■ ^ ' ] ;f i\ i| •Tfr',r^»'. '}' 'H r! '1'4 I p f eI:"'■'4v44li■̂7:';;' J ,' . i- MiP-r i i i i i f Wmbiii \;>'HtA0 :sfk m!em ' V3 mi I-i - < Sif 9Mi r / jt--..mm THE WEST VAN NEWS WSSB 90KSSSSSSSŜ> ^ S m :n:i "T" SMITH'S MARKET ilu' VbueveysiaidiPhooe Went 46 MeaUH-Went 370 " I 'H K B U H N IN tJ IH « » " Hy BritAR'**- Frc« Delivery £k»rri<e# Monthly Account r w« M ' ' ' ' ~ j A Hqppg New Year to All Red & WliUe 'roniiit<K*H, large tliiM . ........2 for 25c Red & White 'roniato Juice, large tinH...... ̂, .......2 for 21c Red Hi While (irapefruH Juice, ' large tin. 2*lc Red & White Corn, tin......... 11c Red & While ( JIarrotH & Rean, (ill .............................. 12c AiiHtralian RalHliiH ...2 Ibn. 25c Rieked Daten, new HtOi'k, "2 il>H. for...................... 2TJc Soap, EcIh N aptha...... i for J}5c Oanherries, per lb ............... 25c Mixed Nu(h !»est (jiialily, lb. 23c Oranges Do/. Die, 25c, 33c (iraiM'friiit ............ 4 for 15c M EATS ^̂ Vhl 370 Rree Delivery FOR NEW YEAR t;eese ........... (Jradc A DiickK ....... tirade A M Chicken.......,.. tirade A Fowl ............ Grade A 'rurke.vH ........ Grade A IlaniH and C o tta g e R oIIh liJtesh I 'ish DelicutcHsen v\|»ple.s-- Spit/ .................... b lbs. 25c, Fancy DeliciouH.......5 lbs. 25c Fancy Macs. ../.. / 5 I bs. 25c CANADIAN APPLE ROMANTIC HISTORY In'a )'(;c<*nl, addrcHs at Mont real on "What Ihe Apple ImluK- try Means to Ciana<ia," H. L. Wheeler, As-sistant Direoior, Marketihg Service, Dominion Department of Agriculture, re- viiwved the Dominion-wide ef forts of the Federal and. Provin cial (Iov<!rnment.s jn conjunction with the fruit lra"de of Canada,, in di.strihuting this year's apiile crop, and at the same time giiv̂ e an entertaining history of apple i-ullure in the l)ominion. It is known, said Mr. Whe<der, that apj)le trees were I'llantod in Nova Scotia <.*arljer than 1G33, for in that y<;ar Pierre Martin set out a number of trees in the Annapolis Valley, just opposite the town of Port Royal, now Annapalis_Jloyal. At the present time, .so far as is known, only the majority of the varieties had orijdnated as se(?dlings. Oiu* of tljcsi! A m erican varie - ti('.s, the V<-llow P>ellflower, w as fur m any y e a rs a ve ry p o p u la r apple and cam e' to be know n in Nova Sco tia as l iish o p 's P ipp in . Li.slmp Inglis, a C h u rch o f E n g - hmd prelati*,. w as fond of g a rd e n ing u n d T r i i i t grovyJng. He be came fam ous fo r h is app les and ])uupii' re fe rre d to th em g ener- 'aTly as th e U ishop's P ipp ins, wliich w<*r(!, of cou rse , h is Yel low Pel 1 flow er apples. 'Phiis, locally, th e v a rie ty ̂ I> e c a m e known as vBisliop's Pippin.. In New Ib 'unsw ick , one o f th e fiarliest rip en in g v a rie tie s . C rim son Ib 'au ty , w as o rig in a te d in that Pi'ovince by th e late hY*an- cis Peabody, aiid is now g row n th ro u g h o u t tlie N o rth A m ericim .co n tin en t., 'r iie e a r ly ' s e t t le r s in tyiiubec.-like th e ir A cadian bro- While walking down a vcrtain .street in the ' went «rwJ <,*1'. A aacauyer vn, (.'liriHltnus murniiU' 1 saw a geatlemnn seated in the midiiif <•( die .sidewalk. He wa» arrayed in a new eraven^*tte coat and he wore, .ve cnd. Î a real top hat, I W'u.s reinirnltjl "f my younger and more prospermn ilays.anot having even Keen a topj er for year.s, and Btopped to help lum up, which help waH Very <leflnitely refu.setl. He stated he was the king of da' world and was on his way to m any thi* lady of liis elioiee, who, he sai l, wa.'.̂ the <jueen of the moon. He Ihi .idu' very annoyed when I told him I had aever met the lady, but had once m;inage<l to see the giri in the moon, after nearly, twisl- Jiig" my neck out of >h:ipe and wreck., ing the old irnuginadon. So I pro ceeded to the boarding houM.; for the mmuid "Christmas eliop." The turkey hud evidently been, a .Saimson among g(»bbler.s, and the jnnlding .wn.s much stTonger in' molas.se.'- than in raisins ami I turned uj) quite some suet in the mince* pies, hut, tiptwt from that the dinner wa.s alright The tiling,.tlmt Hpolis Christmas for me, though, is not boarding hou.'c dinner, it's the sight of the trios of jioor fellows play ing carols round the coiners in the hope of getting -a- few extra dimes. It's a cold job standing hround Cor ners in the .winter at tiny tiihb, but to keep inhaling a lot of Cold air to bow into a wind instrument there is worse. It makes ft person feel sick that .such things niiist he i* VVilhing all our customer# and friends g ft - ' s | ' '"•"■ 7 ^ ■ • " V g t y T : P ^ o s p e r o u s ""N e w ' ' ■ T e a r - ' T ^E S T VANCOUVER l^UMBER CO. LTD. I FOR RKAL SATISFACTION 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 ? C L A S S I F I E D A D S •vu^ tar ClMsifiac! AdvMrtlMmenUi la 1 centa par word, mlnlmam the rai« L-- ........I..- ___25 centa. Except in the caM harliif regular accounta, all claaai- *̂̂ *Rememb<i*̂ Ĉ Nawa get intmediato reaulta. GORDON ROBSON - Solicitor. 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 419U at W e s t Vancouver any time, by. appointment. W est 403. WANTED -- Girl for general housor work. Phono West 586-R-2. FOR KENT -- 7-Room.B, large living room, 4 bedrooms, modern sawdust burner; !4 block . mediate Possession- ^ West A R Austin & Co Lid., ooa yvesi. H asting St. Sey. 9131. Evenings, West 548-M. FOR RENT -- Four rpom semi-bunga. low;, modern, furnace, near bus and ferry,' 1075- Esiplanade. WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT ROL Sure' protection; reasonable rntes. West 172-L-3. WE HAVE A CASH BUYER'for a ■moderately priced house on the W aterfront. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE, W est Van. Pioneer Realtors, Established 1905 0pp. Hollyburn P.O.______ West 65 PAINTING AND Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, West 1022-L. CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, .Metals, Furniture, Stoves, . Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small, Burrard Junk Co.. West 91, SCOTTISH DANCE SOCIETY HOLDS DANCE TUESDAY WANTED -- Listings of houses . vacant lots. Phone particulars to. our representative, F. Bayliss, West.. 522-R. Pemberton Realty Uorp. Ltd., 418 Howe St; Trinity 1271. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coua- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano. North 811-R-2. one of the varietic.s u.sed by the French .coloniHl.s. the Fameuse or-Snow, ha.s become of commer cial importance. A Now England authority speaky of grafting methody hundred.s of year.s ago. Tlu) practice way known,..^m(>ng the R<)man.i;"it was adopted <!s- pecially by tlie Flemish' and Eng lish pc-oples, and the New Eng-, land Fathers soon fell into the habit .of improving; "their- seed- Mî gs with gnifts from England a iu rE ra h o o r ' ' " IT ru-s , b ro u g h t api>le .seeds~tTonr West Vancouver branch, Scot tish Country D a n ĉ e Society celebrated Boxing Day with a , party at the Cdaclian, West Vancouver, wh<'ii members and friond.s gatherod'to enjoy these, gay dances to the spirited music of Mrs. G. Alexander and Mrs. J. Gildersieeve. . Guests Were welcomed by the Iiresident, Mr. Bruce Clegg, and among those present were Mrs. -Ar-Gr-Bagleyr-Miss-Jean-Bagley-r NOTARY PUBLIC (Complete Notarial Service) 'Reginald,,.p. Blower, J.P., 1405 Marine. West 21, 204tM. ■ NOTARY PUBLIC (Complete Notarial Sendee) Reginald P. Blower, J.P., 1405,Marine. W est 21, 204-M. TO RENT -- 6-room Suite; fireplace, hot water heat; overlooking water. Apply West G55R. ,. . ■ . " . ■■■ WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing, West 780, West 443-R. ilOY'S BICYCLE -- 18-inch, double ' ' bar with stand and extras, $12.50. Westinghouse 6-tube' mantel radio, $12.50. West 506L ____ GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. W est 403. t^ttuitl i trnHi mtory-goey--oii--tt)- rclatc that for many years the Canadian Ynnil industiw- devel oped with imported varieties. 'riui^Onglish settlers in Nova France Yind'Trom' Diem if Ys as sumed that the Fameuse dr .Snow apple oj-iginated;:.Ontario, also" a pioneer in the apple in dustry; originated the famous Mclntosli Reds at Dunela, in the St. i,Lawrc'Uce Valley- souths of Ottawa. The. most- recent com mercial expansion of apple pro duction has lKH.'n iif British Col umbia, where, during the past 35 years, there has been a large development-^olHhe-apple-indus-. - t r y in the Okanacran Valley, the ' Kootenays and around Creston. Mrs. B. M. Grady, Mr. H. Lough, Mr. and Mi's. John Banks, Miss Isabel Banks, Miss Eileen Hamp- son, Capt. and Mrs. F'rank Love- grove, Major and Mrs. Fred Bay- li.ss, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. , L. _ Burley, Mr.- Frank Harrop, Miss Dorothy Harrop, Mr. K. Walsh, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Vass, Miss Winifred Ixie, Mr. and Mrs. H, ^Whittihg- ham, Mr. John Lawson, Miv and Mrs.-Harvey Smith, Mr. V. Her- mandez, Mr. J. Stone înd Mrs. "Fr^Rtvei's":------------------------------------- -LOV-ELY_ROOM==rA.vaUable_by_-night, week or month. M©uls if desired. West 686R. > GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele phone .Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine.- Purple Heather, Tiger, Monarch Wool, Beehive, Baby Wool, Knit-, ting Needles, Books, Crochet Cot:: ̂ tonj Hand-knit Baby Woollens. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light * transfer work, prompt service. West 3 ^ - STRAYED frum--174i!_AjigyJe> tabby cat. White feet an d ^^ Reward. West 525L. ■re\ >£RICK C. AUBREY. Barrister, ̂Solicitor, Notary, 801-803 Birks "^Building; Branch Office, 144T Mar ine Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691, West -5'4firiEte^iden(CferWhyteffUff-646:-- r- LOST--Cat, black Persian, female, from -2522 Ottawa Ave.,-over--two- weeks , ago. Answers to Mickey. ~ W '& t"95^R2r"RewaTd--------------- -̂----- FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 -J -E D W A R D rS E A R S ,^ a fn s l^ S o r icitor, 1406 Marine Drive; Phone -West-21r-or-West-553-R-l- A wealthy- auto tourist lost New Year's Gifts Scotia imported from England, obtaining in tliat way a few ^veH-k no wn-Gei'nva ig-Finnielir-a 1111 English varieties. Thus the Gra- venstein wa.s brought to Nova Scotia by the Hon, Charles R. Prescott from the London liorti- cultural Society, who in turn had introduced it from its na tive home in Holland, Germany. In addition- fo- the European in- lixxluction. ,̂ many new varieties were brought to Ntiva Scotia from the United States;, whore his pedigreed dog while .stopping in a small towm He inserted a lost ad in the newspaper, off er ring a rewimI--of-$T0b,- FOR SALE --- 1929 Essex Sedan. =-GheapF^^st--945M ---------------------- WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- household furniture. Hewett, Auc tioneers, North 89, Re'irerse call. 3'he next day he went to the office to inquire, but no one was to be found except a decrepit janitor.. "Where in thunder " is the newspaper force?" asked the tourist impatiently. - "They-re all out," the.old man' replied, "trying_■ ter find yer dog." . . The jinu-tico of "giving gifts -at Now Year's, which was probably derived from the Romans, is now ob- s o 101 e, a 11 h 0 u g t v^eTpra'c t i ce~ô f Trend - K EY on Ring lost between Keith^ and Inglewood School, 2 we'pks ago: -1 2 2 1 Keith Road.------------- -̂---------1_ W. H. VASS. Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburn Blockt ing New Year's cards still survives. The oustomiu-,y gift, except in France, was gloves, which were then much more expensive than nowadays. In Paris- the-day -used to be . known as "lo Jour d'Etrennes," when pai-ents gave portion.^ of„ their property to tors, -and-husbands-made settlements '- ters, and husbands made settlments on thcMv wives. Much gaiety also pi-e- vailed among the-people, genei-ally. FOR r e n t -- Modern, four-room, fully furnished house, includes piano. West 207L. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone _ West 304, Royal Bank Building. WANTED^--At once, girl for general housework, fond of children; either sleep in or out. West 86R3 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver M ach^e Shop, 1449 . Marine. January 1st was fixed as the be- .ginning of Iho year withc^ut reference to the position of the sun. The ancient Egyptians started .their year on Sep tember 21st, the date of the autumn sollice, while in Ancient- Greece, June 21st, the summer soltice, was the day cho.si'u. On Janliaiy he first .the Rom- .ans offered ..sacrifices to ,th d r god. Janus, ̂and it was the custom for neighbors to oxehange greetings with one another. The Romans also -off ered- ■presents to Strenia, the goddess of strength. At first these took the form of branche.s-of trees consecrated to- the goddes.-?; but later bay and palm leaves were .used. In old Britain the Druids distri buted branches of sacred mistletoe, cut with peculiar cerfemonies, as New ^ear gifts to the people. K eep y o u r M oney C ircu lating in W ^ t V ancouver CHIMNEY-SW EEPING----- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum,. 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. W est Vancouver Chamber o f Commerce WANTED--Elxperienced, reliable girl for general housework and plain cooking. West BlR. - Being Prepard. A ding store in Oklahoma SPECIAL Inside F ir:-- from shed ...... $6.00 per cord from mill ___ $6.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $3.76 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL -- Phone North 620 Gity advq^tes preparedness chis sWwith this sign above, its soda fountain; "Take home a brick. You may have company." * ♦ ♦ like a man who comes "out and says what he thinks, don't An English woman in htj^pif^ needed blood ti'ansfusion.* A you-44 brawny Scot volunteered. She hjpi 550 for the first pint and $25 for the secondj,- so the story goes. When it ca'me to tlie third-time ,she had by then so much Scottish blood in her veins she just thanked him. me. Yê i, when he agrees with For GENUINE JERSEY MILk "Did that, patent medicine you bought cure /o u r aunt?" ----------- -̂------ "Mercy,-no! On reading the circular that was wrapped TnC - NpWiS around the bottle she got two - *^*^^** more diseases." . Har&dltle's Jersey Products Ltd.