if H ft.'* 'I tj I 'i' r }'14 ; tt '• 'fl i' ('• I !i' ;i:, n .5}'! ; f r-'.A r d / . ' I f fi- llvV-'-r '• / w; 'x*' S0t0S =? < SSall \ December 21* 1939. ■ Wait 4( ^ H ai^ cy Saiitb . M«u-W«tni) Fre* Delivery 8«rrie« ♦ Monthly Acxouat A Merrg Chriatmash to AH '/ ■ iW®&: l i l i V /r % r f IlSiil i'-i'," K«<1 & Whhr I'KAS, Hi<tv« 4 2 No. 2 tin* 25c |(4hI White WllOl.K KEUNKL COUN I 2 HJk 20-ot. iiiui 25c |(i«<i & White AHFAHAtilJH TIPS lO'/j oz. tin I ............. 19c Hed & White PEACHKH Hlie4Hl or Halved Houat tin I7c BhirrilT'a JKLI.IEI) CUANHEKKIES 12 oz. iar ..................... - 25c Ited A White Hrnnd JKM/V' POWHKK8 ......4 pkta 19c Eiirht 'I'rui'-Fruit FliivorH, CIIKIHTMAH MIXED CANDY Hriliinnta ......................P>* IBc CHIUHTMAH FOCIMN'ONK MIXED CANDY . ........... Ih. 23c (!reaniH« JellieH, ciitH'olate and |B(emN for the (.'liriMtimiH atockinff. MIXED NVTH--IU^l «|uaiity, lb. 23c WAI.NUTH, ACMOND8, FlUIBIin3 I'er lb. .....................I............ 25c M E A T S Went, 379 Delivery MEATS lo be abaoJutely «ure of enjoying your Xmaa Dinner, »e« our diaplav of the fincHt Poultry to be had anywhere at reaaonable prlcea. All Crade A Look for the tag. We have Freah Fiah Dally. Full line of Delocatetjaen Sm<»ked Huiiib, and Cottage Kolia ̂ Anthony Oliver, ,1534 V2 Aw j*'. Avenue, paBsed away in year last Thursday in the North Vancouver General Hospital. The decesased is survived by his wife, also one sister and one brother-in-law, Mrs. and Mr. J. E. Gibbs, Scapiwose, Oregon. Funeral service.s were held at 3 p.m. last Monday at the Holly- burn Funeral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd., the Itev. William Vance officiating, and interment was made in Capilam# View Cem etery. Mr. Oliver, who had re sided here for ten years, was born in Sunderland, England. «.i* ♦f " * , ' ' ^ p * VVishing all our customers and friends I WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. I ____ FOK UKAL-SAtlSFACTION ------- ̂ ^ It S*I' 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 ItUAZIl.S, large, per lb. .. ...... .-20c Al'I'l-ES -- Deliclouo, Spitz, Much. NAVEI, OllANCEB-- , |"aiiiiiy aize ............ ...... 2 doz. 37c Exlrii Large aize dozen 25c California (iKAPEFUUIT....4 for 15c CWANUKHKIES ..... ......p<?r lb. 25c >1 4i*l " 'V >• WEHT VANCOUVER HANTA CLAUS FUPTf) I. 0. I). E. XMAS DRAWING ' HeadquarterM Naomi ('hapter No. 26 0. E. S. .................. Ĵ IO.OO - Mrs. W. H. Smith ......... 1.00 Mrs. F. Eatoek ............... 2.00 I'alirie Johnson School .... 6.78 West Vancouver High Schools, proceedings of "Yiiletide Caroling" . .. 46.03 "Cavalcade of Musio" .... 17.00 Mr. J.. K. L. McDaniel 20.00 Mrs. F. Kranen ............. 2.00 M..H........... ........ 1,00 I. O. D. E............ ............ 10.00 West Vancouver W.C.T.U.' 5.00 Mr. A, Harvey Smith......... 5.00 Mrs. Howden, Children's" Dance . . . . . 5.82 Tin? winners in the Christmas Drawing of the Duncan Lawson (Jiapler, I.O.D.E., made a t 7 p.m. ycstei*(kiy in the B.C. Electric Slon> hel-e, were as follows; First pri/e--K, B. Forster, tic- k<'t No,, 318, drawn by Miss Blower./ ' S<!(;on(l prize--Mrs. R. A. Ogilvie,' ticket No. 278, drawn by Har old Mahon. 'rhird prize--Mrs. F. Smithers, ticket No. 570, drawn by Miss Kiith Blair. SANTA CLAUS FUND Anyone wishing to communi cate with Santa fJaus is asked to write to Bo.'c 2, Holly burn Post Office. It Iwks as if Santa will ixi very busy, as already ninety-three families are listed. Several groups have arranged to go out carol singing this week for the Santa Claus Fund. " ~ - Headquarters bf the* Fund is located in the B. C. Electric Store, where contributions may be left or a t tlie office of the West Van News, .opposite Holly- burn Post Office. C L A S S I F I E D A D S . W f l « i In thl'wSi V«. N.W, get imm.dl.to rnnulto. GOKDON K06SON Solicitor, 510 W. Haetings, bey. 4190 ut West Vancouver any tune by appointment. West 403. FOK SALE -- Bicycle In good coiidi- tion; new paint job ,^12.50, West 052-R. FOK KENT -- 7-Kooms large living room, 4 bedrooms, modern suwdu&t burner; V. block from 'vater im- m<'diate possession, Kent itioo.uu, A. E. A ustin & Co Ltd.,'B33 West Hastingn St. Sey. 9131. P^venings, West 548-M. ' _____ l-'OK KEN'I--.4 Koom, modern opttago, one block from Marine. Apply 2403 Haywood Avenue. WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT BAT- UOL -- Sure protectibn; reasonable rates. Wf>.st 172-L-3. FOK SALE -- Bicycle, 18 ; Double bar; good condition, newly painted, $12,50. Pilectric' train with trani>- .. fornuir, $2.50. Photographs enlarger $5.00. West 50G-L. ' HOLLYBUKN HAI.L There will be Sunday School and Young Peo])le's Bible' Class a t 10 a.m. next Sunday, Decem ber 24th. Attjthe 7 :30 p.m. ser vice on th a t day A. R. lien nett of Calgary, Alberta, will give a Gospel address. Tuesday at 8 p.m. prayer and Bible study. PAINTING AND̂ P Estimates free. J. H. Wedlc^, W est 1022-L. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine -- Christma.s Suggestions-^Wrapping, Toys,-Novelties, Cards,-Books. Sta tionery, Iland-knit Baby Woollens. WANTED -- Listings of houses and vacant lots. Phone particulars to our representative, F. Bayliss, West 522-R. Pemberton Realty Cotp.- Ltd., 418 Howe St. Trinity 1271. WILL EXCHANGE diamond dinner ring, like new, value $100, and „some cash for piano in-good con- "dition or will rent piano. Box 10, West Van News. LIXHON XMAS DRAWING "AGAIN LOVED C H R IS T R ^ ' IS HERE" ■ /■ • NOTARY PUBLIC (Complete Notarial Service) Reginald P. Blower, J.P., 1405 Marine. West 21, 204-M. . ROOMS FOR RENT in mqdern home with or without board; central loca tion, West 204-M or W est 21. WANTED -- Girl for general house work. Phone W est 586-R-*2. ■ Totiil .............. ......... ^13L£3 West Van News -Pro V i ou sly ̂ atknow lcdged-^1 7t25- West Vancouver Choral Society .......... '.......... 25.00 All persons holding stubs or liooks oFtickets in the Canadian Legion* Xrmys .Drawing will please turn in same, not later than 8 p.m, Friday, 22nd inst., -at-the-Legion-Hall.- Drawing-will- take place as soon after as pos sible. ---- A Merrg Chriatmaa with a Proaperoua and Happy New Year To our. many Patrons and Friemi.s; and especially "THE BOYS OVER THERE" BON - TON CONFECTIONERY (Two doorH from Hollyburn Theatre) (Syd. Knowles, Proprietor) THE FINAL ANSWER TO YOUR GIFT PROBLEM Select from our largo .stock of CIGARETTES, CIGARS, lOBACCOS, TJTFT^OXICS^tOfXrtrATESr®^^ (Member W est Vancouver Chamber of pommerce) i The Compliments of the Season t M $ i! $ ____ ll427_MARlNE..PRiyE. X E j S L H L O E T & phone west S4 C O N C R E T E C O N T R A C T O R S M ■t I GENERAL TRUCKING •-- BUILDING. SUPPLIES $ V . Sole-AgenfsToK. ARMOR COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT | (W ritten for The Christian Science Monitor) "Again loved Christmas . is ■ here, full of divine benedictions and crowned with the clearest memories in human history -- the earthly advent and nativity of bur Uqrd a Master. A tjh is ; happy season the veil of time springs aside a t the touch of I^ve.- -We count our blessings" and see whence, they came and whither they tend." So writes Mary Baker Eddy, the Discover er and Founder of Christian Sci ence, on page 256 of "The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, and 'Miscellany." ' This impressive season will never lose its attraction for hum anity, whose innate desire is to express love. Human hearts,are -softened.^ in commemoration of,. "rthe b l e s ^ --Bethlehem--babe^ whose bi.rth dated the Christian era because his, life set a new standard for human thought and action. Jesus' advent in the flesh marked the appearings of the :^.Messli^^^r-SayJour.^of3^an■kL^d,, for which "prophets and godly inen and women had longed with tender expecjtatioh, and which they greeted with praise and gratitude. A t Christmas time spiritual- quairties~are"more clearIy~recog- pized and valued, and are ex pressed to a greater extent. It is not material gifts Jn them selves that count, but the thoughtfulness, the .loving-kind ness expressed in little tokens of love, the desire to surprise a loved one and to impart joy. Everyone revalues these signs of love, and seeks to reciprocate by tendering, in exchange, appreci ation and gratitude. -Thus is the spir.H-of-the-0hristrexpressed in- loving deeds, even as the Apostle Paul urged upon the Romans; PRIVATE ROOM FOR RENT -- New Year's eve, Hunter's Coffee Shop.i West.610. - HAULING -- Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks and Rockpits 'installed and cleaned. W est 187-R. FOR SALE --- Portable Electric Sew ing Machine. 1516 Marine, W est 710 . FOR RENT -- Four room semi-bunga low, modem, furnace, near bus and ferry. 1075 Esplanhde. CARD OF THANKS We sincerely thank everyone who showed us kindness and sympathy during our recent bereavement. P. D. THYGESEN AND SONS CRAWLEY & BARKER'S STORE will be open until 9 o'clock .every ~~ night next week.^ ' 7 ' CARD- OF- THANKS Mrs. E. Sharman and family wish to thank their' many friends for kind words of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes, especially the Canadian Legion Post 60, aPd the W, A., on the death of their hnsband and father. WE HAVE A CASH BUYER for-a moderately priced house on the Waterfront. , LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE, West Van. Pioneer Realtors, ------- - W est 55Opp. Hollyburn P.O. CASH FOR JUNK -- B ottles; rags, Sacks, Metals, -Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Go., W est 91. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer,' Capilano, North 811-R-2. Now oh sale at Brazil'N Conaolidatod Store, Weal Bay. Gardner's (Jrocery, Sandy Cove, KiddalPa Dair>'. Ambleaide "THE SEASON'S GREETINGS KIDDALirS^DAIRY LIGHT LUNCHES CONFECTIONERY FROZisN FRUITS & VEGETABLES SPECIAL FLAVORS IN ICE CREAM 1414. Marine Drive Phone W est 643 Tlhe Vancouver . Business School 709 Dunsmuir Street (at Granville) (Tunstall BJk.) __Seymour 5711 ___ -- and -- 3679 Broadway West (at Alma Kd.) Baj-new 7747 Da r̂ $15.00 Night ^3.50 Enrol in December 3120 Travers Ave., West Vancouvers B.C., December 18̂ 1939. To the Electors ' of W est Vancouver: -Dear-Friends^ I beg to thank all those who voted for me , in the recent Municipal Election and particu larly do. I thank those friends (vho actively worked for me dur ing the campaign. As . I receiv^ ~slightly more than 45% of the total number of votes cast for reeve it gives me a great deal o f satisfaction in knowing that at least that proportion of the _ ratepayei's realize the interests bf the muni cipality need urgent attention.. I congratulate Reeve Leyland a.nd the other successful candi- slates on their election. Every body fought a good fight and no bitterness resulted. I " now' return " to the unob trusive and happy role of the _ayerageJcitizen ;._a hle_to_deyot,e_. myself to the practice of my profession and, in my spare moments, to the cultivation of my little garden where one can ponder over the problems of West Vancouver and their solu tion. - 1 w ish everybody a Merry Christmas and,-a Happy New' Year and echo the closing words of Dickens' famous story, Christmas Carol --• "And so as Tiny Tim observed God' Bless us every one.' Yours sincerely, J. EDWARD SEARS NOTARY-- PUBLIC-- (Complete Notarial Service) Reginald P. BloWer, J.P.;'1495^arine. -West 21, 204-M. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. - -West-78D.-West 443-R.------ GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & . Solicitor, 510 W, H astings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver s any time by appointment. W est 403. GORDON GRAY --- Insurance, Fire; ---Burglary, "Automobile," Et." Tele phone $ey. 4991 or W est 92-R-2. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--^Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. FREDERICK C. AUBREY; Barrister. Solicitor, Notary, 801-803 Birks,, Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691, West 546; Residence, W hytecliff 546. FLOOR SURFACING -- J . Suther- land. 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 J. EDWARD SEARS; Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21. or W est 553-R-l. WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash-- . household furniture. Hewett, Auc tioneers, North 89, Reverse call. VV. H. ■ VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block. CRAWLEY & BARKER'S STORE will be open until 9 o'clock every night next week. ST. JOHN'S HOME NURSING CLASS M ARCEL SHOP-- Thermique Steam Perm anents;, only . best materials used. . Elxpert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. • The St. John's Home Nursing Class will have its next'"lecture January 3rd, 1940. This will be the J a s t lecture with a reviewal for two weeks before the exam. l a w n ^MOWERS' SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 M ' CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North. 822. - t. A..