■ 1. ■ . » « lK (W )/* n -^ r^ / «-«W MXl-»AV!-<i;r^-'-^M»*l-^ry<M.'»WE » . . 5 ^ / 0 1 ^5 ,3 W ^f> fS I | ,1 »-f,'- J ,« T '.V '- 'M U f* ^ W ' f l ' '■^ ' # . B .rf '|! r •'"I'to tt!' 4 0 , ' 'l » ' Wtia B IIIIB > I I W I mm P « < » B b e r 21. , . - ^ , , >, -rt * ..f r ^ . L,.,..;, I? If It K" L?;H 35' I v i , ; i , 5 '> t i 5 i ; '; V '- i ? - ; \:i a: i i i s Ui . i 4-̂, ■;>>'■ IWI K m m m WK«T VAN. UNITED CHURCH Cor. 21tt A Exiuiixuilt Av«. KKV. W. VANCE; aA^ Mi»bt«r 2047 Gordon Av«nu« -"~'^^"'""Ptionf"WMt"24<»R""~ ■jundfty H«rvicet: 11 a.m. A 7 ii0 p ,m » H in m icv ru and Vi*itor» are weleowa tiring in the New Year Iter. B A rn S T CHURCH MillistSfjf W. a McKaj. BJU BJ>. ', . ' Sandaf .Senrkea . 10:00 a;m.-~Church' School to dudtoir AdttJii Claas 11 e r a . A 7:80 p.i».--Preachinir Servlcaa, "A hearty welcome to ail wiUi a I'tfJO coiffurt*, Ila'vc yniir hair ntylrd in a now afiVj'i{a.v"<'«.iiffiii<* chow-n from our (<illf( ii(iii of Mnart halrdr<'b»t*»i. t - j ' • . ■ . .. . . ̂ , . - Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe (JreatorH of KxcluHive' Permanenta, K54G Marine Drire Weal 117 DR. G. D. //. S E A L E D.D.8., L.IJ.S. ------DENTIST------- X-Kay Huy Block, Mth and Marino Dr. OlTico IlourH h to 0 p.ra,' . KvciiinffH by nppointnient. Phono WoHt 72" HOLLYBURR HALL ' Mth and Duebesa I riday ovoninK, Doc. 21>th SmuJav .School treat Supi>er fur Mholars at 5:80. l*ru«:runi tu rutnmonro at 7:15. ,--;r,NlJ'AV/D<*<'. 81«t at 10 u.m. Humluy School and ' Yountf Pcople*a Bible CIobb Sunday Evening at 7:30 GOSPKL ADDKES.S Speaker: MU. JOlilN WALLACE TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bibic Study. W¥ST VANCOUVER Christian Science « t . -j|uP®̂ l̂(Sj||ta£pH e W '."x - ->«" CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Baquiinalt, HoUybttm Thin Society is a Branch of . The MoUier Church The Firat Church of Chnst, Sclentlat, in Boston, hiaasachusetts Sunday Service: 11:80 a.tn. Sunday, DecerniK̂ r 31st SUBJECT: %'HIUST JESUS" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and mcetingfl. > ± all Our Patrons . and Friends A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. WEST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY 1*644 Marine Drive Open until 8 p.m. Phone West 687 WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cor. Marine ami 25th Ave. Rector: Rev. Robert II. Birch, B.A. "THE SEASON'S GREETINGS" R I D D A L U S D A I R Y LIGHT LUNCHES CONFECTIONERY FROZEN FRUITS & VEGETABLES 3RS IN JC E <SPECIAL FLAVORS 1414 Marine Drive , / , . ■ CREAM Phone West 643« THE UNITED CHURCH 21.st and Esquimalt Ave. Jicv. William Vance, Minister New Year Services Sunday, 11' a.m., "Family Service." There will he ho Sunday School. Parents are urge^ to come to this .si)ecial service wi t-h~t-hei r-c h i Idt̂ i UR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 0 to 6 -- Evenings by appointment. ' I860 Marine Drive West 432 iSat^bliMhed on North Shore ' 25 ̂Yeara ' (Lady 'Assistant) HAimON BROS. LTD. funeral iirertars Holly burn Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 184 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Voncouver. Parlors -- 55--Tenth -Avenue East Phono Fair, 13^ New Year Sunday: 10 ;i jn,--The Sunday Sch(X)l. 11 a.m.--.Morning Worship Subject,"Retrospect and Pros pect." "So teach us io nunilx:r oiir day.s that, we may get h<*ai-ts of wisdom." 7-;;t0' p.m.--Evening Service, l'The Outlook for 1940." 'I'hi.'̂ (lay clo.ses the old year and oiM.ms to the new year. Re- nu'inlwr the old. Be of good courage for the new. Come and wor.ship. / " Sunday, 8 p.m., "Evening and ' Watchnight Service." After the u.sual evening' ser vice there will bo a pause for refreshments. We-, shall then continue until midnight with a "Watchnight Service." Wednesday, 7 Prayer and FeIlow.ship. ST' PATRICIA SCHOOL NURSERY SCHOOL ai\jl KINDERGARTEN DEPARTMENT of St. Patricia School . Dancing, Elocution, Games and~Outdoor Activities, Percussion Band, Singing, Piano and General Playtimes. , Transportation Medical Supervision Arrangements for part or dfull time. MISS MAIUORIE R. McGILLIVRAY 2667 Haywood Ave. W. 516 Call before 2 p.m or after 8 p.m. , New Year's Day in England The Scottish New Year's ST. STEPHEN'S Rev. F. A, Ramsey, Rector ST^-ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH -- 23T trt-irrg lC w ood-A -ve.------ ON NY MAKE ^ROWITA MUNTON 1542 MARINC ORIVK WIST $06 AlHrilMfra ÂH.T,' ftf .B.Or . Rev. Father Van ̂ ■ '̂ a s tp r Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. ___ ___ Rosary and Benediction -- 7:45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m, Fridays--^Rosary, Benediction .7445.-- :--------------------- -- ' Sunday, DecHjmber 31st 8 a.m.--Holy Communion ' 11 a.m.--Morning Prayei^ 7:30 piih.^ Carol and Song Service- 11 :30 p.m.-- Watchnight Service New Year's Day, 10:30- H oly Ommiinion St. Francis-in-the-Wood, ' Caulfeild Sunday, 9:45 a.m.-- . Morning Pi*ayer , New Year's Day in Northern Eu rope has always been the occasion for much merriment and conviviality. On New Year's-E ve it was the custom among our English forefathers for the head of the house to assemble his. family around a bowl of spiced ale, then known as "lamb's wool," out of which he drank their health and they his. The toast given was "Waas Hael," As all the world knows, New,Year's Eve and New Year's Day have always been times of great rejoicing among the Scots. Up to a few decadles the custom of the wassail bowl was, kept. As midnight approadied on the last day of the old year, there was prepared in a kettle or flagon "a hot pint," made up of warm, spiced and sweetened ale with an infusion of AGAIN LOVED CHRISTMAS IS HERE?̂ .. (Continued) (Written.for The Christian Science Monitor) the ancient Saxon for "To your health," hence the wassail or wassel bowl. The poor carried found the neighborhood a bowl tied with ribbons ■ in order that those better endowed _with the world's good, icould ; fill it with moneyV so giving them the' wherewithal to keep New Year's. spirits. All drank to the New Year and wished each other a happy New Year, dancing round the table. Afters . wards tTife elders of a family would take the kettle and, armed with- buns and shortbread, or_ bread and cheese, ■ ry^uld go out to celebrate the occasion with friends and neighbors. -SaLurdAYs- 4 s i D « r Donal.U McAlpine_ '"Pianist & Teacher CLASS and INDIVIDUAL INSTUUaiTON Studio: 283 31st Slroot Phono MisH Wilcox' rosidemc Saturday. West 3G7-Y-1 to 8 :30 p.m. . ' Saturday, Nov. 11, 8:30 a.m. Requiem Masii.-., "Let love be , without dissimula- t io n -- Bft--kinfUv^ffee±i o n a t^ Goirf^yssio^ns-;-7430-- one--to -4uiotlm i^--w lfliM m ao the t EATTIST CHURCH -R e v ^ W ^ V .-rM e lv a y - 1545 Duchess Ave. PROSPERITY FUELS NORTH 951 W E S T 103 2 m iSH INSIDE FIR ... $5.50 cord MILL INSIDE FIR.. , 5,00 cord FIUKPLACK 'FIU 4.00 cord SAW DU ST--Guaranteed 200 cubic foot, 1007< Fir..... $3.75 II. 1». ALLEN Sunday Services: 11 a.m. -- Subject, "Forgetting and Contemplating." - -7430-p7m >-^SulrjeetT ^^h<j-- of Achievement." The choir will repeat their Christmas music, both morning and love." (Romans 12: 9, 10). The true worth of Christmas lies not in material gift-giving, but in the deepening and extending of Ihe true sense of love betw^n Jlret:hr.eji,-im xj,Jm ;^broad€r--ans^-- wer to the ({uestion, "Whcris'Tn'y^ neighl^our?" lluman life is enriched beyond Icula t i onbecause^--centuries ago there was born, in Bethle- hem, the babe Jesus,-who, in his evening. 10 p.m.--Church School. , Wednesday, 7'45 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. First Alidweek meet- ing.of the New Year. You iire very cordially invited. Churches of Christ, Scientist JANUARY 1st ater minisTry, faithful to-his ̂trust, revealed and demonstrat ed the Christ, founded Christian ity,'and gave to all men the gos pel of love. This, then, shows whence come Our blessings, "and whither they tetid." It is the Christ-spirit, the lender influence of the Christ- power, that is making the world a better place in which to live. Gi'atefully may we acknowledge , this sacred influence upon the lives of ihen, and seek to reflect THE "Christ Jesus will be the subjet of ' divine Love, in- spreading kind 0 U.sson-Sermon in all Chî rcches ness, love, and cheer around us. Our true desire, finds expression W est Van N ew s Published Every Thursday I*ub!i.sher F; F. LOVEGROVE ' Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office; 1704 Marine Drire ------- Phone-West 5S-------- the l.«»son-Sermon in all Chi^rcches of Christ; Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is: "I am the light of the world: hp that followeth me shall not walk- in darkness, but shall have Uve4ight of life" (John S:112). Among the citations whicch com- pri.io the liOSsdn-Sermon is the fol lowing from the JBiblcT'"Ari.se. shine; for thy light is! come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee" (Isaiah 00;I). The "Le.sson-Scrmon also includes the following passage from the Christian "Science texxtbook, "Science -and-Health w ith -feyT o~the Sccrip-" in jMrs. Eddy's Christmas mes- sttge fof-1900 (ibid., p. 257): 'To this auspicious Christmastide, which hallows the close of the ' nineteenth century, ou'r hearts are kneeling humbly. We own his grace, reviving aiid healing. At this imThortaThour^all-hum an hate, pride, greed, lust should bow and declare Christ's power, and the reign of Truth and Life divine should make man's being pure and blest." ■At- North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. tl.OO a year by carrier: 12.00 a year by mall tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Truth an<T Love enlighten the understand ing, in whose. ' 'light shall we see light" ; and this illumination i.s re flected spiritually by all who walk in the light and turn away from a false material sense" Weary Willie called at a cot tage and asked for food. .. " "And how would you like a nice chop?" said the owner of the cottage, kindly, "That all depends, lady-- îs it lamb, pork or wood?" Place Yoor Job Priufing with The West-Van News mm-