i» f jAi »ii i,tt'>̂-.s'!y "'- •r*-! « «»iti-î*i!i,7>v>̂»»îps.j;iy«. ̂ lfW»»VSi'j«'j >■ f ■ : ■ November;30, 1939. i- !»i.'>̂«»i|yy-%V|{j««>i-'.»>rt»!KiUn«*k>-~H nSi" '■*iq»*>S-' ll'ili *!#i P ta - .w -« * « A . Harvey Smith MeatA--Wê »f« rr«« IHUtmf 8«ri** . - , M««tWr Aec«*»l .(..(■ SI GCKSTIONS for KHIDAY & SAH KDAY. I ) « . lol and 2nd M EATS h a f i d p n ^ p t l y « t T : f t o m ^ w evening at the Clachaii. short business R̂ î̂ ion wai K held. foUowing wn;cn and fniends are invi?<ii tM jo^n m a RX'ial evening. A fcitr TOMATO I t K B 4 !<i-«i. lift* JR f r : U r t r SS-41*. URfc WUnKBKASS S lb.*, m I'HMII. llAlitEV imlKO liKKUS TEAS K*̂ A White TO MAI OKS ,1b. lb. R m j-»c 2 U f ie Nt̂ 2*1 Tifw* »k tif S » e !•,.• i ., ( , .»■**..v̂icn ..i.■V̂•• ,1 " ■ 15.,< 1/ i V }"' ',' r! > : !'l : K-. li v:-. kê l A White lOaivd WUOl K KKHNKt titUN 2 K*«t- Tm* . ■' |U>«1 A White Brand »'<HIK A . J ,|S.«t- Tin'* , , ' . etj--... - *"'-'•VINKATI'IT;-- 2 Uncr N*.- 2 . . . . Bod A White 'J*:***̂ »I;!Lch '•«*< ♦ *».lKiSa<h W.WTU'KIlTarce IW O-tH rtJb. I»«t r l̂l ls< DEI.ICIOIS FA.MILY \\*ELFARK BFREAU MEETINll. l*ft,»pt W**t 37® ■ 'At"the November'mec^n^ oj rr*'£Y-t»t ...... - West Vancuuver IJisinti Mil K *>•" ^ t ' o r n m i t U s ; o f the Family \'e l- ,M. o kk i.KAF o ysters. * i pt. f,u-c Bureau the Service, 1.DMBER SASH A DOORS SHINGLES plywoods LA1U • PAINT JHERE IS BUILDERS' SUPPUES HO SUBSTITUTE S g S l^ A B D for quality CANADA FAINT c o m p a n y LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. ^ Df.e%n« Wm I I t s 15th & M arine Pn^® ,\KK I.BAI tMa*r-.vo. , K.. Hire j iV r Knlne Dis- .1 I nviR o r LAMB (whole) was presented b> L. h.nipe, irict V«itor. .1:SIB» BKIT - A Strer J»()KK " tirain Fed LA M B Top Quality Vjr;\{ Milk Fed, i \:VJ>n A S-MOKKl) ̂n.I. LINE delicatbssk ..^•rvices were given lo 31 fami* He.s; 57 vij^iu w tR made and olTice interview.s lu-ld. C L A S S IF IE D A D S . . . > ___ tm • rmntm D«r i Ql l< K -N*;- iTetniuro i /■ 5, f f:' ,f",>h W (;OPl) COOKEKS ■̂ ( FI.KUY C A l U F L O W E R •' N,OTend;x'r 2 4 th , 1039. Mr, Tho.s. E. XV.dtusseli:'̂ "̂ "'"'"" President. West \ ancouver Citizens' League. 1288 22nd Str.j*et, ________ W est Vancouver. I3.C-. ' ------ 7 ' ■ « • r r M body; call Dear S ir : -O u r aiuuit.on ha,. EWND - « « » 7 7 V r X iH-t-n drawn to an advort.s*ment -- 8 iba. for 25c appearing in the e . s l ̂ancou- --------- --- ------------ -- - ' , . v e r .News o f th e 2:5rd in s ta n t al- G E N E R A L - Lor small h per dozen ' l o r • r . r ; ? ; R v 7 fu _ y ..a t t : x q i a k e r . ^ LarKed'kt. W 3« y time b , anpointment. West 403. UNDERGRADUATE NURSE - - Dis- eniraired; good cook- 2168 Bellevue Av'cnue, or Box 10,W est Van News. jr 2oc per head . each lSl<inX» «•" GE-NEKAI^ 1/ itrr 1731 feK«VtO>erpubii5hodiAtheWos^ C .« l f e i ld _ M r 7 « ^ ^ 7c Vancouver CitizenlC leag u e , m W'ANTED -- Reliable maid for Caul, feild home; two adults.and infant; rrafprences. Box 30. West Van News.. n « ......, ■ • _ . ■ . ; LQg'p__Friday; "Gruen" wrist watch • on black silk wristlet. Rewaui. West 1G5-R-3. _______ " 7c VanedU^r CitizeiTC I^^eague. in _ _ Listings of . which H states that the proiwsed ' » „ A iu,b|ru. l>eer plebiscite is,an artful trick Lî ;̂ 1447 Marine Dnu. wt.st----- of the beer interests: and infers 4 , o v v i. i n i ; t lX B ^ S tK 'IA I. „ _____________ --------- ' of the beer interesL- anti in ie r s knowing whereabouts of *v recin iem of a bou-' th a t th e b e e r iniere.st.s a re a.s- A M ONE answering to "Roddy, 7 ;;.;,.^ .SinulcC Mri!. R. s e d a te d w ith th e proposed new .^LlVnhanc- West 706-L... r . - . i y ; •lA«S.< SinirW (««»-- hold in W » t rr«HARV_.s<K, b « * . ^ . - 5 % FOR SALE -- Pure bred English cocker spaniel pup, male, 3 months, could be trained for hunting or ex: cellent i>et for children; would hold till Xmas. West 885-L. ■ _____ i TIhc, W in iK -rs , o f , • t J I k '.' : \ '?ux'»uver. ■ U%wTs bowling^ ,Uub. m d 'ih<tir .(fiends 'u irn ed .vut^in th ^ ' Chil>'i« Amv«al--Scv.ml Tinuvgv Hall, which' a mml' Whist'..and; M '.,M "■ve: F r Trophv, M r .s .G .n . 't i l e ' a b r i t " n Ys-untrue. ■ D oubles Cup. M rs ^ S / . Van Stationys, 164 f o u n d -- A lady's watch, owner can havCAsame by giving proof of o\vji:„ ership and paying,,for this adver tisement. Phone West 1'025-R. c;n'icw,"sb ie *s,hatr. V. r ■ v : v . tmi Mr,<. K. Mundy ; ed. A.s solicitors for the promot- D- er.s of,the new hotel, we are n - wV o-u-r Tavlor: Kink .sthicted to ask for an imnuKliate rV- Mri A ThonW (.skip). w ith d raw alo fth eafo resa ;d ad - V:: M ' vertisement, together NVith a ■■ l.Yttor nf anoloirv. Failing receipt Xmas. >vv*v ;«•• '4̂;.. Marine Dnve. NNest 68 CAN ARIES ̂ FOR SALE teed singers; $3.00 each. _______ WOULD the party who borrowed (he. electric hot plate from the Legioh Hall be good enough to return .«dime " before - Saturday, - ' - - 1 i e v r t h e firs't i>art'ivnag'v iiiVCe ,̂ 7^, ,?*».■»,t "even ing .: ana'- then..;l.he. ■' -- ■ . -,V. ... J-•■*.>.. *15.̂ . s , I . geiVtini .'.h.y ■ Kw-ve ■; l- y,V*̂ -:d ■"*; , wirgi'Cri?-., \vh S "w-ere S.S" 'tolKW;?'.: .■Siixgfe C lm q ip i^_ :H a:jdicsp. Si ogfe* ,€«});: 'Cup,j. J I a: . lettei'of apologvi. Failing re^ ip t V • W - 7 " «rY-ii.* of of the .same by return, w« have t in the-lower..__.instructions to I^sue a \yi it ^ ^ r - •••-; ;.« ,7 in a ;r'of the even- punst 'you and your committee, S : . 't u s i ' ' " 4 t d -by Hopmg th is course will be un- ■"G^-rge O rc h e s tra - ' ;v . ' experienced girl want ̂ work. Phone West 507-Y. ■ ____ - TV ANTED -- Girl for general house work, plain cooking. Phone after 7 D.m. a West 956-L.__________ ■ FOR SALE - Flat top offico d«k with 7 drawers, swivel chair,- oaK arm rtair with leather sea t - - lUZOrUt.' ' '■ ■•r'd." _ ■ . . . . . . . a . . . ..... r t l - A . . _ . LOST -- Air Force cap with badge. W'est 536-R.~~ ̂ ........ . blue n ecessa ry , w e aiv 'Y o u f ^ r u l y r E X P E R I E N C E D G I R L t o m i n d c h i l - -- firen~anv~time-.--Phone-Vi-est-< 5-icrL̂ m l E r iH s li '- 'F a c i ic ; -XxOPFFSv ' Vt i'x-" 1- i<,r rirX s, r a t r r s d g e m w ^ r - Mio&r' IV aphy . b e in g a 'A ' dK'i.vi'Oiial ̂ /•?! ' . 1 . 'K rp̂ -1 ' thfe'; th a t ih c Kcevc'# Cnp ;'oivl iid':"i,h y tta t id n ': is^ ■ ToTmaHoiT; 0 ,1 ;; an';\-A. .'..Q-;. 7 '. S.'.;: f ivsap .:'iB W est:'. . '.tM^Ln.ited ■'speaker'v>fv the-v.'eA:enihg--■v;;l>^ketT £.i,Co0 k.^who:W'ill.::;.::. .A,. S.F lAA «,? __ _ p e r J . A, C am pbell. room, 4 bedrooms, modem sawdust :______ - - K?,^pr- 14 block from water, _im- L/IV ----- ------------------ ------------------ ------- Portieres; original cost $50; sell for $15; also iia ir binoculars with leather--case,-$12 . ApplyJL234J_Mar:_:, ine. M'aUis Mh -Lefeaux, B a r r is te r . Solicitor, N gtaiw - " " 837 H a s tin g s S t. TV. \ 'ancouver, p .G ., N ovem ber 29, 1939. M essrs. C am pbell, M ered ith & burner; % block from water im mediate possesion. A. E. Austin & Co Ltd., ^33 West Hastings St. Seyl 9131. Evenings, W'est 548-M. .___________ CASH FOR JUNK --- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co.,. West 91. yVBST VANCOUVER NIGHT F-'̂ ' r OL -- Sure protection; reasonable rates. West 172-G3. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Oim- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Gapilano, North 811-R-2. a a !$ver-s'- lalk. m 'ir iie ie st:T p :alh fr.ivrvL-ih Kink*^, woit by N orth ahe« iver.:: iit 6:30 lasfE' B ^ rt 'WSt-'ll• f ,.. Oi^.. ;Ot.' U w o rk - 7S9 W est Pender St.. , V ancouver, B.C. IX-ar S irs:--Your letter of the 24th Inst, addressed to the Pi'esi- dent of the M'est Vancouver Cit- L eag u e has been handed SI8.00 --- Cosy famished 3 room mod em , hat, Ambleside. $27.50 water front furnished modem house, con venient, H. E. WTiiffin Agency, 1446 Marine. EA'es. West 693-^-1- ■ nea.: 'V ich ;-lisas€a M:' i • H r : m ■4 \ 'ri!6'5;a-.' 'I >: i - I I I I '.V '-ff i ® i to m e fo r a tte n tio n . 1 am in s tru c te d to adv ise you th a t th e a d v e r t is e m e h t in th e W est V sn eo a v e r '* 2Srd in s i . u n d e r th e h e ad in g P leb isc ite in which refer- :ence7:iGimad'fe d to ::tr^ HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442, Slarine-- Purple Heather, ^T î \ ^ y g Needles, Books, Crochet C<pt*.on, Hand-knit Baby \Voollens. BISMA-REX Quicay reUeves sour stomach, indigestion, etc. This new discovery vrill make a new person Vof "̂ vou. Get a package today at McNeil & McCue Drugs, Phone . West 52S. 7 - WEBERN WOdDWORKERS--Store •» . 1 ■ . .. . 1: ̂ 72S__ii_--p»"Yry ; rwl Q cv: y s e m e n t m DECORATING -- DRESSMAKING--Aherahons, prices NeWi^ o f t h e free. J. H. Wediey,-M"est reasonable. 1414 M anre Dnve. t h e a d in g o f 10 2 2-L, --------------------------- --------------^ ^ WANTED We have continual enepairies for ------------- , ̂ W est Vancouver homes and properties. n tterests: wa.< d raw n u p w ith o u t ^ have your iisiiiigs for sale. ;r7 *>rm3 tio n as to who, w e re th e H. A.* ROBERTS LTD, a c tu a l p ro m o te rs o f t l ^ proposeci Marine Drive.________ hotel^ You do no t s t a te w ho vVANTED __ Listings of houses and 'yolir:^he2its-'/aje:^biit'Ihe 'L eague?;,:; .:;vaca^ € a B :: i^ d l iV '. :u s d e r s la ^ GORDON ROBSON -- Barr^ter"'"& ?" :S<Hidtor^'510? S^v41?9,. a t West VasacoaTET aiiy time by appointment," Wes* 40S. BOYS OCTj OF SCHOOL -- W^ted ' for caddies. Phone West 71o or. register"a t - GSob^iHotKe.■ f<^s: io oC'tain a p ieb isc iie in o rd e r to s-t^tire a license a re n a t- vacam. lots."Phone; paracasars .l?,,, , ̂ _ p ;m» our representative, F. Bayliss, I \ es: GORDON GRAY -- kBsar^Me,, Pem beribh ':.;R «aIty '::::C oTp,,:te .lkdd4lS'-HQ^:'St:"::'Trimjty iirrd'effc'Gi: T'e p ropc^ed b e te l -m a p a y ip g b a s i s . - le n tjo n ■fig T he Lea,gTiie h a s n o n** n iis re p re se r .tin g th e s itn a iio n an d sh'OuH t.be w o rd in g o f th e adTersisenter.* h a v e h i n t y o u r cB ents 1' am ' 'iB siru c ied -to ex- pres,s.- th e i r regret.. T h e L eag iie opb:<5ec -• to th e g r a n ^ g o f .-.ft I .. 4 Ifc • . ■ V-• ■4aS. _ NOTARY PCBU C . (Complete Notarial Service) Reginaid P. Blower, JJ*., 1405 Marine., West 21, 204-M. ,_______ ¥X1R S.ALK-- F̂awcett Victoria Ranire. Phone West. 55S-R-^__________. WEST VANCOUVER M ^S E N G ^ SERVI(2K --P a if f i^ -B a g g ie , J g « transfer ■sRStk:, presapt ss2m cs.-A ^t 700. . • - . ni-er IiDe.3bos in Wes* yanoKi- ven b a : Ti& d e s i r e b y a n y "^cesemaiiciiii d o a S e c i m e.......... - •■■ -■- .... - - - ■" - W'ANTED TO RENTT -- XIodeam an- furrushed ISsuse, 2 ̂ or S bedroonis, H. £ WhiSin Agency. r e s z h o r a sh o u ld i^ c h he g r a n ie a , • ' Yon a re , a i i f e e ity io p s b iish th i s fecrer i f y o a ^ d e s r e , - - 7 - Y'c-ccs tr sd y , ' W . W l L e fe sa x - FOR SALE.,-- Easy a fc t i ic W aslsi^ Hacnize. 'Large copper sub and in gcod' esaiaditi-s-n. Fbome West SS&-G FREDERICK C. AI5BREY. Banistw^ Hotaiy, S0i-®J3 _ Birks ■:BmMlag;-."ffergneb...".Q̂Ssa,'. 144 s, Ine Drive; OSfeess Sey. 0331, West 546; Sasiders», WhysadzS' 54-r. . KNiTTING and PLAIN SEWING -- A^dy E. Lsibam, '2446 Manne . FO;R.: SALE---Tffixedo': Sait: ;'witii'..st2ids. sine Men's ^cates-arid'boois,, .-v.̂ s3ne.S.rvr Lasses. ............................................................ ?s^ set ss^speents, )et- , EDWARD S E A ^ Barrister. SoT ^ arri ©J&er Hnstrsmenta." Jcitor 1403 B iire ; ?b«Be. W ^ * 2 L ©r W est 55^R -L FLOOR SURFACING -- J- lead, 2144 M s ^ Amsaae, North We^ Taa Neigs. Bippinsss is !3ts ;^reja«s a fStSe vririsict siffiDfr :t€c y:4rr^ii;. 'LET r s S m i ^ T O lf R « a ©r'Sell yc®r'ls®3He, rmS ■estate, rentals. in~ ssnamsat, kffisjs, cssnveya^chsg, Ssahy. iSSS M ari:^ W '®®*: 71S. 13S6 Mkrtne ' West. Tie Steiffi;; _ 'ErjagtA ©pecatsss.- Poosfi West hOL Rasa! Bask BaSdnig. , MARCEL SHOP PemsaaKsss, . Suficsis*' climes an .aasras., faTrsne is nar'is. ' • , ARi mumrgs: W lN ¥ M ? d I^ r fW IgM " siiafer .«5t. Wes; 5 ^ swesrs^M he a^lytng: Gosrixy's Pfesasr W ^ aftamoens gsr _________ - _____ LAWK J lO W ^ S t s h a r p e n e d 77 Speosil 'jm cMs®; le s ss i^ W est VaacBeiVQ' Magfehae Sho-P-. , i m SALE -- B ei *a^ S5? r ^ M rise., pax^>oSs« SSiS#; Ihszhss. nwiis Tffxa:, 2m-?ws» smaasm •Sii5a> 4ga£'c«ar- W est FOiS SENT -- F««Br' ---- feKiabm. g;»as vSgxt. W e ^ M1~SL 1 0 S T - - E ^ t e ^ = NOTARY F C M IC fC^wgfeae N«£aaM SaviSoei) p, ASsriri... I- West 22, 2 &4-3L FOR.SENT--rpine;" 'iwaauiiBd ■.;agsfeEa'2as&" ■. ■ed sstia,, regn biss aLfu.̂ fferrv. 'WVs; CHIMNEY S W E S ^G -- .burros tzsyfchDeii; fescsace :T̂V- "G, lieMrsESB,' H8S Loss^sie. SSL WANTED TO m S T F a r -iassasE^siSd f e s a ia m . H e « ^ taBBsess, N tsr^ i S3, Reverse _^ A l^ S X n . anring msgaariafe ^shalikr ' fa r s ta S s s , ^inSfr lar?e itS; Ifen- '„ 7 ----------------------------- 1 , ------Mrs. W. S . H. YASS. I^M practarV S»t* **