West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Dec 1939, p. 1

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Established over 13 years. Established over 13 years. ' *̂«='-'N5W'̂r'r Circulating in the District of West Vancouver--Ambleside, Holly burn, Weston,. Diwdar^ve *1.00 per y««. CyfrCss Park, Caulfeild,Whytecliff, Etc. 'scpercripy Vol. HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2 1 st, 1939 No. 36 A Beru JBcrru ffihrfstmaB to All CHRISTMAS " Another Christmas and another war! Year by year nu-,)titrh the long passage of the centuries the angel song ot -IV CO good will toward men" has floated down like a benni- .oM iinon a world which has consistently refused it. There his never been peace land^mod will upon earth nor oan there while greedy and evil men'live to prey upon their more oacoful neighbors. Because, whether it be the waf of busi- iv.i 01- Dolitics or of actual physical conflict, it is still war iR'gotleii of the same spirit of, murder, and often the first two [iro the worst ..and most ruthless. _ , In this year of grace we .keep Christmas with arm s in our hands under a sky purple with approaching hurricane. ..The, F'lther of all Sin has sent,upon the earth an evil spirit denying, ih(! newer of God and the rights of man. And once more there k-a crusade to be fought, if freedom and ordinary decency in human relations are not to perish from among the nations. But,-however dark the prospect, it will help u s'to do our . part in4he coming struggle, if we turn aside for a few mom-, cuts to worship before the draidld^of the Christ Child; to visu- '•di/.c the wise men journeying through the desert under the guidance of a blazing star, the humble shepherds and the choirs of angels, the- deep eastern night and the poor mn a t Bethlehem. Let us be joyful and become children again for a day. For the times are perilous, and some of us mayhap will not be here to keep another Christmas. CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE Mr(ss HATTIE Y()l)N(SS ' STARS IN AlflCE IN WONDERLAND( ♦» , I ' ' ' - Miss Hattie Young, li 1st and Marine Drive, was heard in the title role of l)i('k l)i('snecker's dc- Conlidence in the success of the 1939 Christmas Seal Sale which opened Monday, Novem­ ber 27th, was expressed by A. P. McLean, chairman of the T. B. title role of Dick Diesiiecker','- Seal Committee. This is the liglitnd adaptation of Alice in fourth year th a t the Kinsrnen Wonderland Iasi 'rue.sdav even- Club has sponsored the Christ- ing over CMOK. Miss Young haw mas Seals on the North Shore already made aii enviable ropu- and it is a m atter of considerable tat ion as a radio, actress^ having local pride that our communities ' been Uniding lady with William have been able to show a sub- Buckingham iti Mr. Diesi)eckers stantial increase in each earn-. im>tluctions of 'TeUu' Ibbotson" paign! This comes of a keen ap- and "The Black Tulip." ()ther predation of the importance of local artists who ai)peared in the the work being carried on. abovi; production Tuesday were The power of the penny her brother, Alan Young, as Christmas Seal has been of tre- March' Hare, and Frank Vyvyair mendous value in reducing the as.Tweedledee. . " death rate of the White Plague At the conclusion Miss.Young from 200 out -of eiich 100,000 was the rcoiplent of, a beautuiil persons in 1900 to 54.7 out of boutpiet fi'om Mr. Diespecker in each 100,000 in 1938. Christmas recognition of her outstanding Seals will continue this fight, performances and popularity. THE ELECTIONS: ---- R e e v e J. B. Leyland was re-elected to office last Saturday by a substantial m ajority for liis 11th term, after a b itte r fight, although the ra tio of his votes to ̂those of his opponent was noh as large as his many friends hoped for or ...felt he deserved. There has been^a whispering canipaign of innuendo and abuse^which with short intervals.of quietude has^assailed the Reeve and his Council throughout-the year. I t is to be hoped that this will now, cease, because its continuance m ust inevitably result in the long run in nien. of high calibre, refus­ ing to offer themselves here for public office. K. A. Ray and J. Richardson were the subcesstul candi- dates foP' the two vacancies in the Council, while School Trustees Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell and G. E. Brealey were re­ elected to the Board with H. N. W alters. This is Mrs. O'Don- nell's fifth term and she has always headed the poll. Dr. F. Dorchester was re-elected as Police Commissioner by acclamation. r - . . . , The poll was the heaviest in the history of the municipal­ ity, 179.7 recording their votes. PafticuIaTs~aT€~as'^olIows':---------- ̂ --------------- FOR REEVE J. B,. Leyland ............:............................. - -9.64_ .1, , J. Edward Sears ................... :.................... 810 Rejected ......................... 23 FOR ^COUNCIL K. A. Ray .... ..................... ................... 743 J. R ichardson.............if............................. ' 685 A. Harvey Sm ith .............i......................... 619 , S. Gisby ................. ......... i.........--....... 608 L. S. G arth o rn e ................................. 498 Ilejected ............ 71 ^ ___ FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE Mrs. A. M. O'D onnell........ .̂.................. 1163 G. E. B rea ley .... ................ U12 H. N. W alters ........ ........... - i ........-........ 1005 a F. Smith -...................... 878 Rejected. :...... i.............i................... . 56 Reeve J. B. Leyland Enters upon his 11th consecutive term . "A YULETIDE CAROLING" but remember, they can only fight if you buy them. E x tra seals may be had a t the B. C. Electric Co.'s showrooms, where also there have been pro­ vided boxes to receive your con­ tribution. NORTH SHORE A.Y.P.A.'s IN TH REE PLAYS -A-A?^uletide-Oaroling,--the-ain-- 'Pho A .y .r.A .'s of St. .Iphn'.s, 'SL Stephen's, and St._ Agnes' Churches were heanl in three one-act plays last 'rhursdny even­ ing before an aiidieiKMi which filled the Orange Hall. That pre- FRUITS, VEGETABLES . Christmas - time dinners and AVAILABLE AT NEWLY brings garden-fresh peas, beans, OUTLETS strawberries .and other perish- --------- ables to houswives whenever nual Christmas offt^Hil^ present* ed for some years how a t the conclusion of the fall term by the students of the West Van­ couver High Schcools, drew crowded houses on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of last week in the Inglewood Auditori­ um. The auditorium itself was turned into a mediaeval church bedecked for Christmas by plac-» ^ng-over-the-w-indow-s-beautifully-: painted m u r a l s representing stained glass and surrounding them with greenery. From a pul­ p it erected on one side of the footlights a student in cassock and surplice read the verses of -the-Hible.. just-p rev ious^ to -the- r is e .o f the curtain relative to each of the twelve tableaux shown, which depicted; the chief events .of the* Nativity. These were well laoted and with the _beautiful _stage_effects; and east- ern costumes pictured accurate­ ly and reverently the scenes a t Bethlehem th a t first Christmas. The events shown were as fol­ lows: the , prophecy of Isaiah, the Annunciation, th e Taxing, a t the Inn, the Angels and the Shepherds, Simeon in the Temple with the Infant Jesus, th e Wise Men and the Star, the W i^ Men before Herod, the Adoration of the Magi, the Angel appears to Joseph, the Flight into Egypt. Those taking part w ere: Rob- - er1rWiIson,-Jacqulyn-ZemelrNor^ man Hay, Ronald Hawkes, Far- bara Kelly, Betty Robinson, Ala-' Tuesday, the 12th instant. The day-com menced w ith Holy Com­ munion service in th e church a t ST. STEPHEN'S W. A. < W,A.-held .thein .Calm," St. Stephen's contribut- fVin 191-h instant. The "Don't L e t the Lady Go," while St. Agjies' chp.se "Not 10 J speaking, the various parts were ' .̂v the yoiiiig actoi's, Hall, where the buamess „ttentioii of-their mg was held. A t lA iO a ftaJt throughout the eveuing., was miade for lunch, after whion During the intermission the • Rev. A. M. TYendell gave a most Concert Group of the West Van- inspiring address. Then i9Y:^'^'---couver Boys' Band under Donald ed an,address by the, pre.sidm^ Dehniston, gave a number of (Mrs.,:G. Hampson), to r IV,.) played musical selections; -af-tei^which-Jieports were; sub- fhp PYf>f»ntlVe. . ; ... _ l T> .; m itted by the executive. The following officers were elected for 1940: President, by -acclamation, Mrs. G. Hampson; Vice President, Mrs. J. Lid.ster; Secretary, M r^ E . Ford; Treas- A revolutionary new industry, they want them, providing housewives with gar- F ru it and vegetables to be pro- den-fresK'fruits and vegetables' cessed by the quick^fr^zing me­ in every month of the yea.r by a thod are packed close, to the quick-freezing" process, has ex- areas producing.the choicest var- i,*-t' tô i, tended its distributidn facilities ieties of each. The,foods are ito scores of .^Vancouver mer- harvested a t the exact stage of Lynn, ■'chants and is ready to erase sea- maturity, necessary to bring the Harper,^ Dorothy .Dollar,^Peter sonal variations- in the supplies maximum fopd value into the ui these foods. finished product. Constituting an .amazfng new ' Within a few minutes lafter development in food preserva- harvesting, the fruits and vege- tion, quick-fr^zing takes the tables enter the packing shed ^rishalffe fruits and vegetables where they are cleaned, washed, irom gardensiat the peak of their sorted, quicl^ frozen, cooled and quality, retaining ^1 vitmnih- packed into cartons. cornet " sdijo, and ;M W. R- Clark, th e 'd irec to r of the St.: Stephen's A.Y.P.A., was present­ ed by Miss Hazel Borgall with a beautiful bduqubt of ot;civuiu.y, ' themums and othcr®ffowers on -urer,_]V[rs.HX/lJ^-.;_JlQr.cjjs:^ic,^._ljgjj^.|f_^^^^ Mrs. NightiiW ale; Educational j.^cognition of her work. The Sec., .M rs . IKlmlton Rev. F. A. Ramsey made a few E xtra Cent-a-Day introductory remarks, while Mr, M atthew s; United Thank Offer-, gj^^ker. President of St. Steph- ing Sec., Mrs. Sewell; Junior A.Y.P.A., propo.sed a vote _Superintendent, Mrs. Humphrey ̂ to-all_those-w_ho_ had_ Living Message Sep., Mrs. 1 rid- iu any way helped to make the h am ; Rep. to. Diocesan Board, evening such a success. Proceeds Mrs. J. H. Smith and were in aid of the We.st Vancou- berg; Alternative to. Diocesan vver Santa Claus Fund. Board, Mrs. Dawson and Mrs. _______ ;____ Banks; Calendar Secr, Mrs, K. W. Greene; Flower Convener, Mrs. Hookham; -Press Reporter, Mrs.' Wfisberg. ___ Mrs. F. P .-Patterson, , Social Special holiday fares for the ■Service convener of the Dioce.s- cHristm as season are announced an Board, ^ v e a most interest- pa^cific Stage Lines, good go­ ing and c^mprehepsive talk on December 22 to 26, with re- the activities, in th a t department tu rn limit December 26. The.y in -fhe-^clty-- afte r- which -tea a fe"good~orralLBri tisfrColumbia SPECIAL HOLIDAY FARES AND LATE BUSES PACIFIC STAGES brought a vei^ successful day to a close. Ajello, James Anderson, Donald Thompson, Norman Shirlaw. Previous to the Ishowing of the tableaux a surpliced choir of girls carrying candles and sing­ ing carols walked in procession down the centre aisle of the audi­ torium, afterwards tak ing up content, a p E sa ra w a n d f la w r , ""Advante^hs listed.by the Ihcar-positl S i n ®-and-ffteepingr^themr^-fre^lng--D elnor'T M r^ncIude--all-year--w est-and-^a while an- VANCOUVER BUSINESS SCHOOL The location of the Vancouver Business School has been chang­ ed from 675 Davie Street to the Tunstall Block, 709 Dunsmiiir Street, situated a t the north­ west corner of Granville and Dunsmuir Streets. " The school, which is well routes of the company, subject to minimum. There will be a special late bus from Vancouver to Caulfeild at. 1:15 a.m. Sunday, December 24, w ith return bus to Vancouver at 1:45 a.m., company officials an­ nounce. TO OUR r e a d e r s We shall be obliged if anyone jLiiT; ---- not recMving any of the weekly known in the city, gives short issues of th is newspaper in good leaux. Altogether '"A Yuletide Caroling" was quite up to the high standard set in previous years, and reflected great credit oh the students and the ir teach­ ers. Proceeds were in aid of the temperatures until used. Industry Growing , ity, and superior quality to s ta r t past its experi- -with. Rental stage, quick-freezing has Frozen foods also cook more pown w thin the past two years quickly, due principally to the ns ? British Uolumbia' freezing process, the" packer de- fir - ^^®d^t)ing v a s t . quan-.. dares. Exact measure, ease and dn!S ^ s ^ d of handling will make Vancouver Santa Glausmakes-Trosh- m h jo r-^v ings ia time required ^g^est Vancou J=>a,nta Glaus i^'On-the-cob available for fo r food preparation generally. Fund. . ; . -and^'ntensive courses, rapidHP^^o---condition--will--kindly--telcphone- gress being assured by individu- us a t West 3(53, in o rd p that the al instruction from highly quail- omission may be rectified. Our fled teachers. No effort is spared- boys have instructions to deliver to place graduates in good posi- a copy a t each store and on the tions, and the majprity^of them verandah of every house, regard- have been highly successful in less of wlhether the owner is a business life. - . subscriber or .not. F or fu rther particulars kindly - Unless we hear to the contrary , refer to the advertisement in we have to naturally assume that th is issue.T^'?-- -̂-------- - ~ - the- paper--ig-delivered*--^Editor^