Establisl̂ ed over 18 years. Circulating in the District of West Vancouver'-'̂Ambleside ̂ Hollyburn^ Weston^ Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc.$1.00 per year. Established over 13 years. Dundarave ' Be per copy Vol. XIV HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, 'DECEMBER 28th, 19.VJ No. VI ■ ■ ■ ' • ' ■ ■ ■ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ¥ A lappg anil prospecouB ^eui iear to AH THE OLD V^EAR AND THE NEW ST. PATRICIA Scho ol In just a few days the year 1939 will have been gathered into that gtave in which rest all the aeons that have passed. And few wilhregret its passing,'because it has brought little of comfort or of spiritual or material gain to anybody. It did, however, contain the climax, a '̂ it is the last, of those post- war years, during which the democracies, chiefly by their fear of war and to a lesser extent by .^their diplomatic and economic blundering, have brought upon themselves that which they most vrished to,; ayoid, namely, the horrors of another war. To try to impose such a diplomatic millehium as the League of Nations would have created, if it had func tioned as it was supposed; to do, upon a world which had returned to its, old fleshpots was to invite just that dduge which has come upon us. In a commercial age there can never be. a rule of right among the nations while the rule of might holds sway in the business world. If we are to believe, as we ought and must do, the mem bers of the British Cabinet and the government leaders of the other parts of the British Empire, the year ,1940 and several of its successors will be years of war. Contrary to our own expectations generally arid those of our enemies, we have had remarkable success so far both on sea and land and in the air. Germany has not shown up at all well, and still less our other potential .enemy, Russia. Not that these things were alto gether unexpected by those who had followed the trend of the two dictators' internal policies. Little more- could be ex pected from a starved Germany with a powerful discontented junker element and from a Russia which had shot away its 'military brains. At the same time the war has scarcely started. Our enemies are very strong and very evil and their leaders know that there can be no mercy for them. Providing that we stay as united as we have so far done in this modern crusade, for every day makes it the more evident that we are . fighting a spirit of Anti-Christ, the year 1940 may well see the turning point in the conflict*. But it can scarcely be more than the turning point, a(nd .undoubtedly the cost will be. very heavy in men and material. As the King in his Christmas speech said, there are some-dark days ahead of us, and, how ever much we may hope for peace in the coming year, it can only be obtained on our terms. There ^must be no trifling with our destinies this time. . As always in time of war, general business should be '. better this_year throughout Canada. Geographically we ar^ nearer to the centre of the conflict than the other Dominions, and have many farai products "which will be necessary to the people of the British ..Isles. And when the farmer is pros-, perous, Canada is prosperous,, seeing that we are primarily an agi'icultural nation.' Then again our manufacturing plants will be busy with war orders, the first of which have already ^ n received. .... _ _ ____ Those of us 'who, like__ourselves, fought-so~irard'"for a ■ bridge' across the First Narrows,. are viewing the realization with mixed feelings after one year of its operation. Our merchants have not benefited to the extent that was hoped for, wKlIe the municipality throughout 1939 has been torn into several factions with bitter quarrelling^over, the matter of ' ^^ran^portatiqn.^ Im^e-_thlng, Jfipweyer-,-w^ appointed, namely, in the number i of newcomers who have built homes among us as a result of the opening to traffic of the Lions Gate Bridge. These have-',:exceeded all expectations, and although the war may be expected to slow up this growth of new population to a certain extent, yet there will be doubt less many who will settle here in new homes during the comjng -year. There" ia little'questioh. that the, steady increase in^Ur P^Pmation will in time react to the benefit-of our merchants as It will also automatically result in an amicable and satisfac tory solution of the vexed transportation problem. ^s ,the . municipality is .Concerned, we do not see now the Reeve "arid Council can be,'expected to do more this ^m ing year thari is absolutely necessary to the general well ,win̂ g ot our residents, unless the war comes to a sudden end. f. « stands', it will be rip time for major expendi- loans and other offerings directly or in- reotly connected with the war will so dominate the invest- nt markets that there will be little chance for the sale of offerings at a satisfactory nrice. regardless of how In the Nursery School and Kindergarten departmont of St. Patricia School, Miss Marjorie R. McGillivray is arranging to "TOBIAS A]N1) THE ANGEL'V On Monday and Tuosday. January lr2, Vancouver thoatro-goc*w,..wlll wlt- noas JaniOM liridio's "TobluH and the Angel," thi.s lOmpross Thoairo^on- MISS HARRISON'S PlIiMLS HOLD CHRISTMAS PARTY On Decoinber 20th, pupils of NVlli<' Harrison, A.'r.C.M. Spe cial Diploma, held their annual conthiuo tho' class® foi-mc.l by. snai-mcsl m«rld„K the Norj.h rjirishnn.s ihiH,v in yanct.uvt-i-. Mh Corev of June Roper's danev 'b'but ol that Scot-. , I hirty-eight little pianists at- ing s c h o o l • and supervised Hurgoon-pluywngbt who i» cur- tended with Iheir .mothers. in- rutly being hailed by the London eluding, some .from . West Van-games by Miss Scott of the Recreational Centre. At the re cent Christmas closing, mothers and Triends watched with keen appreciation the I'cspohse of the little ones to these branches of the school. Dramatization arid elocution classes, by Dafdye Rutherford Dramatic School, Rhythm Band, '17 singing ,and piano, handwork, i language and outdoor play, all are carried on with the idea of developing co-operation and the spirit of helpfulness from the regular routine. ^ Arrangements for dancing and elocution lessons alone may be arranged 2 or 4 days a week or full time as desired. Transportation and medical supervision provided. critics as ono of tlu> most powerful and moving voices in the British the-̂ atre of today. ^ This adventure-story, iu which sur prise and dioigor lurk round oyory corner, also, ombodic.s a strong com edy and love angle in which an out standing Eriglisli cast, aided and abetted, by the colorful setting of Mesopotamia and Northern .Persia will present ono of the finest plays in the history of the theatre on this side of the Athuitic. The Ihrce-act play in . six scenes, "Tobias and the Angel" is the final production in that, trilogy of ploys which Maurice .Colbourno nnd Barry Jones brought over from the British Isis duRU4g..Jjiat recent and momen tous crossing in which this largest dramatic company ever to visit Can- I'oiivcr. A.ssiHliug in th e p ro g n im m o w('i'o l '<'ggy W ivuoU 'm daiK'oi'H and tlic! 'riiiy 'Pots K in d c rg a rlo n , who p ro u d ly d is p la y e d ih o ir ox- liihilioii o f hand iw ork and do- ligliled th e ir au d ien ce w ith l)iaiio p lay ing , so n g s ,d a n c e s and rh y th m band. A f te r th e ,servi>ig of re f re sh m e n ts th e childixm san g caro ls a ro u n d th e C h r is t m as tre('. .The a fte rn o o iv f<'« tiv i- tie.s conoliuled w ith t h e 'dit^trili'Un tion of g if ts from th e t r e e / . .* Piano pupils ta k in g i)a r t In th e p ro g ram m e w ere a s follow's: Doi'othy A rm s tro n g , ' KayVriond H urry , Sheila D ines, Jea iy Mo- K ellar, S h irley K ita ja w a , ' Tom C hristie , .D orothy Owen, H e tty T en n an t, M aybelle G ris t, Irene LEGION NOTES XMAS DRAWING West Vancouver " branch " of Canadian Legion takes this op portunity of voicingjtheir appre- ' ciatioh to all donors of prizes for lits Christmas Drawing, also all its supporters. Winning num_ bers were as follows: . Number 997r 812,-1972,;-6BI, 44, 1796, 2180, 1071, 438, 439, 64, 506, 1904, 174, 79, 923, 511, 1216, 640, 512, 818,-732, 2477, 1564, 817, 2460,1593, 1272, lb23, 1493, 1932, 1366, 1246, 1177, 807, 303, 384, 417, 372, 2478, 1551, 1074. Also at_the next, meeting,-.Fri- ada faced all the perils pf the high Aln*aham, B e tty R ead, Hevei'ley seas. In their transcontinental tour, Bi'own, Iren e D'A oust, A m y and the Colbourne-Jones company h a s / 'E ls ie Q w asaki, . L o u isa Innes , presented George Bernard Shaw's I d t r ic k E rrid g e , .Pliyllis 3 'ake- ' "Geneva" ' and Maurice Colbourno's MUka, F a y L and , E lva. Elw urt, -- "Chaides-the^ehthu8iasticc-_Dllilip_and_ILeniLvi..:-Giiiada-y-,_J-Ulie-- audienceb.j Forced to curtail ■.east-i S im pson , V e ra A tk in so n , E ls ie ward engagements because of booking' S m ith , K ikuko Uda; S y lv ia and commitments in Toronto, Montreal I 'lugh ie H a rp e r, A u d rey Good, and Ottawa, which precede the long- F re d D avis. heralded appearance in ' Boston, the M iss H a r j'i,son wishe.s to pub- Colbourne-Jones Company will, after Hcly exprcs.s liei' app i'cc ia iion to ,-the Vancouver..opening o t '.'Tobias and.^ her...pupiJs .fo]'-. th e - lo v e ly --gifl.s l the Angel" make a bunded and whirl- received , and to w ish them all a wind tuor, stopping only a t Calgary and Edmonton in their eastward jaunt.*** very happy and prosperous New Year. - ' ■ THE HIGHLANDS TO Cl.OSE FOOD NECESSITY OF WAR day-the--29thr-iTi&tv t̂-here-will-b€- the installation of the new ex ecutive for 1940 as follows: - 'C. F. Smith, President L. Kyle, 1st Vioe-President Ware, 2nd Vice-President zr:r^;ArPeac6ck7^Tr.easureE== -------- ; "Britain has for at least eight ycar.^ul)een-£tivdhir-^a-fkimonsti*a-- A. A: STMilne announce in this ---- issue that they are closing "'Hio- Secretary to be appointed at Executive meeting in January. HOLLYBURN HALL _There will be a .Sunday-School Tre.at_._L,_---i tblhorrqw,- December 29th,- a t Holly- burn Ha.U Supper for the scholars will be served a t 5:30 p.m. and' the program will commence a t 7:15 p.m; Next Sunday, December 21st, a t 10 aim. Sunday School and Young Peo ple's Bible Class will be held, and a t '7:.30 p.m. the same day a Gospel ad dress, when the speaker will be John Wallace. Tuesday a t 8 p.m. prayer and Bible ;study. . . ______ Highlands," 14th ' and Maj'ine Drive, on December 29th, and are moving to' the oity, whci'e in association with Ann Hdl- Irviner they hav<̂ taken over *^The S e v e n Dwarfs Inn," situated at. 871 Hornby Street. The Inn is '.oentrally located, and is. attractively decorated and furiiished. There is also a private' dining-room for pa r̂ties, etc7,"arid reservations can be oT- tion of- the' fact that she realizes that when armies march they still 'march upon their sto machs.' The morale.Vflithe civil population of any country - re main s"-"h1gh"'oniy-when'i:he'T7eopTe" are well housed and well fed. It is a well known fact that the German armies of the last war,, the best trained and equipped at the-beginning--whieh-t-he world:__ had seen, only wavered and re-stained by phoning TRinity .1520. They will specialize^in high-class treated when the British block cooking, both Canadian and Con- ade prevented supplies getting tinental. ̂ to the civilian population. Bri-.Both 'Miss Dawson and Mr ̂ ' Milne, who are leaving West • Vancouver with regret, wish to thank their many friends for their patronage, and hope to .see them at their new location w±cn "iiTthe city. --------- ^ '•a ^ be,.theTiriaricial status of .^ municipality. pmh j so. at-this ending of the year-we wish our advertisers happy and pipsperous 1940, and thank anH ixr generous support. We have tried to serve them pbiiHv years now to the best'of our -aDinty,--as with-thpir help'we 'shall hope"to do in the future. The movie exhibitor had just insured his theatre against fire. ■ ^ he signed his name he - to the insurance agent and asked: ' ■ "What would I get if my the- ! hum'down tomorrow ?" ̂ say- about ten , 1*8, replied, the insurance "inn, nonchalantly. Home: The place in which we- « the best and grumble tne^most.* 1*,v- SOCCER --̂ A--surprise-supper--and-party-- was-held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H; Harrison, 1340 Haywood Ave., on Boxing'Day in honor of their daughter, Muriel's;';six- teenth birthday. Covers ^^ere laid for ten. A.dainty supper wais served, the table being centred with, the birthday cake bearing The West yancouver Pro-Rec soo^r teain played. their first Juvenile League gan^ yesterday ori\ Powell Street grounds, de- : feasting Bluebirds by a score of goals^to nothing.-It-jyas a hard-fought game, local team scoring, their first goal right at thri beginning of the game arid their second just before , time, was called. Gordon Shellard at forward and Fred McT^ggart on the defense starred "^5r.. West Vancouver. ' . Carol G roup- Frank Kerley, Gordon, Roy „ _ . and Albert Fletcher, John sixteen candles. The evenmg was Rippon, Arthur Fry, flar- spent in garnes and dancing, old. and Glen Kirchener. .. The guest.s i ncl u ded: the Misses Mary Wilson, Jean McDougall, Louise and Dorthy Messinger, and the Masters Norman Hul- Jah, Bud iKisgick, Pa t Jeffries, tain has, therefore, been giving great attention- to- the en- couragement of food production at home and food production in countries easily accessible dur-- ihg time of war. Canada occupie.s an-^nv^iable-poaifl oq-m-lhri-ea r-ly- stages 'of this war because of the service she can give Britain Received by West Van New.s and France through the fact ---- :-- th a t- (1) - she is so located as to Previously acknowledged $42.25 be compara,tlve)y- safe from at tack and yet is within easier dis-; feariee|qf B r t t e of the surplus food producing countries." -- Hon. J, G. Gardi- WEST WAiVfCOtfVHER S7VN"P?V CLAUS FUND 3A6 St. Stephen's Carol Singers :...................... 9.50 $55.21 ner, Dominion Minister of Agri culture, in an address to the United Grain Growers at Win nipeg. Maiooim_LqY^^ and Alec Port- By___cheque to West Van- TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD ecus. Dear Old Lady: Can you please tell me. the birth rate for the 20th century ? _ "Agent: See the government statistics, madam, .'this is a Pullman office!. . - couver S a n t a C lau s^ Ftirid ;55 .21 m y The West Vancouver Towns women's Guild will meet at the Claohan at 7:45 p.m. Friday, -January 5th. The guest speaker will be M. ̂C. Robinson, M.C., General Chairman of the Co- Minglerun: I have lost biggest creditor today. Kohn: Has he died? : _______ _____^ Minglerun:! No, I was forced ordinating Council fo r" War , to pay him. ' Work, Greater Vancouver.