loss of ?17,000, and did not , depicted in ' beautiful colored The Nur.sorycraft Centre at 24th uiid Bellevue Avenue, ha.s three departments, -namely: Training School for--Nur.sery Nui*.ses, Nursing School, and . Babies' and Children's Hotel. The supervisor is Miss Ruth El- -liottr while Dr. W. G. Saunders is honorary medical adviser. ST. STEPHEN'S ANNUAL . MEETING AND SUPPIilR amount to approximately $14,000 per annum. Last' Spring aPd again last Fall; with a knowledge : of. substantial-decreases in ferry passenger traffic, measures were recently _t_akep_to_provide-a-reduced-ferry_ service commensurate with the steadily decreasing traffic and _with_the-hope^f-proportiona-tely^ Stephen's Hall, -a-t--8- p.m. in a lecture by J. Humph rey, and the Junior Auxiliary of St. Stephen's Church will repeat the "Playlet" tKey presente(i. Tickets, 25 Cents. MRS. SNELGROVE RESUMES HER TEACHING Xhc annual l^ Meeting and supper of St. Stephen's Church will take , place in the "parifdT~1i7rn liext'Monday, JanIF~ aiy 8th. Suppej* will be served at 6:30 p.m.., tickets foi' which, a t 25 cents can be obtained from the wardens, or members pf the W.A. or A.Y.P.A. The guest -speakei'-wiil-be^he~Revr'nT~J7" Greig. Officers for The, ensuing year reducin^-HOperating expenses in connection therewith. After 'many months--of* *- negotiation _wit.hlA^ancou-veii--City:_and--the- Mrs. T. . E. " Snelgrove has resumed the "teaching of the violin, piano and theory follow- _ing-^the--holiday-- r̂ecess.-- UNITED UPHOLSTERING CO. I. O. D. E. United Upholstering Company Ltd., manufacturers of fine up- nolstered. furniture, are carry ing an advertisement in this - issue- in "which they "solicit "the patronage of the West Vancou ver public. They also do expert repair.s and recovering, give free estimates, and their plant is Nursing Classes will be resum ed next week; 1st class on Janu ary 8th at 7.*30, and afternoon class Wednesday, January 10th, al2:3l>p;m. Provincial Government arrange- pupils have been successful in ments were finally completed for th e . examinations of the Royal the operation of a limited bus Schools of Music, Trinity College, service to Vancouver City via London, England, and the Tor- the Lions Gate Bridge.* These onto Conservatory. Younger rights having been established, children are visited at their there now seems to be a popular homes. Any interested may ob-. appeal that the service-"be-nn-'--tain full particulars by kindly "creased" considerably,~and" also phoning"her at" West" 210-1:;: that some effort be given to pro- -- ............ ■ ... ................^ vide a Municipal service beyond , \ , West Bay. In order to^give any ^-opresentations to the Provincial will be appointed at the meeting following the supper, and con-, structive criticism and idea^wilU be welcome, in which conriection 4t-T5̂ hcoTld~be"said~tirat"it~ftr"t"h<r"...... . . . . - -V.. .. . . . . ■: W * * . duty of all members lo attend. A cordial invitation-is extended to all newcomers who are mem bers of the church to be present at the above two functions. BRiTISH - ISRAEL 'The Dundarave Branch of the British - Israel World Federation will hold its first meeting of theWENDY HOUSE The Mothers' Pre-school Study 8th| It aKarinf Dn'vl nd any interested are asked to sion on "Helping Your Child to Phone him at West 845-R or a t Help Himself." the plant, Seymour 8627. _ " ________ :___-- ^ C. E. MONEY, DEAD .The body of C. E. Money-was found near-his-car on the Mill sary to submit a by-law for such capital expenditure to the elec torate. Owing to the large number of newhoines being erected, result ing in a totally inadequate water distribution system, the Council trian traffic, and it will again be necessary for us. to lay the seri ousness of the, situation before the Provincial authorities.' . In conclusion^ it is not nece.s- sary for me to appeal to my col leagues to use their best busines.s recentfv i ^ was the son of the late'Captain endeavoring to obtain assistance Kon. C. F. L. Money, former secretary from the Provincial and Federal captain BEAVIS PASSES Qlyd4^^^^ " district have'for "welTovê ^̂ judgment in the interests of the t 17th and W ate^ont, iflteV.antaiTi endeavoring to obtain assistance to express - ^ hope that we may work together... in a spirit of loyalty and with the full sense of trust and r̂c- sponsibility that has been placed upon us. I would ask that the Commit tees be as follows: Finance: Councillors W. Dickin- . _ son, J. Richardson and the Reeve.___________ Works very cordially invited. The Wednesday After noon Bible Study Class with Mrs. Cornish meets regularly. Prayer meeting each Thursday evening a t 8 o'clock. You will be made welcome at all of these meetings. .married- daughter is win body, whichwill south.arrive tonight from the was one of the- ^pLinf^^'^' pld windjammer a number of articles to of the Army and Navy Veterans' Association of Victoria. He is survived by his wife and . three children. He was a member of the Colwood Golf Club and had been Vancouver Island manager tributed'a^numW ^ company. ̂ Robert Scafe, of Langford, -and theMivpc found-the-body: ; them. Hp sailed The deceased formerly resided of the ^ mem- with, his wife and family at 2227 ~ WhiL f ^ ' Inglewood Avenue. , •, have nnt arrangements under«??L̂ rf we Councillor. T. J. Brown was Probahm+7 ^ granted two months' leave of ab- Stenhpn* r?" St. "sence by the Council in connec- t Harron Bros, tion with active service duties Governments and the Greater Vancouver Water Board, in find ing'a permanent solution to our waiter supply problem with which is linked up the proposed dev elopment of Hollyburn Ridge as a Winter and . Summer play ground. Notwithstanding every possible effort^by-the-Couneil-to- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DINNER MEETING Obtain sanction'to. a 2% loan, Ppard of Works an d P ark s: these efforts have not been suo cessful and all correspondence Transportation and Fire,: Coun- Pr-eparecl tor this occasion and The monthly dinner meetirig of the West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce will be held at "Ye Lions' . Gate Arms," Marine Drive, on Wednesday next at 7 p.m. sharp, when the Reeve and rnembers of the Muriicipal Coun- cil v^TITie'guests of the Chamber. An interesting program is being H. M. Forces. will be placed immediately before you for a further survey of this important problem .which is so vital-to the needs of a growing community. ' - The Cdunbil of 1939 also made cillor K. A, Ray. Water and Light: Councillor J. Richardson. Respectfully submitted, J. B. LEYLAND, .. . ' Reeve. all members are invited to be present. As on former occasions transportation will be provided for those who desire. Cars will assemble a t 15th and* Marine Djrive at* 6 :45 p.m.