9 h *Wg65!#Wf«l! •«WS*ŵ- '" ■W M' THE WEST VAN NEWS WEBT VAN. uw m n) CHUIlCr Cor. Stiftt EkKjafnuilt Are. KKV. W. VANCB; B JU Ml«let«r Phone wmhm4*n; Stindeir Strinirelii w '^tifiori hte weleome y. BAPTIST CH UBCa lltaletiU' Rer, W. L. McKer. B.A.* BJD. '""""S'ttitiiir"'__ _____10.00 M.m.--Church School , in- doding Adult CUm 11 e.m. A 7:80 pm.~>Preeehijig S«nrleee. A bcerty welcome to eJl V. nV- i I ■;j 1.? ' ■ I"' pt •/» X) ilii S- ^ 6".'*' V : i. \ . V >> '■>■ Sflil S; 111 l # 8 m >H i w H Ki'-Vjispilii We are Sending You Our Greetings HOLLYBOM HALL 14tb end DuchoM / May vour wuy be Kuy; your pleui^- ureH uiiemlltiK; your ChrJstrnns » merry one; y<»ur New Year a prosper? (»UH one. 'I'bese are our Minccre wi«b*w for you. For ouiKelveK? We are thankfui for your support and will atrlvo' deserve your eontiniufd friendHiilp. patronuKe, far you have made 'titir ChristmaM a merry one. Givef)ciolyn\s Beauty Shoppe Crcatora of Excluaive Permetteete, 1640 Marino Drive WcHt 117 SUNDAY, Dee. 24th, at 10 e.tti. Sunday School and Young Peoplo'a Bible Clase Sunday Evening a t "7:80 GOSPKL AIJpRKSS Speaker: MK. A. U. BENNETIT of CnlRury, Alberta. "WESrt"VANOOWEE>' Science" Society CHUBCil KBIFICB 20th and Bequlmalt, Holly bum T b l. 8<«l.ty 1. . Bnu..h of The Mother Chur^ The PIret C h u r c h of Chriit, SclentUt. in Boston, M AM Ct ^ ̂ Sunday Service; 11:80 a.m. Sunday, December 24th, SUBJECT: '̂CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" I Sundey School at 10:00 a.m. Tentlmony Meeting Wednenday at 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. - P e e m b e r 2 1 .19ss THIS-YEAR You will nave yourself and your pocket-book. GLASS and CHINA ART NOVELTIES are popular" and cannot bf duplicated for class or price.■ ■ UUpUV«*>'VM .V* -- •, , ■ GIFT BOOKS for old and young-- Bridge Views In Cards or Calendars. nRTORATIONS for the Tree;, Table or Home -- Garlands, Snow, Icicles, Gift-wrappings, IVlnc, Seals and Candles. GAMES for all tastes and ages -- Fountain Pens, Pencil Sets and Seasonable .Stationery. ^ CHRISTMAS CARDS -- ^ for 6c, 5c,'10c and up. I t;ive a I.ibrury or .Magazine Subscription -- It Laate. ^ It will pay you to visit WEST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY 1644 Marine Drive until 8 p.m. Phone West 687 TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. ii|,. ir'vj" ■ , . ' : . ■ ■ ....... . ' DR. G. D: H. SEALE D.D.S.; L.D.S. .. D E N T I S T X-Itay Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. Office Houru 9 to 0 p.m. Evcnlngti by appointment. i.-PhDne WcBt 72 DR. McitAK D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building Ilours; 9 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment. I860 Marino Drive W est 432 Bstabllshed on North Shore '26 Yeara i'V' • -■■■•' ' . f • ' - ' . _ ' : (Lady A ssistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. f u n e r a l h i r e r t o r a illollyburn Funeral Home ~ ~ 18th and Marine. ■ •• ■' W est 184 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phono North 184 Voncouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 f'-fii'.'-'f ■ ■'■r'.'f.;/" '̂V, . ; f f ' r i - f : . i . _ '• T h e F r e n c h B e a u t y S a l o n -- For Permanents of lasting beauty. . Wo"8pecialize In flno, grey aHd .white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimalt Aye. Rev. William Vance, Minister ChrLslmas Sunday Special Christmas music will mark ih(3 services today. ' 1{):(')0 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.--Minister's subject, "Ix't us I'ause at Bethlehem. Mii.sio:-- Sold, "Naxareth (Cohnod), R. W. Froud; Car- m">Is. "Stars all Bright are Beam- "ing," "Carol, Sweet Carol." 7:;;o p.m . -- Choral Service. Solos: "0 Holy Night," (Ad- . - ams), Mrs. Colin Macl.«an; " Night of Nights," (Vande Water), Alex. Rollo; Choruses --"And the Glory, (Handel); • 'irallclujah Chorus," (Handel) 'A child this day is WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cr. Marine & 25th Street. Pastor: Rev. Robert^H. Birch. B.A. ChristmaH Services 9;46 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.--White Gift Service with special Children's Object Talk. All are .requested to, bring a white gift which will later be distributed to.t)io.se in need. The children will remain for the first part of this ser vice. 7:30 p.m.--Christmas Eve Ser vice with special music. 7:30 p.m., Wednesday -- Prayer and Fellowship. R e e v e ^ L e y la n d THANKS the citizens of West Vancouver for their continued confidence and wishes one and All ^ A HAPPY XMAS AND A VERY I^ROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector ttirols: - born," "Sleep my Saviour, Sleep," "Good King Wencelas" , "Bring a Torch, Jeanette Isa bella," "When the Crimson Sun has set."- Organist, J.- Haydn Young; Pianist, Mrs!" Sheffield; Choir Director, A. J. Addy.' 8:00 a.m.--^Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.-i--Matins and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.--Even.song and Carols. Christmas Eve, 11:30 -- Carols and Holy Communion, Christmas Day, 7:30 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10:30 a.m.--Holy Communion Tuesday, St. Stephen's Day, 10:15 --Holy Communion. . ̂ ' ______StJErancisjn!Lth£jYo0_d,____ Lance S. Garthorne Wishes to .thank his friends and the voters geneklly for their kind support of his candidature for COUNCILLOR . A. HARVEY SMITH Uaulfeild Sunday, 9 :45 a.m. -- Holy Com munion. Christmas Day, 9 a.m. -- Holy Communion. Desires to thank all those who supported his candidature "Their confidence; will spur ffiin~td^feater"efilor1^^ welfare. CHURCHES OF_CHRIST, " s c ie n t is t ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van ■̂ ttStOT' err Donald M cA lplne n a i f i s t & T ^ ^ e r CLASS and INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCfTlON Studio; 288 81st Street Phono M(as AVilcox' residence Saturday. ' W est SOTiY-l - Sunday Services Low Maas -- 8 :i5 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.«i. " "Catechism ahd"Bible Class--2T00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. - > Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. -Saturdays'-^Confessions ;-7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 11, 8:30 a.m. -- -, Requiem Mass. "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in ,all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. -- The~Goiden~Text"- is :--"Break-- forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem: for the Lord hath comforted His Howard W alters Wishes to thank the citizens of W est Vancouver for their support of his election as SCHOOL TRUSTEE PROSPERITY F U E L S NORTH 951 W E S T r 0 3 2 BUSH INSIDE FIU.„. $5,50 cord MILL INLSIDE F tU.... 5.00 cord FiREPLACE FIR SAW DUST- 4.00 cord -Gunrantcod 200 cubic feet, I00<?i' Fir...... $3.75 IL P, ALLKN BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. T B B W est Van N ew s Publhihed Every, Thursday Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone V ^ l 363 Business and Editorial Office:" 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 Christmas Sunday .11:00 a.m. -- Subject, "On to Bethlehem." Anthems, "Be hold a Virgin Shall ConceiveV' (S n iith ); "And the Gloiy of the-Loi*d7̂ '-fHandel); ^ ------- 7 :S0 p.m. -- Subjwt, "Christmas a ^ a s o n of Pi*aise." Anthems, "O Zion th a t Bring- est Good Tidings," (Stainer), ' "Gloria," (M ozart). The choir will be under the leadership of Ben S. Short, with Elmore Humphreys a t the organ and Ida Brealey a t the piano. A fellowship hour will be held a t the c lo ^ of the evening ser vice. . 10:00 a.m. -- The church school will meet in open session and will be addressed by David W illingtdnrthe supo^intendent people, He hath redeemed Jeru salem." (Isaiah 52: 9). Among the citations which "Comprise-the-besson"̂ ermoTT is r the following' from the Bible; "Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesying. ; Prove all things; hoi dfast th a t which is good." (1 Thess. 5; 19 - 21). -- The-Lesson-- Ser-mon-also-in-- eludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- ̂book, "Science and Health with " Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Christian Science reveals incontrovertibly that Mind is All-in-All, that the only realities are the divine Mind and idea. This great fact is not, however, seen to be supported by sensible evidence, until its divine Principle is demonstrated,, by • healing the sick and thus proved absolute and divine. This proof, once .seen, no other conclusion can be reached." C J. Archer Ltd. Wish/ Clients and Friends' A MERRY,; MERRY CHRISTMAS / and A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR C. J. Archer _____ E. H! Minion.<: J. MacLaren Motor Service Station (R. J. SEEDS) 15th and Marine Drive Extend to their customers and friends T H E SEASON'S GREETINGS North Vancouver Office: Lonsdale.Ave. Wednesi^y, 7 :45 p.m. Prayer Meeting.. V _ Thursday, 7 :45 p.m. -- Christ mas entertainm ent. Miss Patricia Curry entertain ed a t the tea hour Saturday afternoon at the residence oTher parents, Major and Mrs. Phillip A. Currj', Onslow Place, Capil- ano Estates. Presiding at the "^F^r-^ppointed tea table were I^ s . W. L. MacTavish, Mrs. Kenni^h Bagshaw and Mrs. Nor- man_ "Payne, while assisting in sav ing were Miss Mary Arkell; M i^ Margaret Clark, Miss Mar- yTTjori^Cooderham^r Miss--Ruth- Tomlmson, Miss Nancy Hanning, Miss Diana Curry and Miss Mary Mitchell. - '• fIr Astonishing Christrpas Present for West Vancbuvef if » ' P u ttin g Us on The M ap M o d ^ n - R e s i d e n t i s d - H o t e l I il J , I St, Stephen's Red Cro$s group 11.00 a year by carrier; $2.00 a year will liot meet again until Janu- byniau aiy 9th. The general delivery wicket a t HollybUm Post Office will be open on Christmas, Day from 7 a.m; to 10 a.m. Place Your Job Priiitiiig .with The West Van News fi I ' f '• -3