West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Dec 1939, p. 2

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U-1 itn ̂̂ ik'i M M ItI . *• t ■M? S '̂f ■:\ ■-' ' )'- .*! ' H '--i« .rJ- !l' < f l if tp s ' V"-/ ■ 1.A '- • P ,B ;?■ ' ';' t;?. 8 £ l iJAU-i t * . IB It I ■'■' =i' ■ uv- ill--: ^ I | | i ■■y . 'v r!f. ; i . ■ ̂ - .* f I* 'R h kR H : WEST VAN. UNITED CHURCH fk»r, 21 »t & EiM|uiin»lt Ave. RKV. W. VANCE, a A .^ Miiil»ter 2047 Cord«o Av*iliu« l'hon« W«.'st 244* li Hurj(l«y ,Servk«8; 11 «.m. & 7:30p.m. BtrunKiTM »»ul Vi«itor« ar** Wflcom<4 pioe linauty with a Gwendolyn IIAE'IIST CHURCH Mlniatrr Kef. W* I* MeKajr, aA ., aD . 'nM StmAai* Sbr'rte*# j0;00 a.m.--Church School ia- , eluding A dult Clui# 11 a.M. & 7:30 p.m.--Preaching Servicea. A hearty welcome to all Gift Certificate Thfifii^ It f o r ix'uuty. f u r n i)i*'w cuiirun*, Mlyled to A" Vour (Mm riiriinnlion will delight her ,f when you »'ln)Oh(! the Gwendolyn's B eauty Shoppe ' (JreulurH of UxcIunIvc Pcrhiiittenta, 1540 M arino Drive WcHt 117 D R t G. D . U . S E A L E D.U.S., C.D.S. DENTIST X-Kuy Hay Illoqk, N th and,M arino Dr. ' Oirico Ilm ira 9 to 0 p .rn ., Kvenlnga by impolntmont. ' Phono m -a t 72 HOLLYBDRI! HALL 14th and Duchcaa PHI DAY EVEN INC. l)cK iMli, a t 7:15 Toung Peoplo'a Service illuf-traled by lantern viewa -;i NDAV, Dec. 17th, at 10 u.m. .Sunday School and Young Peoplo'a liible Clnaa S unday E v en in g a t 7 :3 0 , (lOSPEL SERVICE Speaker: MR. A. MORNINfJ TUESDAY a t 8 p.in^ Prayer and 'Hible Studyj WEST VANCOUVEE C h ris tia n Science Snciely CHURCH EDIPICB 2ath and Baqulmalt, HoUybom This Society la a Branch of The Mother Church The Firai Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Massnehuaetts Sunday Service: 11:50 a.m.,,,". Sunday, l)eit*nilM*r 17th, SUBJECT: I» the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?*' Sunday School a t 10:00 a.rn. Testim ony M eeting W ednesday a t 8:1G p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to a ttend our services and m eetings. j = i V b E Y I = A N D fa a candidate for re-electfon. H is Municipal experience is a» follows:-- 192« - PJ27--Ckmncillor, 192H -- School T rustee, 1980 - 19.89 -- Reeve, ............. jyyy -- President, Union of B. € . M unicipalities I f the Taxpayers are satisfied th a t th e ir affairs have been handled efficiently honestly and with un en tire absence of politics, they are urged to vote for Reeve lx*yland. Energy, enthusiasm and co-operation have been gladly given to every w orth-w hile community endeavour. A Vote for Leyland fa a Vote for W est V ancouver Telephone West 1011, HAFTiaT CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKiiy 1546 Duchess Ave. UNITED CHURCH 2Jsi and Esquimalt Ave. Rev. William Vance, Minister DR. McRAE D E N T I S T form erly of 705 M edical-Dental Building Mours: 9 to 0 -- Evenings by appointm ent. 1850 Alurlnc Drive W est 432 Estohlished on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) H AlUtO N--B U O S ,-L T D . jfp u n tta l S ic te to r s Holly burn Funeral Home IBth and Murine W est 134 . Sinidav, D ecem ber 17th, W hite G ift Sunday 'I'lu! Sunday School scholars will assemble today at 10 :45 a.m. insD-ad ol' the Usual hour of 10. 'I'Ik'V will march into the church at 11 (/dock, pre.sent their White (lifts and take a special pari in the morning .service. Mr.s. Colin Madxian's Junior Choir of SB voices will sing special numbers, - - '/While Shepherds Watched 'Pheir Flocks," "Shepherds in the Hush of Night;" "Chri.st- Was Rom on Christmas Day." 7:."0 p.m. -- Evening Service. Subject, "Did Christ Come Too Sunday Services: 11 a.m.--Subject, "John --/J 'he Forerunner of the King. 7:30 p.m. -- OrKms with bright sing song. Subject, "The t o - mon th a t Was Never Finish­ ed." 10 a.m. -- Church School includ­ ing Adult Bible Class. • It will be White Gift Sunday in Church and School. Monday, 8 p.m. -- The Young People's Society will be the guests of the Hastings East Young People. ■ Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. -- Prayer Meeting. Your Vote and Influence solicited for Lance S. Gar th orite For COUNCILLOR ff"Careful Yet Progressive Administration.' School Trustee 3 Years -- Councillor, 1930 - 1936 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector CouncUlor SYDNEY GISBY in seeking Re-election would, appreciate the support , of the Electorate. 9 Years as Councillor -- 2 Years as Reeve. Sunday, December 17th. : 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. j 7 :30 p.m. Evensong and Sermori. Saturday, Dec. 16th' 3 p.m. -- Junior W. A. Tea. Thursday, Dec. 21st, 10:15 a.m. U*l us gel into'ihe Christmas utmo.Hphere and catch the. Christ­ mas .spirit. - ^ t . Thomas. SI. Francis-in-the-Wpod, Caulfeild / 3 p.m. -- Evensong and Sermon. North Vancouver PurlorH 122 WoHl Sixth S tree t ' Phono N orth 134' Vancouver Purlora 55 Tenth Avenue E ast Phone Fair. 134 The JFrench Beauty Salon F or P e r m a n e n ts o f lu s t in j i b e a u ty . W'e Rpcciallze in (Ino, grey and while hair. 1 5 6 2 Marine Drive Phone W . 2 1 2 Donald M cAlpine Pianist & Teactier C1.AS.S mul INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION --SDTdK5^23tu:n-srKriwi Phono ISli.H.s W'ilcox' rosidonce Sutimlay. Wosl .'UU-Y"-! ST. ANTHONY^S CATHOLIC CHURCH . 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Vap "̂ a.stor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. _ Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. . Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 11, 8:30 a.m. -- Requiem Mass. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. .."IS THE UNIVERSE, IN­ CLUDING MAN, EVOLVED BY ATOMIC FORCE?" will be the subject of the"!l/esson « Sermon in all Churches of .Christ, Scien­ tist', on Sunday.^' The Golden T e x t- is : "All thy ' works shall praise Thee, O Lord; and Thy saints shall bless Thee. They shall speak of the glory of ; Thy kingdom, and talk of "Thy power." (Psalms 145: 10, 11). Among the citations which Your "Vote ia respectfully solicited fo r K . A . R A Y FOR COUNCILLOR WHO STANDS FOR;- (lT ' H onest and p rp g re^ iv e Cjvic A dininistration. (2) No increase of the Mill R ate o r any fu rth e r levy on irriprove- (3) Lower F ire Insurance Rate and a reduction of the.Telephone toll. (4) R etain ing and improving M unicipal T ransportation on a be tte r pay ing basis. (5) Full protection of our W ater Sheds and assurance of its ade­ quate supply to m eet the fu tu re needs. (6) Perm anent Im provem ent of all road works. (7) The building of the Keith Road Bridge over th e Capilano River and share the cost with the Government and N o rth Vancouver.. (8) The Extension of the Wet-Gas from North V ancouver to W est Vancouver fo r the housewife's comfort. ,(9) Im provem ents in i l l defiartments w ithout any .extra cost to the citizens. T ransportation Phone W est 289 or W est 1081 John RichUrdson WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cr. Marine & 2^th S treet._ P asto r; PROSPERITY FUELS NORTH 9.51 W E S T 1032 lU JBlUNSlDE FIR. .. ?5.50 cord MILL INSIDK FIR , . r..00 cord FIRKPLAC-E FIR - 4 : 0 0 cord S A \Y DU ST-- Gu a iau toed 200 --^eubic-frot;-l00-t--l'ir--.T-̂ :i;7T. H. P. ALI.KN Rev. Robert H. Birch. B.A. Services:. Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m. Sunday Services......... 11 a.m. and 7:30 p;m. Friday, Children's Club 7 :d0 p.m. ' Horseshoe Bay and Vicinity-/ Bible Fellowship,..." -. 7 :45 p.m. Mrs. Muir from Angola Ltind* South Africa, will .speak a t the -Sunday-15vening-Serviee.---------- comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: /'For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to _gi.v£L-th_e_Jiglit: of-the-knowledge of the gloiy of; God in the face of Jesqs Christ." (II. Cor. 4 :6 ) . The Lesson - Sermon also in­ cludes the following , passage from the Christian Science text- . book,. "Science and' Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "God is infinite- '-therefore ever present, and there is no other power nor presence. Hence, the spirituality of the universe is the only fact of cre^ ation." X Solicits Your Support . f--. SCHOOL raU ST E E CHAIRMAN TOC H Chairman Men's Division War Chest Drive Chairman Santa Claus Committee. . A.-HARVEY SMITH Respectfully Solicits Your Vote for Councillor. Former School Trustee -- Twelve Years in business -in - West- -Vancou ver-;----------------------- \ , TH E West an News Miss Garnett... 24th and Hay­ wood Avenue, has moved into her new home a t 1261 20th Street, W. M. S. Publiahed Every Thursday t$S! Publisher F. F. T,OVEGROVE Phonfe West 363 Business and Editorial Office: ------~f704-M arine-D rlvc - 'Phone West 55 faeb's West 7101516 Marine ATTRACTIVE GIFTS CUSHIONS, SJO O I^, CHAIRS, Etc. The regular monthly meeting of the VV. M. S. of the United Church will be held on Tuesday, >19th instant^ when the annual -reports will be handed in and officers for the ensuing year will - l>e .elated__Miss Stokes hopes all mite box holders will reinem-.^. ber to return them well filled. The 3vord for roll call is "Peace,'/ and Mrs. Durable will take the chapter from the Study Book. "■ PLANNED PROGRESSIVE ADMINISTRATION North Vancouver Office: 123 lHm.qdale Ave. $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by mail XM AS GIFTS ^ T hey opiirecinle: C.C,M. BICYCLES, JOYCYCLES. SK A TE AND SKI EQUIPM ENT. .BADMINTON S U P P U E S BICYCLE ACCESSORIES -- RECONDITIONED BICYCLES ' FRED* JfONPES **. .143G ZHbitiiic T h e F l o r e n c e S t u d i o s 1706 Marine D rive A splendid assortm ent* of useful CHRISTMAS G IFT S a t price.s th a t we know will save dollars on City Shopping. C u s h io n s ^ I ta l i a n Brocatille, English T apestry , S a tin , Silk and GhinIW........................... ......... .................................. . $2.49 Exclusive**Lamps, complete ............ .................$2.95 B eautifully Constructed Children's Furnitux'e -- D ressers, Cribs, Cradles, "etc. ̂ . ' ' All Xmas, G ifts Cellophane W rapped F R E E .