r : / THE WEST VAN HEWS jE E lO fim ^ X M A ^ S '^ S T O C K 1 t.̂ A for I.rtc»l Service at CSty Prices. * ^ '̂ ^,IpOTr^rtf^Hiiii4e"8t<H*eit'apiir««likt«Ar""""""'- '^ "̂'̂ *"" '̂ ""'"'"" '!*mmc'I'\1 a s c a r d s -- Large Selection at 2 for 5c and ^p. Boxes, 35c 4 Calendars -- New Local Views 11-Vjc. 35c. 5®*= " *<* 65c. • PARKER PE N S--GIFT CHINA-- LEATHER BILL-FOLDS j}ooKs-i^Ai^ Cards- gam es- ch essm en . e '̂Cm etc . nF( OU VTiONS. PARCEL WRAPPINGS. riiKUll r e m i n g t o n TYPEW RITER; LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION WEST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY 1644 Murine Drive O p ^ until 8 p.m. Phone W est 687 " V l i l t KENNHEDY'S MEAT MARKET FOR GRAlDE A . beef, lamb, pork, veal & poultry FRESH & SMOKED FISH. AT: REASONABLE PRICES. ' Free Delivery, Phone West 1004 1531 M arine Dr. r | i ^ a H g g a e a g g a a e a s i g a a g a g t t 8 ^ WEST VANCOUVER HIGH SCHOOLS will present YULE TIDE CAROlliNG in INGLEWObD AUDITOtllUM on WKILNESDAY, Dec. 13th* and THURSDAY, Dec. 14th -a t 8:15 p.m. Collection at door. Doors open at 7 :30 p .m .; Closed a t 8:10 p.m. All Net Proceeds in aid of Santa Claus Fund. CAVALCADE OF MUSIC Tomorrow FRIDAY in INGLEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM at 8 p.m.' ' ■' <■. - " ■ ■ ■ ■'■ . 'll" - " . ., in three parts:--THE-TIME OF THE 80's, by Local T den t THE PERIOD,OF 1914, with Sid and Guy Desmond, and ■ The MODERN PERIOD, by popular Radio A rtists. Admission, 25 cents. Proceeds in aid of W est Vancoiiver Santa Claus Fund FIRe! FIRE! EIRE! WHY TAKE A OHA(NOE? Have protection in your home with the Famous FIRE M ASTER EXTINGUISHER now ■ available in W est Vancouver at Eew's Barber Shogb, 14th & Marine, or "Wall;^V Craig's, ' . West 654. - ' ■ • . ■ • ■ 100% Protection■ for your family.- ' , ' Each $2.75 THE GLACHAN ... 25th.a,nd W aterfront NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, who' have 4aken it over, will be pilfcased to meet both the new and old patrons of the hotel; . CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Notice is hereby- ^ v en that on and from Monday, December ̂11th, 1939, the following ferries w ill be discontinued and a bus service s'Jh' stituted:-- , , \ From WEST V A N C O U V E R :-- 10:00 a.m.* 11:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, 1:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m,, 10:00 p.m., 11:00 p.m. From VANCOUVER CITY:-- 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m„ 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m,, 3:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m., 11:30 p.m. For full details see Time iTables to be issued shortly, cop ies^ f which May be obtained from the W s and ferry, staff and at the Ferry Office. ______________ L _ _ .............. ... _ ______ _ V/. HERRIN 30/11/39. Municipal Clerk. •5 ̂■ To A ll P ro g ressiv e C itizens Those'who oppose the Efforts, being made, to give th is MunicipaUty a FIRST CLASS HOTEL have suggested that if the plebiscite is passed, tha t the Hotel Com pany will build a Tavern only. This is untrue and erroneously rumored by those, who for their owiHreasims, m to di^rive West VancouF' ~ver-of a m uch, ne^e^ im provem en t. THE HOTEL COMPANY ARE PREPARED TO SPEND $100,000 OR MORE, AND WILL START BUILDING OPERA- TIONS IMMEDIATELY A FAVORABLE VOTE IS tocal and Personal A meeting of the Glenarboiir unit o^^the I^ d Cross will be held a t the home of Mrs. M. B. Mc- Comb, "Tenaga," Cuulfeild, on Monday, December 11th, a t 1 p.m. All interested are cordial ly invited,. ' ■ ■ An Elocution Mechil Contest under the auspices of the W.C. T.U. will be held a t 8:15 p.m. to morrow in the Orange Hall. Solo ists will be Mrs. Myrtle Thomp son, vocalist, and George Brea- ley,"* violinist.♦ * ♦ Invitations have been issued by Miss Patricia Curry for an a t home to be held December 16 from 4:30 until 0:30 o'clock a t the residence of her pai^ents, Major .and Mrs. P. A. Curry, "Onslow Place," Capilano Es tates. < A son was born last Saturday a t the North Vaiicouwer Gener al Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Butt, 939 Esquimau Avenue. Hurrell--Newell At a qu iet ceremony a t 5 o'clock Thursday, a wedding of wide social intere.st was solem nized in Canadian Memorial Chapel, when Mary Easton Newell, 2368 Bellevue Avenue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Easton of Bellingham, was united in marriage to Mr. Gwynne Hurrell of Vancouver. Rev. G. Harrison Villett officiat ed. ■ . A burnt sugar wool ensemble, complemented by a short match- ing jacket, had been chosen by the bride for her wedding. Brown accessories matched her " small browh felt h a t and she wore a scarf of marten furs. Her corsage was a; cluster of orchids. W itnesses a t the ceremony, were Mr. and Mrs. Burpeu Hume and Mrs. C. W. Chesterton. A smi^I reception, for intimate friends, a t the honie of . Mrs. Chesterton, followed the wed ding, j^f te r a brief trip Mr . and Mrs. Hurrell will reside in the city. , * - iK Mr. and Mrs. John Christopher H. Calland, who were recently married a t St. Mary's Anglican Church in. Vancouver, will on their "return from^ a motor trip south, take up residence in West -Vancouver.--- ------------ -̂----- The friends of Mrs. C. E. (Pat) Morris, 2495 Lawson Ave nue, will be glad to hear th a t her. husband ; pass'^d the^ medical exam which enabled him to join ithe artillery on his arrival in- E n g la n d .-- - *----- -- ---------- .__ MASONICDANCE - A GREAT SUCCESS The Eighteenth Annual Dance of King David Lodge No. 93, A. F.-&-A.-M., last. Friday evening in the Orange Hall, fo r which H. W. Lang was in charge of a r rangements, was one of the most outstanding and enjoyable social events of- the season. Mrs. H. W. Lang acted 'as general con vener and with her committee was responsible for the very beautiful decorations of Christ mas trees, flowers, and greenery. There were pre.sent a large num- _ber of .members and the ir friends and with (Garden's Orchestra in charge of the music it is hardly necessary to say th a t th e floor . was crowded throughout the evening with happy dancers. Dainty refreshm ents were-served in the lower hall in the interval, during which prizes were drawn for, the lucky winners being as follows: ladiesi_lst, Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove; 2nd, Mjrs. W. G. Barker; 3rd, Mrs. M. Wildgrube, - Gentlemen's prize, Victor Hume. Bellevue Avenue. Miss Grey, who recently returned from a trip to New Zealand and Austif'aua, spoke amusingly of her experiences "down under" to ^members of Vancouver Branch, Canadian Women's Press Club, when they entertained a t luncheon on F ri day in Hudson's Bay restaurant. She was introduced by the presi dent, Mrs. A. Cromar Bruce. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. N. D ., Kerrison, 730 15th StiH^et, announce the en gagement of their eldest daugh ter, Teresa Mabel, to Wjllard Jay Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Wood of Winnii>eg.""The wedding • will take place quietly the later part of December.4i m 4i . Mrs. Frank Templer, 2271 Mathers Avenue, was hostess a t a delightful lea on Wednesday of last week in honor of Mrs. Chas. , Forsyth (nee Kathleen Hampsoh). The decorations were in pink and white, and centering the tea table was a silver bowl of pale pink single mums. Mrs. A. Hampson, mother of the guest of honor, poured tea, the serviteurs being the Misses Gwen and Phyllis Temple, daughters of the hostess. T he beautiful bride's cake with J ts pink and white frostings was cut by the five brides present for luck. The guests were: Mrs. Chas. ;For syth, Mrs. McClary, Mrs. ZUest,, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Edging Wilson, Mrs. Wilfrid Taylor, Mrs. Bert Stevens, Mrs. Newton P. Steacy of North Vancouver, Mrs. For syth, Senior, Mrs. A. Hampson, Miss Eileen Hampson,. Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove. " TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD NOTES \ At the regular meeting held last Friday, rb_.was_.-decided to send Xmas boxes to West Van- couver ,bbys on warilTity~aV^ ous points in Canada, boxes having already been sent over seas. Mrs. Mundy, Mrs. Maokay and Mrs. Parks are in charge, and members and friends of the ^"Guild are requested to leave don ations of_ home-made candy, cigarettes, packets of shelled nuts and biscuits a t Noble-. & (jhapman's- store, 18th 'and .Mar- ine'Drive, not later than Decem ber 12th. Also please phone names and addresses of boys to th e Committee._West 253-R, 253-L and 254-Y-2. It was unan imously agreed to sponsor the Choral Society Concert to be held a t the Orange Hall, Monday, H th instant. Mrs. J. Fox reported on progress of the Red Cross Home Nursing Class. The next meet ing of the^Book..Club'jwil]_be at ^ thelT dm e^f Mrs. F. M. Wallace, 2522 Bellevue Avenue, on Mon day, 11th, at- 2:30^p,m., when Mrs. E. Therrien will review "Pepita," by Y'. Sackville West. Mrs. E. Nightingale reported many articles of clothing had been made arid distributed by the Sewing group. A cushion and quilt were raffled and a goodly sum turned over to the treasurer. Mrs. Woodcock re ported th a t to date 600 maga zines had been collected and de^ livered to soldiers and sailorsi - January 27th is the, date bhosen for the (juild Birthday celebration, details to be an nounced later. Bennett's BAKERY tfoinK'rly Strallonw) XMAS CAKES Mince Pies UEAI. I'HKAM C lll'8. 28c diw. SPECIAL SATUItllAY 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre TlIllKSDAY, FlilDAY /AN^ SATURDAY MATIN UK Duromhur 7th, Hth iiml lUh TIIK RITZ HKOTHKRS "THE GORILLA " also "ZENOBIA" , SATURDAY, KVK. MONDAY Doccmlu'r 9th and 11th rL A U D im 'K (M)L»KUT DON AMKtqiK U f tMIDNIGHT alHO i. "SAGEimUSII SERENADE" TUKSDAY AND WKDNKSDAY DoocnnluM' I2tli and UUh CARY (TRANT " Only Angels Have Wings " (Once only a t 8:00) ' ' . ' a lso ' • "SUDDEN MONEY" Keep Your Dog Healthy w ith D O G F O O D Contains Vitamins A. B. C. D. and G. Also Minerals Calcium and ' Phosphdrus -- UAOICICD MY Anglo -British Columbia Packing Co. Lid. in •/2 -lb. tins and 1-lb. tins. Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES W est 582 -- PHONE -- W est 582 812 16th Street TOPSOIL^GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside.....,.,......$5.50 Cord Mill Fir, Inside................. 5.60 " Fireplace Fir.l.................. 6.00 Green Alder i;................. - 5.50 " SPECIAL-- Slabs & Edgings Barky .............. $3,75 Cord Edgings ......... $3-50 Cord, B a r k .............. ..................... $5.50 Cord Limited amount. SAW DUST SPECIALS Sacked ..................... Price reduction on 3 units or more CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office at 1336 Marine Drive SPONSORS WEST VANCOUVER TOW NS WOMEN'S \ GUILD GRAND CONCERT b y West? Vancouver Choral Society - MONDAY, DEC. 11, at 8:15 p.m. in ORANGE H A U . in aid .of W est Vancouver Santa Claus Fund.. , Tickets 25c. EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly-with--Birka--Ltdii-- Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive SEAGRAM COLLEGE PRIVATE SCHOOL-FOR BOYS Grades 1 - 12 . Music " 3- Year and 4-Year High School Course Physical Education - » " . ----- ---- ----------- ^Special U lass-for-Beginners- 3034 Procter Avenue ...........................................West 23-L-3 Mi ■n