^ 1/ ti rjs « - ^ s ; 5 mt» fwember 21, 1939 THE WEST VAN NEWS w.'O i^Qellte garrison AT.CM. Special Diploma T eacher o f P lano a n d T heory lifnideiira Studio--1M5 l a ^ ^ o o d ^ ^ q e _________ West 106G-L im e ! FIRE! FIRE! WHY TAKE A CHANGE? Have protection in your homo with the Famous FIRE MASTER EXTINGUISHER now available in West Vancouver a t Lew's Barber, Shop, 14th'& Marine, or "Wally" Craig's, West 064. 100% Protection for your family. Each $2.75 Eileen Wood, of Hollyburn was arrested on Tue.sday morn ing of last week by - the West Vancouver Police and Vancouver City Police after gotxls hud been discovered in her home al legedly stolen in m'ent burglar ies. NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. dry cleaning (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) C. C. FINNEY, West Vancouver iteprcacntatlve _______ . IPhone West 782 and Driver will call. Asphaljt P rem ix D̂RIVEWAYS r OAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone North 1141 ■; or ALF ELLIS, West I60-Y Miss Peggy Hardman arrived from Oregon State College to spend the Christmas and New Year's holidays with her mother, Mrs. M. P. Hardmap, 21i;i Mm*- ine Drive. > The many friends of W. Ilcrriii will be glad to hear that he i\v turned to his office in the Municipal Hall yesterday after an absence due to sickness. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Garland of Victoria are s p e n d i n g the Christmas holidays with the lat ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Dewar,\2243 Bellevue Aye. . Burglars broke into the office of the British Pacific Heating Company, 1433 Marine Drive on 'Friday-evening-and-stole"$'l 0-in- petty cash and stamps after ran sacking the placê w« , . WISHING ALL THE COMPLIMENTS OP THE SEASON GARDENIA Gleaners and Dressmakers 2152 Marine Drive • ^ West 858 Marjorie R. McGillmray Associate of the J. D. A. Tripp Piano School P IA N O - T H E O R Y C L A S S E S Instruction in class,' rhythm band and individual. Councillor Thomas Brown has . been gazetted as lieutenant in the R o y a l Canadian Naval Reserve' and is leaving here, at the beginning of the New Year for two months in Eastern Can ada. He will not be resigning his seat on the Council at p reset, as' there is a possibility of his being stationed on this Pacific, coast. ♦ ..... * . . The "Christmas mail at Holly- burn Post Office was the biggest since the^ establishment of a letter carrier service. Over 2,000 parcels were received for deli very. Mr. and Mrs. K. Kcttner, 2568 Mathers Ave., have moved to 1221 Marine Drive, Capiluno. Mrs. Frank W, IVmpler, 2271 Ma thers Ave., has received wonl that her sister, Mrs. U S. Rowsome, died in Detroit on December 28ni * * * ■ I ■ J. T. Littlefonl nrrivtHl fiHUn Port Renfrew, Vnncouvevr Island, to spend the Christmas holidays a t his home, lUUO Duchess Ave. lie expects to re turn at the beginiiing of the year. Chas. E. lliiibridge, 2201) Murine . ,Dnve, has come down from Qliesnel to .spend the .school holidays with his wife and family V. Miss Eileen Nyblctt flow from Cidgary to S(pond Christmas with Major and Mr.s, Walter Critehloy ami her mother, Mrs. 11, 1), Nyblett, in Caulfoild. ■ , The'general delivery wicket at Hollyburn Post Office vvill be open on New Year's Day from 7 a.m. to 10 p.ni. ~ A" ;son"was~boriT"on"Dccrcmbor" 17th to Mr. vjnnd jMi's. Stanley Boshier of Dawson Creek, Peace River District, B.C. H« *l< ♦ Mr. and Mrs. A. J. T. Taylor of Kew 'Beach returned on Christmas morning from East ern Canada. * ♦ * ■ ■ , William Blackwood arrived on Christmas morning from Winni peg to spend two weeks with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alan For,syth, 1591 Haywood Ave. ""• ♦ ♦ * . ' There, was excellent skating on the lakes on Hollyburh-Ridge over the Christmas holidays and ' many took advantage of indulg ing jn the sport. A Happy Npui |!rar Bennett's BAKERY (formerly Strattons) S('()T(n PANCAKES; SCONES, AHERNETHYS and SHOUTBUEAD 1468 Marino Drive Phono West 27 \ Hollyburn Theatre T1U1U.SDAY AND FRIDAY SATURDAY MATINEE Deomhor 28lli, 21Hh and .'lOtli RARRARA STANWYCK .lOER MrCREA "UNION PACIFIC" (Om-o only at 7 :-15) Now.s, (,'artoon.s, Etc. SATURDAY EVE. ONUY Dc'oomlu' .'tOUi .lOIOL McCREA _..,LOANJ>lENl!J.ETT. "Two in a Crowd" News,- Cjirtooii' ami Othor Sliort.s MON., TUES., WED. ami MONDAY MATINEE "BROTHER RAT" also "Blondie Takes a Vacation" Eminent successes in' rebitals, examinations and" festival. THE HIGHLANDS W ill, be closed after December--29.tbu We wish to thank: our many 'friends for thei^patronage and will be ' pleased to welcome -them a t THE SEVEN DW ARFS INN 871 Hornby Street MARGARET L. DUNCAN TRin. 1520 " A. A. S. MILNE Burglars, .'stole the c o lo r e d lights and connecting wires from the garden of the Misses Simpson and Harrop's residence in West Bay over the holidays. 1ST ST . S T E P H E N 'S SC O U TS A U X IL IA R Y * Special low fares on all routes - in B. C., subject , to, minimum. Good going Dec. 29 to Jan. 1, return limit Jan. 1. Sunday, Dec. 31 Special late bus from Vancou ver to Caulfeild 1:15 a jn ., re turning-from Caulfeild 1:45. For further information phone SEymour 7131 or West 671 Pacific Stages D A V E Y -- R E ID The regular -monthly meeting of the Mothers' Auxiliary to the First West Vancouver. Scout A son was born- to-Mrs.-D^-M.- --Troop -(St;--Stephens)--will be Smith (nee Margaret Wrisberg). held at the home of Mrs. J. it. at the North Vancouver General Lidster, 2105 Esquimalt Ave. on Hospital on December 21st. Both 'Thursday, January ;4th at 2 :30 are doing'well. • __ __ _ pan. All interested are cordially ■ ♦ * * invited to be present.^^ T A U N T O N H O U S E SC H O O L ---------- j:-------------- on Taunton House School presented its annual Christmas performance Monday, December 18, a t St. Mark' Hall. This year the entertainment took the form of an operetta, "The C O U N T R Y -D A N C E SOCIET Y ^Shaggy^--bronze, yellow and white, chrysanthertiums ' deco rated the home of the bride's mother, Seventeenth street, -W estA ^anebuverTBaturdflry-even^^-zrSeyenbi-QldjJ^adies-of^LavenderiTown.^ ing ; for' the marriage of Mar- Bright dialogue, colorful costumes, „ garet Winifred, datUghter of and gay music and dancing-made the Mrs. Reid and the late Rowland evening an interesting one for a large -Reidr-to Mr.--Robert Frederick number-of-paTent.s--and--friends " All . The last meeting of-the-.West Van couver Scottish Country,-danc<' So ciety, -ladies' - branch,--too!{-t!n>--fnnri -- of a jolly Ghri.stmas party,.wlicii a Jiumber-of--yisit;f>rct---wet-o p-nlL-iitaiiiujI An especially, warm welcome wa.s ex tended to Mr. Alexander, who 'for several seasons acted as pianist to the society. The evening was spen tl-r Davey, son of Mr. and Mrs. F . ^^e -girls of both the Vancouvevr dancing, and supper was served h.v a W. _ DsViey. The--coremon-y--was-V-B̂ kool the. ....West:--Vancouver- committee under Mrs"Rathie. Mrs Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 ----- 812 16Ui Street TOPSOIL r GRAVEL Bush Fir ,̂ Inaido--...........$5.50 Cord Milt Fir, Tnside..;.;..........75.50 " Fireplace F ir............... . 4.50 " -Grcen-A ldeEi^..,„„...»...._6.50_At:n SPECIAL-- ! Slabs & Edgings Barky !...............:........ ii;4.00 Cord E dgings........................... .$3.75 Cord Bark ....---.;-;.;.'..-..-.::.v...;.$5.50 Cord Limited, amount. -----^SAW DUFTWECrAIiF Sacked ...............;... CHARLES THOMPSON 812'16th Street Office a t 1336' Marine Drive performed by_Rev. Wilfred Mc Kay. Given in marriage by Mr. Richard H. Ward, the bride wore a floor-length gown of white shear, featuring a short j a c, ke t and full skirt, her shoulder veil held'in place with a wreath of orange. blossoms branch" took part in the performance. The girls helped with the making of the costumes and painted the pro grammes, while the old girls of the school acted as ushers and sold candy. Those taking leading parts were Joy Scudamore, Frances Roberts, Mary Law, Rosemary Orchardson, Brenda Halljday, Miriam Nichols, Grace Mc- Love, the president of the group, pre sented^ flowers to Mrs. Bingham and Mrs. Paris, instructor and accompan ist. It was announced that no meeting would be held during the holidays, the next regular practise being on 3'ues- day, January 9. VERNON FEED STORE She was attended b y Miss Mar- Donald, Sue Dobson, Peggy Kipley, Keep y o u r in W est V ancouver VVest Vancouver - Chamber o f Commerce garet Davey, whose long gown of j^ellow georgette sponsoring a short jacket, was worn with a matching petal hat.. Dr. Ernest Davey supported the groom. Cora May Stafford, Dorothy Hall. R U G B Y _BarbIacks 9, Marpple 9 Both sides were considerably under strength for the exhibi- tion game, on Boxing Day at ,Ambleside, but a good opoi St. Francis School at Caul:feild, game wa.s served, dagger and\ - twenty-six underpriyiFeged boys H.' Smith scored tries for the \ x A N N U A L H O U S E P A R T Y A. C. SEA RLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, AD CO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies -A.i/ r '0C€j)tioii th o - - mother, wearing dragon fly blue were the guests of the pupils home s/de and Garney Smith laoe over taffeta with matching 9 w e r e \«intertained to a .kicked a great penafty goal from M A S P A R T Y F O R V. SCHOOIXOF SPEECH AR'l'S hat,-was assisted in receiving by' Christmas dinner of turkey, ̂ 4q yards out. ithe groom's mother, who wore Plui^ pudding,, and ioe_. efeam,. Weekly practices-vd 11 be re- .. A\ Christmas _party for_thc black chiffon appliqued in white Movies and other entertainment gumed Wedne,sday niglht at 7 ' Pupils of the School of Speech were provided, and all had a p jjj Inglewood 'High gym, Arts and their little friends was JSIf^ when a sta jt will be made on. given;tion IS due to .Lady Nanton, the second.-team. Lady Fowler, Mrs. Dunn, and to S. H. SRIGLEY P a m f e r a n d Decorator 1706 Marine Drive occupied by A he Florence Studios > Phone^West 938, with black hat. .. A^ter a honeymoon in Seattle and-̂ Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. Davey will reside, in" Carlton Court, Third Ave., New West minster. The bride travelled in^a henna rust wool frock with teal b lu e topcoat trimmed with mink. ^ « T S 3 8 reeesso ries^« r€ -b ro w n r the residents of Caulfeild dis trict, who contributed .$19.15 towards the boys' carol singing. given on _ Wednesday afternoon of last week by the Principal, Mrs. Margery Clark, at the BOYS' BAND AUXILIARY , studio, 2365 Bellevue Ave. After -------- ̂ a little entertainment of recita- Tiie famous detective arrived a t the scene of the- crime. '"Gracious," , he said,) "this is, mor^ seribus than I thernght. This window has been broken on both'sides." -EXPERTfn Watch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with, Birks Ltd., , Moptreal) ; 1522 Marine Drive The regular-monihly:-me.eting--tions and carols for-the benefit .j>Lthe3^Ladjes' Auxiliary to the, of their_mothers and friends in TBoys' Band wilFbe held on Wed- the living room, the children ne,sday, January 3rd at 2:30 proceeded to the studio, where p.m. in the Pauline Johnson games were played followed by- School. 'There will be election of dainty refreshments, each child officers _ fo r ' the coming year, receiving a gift from the Chri.st- Please note' any member of the- mas tree as well- as a balloon, auxiliary . -is eligible to hold Afternoon tea - was also served .office. to their mothers and friends.