Twpmber 2l» 1939• 4 THE WEST VAN NEWS '-^OAAS GIFTS FOR MEN . AU GocMdb Nicely Boxed Our Store' will bis bpcnlFridiay and Satui^ay Eveninirs until 9 p.m. TIKS, SOX» GLOVES, SCAEVES, SHIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, PYJAMAS, SUSPENDERS, SWEATERS, BATH ROBES, Etc. a t City Prices and leaa. McLEOD'S MENS WEAR 1412 MARINE DRIVE WEST VANCOUVER SEAGRAM COLLEGE PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS Grades 1 - 1 2 ;i - Year and 4 - Year High School Course Physical Education ' Special Class for Beginners Procter Avenue West 23-L-3 Music ....... ........ ........ -... . . .......... ......twb'. ^he Season's Qreetings H. A. R O B ER TS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive; W est 546 1'.' r 1 F e r g u s o N'S M o t o r T r a n s p o r t C o . W i s h e s their many friends and patrons ■! ! The Season's Greetings A very interesting arid well c . Gavin Ruasell, 1470 Nelsori w ritten article entitled "Canadi- Avenue, was taken on Monday, an Pilot Training in the Last 'o the Tranquille Sanitarium. Tho G«>«ter Vancouver P ro . Frank H. Ellis appears in this vincial Recreation Centres' Sec. month^s issue of Canadian Avi- ond Annual Chrlstnuis Re-unioB ation. I t will be of peculiar inter- Dance wilj be held next Thurs- eat to all interested in aviation day evening, DMomber 28th, in in Canada as well ns to the gen- the Palomqr BallrMm. IBs Hej*- eral public. The article, is illus- Mrs. Eric Hamber, the Honor- trated with ta number of photos able the- Minister of Education, taken a t Camp Borden, Leaside, and Mrs. -G. M. Weir, and Hih and other Canadian and Ameri- Worship Mayor Lyle Telford and can camps. The author, who is Mrs. Telford have beeii asked to a member of the Municipal Bus lend their distinguished patron- Staff,, owned and operated a age. plaiie before the, G im t War, in , * * ♦ which he served as a pilot over- Mrs. Kenneth McNaughton, a seas, and is one of the leading form er Hollyburn resident, who world authorities on model aero- was recently knocked down by a planes. car in Vancouver, has iHJoovered sufficiently to leave the hospital Miss Hazel Sorenson, sister of and return to her home in the Clarence Sorenson, Sinclair Ave- city, nue, has arrived a t her home in * * the city from Pomonia College, Major and Mrs. Phillip A. California,' for the Christmas Curry entertained a t luncheon holidays. , last Thursday a t Capilano Golf , * * ■.* . Club in honor of Maurice Ool- Bert I Kendrick has .arrived bourne and Biarry Jones, here from Michel, B. C., to spend * * ♦ the Christmas, school holidlays Di\ Cecil E.'Reynolds, D.P.H;, with his parents, Mr..and Mrs. M.R.C.S., of Wst Vancouver, has Chas. T. Kendrick, 190 21st loaned the A rt Gallery five paint- Street. inigs of exceptional interest to * * * those who, study the history of On Saturday night, 16th Dec- pictures, ember, a dance was held a t the Oldest of tlie group, painted home of Mrs. Howden, 947 Esqui- about 1680, is a portrait of I malt Avenue, in aid of the West Rev. Richard C um berl^d, Bis- A IRrrru (Shrfsliitaa Bennett's BAKERY (formerly StratlonH) XMAS CAKES, and PUDDINGS MINCE PIES and TAIPIN 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 II i! )! 1528 Marine Drive--Phone W est .85 W 154 Alexander SLi--Trinity 0429.II North 1243-Y. 7\\ i Wishing all b u r customers and friends A HAPPY XMAS AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR GREENWOOD'Ŝ - ■ 1442 Marine Drive Vancouver Santa Glaus Fund, hop of Peterborough.' The next thd" sum of $5.82 being collected is another cleric, Rt. Rovjftiehlafcd^ by the cchildren present. The Reynolds (1674-1744J7l6ishofe i*oom was attractive with bal- Lincoln and Bangot, depictmg^ loon and Christmas evergreens, the sitter in his robes of office. Miss Betty Maxwell Smith won holding the certificates of cqnse- the prize as "Belle of the Ball." cration and the episcopal seal. The following invited guests The third painting is of Rev: were present: Jocelyn Howden, Dr. George Reynolds. LL.D., D. Doreen Garrard, Nonie Robson, D., (1697-1769), Archdeacon of Jill C artwright, Elizabeth Brew- Linccln and Chancellor of Peter- isTBefly Maxwell Smith, Barbara borougfiT HollyBurn Theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SATURDAY MAT. & HVIO. Doeombor 2Jh(, 22ik1 & 2J{nl RALPH RICHARDSON C. AUBUEY SMITH "Four Feathers" (Onoo only ouch ovonin^ at 8) AImo Ono Hour of Short SubjootM / MONDAY AND TUESDAY Docennbor 251,11 ami 2(Uh FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW ' MICKEY ROONEY " LORD JEFF" (Oiico ojily at B:20) also "DOWN ON THE FARM" WKDNlOSDAY-- Doccmboi- 27Ui . CLIVE BROOlv "The Ware Case " (Once only at 8:15) : , , . also ■ • . O' ' 'She's Got Everything" H ours for Season At the following Garages and Service Stations:-----1 ]. WEST VAN. IM PERIAL- ̂ MOTOR SERVICE WEST VAN. MOTORS " AMBLESIDE SERVICE CHRISTMAS DAY (D ^em ber 25) -- CLOSED ALL DAY. BOXING DAY (December 26) -rr OPEN 10 a.m. to' 1 p.m. NEW YEAR'S DAY (January 1) -- CLOSED ALL DAY. Smallwood, Joian Comwalb Betty M arentette, Andree Ley, Bar bara Good, Rachel Greene, Ruth Greene, David Howden Fred Foster, Douglas Brewis, Rpbin Bell-Irving, Keith Cutler, John Most^r^cent portrait is a study of Rev: Dr. Charles Reynolds (1702-1766), Chancellor of Lin coln Cathedral, one of England's most beautiful edifices. Formerly of Hollywood where NIGHT SCHOOL a t SEAGRAM COLLEGE Junior-& Senior -High--r -̂------ TMatriculation BACKWARD STUDENTS: Take this opportunity to become proficient in all your subjects. . DIFFICULTIES: In any subjiect can be straightened out by T-jndividual instruction. N ight Classes $6.00 ]^ r month. 3034 Procter Avenue . . ' West' 23-L-3 Bayfield, John SmyTy, Howard H ie practiced medicine^for twen- . Low, Dick Wood, Rowan Ley, ty-eight years, Dr. Reynold.-? is Justin Goutiere and Percy Smith a recent arrival in Vancouver. ♦ ♦ ♦ lit 4( * Sid Dawson, 1452 Duchess Taylor •-- Sutherland Avenue, found primroses grow- , 4.1 - i t . , . , . , , . ing in his garden th is week. simple but dignified at- This is one of the indications of mosphere of .the 95-year-old All th e"-very=Yniia=winter"irrW est Saints' Chapel, situated in the Vancouver this year. Shall wb -say so fa r ? ♦ * * * ♦ Mrs. Jessie Isobel Mackay, mother of Mrs. Jam es de Pas Mnrray^ of 2324 Haywood A vi^ hue, passed away las t'M d a y in St. Paul's Hospital. Funeral services were held'̂ t "̂ "ip:m r on 'Monday in the city, interm ent Close of the Church of England Cathedral of the' Holy Trinity, Quebec City, the marriage of Miss Joan Sutherland to Mr. Ed ward Pete " last Thursday afternoon. The bride is the daughter of Mr: and -Mrs.- J ohn-Sutherland-of--Lu ton^- Miss D. H. Horie 1 8 go Marine^Drive Bedford, England, and the gmom being made in the Masonic (jem- a-son of M f."and Mrs. A. J. T. etery in Burnaby. Taylor of Kew House, West T, . . , , , , Vancouver. .Officiating at the s f f i s s . 's 's s . 'a Diana Curry, younger daughter Dishop of Quebec, the Right Rev. of Major and ' Mrs. Phillip A.^ Philip Carrington, and the wed- Curry, has invited guests to a dingy music was played by thê ^̂ i dancing party on December 29 cathedral organist, Mr. Sidney yj a t the home of her parents in - G. Martin. ^ Capilano Estates. Miss Sutherland, who was unr y ♦ ♦ # attended, wias given in marriage i Mr. and Mrs. T. A: Spencer by th e ^ o o m 's father. She wore f left on We of last w ^ k » Pale French blue ensemble with: g »-^for-T oron to ,-w here " t h e y - b l u e fox ^ spend Christmas with the ir bouquet of brown ^ David Spencer. During their tbe ensemble. • X sence, their home, Westdeahe, v^^ ? '? • Quebec f 20th Street, will be occupied by as^best man for the a Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Epps of Cal- " " "a gary." jFoIIowing the ceremony a ♦ - small receptii^n was held at the S Mrs. A. Hulbert of Salem, Ore-' P .^ teau ^o n ten ac , and later the., , -k gojif who has been the guest of bride land grok>m left on a short Si her daughter, Mrs. C.'Wi Doher- honeymoon trip to an unan- K ty, 2257 Inglewood' Avenue, for jounced destination. On their ihe-i past seven we«ks, has re- . 1 ^ and Mrs. Taylor will tu m ^ to her home iri()regon. reside in Quebec.-- Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL APPLIES W est 682 -- PHONE -- West 582 \ ____ 812 16th Street TOPSOIL ̂GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside. ...... .....$6.60 Cord Mill Fir, Inside,...,..,......., B.BO " ' Fireplace Fir............. .... 4.50 " Green Alder ................... 5.50 " SPECIAL-- Slabs.&JEklgings--^--____________ Barky ................ .V;.:$4.00 Cord Edgings ....................... $3,75 Cord B a r k .......... .Vj...................„$5.5Q Cord Limited amdunt. SAW DUST SPECIALS Sacked .................. *<=', Prico reduction on Srunits or niroro , CHARLES THOMPSON _________ 812 16th Street ' Office at 1336 Marine Drive T O YOU whom w e have been privileged to serve, and whose continued patronage w e hope to merit, w e wish all good things at Christmas a n d f o r the coming year-. Dressmakers Wtst 5 8 3 CHRISTMAS BUS FARES Special fares on uil routes in. B ritisk -Columbia, subject to minimum, good going December 22 to 26, retu rn 1 i m it D ec :ember 26. Special Late Buses On Suil/day, December 24, lato leave. Vancouver for-C aul- feild a t 1:15 a.m., leave Caul- feild 1:45 a.m. For information phone West 671, Seymour 7131, ■ . e a g if ic st a g e s - WISHINO AEt," THE OOMPLIMisSNTS OP THE SEASON ^ g a r d Im ia G leaiiers and D ressm akers .2152 Marine Drive g UV̂ est 858 EXPERT -W atch and Clock BEPAIBINO T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive" . Townswomen^g Guild Members vrish for one another A HAPPY CHRISTMAS and continuation of fellowship and service for the NEW YEAR I Hunter's Coffee Shop SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DINNER $1-00 per plate By reservation only Phone W est 610' The News . r \--\