■pWiPilM P wiiiii i î ^ ...I... f (■ '• •• vr i ^ -eiini-i.-if̂ n/in'sasi !'?*'i«-(̂ ,» o-v'-'it'*®'*i.ttf-»»»'i-'*̂«>iv»*̂-'-t*S'f »-.v?-<,-'i't«f̂ ~r«"t I , , ~P.,»_>. lOfft fl ,1 "V-. Pj(, . 7 ^ iiiiifW December 14, 1939. THE WEST VAN NEWS M-l- i' i i i ' f 1'̂i "»>i *iV*-' ___ i •! r. ■\ '̂ ' t < Itj. V ' X '< '> t? I t 'V*' V' r.' "i \ i ' -r V \f; I .4 SSI K rSS f f S 'V '̂'5i)1 .1 ' -- SM ITH'S A. H arvey Sm ith H«b>-w«its7»PboM Weit 46 Free delivery fkarvie# „t» REEVE LEYLANI)' MEETINO MeaUUjr Aecoiutt I'HICEK (JOOI) for FRIDAY & KATOKDAY, Dec. 15th & 16lh COUJMIUA A(*KirOT'H-llalvfi» l.arui* 2Vt tl>» . . . tZc Kt-d & WhiU. THNJ)Klt I'KAH HI,.VI* r> 2 So. 2 Unit'2.1c lUd A While CAIIHOTH A l*KAH Kfjuut *l'lii ■ .. . J Hid A While KOIH'H •Vem.tiihle or ll.d A While I'UKK HTKAWIIFintY jam I III. rill 49c IIONJSy -- Clover HramJ 2'h Till 26c lltd A While 'I'HA - OraiiKe I*ek<K* Have Ihe cou|)oiih for valuable^ tireiiiiuiiiN ***. CimN KI.AKIC.S -- HelloKK'a ■' >'i tikla. 2.6c ll̂ fl A While Hl'ICKS -- Clniiamoii, NiilmeK, Cloven, 151c. 2 Hifler-lop Tina ..................... l"»c ICINC HIHiAK 2 Ihn. 17c HKCAI. CI.ACI5 CIIKimiKS !hox. Cello carton ................ 10c MEATS MV«l ;i70 ' t ree Delivery. MKATB ̂ , To Im* alisolulely aurc of enJoyinK your .\fiiaH Dinner, aee our dlaplav of ihe linehl I'oullry to he hud anywhere ui niihonuhle priceH. All Crude A Cook for the lajf. We have Kreah FIhIi Dully. I'till line of Delocalt̂ HHpn Smoked llaiiiM, and CollugeKolh 9cKCCAI. DICHD .MIXI5D I'EKLI oz. Cello pkl.......................... HCNKIST imANCKS-- I'jtmily al/.e ................. dozen 21c Cargo .Size ............... ..dozen 27c (CM.II OICNIA CKAl'K F ItU n Kxlra larĵ e.Hize .......... .'I for loc (Continued from Page 1) hero in the last 2^Ar yeara waa not progress, what was pro gress? h'inally. the time for a change was any time when a man was not doing his job. The following candidates for council/ and school board spoke in the order given; Councillor S. Gisby The levy was $286,000 of which $230,000 went for fixed charges and schools. There was no bank overdraft, th^z fund was intact, and ,alr bilw would 1K3 paid. The waidr invest- ment was $361,000, they had 63 miles of 4" and U^' mains, and 2,600 connections. Ex-Counclllor L. S. Garthornc He had been Councillor from 1930-1936, during which the bank overdraft had been paid oil, $165,000 water bonds sold at 101, and the work at his su g p s SASH * DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH 1' NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTY Agents: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. jjjfEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 CHORAL SOCIKtY CONCERT OHT'STANDINC SUCCCESS Tile Grand Evening Concert of th e W est Vancouver Choral Society last Monday, evening in the (in inge ilal) was an out stand ing success. Given in aid, of the W est Vancouver Santa Claus Fund, it was the lir.st con cert by ,th<.' Society since it was re-coiiHliiutx'd under the baton of G. K. Bower, L.R.A.M., A.R.C. M„ l^.Mus,, lule of th<; Ghape Royal, Windsor, England, and certainly it is now away to a splendhl s ta r t . H was spinisored by the Townswomen's Guild. Mrs, J, G. L. Hunt, President, in a b rief introductory speech, thanked the School iioard, the B. C. E lectric Railway Co. Ltd., and th e soloists fo r the ir a s s is t ance, and invited any desiring to join the Society to give the ir nam es to any of the pre.sent m em bers ami ■ tlixiy would be calleil u.iTheeilmlT^nTirxDce'inithre ofl' act<;d as accompanist. Miss Dutton was the recipient of a boiKiuet in*esenU.*d by Miss..Val- oi'ie Smith on behalf of th e So- ei<*ly at ihe conclusion of her la.st group of songs. , During intervals between num ber.^. Rwve l^y lan d and J ; Haydn Young both spoke briefly,, e.xpi'cssing the ir delight th a t the Choral Society had made such a good .start a f te r a long ixiriod of. inactivity. The Society appreciates the ahl<' a.ssistanco of Mi*s. A' Thom as and daughter, Edna, who con- viiiK'd the refreshm ents, and ulso' of George Clarke, who took the ticket.s a t the door. , WEST VANCOUVER SANTA CI.AIJSTUNI) wished to encourage young men. and young women to join the Society, The choir gave a very good account of them.sclves, diction iind tone being very g w d , and i t was noticeaole th a t in th e ir several unaccompanied num bers they finished bn pitch. The music "clibseii was b rig h t and melodious and 'aiipealed to the large audi ence, which practically lilled the hull. Special mention should bo made o fH lie bass solo c7f~A"le:x Rollo in "M errie England," which the amlience insisted be ixipoat- - ed. Miss M argaret M cIntyre, acted us the cho ir's acconipan- ist, also orgmnized a violin en semble, which under the baton "of J. HaydTTYoungrwis-hcard-in-- several well executed number.^. T h e , o ther assisting a rtis ts , . Carl liorfhy . and Frances Dut ton, both b f Vancouver, eacli gave several vocaT uumbers, ami th e ir a r tis try and fine tonal qual ities appealed greatly to their Ifeai'crs, each liaying to respond w ith encore num bers. .1. Diakon- Thv following subscriptions' • have been received by us fo r the West, Vancouver Santa Claus Fund: Red Crusaders Junior Red ■Cross Club, Hollyburn--' r r School ................................$10.06 We.sl Vancouver Lawn "HowlingX'lub ................. 5.00 2nd' W est Vaneduvor Pack (Wolf Cubs) ................ 1.25 St. S tephen's Junior Aux iliary. ......... 1-00 tions as Chairman of Water, done tbacubu would 'k ' by day labor a t a savipK of $40,- bSardinK bouao from_ Jui u ̂ ; 000 and the keei.ing of men off with ...ano and su..ago, relief for 2 years. Ex-School TiVustee J. Richardson He was not a pioneer, but we were living in a dynamic age, and men may rust on the job. As a result of certain criticisms people ..had suddenly begun'to take^that interest in municipal affairs which they should have done before. He believed in "truth in action. ^ Ex-School Trustee A. Harvey Smith Progress depended more on the interest of citizens than on the Council. West Vancouver being out of the village stage,' demanded things which cost money. We needed more side walks and street lights. The bridge was fine for car o^vners and those who could afford bus fares, but for those who could not we m ust have cheap, effici ent transportation. Ex-Councillor K. A. Ray -He-had-Uyed- here since-l-91& CLASSIFIED ADS 26 .""oJI.uf'.U e l«si- In Vm N u w . get immtdi.te t«.ulU. at West Vancouver any tune by aPDolntnient, West 403. - U«cd Norise Uefrigera- or terms. Phone West FOR SALE. or: cash , .. , 380-M-3 oLWest 182-R-2._________ FOR SALE-- Hawaiian Guitar; com plete with attachments ' and case; chean. West 551-R. preferably with Will be away, most Week rates in reply. Box 2, West van N ew s._______ ________ _-- ---------- FOR SALE - - Uottcil horse and King , apples. Phone West 437-Y-l. ________ ^ LOVELY ROOM available by nighU week or month.. Meals if Jesired. . West 686-R. ____ _-- rOST--Boy's Black Rain Cape, brown eollar; Ambleside Park. 'Reward. West 871-R. ______ IX)ST -- Wire-haired Fox Terrier, female, tan head, white body. Phone West 409-R-l or West 233-R-l.__ _ WANTED -- Listings of homes and property for salcj. H. A. Roberts Ltd., 1447 Marine Drive.. West 546. FOR RENT -- 7 -R o o m s , large living ro o m , 4 bedrooms, modern sawdust burner; V.i block from water, im mediate possession. A,. E. Austin Co Ltd., 833 West H a stin g S t.^ J y . 9131. Evenings, ^West 64g=Mr________ ul--- WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT ROL--- Sure protection; reasonable rates. West 172-L-3._____________ FOR 2 double bunks for Ski sedson; large private, .cabin RENT seaso.., . . . Hollyburn Ridge. West 73Q-R CRAWLEY & BARKER'S STORE * will bo open until 9 o'clock every niirlit next week. b u y e r for a house .on the -WE HAVE A CASH moderately priced Waterfront. ,, LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE', West Van. Pioneer Realtors, Established 1905 Opp. Hollyburn P.O. West 6.6 WANTED Housework for morning, by hour, or week.'* W est 1007. FOUND -- Small sum of money on 6:30 fe rry Sunday n ight. W est SS'-R FOR SALE -- Pedigreed Black Cocker puppy; 4 months old; reasonable. West.889-L-1. " FOR SALE -- Electric Heater, like new. West 744-L, ± ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE All the caiididates were suc cessful in passing the St. John's Ambulance F irst Aid exams held on December 7t*lr:in~lTTglewood- High School. The lectures have ' been delivered by Dr. A.Tl. Nash, the examining .Qffioer being Dr. W. G. . Saumiers. The pupils' namegiare us follows: Mesdames R. P. Allun'_G. Anderson, H. Dun- das, AT~GaiTor(l7 'YT~Griffiths^-J- J. Fairley, T. Korner, K. Mac- -Kenzic, J. MacNeil, G. Marshall,, R. C. Rolston, R. A. Vass, the Mivsses B. Gray, J. Forsyth, 1. McCannel, D. Lowdon, E. P art ridge, B. Wicking; Messrs. J. Al lan, 0. Britton, F. Burfield, M. J. Davis, H, D. Rankin, L. C. Reid, S. Steadman. T A U N T O N H O U S E R esidential and Day School for Girls Vancouver, IL C.- ' 'T WEST V.ANCOllVER BRANCH;--Day School, Grades, 1 - VI, Clachan Hotel, Dundarave. For information apply, J. M. Railton, B.A., A.T.C.M., Bayview 0622, 'and was councillor 1926-27. Fav o r ^ the present mill ra te being maintained;;- retention and im provement of municipal trans portation, and placing it on. bet ter paying basis; building of Keith Road bridge over the Oapilano, reduction of telephone tolls. For School Trustee Mrs. A. 31. O'Donnell Holding a first class teacher's certificate, she had always -been_interested_in tlieJtioy.s_;.mo/ ̂ ^girls. After being 6 years on ^the School Board she was -more interested than Wer. School Trustee G. E, Brealey' In 1915, there Jiad been here 90 pupils' and 3 teachers as com-- 4)ar_ed_with_n 25_pupila^and 34 teachers now. As school princi pal for maiiy years he had al ways done his best for, the boys and girls. ' Chas. F. Smith __He _ had .been in .business here at Eagle Harbor since 1926. Would7> however, make no prom ises, no t. having the facts and figures, but would do his best. Howard, Walters He held a first class teacher's certificate, but had-never used it. He had learned discipline and administration, also, had a dugh- ter a t ■school here. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442, Marme-- Punple Heather, Tiger. Monarch - Wool, Beehive Baby Wool, Knitting Needles, iBooks, Crodhet Cotton, Hand-knit Baby Woollens, PAINTING AND DECORATING -- E stim ates 'free . J . H. W edley, W est 1022-L. ______ WANTED -- Listings of hoiises and vacant lots. Phone particulars to : our representative, F. Bayliss, West 522-R. Pemberton Realty Corp. Ltd., 418 Howe St. Trinity 1271. LET US HELP YOU Rent or Sell ■T--ymir"house, real estate, rentals7"i'n=" surance, loans, conveyancing. Sharpe Realty. 1395 Marine.--West 719. 1395 Marine West 719 NOTARY PUBLIC (Complete Notarial Service) Reginald P. Blower, J.P., 1405 Marine. _ West_21._2Q4jM[------------ CASH FOR JUNK --/Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91; CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun try way; guaranteed; brick and ~stofie~repairs;--PalineTr"C8pilano7̂ North 811-R-2. BISMA-REX quickly relieves- sour stomach, indigestion, etc; This new discovery will make a new person of you. 'Get a package today at-- McNeil & McCue Drugs, -Phone West 628.________________ • NOTARY PUBLIC (Complete Notarial Service) Reginald P. Blower, J.P., 1405 Marine. West 21, 204-M.. WESTERN WOODWORKERSr-Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, -- glazingr--West-780,--W-est-443-Ri-- --̂ DRESSMAKING--Alterations, prices reasonable. 1474 Marine Drive. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. WANTED TO BUY For Spot C ash- household furniture. Hewett, Auc tioneers, North 89, Reverse call. f W. BL VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block. -- Mrs. J. C. Ross, formerly of, West V ancouver^^ow residing a t Hotel Vancouver. CRAWLEY & BARKER'S STORE ' will be open"until 9 o'clock every night next .week. '______________ MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam r Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special' machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, AutomobUe; Et. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2, WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER. SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light -r transfer work,-̂ prompt service;-West- 700. FREDERICK C. AUBREY, Barrister. Solicitor, Notary, 801-803 Birks Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive; OfficesPSey. 0691s, West 546; Residence, Whytecliff ■ 546. KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING -- Apply Mrs. E: Latham, 2446 Marine FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 J. EDWARD SEARS. Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405̂ Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or West 653-B-l.------ u•