wmi ■■ > KS-l,a-WVW« I'MS-̂ •• ■KltW*>%V"<If»*Bi.--S *<Mir 4̂,' -. • /' - ̂ l1->-(. ('»'•-'"-T--('I'-' •!■" •! l.-V'",?-4fr j , , -r V»u'f« îV<»I '"«■ ' * S , 0. i t -S '- - f*-R ' 4 I i CHAMHKIi OK COMMERCE » 1 ! JO- ( *li» is*.;.' l'> 'i i I "i' h i ' " 1 11 ': fi| ,',f I" ^I it' ■ / I */ I ̂ 1 ii: (v I'll- ,l 'l<! fife mfp;' f#H Xk u • ^ It iiS:' t i p i l l|-';tr. 'C-. m The IJ. c . ITfxiucts evening hehl tifMier th e liUKpictMt « f 'tH e We«i \'ancouvei; ChamiKT of ( 'ornim.'r te a t tiu) Ciialct, Hor«e- aluM' iiay, luHt WfdncHday even* iiig j}rov<*<! to la* one of th e moat HueceHHfuI ai,i<l enjoyable d inner ' fiim^lionH y<*t held by IhiH group of jirogreHKive buKineKS men and vvonn*n .'•'ince th<* Inauguration, almost ota.' year ago, of th is organi'/alion. Following a <h-lighlful «up|>er w rved the nieinla.Ts and gueala and amid a ttrac tiv e HeaHonable Kurr(Mit)dings atal d<M*ora(,ioiiH of the comfortabh* <linirig r<K>m, the exe(:ut,iv<* brought forw ard aev- <*ral HuggerttioiiH and inatlerH for ' tin* na*iTiberH todincuKH w ith n „\'iew t(> fiirliierirtg tile inUuajHtft and inadulm.'HH of the Cham ber, within the m unicipality. By a Itcen discusidon of these m a tte rs the membership <lemonstmted iln sincerity of jairijose to serve' , th<* community a t large and as far as iio.ssible, the m unicipality. •IhjHsibly tin* sub ject th a t created th e lo-ent'st debate was th a t of ways and means of im proving the existing Hyst<*ui of yoluijttary lii*(. protection with a view to eventually s<!Ciiring a lower basis of insuraru:e raU's. A resolution , was adopted; appointing a s trong com m ittee of tin* m em bers to niake an exhaustive, study of the, pr<fsent system ami possible m ethods ()f imu-easing ^its ef- llciency with the .ultimate object . A t tin* completion of th e busi* ness on tin* ag<mda the Presidcmt introduced A. C. Foreman, C hair man of the H. Products com mitting of the Vancouver Board of Tivnle, who addressed those pr<'s e n t . on the subject of the possibilities of increased l)UHinefls resu lting from a b e tte r know ledge and siipi)ort»of the m ani fold ' products and commodities m anufactured w ithin B ritish Colurnliia. Needless to say such val unble-in Cm-nmtdon-und_mau> facts concerning the payrolls of kHvd m a n u f a c t u r e r a ' were brought to the a tten tio n of those present, and, from the reception gfv<;n the spaker a t the conclu sion of the address, it is sa fe to , predict th a t m ore advantage~wrH undoubtedly bo taken of th e many opportunities afforded, local buyers by B. C. m anufac tu rers. 'Phe program '\yas round- <sl out by a .spicy quiz Contest-- in which everyone presen t took part. In addition, the executive -had *.im:juig<'d for several veiT acceptably-prizes to be awarded tt> tho.se pre.s<*nt. including two TuTk'ej'T?--and--otmer--seasonable g ifts. UNITED CHURCH -V O U N C IH IO D M PS^ SOCIETY- v-> - The regular weekly m eeting of the Y'oung People was held on Monday evening last w ith the Mis.sionary " Group, M a r j o r i o ■ilankst convener, in charge. A sh o rt play was given by . the giH>up followed by a half liour of c^irol singing. The. resi_!of- (be tim e \>uus si>enl in recreation al games. There will be no m eet ing next week but Sunday even ing the Young People are in vited to the MaUvSe for a sing song following the church .ser vice. .. The Lionn My Hearty Thanks To the citizens who supported me at the recent Municip&l Election. Wishing them one and all the Compliments of the Season. ' K . A . R a s Many Thanks Season's Greetings John Richardson Friends and Voters ThanksTor-^suppert. George E. Brealeg Mrs. At M.^^Donnell yVishes to thonk all those who supp>orfed her re-election as (. School Trustee CHARLES F. SMITH W ishes to sincerely thank all those who gave him ' their support at the polls as candidate for SCHOOL TRUSTEE. Asphalt Prem ix ROiU> M ATERlAIil U M n iO -riOoW" Phono North 1141 or ALF ELLIS, Weat 160-Y 1N O T I C E ! For those who want their Flowers and Plants as near as possible to Xmas Day, We will stay open and also make deliveries on Sunday, December 24th. THE WEST VAN FLORIST West 3 0 5 18th and Marine West 3 Q 5 , . , )■»« 11̂,1T ■ " ■ . . . . . - - J Wishing you and yours A Verg Merrg Christmas and a Prosperous New Year BROW N 8c MUNTON 1542 Marine MODERN HOME APPLIANCES West 36tJ Jack Howdle of the R.C.A.F., son of Mrs. E. L. Howdle, 2064 Esquim alt Avenue, h a s ' been" tran sferred from Edmonton to V ictoria. ' >K * * Stanley P atterson , 261)4 .Mar- .ine Drive, who has been a patien t in St: P au l's hospital, having undergone an operation on his eye, expects to come home on Saturday. S. H. SRIGLEY P ainter and D ecorator 170G Marine Drive in the Store occupied by , The, Florence Studios Phone W est 938 SPEOAL Inside Fir;-- from shed ........$6.00 per cord from mill ........$5.50 per Cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord "Slabs~&~Edging8-$S;75"perrcord- SAW DUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone W est 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of Piano and Theory Residence Studio-- 1955 Inglewood Avenue ^ W est 1056-L