West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Dec 1939, p. 5

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aigigMSiilpiii THE WEST VAN NEWS .SSÎ w A JRiti»Vii#i9 A •>1 Years School Principal in West Vancouver; o Years Chairman Management Committee of West Vancouver School Board. ' . , ' . D e e p ly interested in welfare of the Girls and Boys of West Vaneouver. , M rs . A . M . O 'D o n iie l l S o lic its the continued:' support of the Citizens of West Vancouver for re-eleotion to the School Board. I , ■ ^ School'T rustee 1 9 3 3 - 1 9 3 9 ' - r « U A ' D T a r c I T ' C l k i f l ' I ' U ' ' of Eagle Harbour Soli&̂ its your Vote land Influence for his.election as SCHOOL TRUSTEE H o w a r d N . W a l t e r s Respectfully solicits your support of , his candidature for SCHOOL TRUSTEE - F £ R G U S 0 N ^ - M 0 T 0 R - T R A N S P 0 R T - e 0 7 ^ 5 Trips Daily between West-Vancouver and Vancouver Truck leaves W est V ancouver, 8 a.ni. and 3 p.m. leaves V ancouver 1 0 -1 2 Noon and 3 p.m. leaves V ancouver, S atu rday Only, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. No Service on Sundays o r H olidays. "Ship the Ferguson W ay and Save." ., , 1 West 85 . 154 Alexander St,,--Trinity 0429. North 1243-Y1 .... .A 7-point buck dm* seen ....M ajor and Mrs....Philip A.«, a t noon Saturday on Marine Curry entertaiiioti at dinner last Drive between 2*lth and 25th Thursday evening a t their I'oai- Streets, along which it prtxjeeded dcnce on Onslow Place, Capilano in an easterly direction until it Estates, jumped into the bush again. * ♦ The same animal was stnin on Of wide interest both in BHt- Monday in the back garden of ish Columbia and in England is Mr. Beaton's residence at 2818 the marriage wldch will take Inglewood Avenue. It apiieared place shortly in Quebec City of to be tam e and quite undisturbed Joan Alison, only daughter of by the presence of traffic and Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland pedestrians. of BedfordshiVe, England, and Mr. Edward Drummond (Peter) Mrs. J. H . . Wright, 1185 Taylor, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Esquimalt Avenue, has returned A., J. T. Taylor, of Kew House, home afte r being a patient in Kew Beach, West Vancouver, the North Vancouver General Miss Sutherland willarrive w ith. Hospital. „ ' in a lew days at St. John, N.B., , from England, and will continue Mrs. E. E. Diggin, who has on to Queboo. Mr. and Mrs. Tay- been visiting in Edmonton, Al- lor are now in the East to attend berta, has returned hei*o and is the wedding.; ', ' now occupying her suite in "The ♦ ' ♦ * Gables," West Bay. enjoyable party was given ' . on Friday,J)eceml)er 1 st, by Mr. Mrs. L. C. Reid a t their wood High School are planning home In Sandy Cove,, in honor to go; carol singin^g during the of the l l ih birthday of theiC week previous to Christmas, the daughter, Patty Jo. A fter the object being to raise money for piayinjr of games a dainty sup- less fortunate people. Iho boys por ^ a s served. Tlio decorations have also procured a set of earoL were in pink and white and paper ling bells and will revive tho old hats, balloons, eto., were given , custom of ohime ringing Ihey as favors. The party concluded earnestly solicit the pub ic's sup- with the showing in the homo port as they feel that this is a -of a moving picture show of two worthy ^enterprise, deserving of The guests were; Pat Tay- their patronagej^ ̂ lor, Betty and Dorothy Hutchin- - , T . Sheila Gracey, J(kn Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaren, who Beverlev W h i t e s i d e Peggv have, been residing o n . East S p ^ o n W aterfront, haye moved into a Gardner, Sally Westman,. Mary house on Radcli^ffe Avenue. Edwards, Barbara Parson, Moira ; ' • , , Watts, Patty Jo Reid. A son was born last Monday ______________ a t the North Vancouver General Hospital to Mr.- andHMrs. Wil­ liam iJ .R ae , 1443 Duchess Ave­ nue. . J iK >(> * '■■■ « ■ ^ The wedding of Miss Joan Alison Sutherland, only daugh-\ CAVALCADE OF MUSIC Bennett's BAKERY (form erly S trn ttons) XMAS CAKES, and PUDDINGS MINCE PIES and TAKl'S UKAI. CltKAM CUPS, 25c do*. SPKCIAU SATURDAY 1468 Marine Drive ^ Phone Weat 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Docomhof M th and l5Ui CIIAS. RU.GUbES " BOY TROUBLE" a Iho "SPRING MADNESS" SAT. MATINIOF &. KVIONINU AND MONYxAY Dot'ornboi' Kllh ami IHtli Vj ROHRRT TAYI.OR WALD ACE BERRY " STAND UP AND FIGHT" nlao "THE MARCH OF TIME" TUESDAY AND W EDNESllAY . DocembiMvISHh.ami 20th liY N N E OVERMAN **Persons in Hiding 99 ■ alKO THE RENEGADE TUAII/ The Cavalcade of Music held last Friday evening in the Ingle­ wood Auditorium in aid of West Vancouver SanLi Claus Fund, was a first class entertainm ent ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Suther- fp,..j,ved m uch more tmblic -land--of--Bedfordsh ii^,--England^ and: Mr. . Edward Drummond (Peter) Taylor,^ only son "' of .Mr. and Mrs. A. J. T. Taylor of Kew House, Kew Beach, W est Van­ couver, is taking place today a t 5 p.m. in. Quebec City. The supporr~than ft receive, not" . for its own sake but for the cause for which it W4̂ g iv en . Councillor Tom Brown acted as M .a . . " ■ ; • . ^The. firsi.._p_art,_. depicting a musical evening in the 80's by Place Your Job Printing with The W est Van News ceremony will -be-performed .in local talent. w a lv e rv -^e ll (lone All Saints-' Cathedral by Rt. Rev. Carrington, Lord Bishop of Que- ' g ,e d l f man in e to l lc f t style, and other ■ outfitanding features were vocal solos by Mrsa t Chateau Frontenac- M r.. and Mrs. Frederick C. f ' 'and M r f P w ' Aubrey of Gleneagles, West Van- Mr. and Mrs, K. W. Keep Your Dog Healthy with A.B .C . D O ( 3 ^ FO O D Contains Vitamins B. C. p. and C. Also Minerals -- Calcium and Phosphorus PACKIcb iiv Anglo -British Columbia Packing Co. M(l. in kzflb. tins and 1-lb. tins. C h ris tm a s tre e lig h ts , 2 s tr in g s f o r 95c --------- =------------ ̂ ___ Eroud ,-and-n u rnbers_b.y_a--(-i-u a-r-- couver, res d ing a O K e ^ e v - m ade up of R. W. Froud, onshire H otel for th e rem ainder a - J. Addy, W. R. Crawford and o f .th e w inter. T h eir son, F red - j. Fiddes.-_.The scrip t-.vas Q c W f i ^ written by J. C. Young, and Mrs. B* White acted as accompanist.. Christmas ho. days^ m the city. period of 1914 wa.s in the noi! assisted by Isobelle Hartwell, have oved om 232^ Ingle- Alma Hodgson, soprano, , and PKETTY PIMPS Particular people prefer -* \ pretty portable pin-ups providing proper per- spcjctive - - - - - 13.95 A smart UnhrersaLwafHe IllirjIC■ Hotpofaat curl̂ . *l.W; Bewted iron will drove oobular f h a ir d ryer., 96.95-, pho to J ^ hn iii UIWTC popular. 2 0 c e n t.; traTelUag Iro n . #5.45; ----------iPjxO--------:------kitchen: l̂ocfc.T-#3.95.--- --------- _ 28T 2B efle^e Avenue Bertha Strang, accompanist. ThekJellevue Avenue. Fno-nirpmpnf ■ ^ ' Deing in charge ensured its being Mr and Mrs Neil G Fitch distinctly worth whlie, and-Xhey- supported by the-patrick, 1588 W est Fortieth, artists Vancouver, announce' the en- Colin MacLean's Girls' ^ T M ^ r g a r e t • Gag^, Z g 'c S e r t son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick '*** C. Aubrey, Gleneagles. The wedding will take place quietly third part, leprcsenting Christmas week- a fte r which the young couple will reside in Ot- ^^as. _Hovey, Hdda Bone, Ella Pottinger, Buddy ______________ Smith and Angus Young, all well ------------ l e g io n - N O T E S '------ -known_radio.entqrtainers, was a A„ , __ T -• fitting climax-to-the evening. I t was a riot of fun and good sing- K Z from s ta rt ̂ to finish, the , clever work o f 'Roney Mathews Noniinat on and election . and Angus Young .deserving - of officers for ensuing year. special mention. i TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD During an interval between rr ^ ry -11 1 parts, Reeve Leyland iMade a Townswomen s Gufld Red brie# address on behalf of the . Cross group haj^e completed and ^ e s t Vancouver Santa Claus returned to headquarters a par- pnnr] cel of sewing and socks. The ■ ______________ ;___________ group will not meet again until .- January 12th. , . 'WoodrGoalrSawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street TOPSOIL •' GRAVEL^ Bush Fir, Inside......... ..,$5.60 Cord Mill Fir, Inside................. 6.50 " Fireplace F ir .................. 4.50 " Green Alder .................... 5.50 " SPECIAL-- Slabs & Edgi-ngs ' Barky ........................... $3,75 Cord Edgings ..... $8.50 Cord B ark........ ....................<.;."$5.B0 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ................. . Price reduction on 8 units or more CHARLES; THOMPSON .812 16th Street Office at 1336 Marine Drive R G G B Y Ex-Britannia versus All-Black Barbarians (Barblacks) AMBLESIDE; 2:30 p.m. Sa t u r d a y S T O R E S MAYBE ARRANGED -EXPERT- W atch and Clock EEPAIEING W - - T^lCHBISTBNSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of Piano and Theory Residence Studio--1955 Inglewood Avenue West 1056-L ; i i i