West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Dec 1939, p. 4

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I f ̂̂1 V * f < ifmm if If II r: Ŝ K Ir f' uI'* •- if\ 't J \ I'U ŝl 3, ■,i H r I i4 ■( \ ' * '{" „ 'Uh ; 'f'" < ̂ m 'jf'" i,: (f < .»-z PO . n'r H . 1̂ X'i-T" w >i (XI J, , ^ 1̂ • iiv ■/ r",U'-' |;-;-}|̂ -V»-. mMm \: k, THE WEST VAN NEWS December 14, 1939. DKGION W* A. TAULE TENNLS LEAGUE 'I'ho \V. A. Caniidian U 'gion will liohl thxiir liiHt meet hi k fo r UmO on Monday, !8th O m m iber, at 12 o'l hx'k laion, when a luncn- l on will he Kerv('d, to he followed hy the UHiial in<,*etinK «< « clock. Will inernIxfrH pleaae take note of tim<! -- 12 o'chxk aharp? Another of the L<-*ifion'« popu­ lar lean whh held at the home of Mi-m. M. I'hilifxH, (lenpite the |n- {-|ern<nit wxa'ither. 'riie followiiiK Iadi<?H were proB- e n t : MendanieH G* li« Hain, J. W. Lank, Provincial, V, Hlanohllower, A. SiinpHon, .1, Duckworth, T. E. ihitdielor,M . Philipn, E. Hovvxlle. F. JiiviU'H, K; Htoken, L. Heck, M. J'artInKton, 10. H, W arren, F. A. V\hilk<!r, 10. 'l'om<?y, W. Black, T. I^iltleford, i). W. Graham- ,W. Gr<-en, .1. W. H arnett; alao th e MiKK(fH Mabel PhilipH, Mabel llid- (lall, Marko Hain, C herry Hluck. FirHt Division Te a rn .H Maple I>*afB W. V, Sizzlera CanadieiiH Hillbillies Lust wwk H scoreH: p W L T Pts 7 2 0 10 7 4 1 2 10 7 4-.„ 2 1 9 7 3 3 1 7 8 0 B 0 0 irndcH 17, IlillbillieB 1, MVxpie....................... ......apie lx*afB 9, W. V. Sizzler.s 9 Maple Leafs 12, Canadieiis 6. Second DiviHlon ■rcains P W L T PtH 9 9 0 0 18 9 8 1 0 10 9 4 5 0 8 9 4 5 0 8 9 ff 7 2 2 9 0 7 2 2 WEST VAN. HUS IJN E i TO CITY OPENS A iiesv link between-West Van­ couver and the oily vvub iiiaukur- al('d Monday wlnm Reeve J. B. I/<'yliind .stepped from th<» first bus o,f a West. Hay-Vancouver .service at Dunsmuir and Howe Streets. Accomi)a]iyiuk ItCove I.ieyland on the trip was John Lawson, oldest liviiik ex-reeve of the com­ munity ami president of the first W<!st Vancouver ferry in 1909, and eleven pusseukers. Frank Ellis drovxi the bus. OiK* of the first to ofi'or con- kratulations was Major P. A. C'urry- president of the Lions' Cate Hridke Company. Sockey<'s Norvanites ilillhillies Three Plys (Comets Niftixj.s l,asf W<*«k's .scores: So<d«0'es 17, Comets 1. iN'orvanites 17, Nifties 1. Ilillhillies II, Three Plys 7. 'Phc Bijf Ten P l ii y e r s J. Ih'udley (S) 'J', Cardinal) (Nor) C. Ih'udley (H) M. M'cDoweirXS) A. Coy (Nor) . 1 H. Milne (TP) J. Musterman (S) W. .Morfitt (Nor) H. Forhan (TP)', J, K<*rr (II) P W % 54. 48 89 54 48- 89 48 41 85 54 44 81 48 36 75 54 39 72 52 36 69 54 36 67 54 24 44 54 23' 43 SPECIAL XMAS OFFER POSITIVELY ONLY .THUR-. FRIDAY, SAT. xMAS OFFER Oecembcr 11, 16, !<»• 7 9 c This certificate and 79c entitlesNEW REMINGTON BEAUTY PENS WORTH $3.00 LARGE INK CAPACITY tle-T^ie Ink GaUke-^P^'^ks for Itself--Shows when to Refill UNBREAKABLE BARREL VISIBLE INK SUPPLY , ngjFiUu jyuidwi*--" . . ha New Instant 2 Way Point W rites Thick or Thin isfew Platinum Alloyed Irlolium Tip P/>int. Hni(M)th Easy Writiiik. -riiitt nfrer inmic to acquain t uBeiu w ith the advantages of thits NEW I'EN is made possible by ch arg in g kiai m n of the te s t to advJrtising . ^ o r y ^ pen tested ̂ I'uariii.teed t« be UNBREAKABLE fo r Life. G E I YOU b NOW. This pen given free if you cun buy one in the c ty "^^6^ iilu/joCtU i4 r i^ for lesB than l̂i.OO. Good Only While DetUers Supply Lasts. ,\pdl O rders Filled Add 0 Cents A CERTIFICATE OF GUARANTEE with each pen--good anytime Buy Now Por Xitius--̂Sold liiXclusivcly By ____McNEIL & M c C U E LIM IT 3 SETS r o EACH CUSTOMERAlso Rem ington's $1.50 Pencils to " Match " 49c. REXALL DRUG STORE WEST VANCOUVER WEST VAN. SEA SCOUl^S & WOLF CUB PACK CORRESPONDENCE 'I'luf r<'kular m onthly m eeting of Hie above group and puck has hern po.stponed until Thur.sday, January 18th, 19d0, a t 2:30 p.m. wIicM it will be held a t the home of Mrs. F. J. Alton, 2485 Nelson Avenue. > . I. O. I). E. The' Rejuvenation of toys is well under way a.s members of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. 0. D. E., are hu.sy in the Toy Shop a t Dundarave School where Too H have kindly allowed the use of a clubrooni as a work­ shop. Students- of the three schools -have made their dona­ tions. Geneorou.s as they have been, there is still need of new and used toys, if all the little children in the community, are to be remembered at this Christ- vmas time. Convener ot Toy Shop is Mrs. Percy Jen ncr, 2283 Lawson; telephone West 6oo-L. .Please look over the di.scarded ' toys in youi't home and, .if with mending and a new coat of paint they will make some less fortum ate child happy- call West-655-L and one of our members will be 'glad to pick them up.. Do not delay, time is short and you are reminded that it takes several days for careful mending and re­ painting before the toys can be. packed. Mrs. Vernon Martin of Caul- dlo, .<feild entertained informally on W edn^day evening of last week in honor of Mrs. Allan Jones of Cypress Park, who is leaving this week to reside in Ottawa. S. H. SRIGL^IY Painter and Decorator 1706 M arine D rive, ^ in the S tore occupied by The Florence Studios Phone W est 938 10(1 i tor, West Van No'vs. Dear S ir:--1 heard on' good authority that sonu; people, of this municipality are broadcast­ ing, the news that 1, am building a Ix-er parlor in West Vancouver "̂ aii {1 ■ a lKO~Tr~liqutir~s to r er^md-t>n intelligent person stated that I went to the Municipal Hall to a.sk for a license. These wiki rumors'^TiT to the contrary aiul an insult to the intolligonce of I lie people of West Vancouver. Or I may go further and .say-it is cheap p<4itic,s. I am not building a Government Liquor. Stoi;e or,hav<! any interest in the pxoposed new hoHJ in an.y .sliapi- or form. And to make it dear to those,malicious gos.sipers the authority for beer ulebiscile ve.stert in tlui th*ovincjaLGoven-ii-' ment ttiid the people, not wjj the Municipal authorities, , . "Yoiirs-truly, K. A. RAY. 2124 Arg^de Avenue. THE CORPORATION' OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given to the Electors of the Municipality of the Corp­ oration of the District of West Vancouver, H. that I require the presence of the said Electors a t the Council Chamber, Muni­ cipal Hall, West Vancouver, B.C. VERNON STORE A. C. SEA R LE Phone W est 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, __ - - ̂ A D C a 1 , W ^ io d , J C o a k Builders' Supplies CORRESPONDENCE Mr; Editor. ,We would draw the attention ot all our citizens to the Christ­ mas Cheer Fund in West Van- _0ovpv(»r.-- 144- ^ doing we j yoiild- remind one and all the words of Him Whose birtlulay we hon­ o r 'Tnasmucli as ye have done it unto the least of those my brethren ye have done it unto Me." Your own CJiristmas will be doubly blessed if it be kept with the knowledge that y(.>u _luiye done-your part to .supply tlie needs of others, and to make ON MONDAY the 11th day of December, 1.939 a t 12 o'clock noon. ' for the purpose of electing per- sons to represent them as Reeve ' and Two Councillors and electing -three per-sons-to-i^present-them- as School Ti'ustees and one per­ son to represent them as a Com­ missioner of Police. The Mode of Nomination of Candidates Shall Be as follows: -Th e-candidates-sh al 1-be-nonv ThFT'irsOIuniciprCouncil and Municipal Hall SPECIAL Inside F ir :--r . . , from shed $6-,00': per cord from mill ....... $5.50 per cord Slabs w ith B ark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $3.75 per cord SAW DUST, -PRITAM'S FU E L Phone N orth 620 FIRe! FIRE! FIRE! WHY TAK& A CHANGE? H ave protection in your home w ith the F am ous-F IR E M ASTER EX TIN G U ISH ER now available in W est Vnnpmivor a t T.ew:s B arber Shop, 14th & M arine. .or "W ally" Craig^s, W est 654. 100% Protection fo r your fam ily.; Each $2.75 Special Winter Prices SAWDUST - WOOD - COAL A. D O B S O N N orth 793-R-2 Reverse calls "M UNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT" Form 4, Section 45. ̂ ! * their Christmas a happier one. F. A. RAMSEV, -Wt- I^ M cI^-Y-t-- W. VANCE, FR. VAN. h-tv; 'V PSipW » A daughter was born last Thursday'^'a i St. Paul's Uaspital to Ml*; and Mrs.,Ste\vart Douglas. inated. in writing; the writing shall be subscribed by two elec^ tors of the Munileipality as pro­ poser and .seconder, and shall be delivei*ed to the Returning Of­ ficer l i t ' tOny time betw ^n the date of the notice and 2 p.m. of tlie day of nomination The said _\vriting_may_be_in.theiorni_num-j bei*ed 3 in the Schedule of the "Municipal Elections Act," and shall state the names, residence and occupation or description of -each--person--proposedy--m--such manner as sufficiently to iden­ tify such candidate; and in the event of. a Poll being necessary, such Poll shall be opened on SATURDAY, THE 16th DAY N O T I C E M iiiiicipalityjjof the District of W est Vancouver TO W IT: PUBLIC N O TIC E is hereby given to the S e c to r s of the M_unicipr.lity aforesaid th a t a poll has become necessary a t the Election now- pending , fo r the same, and th a t I have g ranted such poll; and, further, th a t th e persons duly- nom inated-as candidates-at the said Election, and fo r whom only votes w ill be received, a re : SllRNAM K O TH ER NAM ES LEYLAND, Joseph Bentley SEARS, John Edw ard / . It t -1. ^ T J K e e p y o u r M o n e y ^ __________ C i r c u l s i t i n g i n W e s t -T . , V a n c o u v e r l i t W est Vancouver ...____Chamber oF Commerce . OP DECEMBER, 1939, between the hours of 8 o'clock a.m. and 8 o'cloclk p.m. of said day a t the Amblesidc Hall, cor- ner__pf_14th Street and Mkrine Drive, West Vancouvei*, B. C., of which every person is hereby iNequired to take notice and gov-. erri himself accordingly. r; : -- Given-under-my hanff-at--the- GARTHORNE. Lance S tro th er GISBY. Sydney RAY, k a r l A braham RICHARDSON. John SMITH, Alfred H arvey BREIALEY, George Edward' O'PpNNl^L. Elizabeth Muir -SMmL-Chatles-JEtederick----- .F o r Reeve. Councillor, or ■ School Trustee Reeve Councillor School T rustee MulUiiipal Hall, D istrict of West Vancouver, this 30th day of November, 1939. W ALTERS, Howard Needham ABODE 2848 Bellevue Ave., W est Vancouver 3120 T ravers Ave., W est Vancouver 2203 M arine Drive, W est Vancouver 2392 O ttaw a Ave., W est Vancouver 2124 A rgyle Ave., W est Vancouver 2094 Haywood Ave., W est Vancouver 1502 M arihe Drive, W est Vancouver 1295 F u lto n Ave., W est Vancouver 2503 Haywood Ave., Westr Vancouver Eagle^nrbeur Fisherm an's Cove, V^est Vancouver jl331 K ing's Ave., W est Vancouver Rank, Profession, Occupation Insurance Agent B arris ter M erchant R etired M erchant A ccoun tan t M erchant R etired Widow M anager S to re M anager WM, HERRIN, ^ j^eturning Officer. .Hollyburn, B.O., O f ..which all persons a re hereby {required to take notice and to govern th e m ^ lv e s accordingly.' Given under my hand a t W est Vancouver, B .C ., th is 11th day of December, 1939. 30th Nô êmber, 1939. Hbllybum , B. C. W M. H ERRIN , ...... R eturn ing Officer. fell