library v i c T O W t t : a c Sm •s*w?p Ŷit' Established over IS years.Established over l5 years. A Weekly Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver--Ambleside^ H olly burn, Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per year. CyprCSS Park, Caulfetld, WhytCcUff, EtC. - & per copy Vol* HOLLYBURN P.0.,^ WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7th. 1939 N o . 34 ClIKYSANTHEMUM ASS»N CAVALCADE OF MUSIC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MONTHLY DINNERTlio Wot<t Vancouver A m ateur A Cavalcade of Music will be ('hrwsjuilhomumAssociation held given a t 8 p.m. tomorrow (Fri- ♦ iK.iV nnmuil meeting and elec- day) in the Inglewood Auditori- tioii of oil'icers for 1940 last urn in aid of the West Vancou- Tuesday, the 28th ultimo, a t the ver Santa Claus Fund. The pro- D V A. rooms, when the follow- gram is, in three parts tis follows: nllirers were elected: Presi- 1st part depicting the time of , „ . , ■ ̂ A. Chilton; vice president, the 80's by local tialent, the cast » 9^ VYednosciay cven- J. EDWARD SEARS' MEETINGS REEVE LEYLAND'S MEETING A Christmas touch will be add ed to the regular monthly dinner meeting of the West VaiK̂ 'ouver Chamber of Commerce which will be held at the Chalet, llorse- John Edward Sears, who Is a candidate for the reevcship, will address a meeting of. ratepayers Reeve to Speak Over Radio. (hit . . Uoeve J. B. Leyland will speak on municipal pi'oblems next Wed- to his fellow citizens over Radio nesday, December 13th, a t 8:16 Station GKW Xon Weilnesday, p.m. in the Orange Hall. Candi- December 13ih, at 7:15 p.m. A Corlan; secretary, R. Sut- being Mesdames B clitic I treasurer, tV. R. Craw- Grey, A. J. Gleam fVml-'miblicity, A rthur J. Capon; , J. C. Young, B. White, and siinpiy, Harvey Smith. Messrs. A. J. Addy, W. R. O aw - Alf members expressed entire ford, J. G. Fiddes, B. Froud, G. satisfaction at last.month's show Gray, A. J. Gleam, J. Donovan, and said they* would see to it the period of 1914, this being in the ■ next one would excel the past, hands of Sid and Guy Desmond, boUi in (luality and quantity, assisted by Isobelle Hartwell, They also hoped to have eyen a Alma Hodgson, soprano, and ' ing, December 13th, when two 4ates for councillor, school trus- The RtMivc will also addros.s a r turkeys, will bo given away as tee ami police oornmissioner p o publie niwting on niunicipal-al'- ' prizes to members present who t° address the meeting fair.son luesday, Doeomher 12thprizes to memoers present o , . .. hold the lucky tickets, one for , , , Orange Hall, the Ifldy rnornbers und one for 'Mr, S<̂ ai swill; Also hold fl moct-* Ouiwi(l<iiCiS lor reeve uiul council the, gentlemen members. A third prize will be offered for the most original suggestion made a t th is meeting by a mem ber for entertainment at the ^ng in Horseshoe Bay on Tues- invited tq si>eak. day, Decenib(3r 12th, a t S tlS p^m, THREE 1-ACT PLAYS BY A. Y. P. A. Mt)NICJI»AI. CANDIDATES bigger crowd than the Orange , Bertha Strang, accompanist; 3rd - TT..11»->v. 4-lso f-i.m Hnva^' sVlAW ■ ■nat-f lVTru'1̂ r»M ■ Kir "P^ntiloir. DOr. , January meeting of the Cham- Tho following have Up to date informed us they would be can- Don't forget Thursday, Dec- didales in the forthcoinihg muiii- ember 14th, when "Don't Let the '■"'■Pal elections, their hames beingHairiield on the two days' show, part. Modern Period; by Popular i • ̂ . f,- y ,All felt the West Vancouver' Radio A rtists--Roney Mathews, beyerai interesting ciiscussio^ a iriven alnhubof io iliv iii IKiople were ibehind the__first ef- pianist and^ impersonator; Chas; develop at the after Lady Go, Not Q ui^ Such a alpUabaiuilly except in fort, "Hoveyr" bai^itone; " Hilda While the Association rules soprano; Ella Pottinger, limit the .number of members, . tainer, Buddy Smith and there are removals and sickness Young, humorous entertainers, which will cause a few vacancies Mrs. Colin MacLean's Girls' Glee ..for 1940. These may be filled b y ; Choirc Admission, 25 cents, applying to the. new secretary; R. prepared, to take p a r t' in these Shore. Sutcliffe, Nelsdn Avenue and 26th, phone West _894-R. ̂ Men who love flowers and wish "to ̂ know how .to grow. chrysanthe- *munis for competition and" a real ̂hobby should consult the club, which is prepared to help thoa^g who help themselves. ^Messrs. "Sk^trEightly-^nd-Dewar .were NOTICE TO ALL CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS The Orange Hall bn Marine Drive will be known ih the future as "The West "Van Recreation Hall" being under new manage ment. The caretaker' will be a t discussions. In addition, the pro gram committee is arranging for, an interesting and educational discourse on B.C. Products and their effect on B.C. payrolls, to gether with a spicy quiz contest. Members-(lesiring transporta tion for this meeting should meet a t Uniom Oil Station, 15th and Marine Drive or phone one of the members of the Executive........, „ . the hall from 11 a.m. until 6:30 „ sadd€d-totheexecutive.-A-hearly_^p-niT-orrphone-Wost-7-22--Reason-- Cars-WilLJLeave_this_pomt_at_7 vote df thanks for the. yeaFs able rates and courteous service sharp.- YoursSuecess biir aim. You vyill laugh as you have never done before and as you laugh you will be bringing joy to many at Christmas time, for the proceeds will go to swell the funds of the West Vancouver Santa__Claus Fund. Come one, come all, and also enjoy Vthe music supplied through the kindness of the West Vancouver School Band which in itself is well worth the admis sions--------------------- :----- ----------- •or u Uarl t i 'iistee J. School Trust ^ Foi* Sc hoc Councillor S. Gisby, Ex-Coimtil- (hr L. Garthorne," Ex. .School Riohardson, " Ex. ustee Harvey Smith. - School. Board (3 ,yacan- cie.s) -- School Trustee^ G. E. Brealey, School Trustee Mrs., A. M. G'Donnell. ' / Police Commissionjsr (one vac ancy) -- Commissioner P. Dor- chester. Ex. Councillor K. A. Ray has not yet made up his mind, while School -Trustee-H--6lT-Burkcr-is~ work was given to the-past of ficers" and- members of the ex ecutive. not seeking re-elecition. FIRE! FIRE! - BUILDING PERM I TS $52,850 CORRESPONDENCE SANTA CLAUS FUND CLACHAN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT The West Vancouver Santa Claus Fund will ^ *this ̂year in charge of^bhn Richardson, Mrs. W. B. Small and Mrs. G. B. Greenwood. ; In th is connection it should be said th a t there will F ire ' protection in the home can. be obtained by the famous *Fire M aster" extinguisher, now The Municipal Hall issued 24 building perniits last month to t alling $52,850, particulars of jWhich are 'as follows; 11 dwel- The Clachan, 25th and W ater front, is now under hew maniage_' raent, having hem taken over by Mr. and Mrs. Fisher of Van- be a real need fojr such a fund couver. The latter, who have in the municipality this Christ- ha(i considerable experience in mas. .'.J '. -- , -this liner€xp€ct'te"m"ake"an u m ------ As"~in" "past" yearsr~donations: m-ade in Vancouver, which has i been largely used for yeaVs in I/"?®' „ tlfe north and amongst the fish-. ermen of the province. Made o f . ^ heavy fire glas^ this extinguish- er will stand a lot of rough usage ^^.^^ase .of $18,651 over Ociob- West Van News. . 17th & Marine Drive, . Dear Sirs:--A letter has rec-. ently been received from the Society for presei'yaticui o f . native plants of British Columbia asking that the public be remind ed that the cutting and removal. when "ĥ anffinff**on figures, which stood a t $34,- highways, r . 199. The total value of Remuls'a wvall bracket, automatically re ber of changes in' the arrange- will be received by this news- contact mpnl-0 nnVl tx7i11 rkloocnrl f TYiruaf rtorvov rvn hphfllf fvf f.hp flind . And WUCn in COntUCtments and will be pleased to meet paper on behalf of the fund, and 7oV Kz. fhvnwm InA both old and new patrons of the will be ack w led g ed through Can be t h ^ for the 11 months of this year ending 30th ultimo was $640,- 839. ■ hotel our columns. S O C IE T Y I N G R A N D E V E N IN G C O N C E R T . The W e st V a n c o u v e r C h oraT S ioc ie ty u n d er th e d ir e c t io n of their co n d u cto r , (>. E . B o w e r , L .R .A .J J ., A .R .C .M ., L .M u s., is giving a G rand E v e n in g (jonxiert a t 8 :1 5 P-lu.. next^ M o n d a y , December 1 1 th , in t h e O r a n g e H a ll; p r o c ee d s o f 'vvhioh g o to the W est V a n c o u v e r S a n ta C la u s F u n d . T h e W e st V a n c o u v e r ToTOswomen's G u ild a r e a c t in g a s sp o n so r s . Tickets^ 2 5 c e n ts . T h e p r o g r a m i s a s fo llo w s : , O Canada Choir (a) Nowell .................................................. .Traditional Carol (b) Bring a Lantern..................................... ......Old French Carol ' (c) Good King W enceslas .................................Traditional Carol .bolo (a) Blow, Blow Jhou Winter Wind....................................Quilter . (b) Morning ........ .'................................................................... Speaks (c) Clorinda ......................:........ .......................................... Morgan Carl Horthy" ,r. „ - Igor Diakonoff, Accompanist Jol'n (a) M innelied...........................1............ (1460) Ensemble (b) Ballet Music--^Where the Rainbow Ends...................Quilter , . Miss Margaret McIntyre,- Mrs. Knight Hodge, Mrs. T. E. . Snelgrove, Mrs. L. C. Reid, M isses W. Brealey, M. Murray, I. Gracey, J.-Jerwis, P. Weeden, J. Davies, Mr. J. Mclntrye_ Mrs. J. McIntyre a t the piano. " (J.. Director J. Haydn Young. - (a) Who'll Buy My Lavender?.,..................................... German (b) The Star .................... .............. .i.......................... Rogers (c) When I Have Sting My S o n g s ...... ...............................Charles Choir (a) Mopsa ........................................:.......... ......................... Williams DiiPi " There Is Music by the River .......................................Pinsuti Se m'ami ancor, from II Trovatore ......................................Verdi Vini;„ Horthy and Frances Dutton S n i b l e ^hild Is This? .....:......... :.........................Traditional Carol Choir m INTER m'i SSIQN (a) A s Torrents ih Summer ............................................... E lgar Soln /V Song o f the . Vikings ....................... ............................... Faning (a) 0 Lovely N igh t ..................I................................... Ronald (b) I Know a Lovely Garden ' d'Hardelot . (c)^ Sea M oods...... ..........................'.Z."'..7.r.7............. ........... Tyson Vioim ' - r. .. ~ -----=-------^E^ances-Dutton------------------- ^sembln hy Moonlight"..................................I .,.......... Thomas (D Told on the Promenade" y Sq! G a^ en Gate" . Rn|o iCamival" _______ ___________ ______ 4 \ My- Mother Taught Me...T............... ................. Dvorak tc) The Last S o n g ........... ,_T. ...............................--» Rogers •Choir ~ i» Carl Horthy - .Selections from'"Mlerrie England" ............. -........... German^ Soloist A lex Rollo • G od'Save the K ing purripirig): (3) Never freezes or evaporates. (4) Does no damage to contents. (5) Smothers gas, oil, and chimney fires, "niis ex tinguisher can be obtained a t Lews Barber Shop, 14th and THIRD ANNUAL "YULETIDE CAROLING" At tl^h_presentation of tb(j Yuletidi^^aroling" in Inglewood Marine Drive or by phoning Auditorium on Wednesday and Wally Craig at West 654, price Thursday of next week the fol- orty is forbidden and^th'^Coun- cil directed me to request t h a t , you be kind enough to co-operate withT-them 'by . making the re-~ quest public through your news columns. Your compliance will therefore be inuch appreciated. L^Yours truly, W. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. $2.75. lowing scenes from th e Nativity "Mary," said the mistress of the HOLLYBURN HALL A Young People's Service il lustrated with lantern views will "The Angel Appears to the Shep herds," The Adoration of the ̂ Shepherds," "Simeon in the be held a t 7:15 p.m. tomorrow Temple with the Infant Jesus," (Friday) in Hollybum Hall, "The Wise Men Follow the Star,'" when the speaker will be Garnet "The Wise Men Before-Herod," Benhet, and his' subject "The Life of Our Lord,,Events Sub- sequent to the CrucifW Next g^ene will be followed by Sundayl December 10th, a t 10 ̂ carols, sung by a a.m. Sunday School T choir of over a hundred voices. Peoples Bible Clas^ ^ ^ L 7 .30 raccount of the devotional p.m. the same day T m M c l^ e n nature of the performance, will be depicted: "The Prophecy house, reproachfully,."you-told me a o f . Isaiah," "The Annunciation," little while ago that you were iroinir "The Ta^xing," "A t the Inn," to have a sleep." J'That's right, madam," replied the g-irl. "Then do you' mind telling me what you were doing a t the garden gate ju st now when the soldiers went l»y ?" ' Mary hung her head coyly, '■'H aving 40 winksj ihadam," she re plied. " What'll It Be? W hile a Missouri Pacific train stood at the Atchison station r " a - woman will give a Gospel address. members of th^ audience are re- Jibley^^day at 8 p.m., prayer and B ible,^qy^g^^ their places by study. DR. F. W. NORWOOD TO LECTURE Dr. F . W. Norwood of St. An drews-Wesley United Church, is to speak on the North Shore for the first time since coming to Vancouver. I t will be a,lecture five minutes p a s t . eight. The doors will be closed a t 8:10 and the program' will begin five min utes later. Proceeds in aid of West Van couver Santa Claus Fund. walked up to one of the crew. '"Arfi you sure this is the train to Omaha?" •she asked. "Lady," replied the brakeman, "if this ain't the train to Omaha, then the president o f .the road, nineteen vice-presidents, the board of directors, ttiy conductor and me is crazy." ' BRITISH - ISRAEL - Two-gentlemen sat in their hotel room, consuming a quart of spirits. One of them had an idea, and raised the window. "I'm going to take off and fly around the courtyeard a JittieGeorge Crux will be the speak- given under JJie auspices of t he er a t the regular Monday even- bit," he remarked.. Boa'rd-of--Stewards An,.-- ^ing-4heet-ing-a#-25th-and-Marine-----Lea^)ing-fr-om^the--wrnilbw drew's United Church, on Tues- Drive. His subject; "The Glory buried his nose in the cement three - day, December 12th, a t eight of the Lord." .Mr. Crux is a very floors below. The next day his friend o'clock. A silver collection will interesting speaker and his visit went to the hospital to see him! -^be-takenT-His-subj ect-isr-=^an- couver Looks to the Futurie," -- "A Pilgrimage as Vancouver Sees J t," '--^-"Have_We- Lost-the Pioneer Spirit?" -- "A fter the War," -- "The (Celestial City." -is-always-a-treat7^ou-are-yer-y- cordially invited. Thursday night prayer meeting. Mr; Cornish's Bible group will meet next on Wednesday, January 10th, a t ' 2:30. . ^-ycerteinly-Tirade^-a-fooI o f m yself yesterday," said th ^ p atien t. "Why didn't you stop m e?" -7/ shucks ,"__^ id his ̂ friend, " maybe" rish ou ld have, .but I really thought you could do it."