.'ili" ltl 1,1-1 ■#•' ■ I*"' r - n / s fl .' t- '" \ ;i' a- ;nf;i 1̂!-SSI 3 5' ' iilt-:, i i i " i .-m' ' ,' -,U 1 ~ ' '"'..S' ,J |i» i'b«. w«ne A. H arvey Smith M«i»-WMtJ7o Free Delivery 8«rvl«e - JMimlhly Account THE WEST VAN NEWS TOW?lsWOMEN*S GUIfc» November 30, 1939, HUGGESTIONS for KHIDAY & HA'II UDAY, Dec.li*M nd 2nd ; ------------------ - ' . - 4^; ^ Will memt>er« kindly l>e on hftiid promptly a t 7 i45 tomorrow evening a t the Clachan, when a abort busineati w'asion will l>e held, following which members and friends are invited to join m 'u social evening. Krd A WhiM/rtiMATO JGICK fi lO-oz. Iln* for l.arifv iJ5»o*, tin** | a.'k lOc ;i IbH. tia; ....III. tie ...JtK 7c 25c 25c WIHTK HKANK PKAIlb IIAKbKV DltlHD GHHKN I'EAS Htfi A WIilU- TOMATOKH . 2 burue No. 2'/i 'I'iii** lUxi A While Hraml WIIObK KliltNKb (OIIN 2 I7-OZ. 'I'liw .......... 10x1 A While Hriiml I'OKK A »KANB a IH-ir/. TIiih IMNHAIM'bF^-Blnifaporc BiIcch 2 buricc No. 2 'I'ln** , • '•**' |(«<1 A White Hrutid rbOtJU .. 7-lh. Suck 25c; 2 l.|h. Sack _Hjlc l!Mh. Hack ' .......................... »l.hw WAX I'AI'EU „ l.arKi* Ihh f<»'S per roll IMc DELICIOUS .. M E A TS |*roitipt Delivery I'hone West 370 FAMILY WELFARE BUREAU MEETING At the Novemlxjr meeting of the West Vancouver District MII.K I KI. I.O.UNO FOWI,...II.. 22c of th r i 'a m ily Wei- CboVKK LKy\F OVHTKUS, Vj pt. iBc Dureau the monthly report Service LUMBER Qn>Uty SASH A DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY AEcnU; PAINT JUIlBUILDERS* ilKPPLIES ROOFING ^ TILE CANADA I*AINT COMPANY LTD.-- MBERlyEST VANCOUVER LU 16th & Marine Drive CO. LTD. Phone West 115 HIIOI LDHHH ok l a m b (whole) per Ih. ■■ .............................. BKI:K~ Grade A SU-er POKK ~ > Grain K«d LA M It ■ Top Quality VKAIi - Milk Fed. I KKSH A SMOKED FISH I I LL LINE DELICATESSEN- was presented by U. Knipe, Dis trict Visitor. It showed that .services were givifii to 31 fumi- lie.s; 57 visits'were made and 19 olTice interviews held. ,«K Qi;i( K OATH -- tiCAKEll N<»n-I'rrmlum ... . Icarjjt; I k(. ISc GOOD COOKERS V' ■ *i* ORANGES--New ( rop CELERY ............... CAULIFLOWER . 7 ll)H. fo r 25c H 1I)H. fo r 25c , . per do7.en 15c .....p e r head 7c ..... each 7c (November 24th, 1039. Mr; ThOs, ,E. W. Hussoll, President, West Vancouver Citizens' League,. 1288 22nd Street, We.st Vancouver, B.C. Dear S ir;--Our attention ha.s been drawn to an advertisement appearing in the We.st Vancou ver, News of the 23rd instant, a l-' leged to be published by the West Vancouver Citizens' League, in which it states that the propo^d beer plebiscite is an artful trick of the beer interests and infers CLASSIFIED ADS The raU for Claasifiod AdvarUaementa is 1 cohU por word, minimum 25 conta. ^ c e p t in the case of Uiooe haring regular accounts, all classi. ^****KeSomb2*'c iM S a^ ^ in t h l T « t Vm Newa get Immediato results. GORDON ROBSON B"" ls tc r ,& Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any , time by appointment. West 403._______ _ UNDERGRADUATE NURSE - r Dis- engaged; good cook. 2108 Bellevue Avenue, or Box 10, West Van New.s. FOUND *-r Wagon C.C.M. body; call 2530 Mathers Ave., or phone-West • 125-K. . _______________-- WANTED -- Reliable mold for Caul* felid home; two adults and infant; references, Box 30, West Van Nows GENERAL -- For small house in Caulfeild. Mrs. Winram, Kerr. 1731 LOST -- Friday; on black silk West 1G5-R-3. "Gruen** wrist wulch wristlet. Reward. w a n t e d -- Listings of honics and property for sale. H. A. Roberts Ltd., 1447 Marine Drive. West 546. BOWLING CLUB ANNUAL vSOCIAL hi'iself the recipient of a bou- that the beer interests are as- quei: Novice; Singles, Mrs. R. scxiiaied with the proposed new .Mmidv: Ladies' Singles (Har- hotel in West Vaiicduvei:. ANYONE knowing whereaboutH of Scottie answering to "Roddy, -please.phone West 705-L. < FOR SALE -- Pure bred English cocker spaniel pup, male, 3 months, could be trained for hunting or Ox- cellent pet for children; would hold till Xmas. West 885-L. FOUND -- A lady's watch, owner can -- have same-by-giving proof-of-owiL-.. orship and paying for this adver tisement. Phone West 1025-R. Vaiieouvi a IK . fo r .... ....... . . . , ,, t.hp Chill's Annual Social in the Orangi^ Hall, which was a most enjoyable allair. W liist. and bridge were played the first part of tlu^ evening, and then the prizes for the .s<,?ason were pre sented by , Reeve Isiyland^ to-the winners, who were as follow's: and Mrs. [.ester Taylor; Rink Cup, .Mrs. A. Thomas (skip), . , Mrs. Mill<'r, Mrs. C. Clarke, Mrs, vertisenient, together with a strpeted to ask for an immediate withdrawal of the afore.said ad- CANARIES FOR SALE -- Guaran- . teed singers; $3.00 each. West 32-R WOULD the party who borrowed the electric hot plate from the Legion Hall be good enough to return same before Saturday. . Singles (Champion Cup, W. Part- riilge; Handieup Singles Cup, F. .A^liles-P-(.)lul)-Doubles-Cup,JJ^ W. ('rawford. Following the serving of dainty refreshments in the lower -hall I he-rem ainder,of the even ing was spent in dancing to the excellent mu.sic provided by George Chijds' Orchestra.^ A_^Coilonv (sk Jp L and B r it ish P a c ific H ^rbperfie.s~G up' fo r r in k s, VV." P a r tr id g e t s k lp ) . A. O. T. S. letter of apology. Failing receipt of the same by return, we have instruction.s to issue, a writ a- .gainst_y_ou and your committee, claiming damages for libel. Hoping this-course will be un- neces.sary, we are Yours truly, Cumpl)ellrM4^d ifH~<SrB^lcett7 EXPERIENCED-4.GIRL Phone West 507-Y. wants work. WANTED -- Girl for general housework, plain cooking. Phone after 7 p.m. « West 956-L. FOR SALE -- Flajt top office desk with 7 drawers," swivel chair, oak arm chair with leather seat. West 1025-L. LOST -- Air Force cap with badge. West 536-R.. . . - . e x p e r ie n c e d g ir l to mind chil dren any tinie^JPhoneWest^^ FOR SALE -- Pair beautiful blue Portieres; original cost $50; sell for \ $15; also ,, pair binoculars witha l s o p a i r leather case, $12. Apply 2347 Mar- Ma jor Di Godldntoh, A. J, Gleam, Sewell; Special Veterans Trophy, being a French trench helmet .on solid mtk stiind with divisional colors, presented by Pi-esident Sam Fulton,' G. VV. Wright (.skip), and W. Sewell. In ,this connection it should he .stated that the Reeve'.s Cup for Interoluh Rinks, won by North' Vaiicouver, hail been pre.sented on the grounds during the sea- .son. . Mr.s. J. B. 1/iiyland prc.sented - the prizes to the winners of the Ladies' Club as follows, being A cordialMnvitation is extend ed to all men interested in the })i'oposed formation of an A. 0. T. .S. group in West Vancouver to attend a dinner meeting which will be iield iti the United Church Hall on Thursday, December 7th. Featured speaker of the evening will be Rev. A, M Cook, who will deliver a talk of interest to all. Dinner will be served at 6:30' p.in. sharp. rpeiv-Jr^--Ganipbell .- FOR RENT -- 7-Rooms, large livingroom, 4 'bedrooms, modem sawdustr me. Bert Harrison with one of 'Pearoe and Sons' trucks is work ing a t Sydney Island near Vic toria. eH O O S E your Qirlthnarslfl lamps nowI Wallis W. Lefeaux, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. , 837 Hastings St. W. ' Vancouver, B.C., November 29,1939. Afe.ssrs. Campbell, Meredith & Beckett, Barristers, etc. ■ 789 West Pender St., Vancouver> B.C. Dear S irs :--Your letter of the 24th inst. addressed to the Presi d en t of the West Vancouver Cit- - izens' League has been handed d me fordttention. I am instructed to advise . you that the advertisement in the West Vancouver News of the 23rd inst. under the heading of Beer Plebiscite in which refer ence is made to the proposed plebiwsoite as a trick of the beer interests was di'aw'n 'up without inform ation as to who were the actual promoters "of the proposed hotel. You do not state who your clients are but the League can readily understand, your ef forts to 'ob tain a plebiscite in order to secure a license are n a t ural efforts to place the proposed hotel on a paying basis. The League has no intention of misrepresenting the situation and should the wording of the ■^idvortisemenC have hurt your clients I am instructed to ex press their regret. The League is opposed to the granting of Beer Licences in West Vancou- has no desire-'by any mid'epresehtatibn to affect the result or a plebiscite,' should such be granted. You are a t liberty to publish this letter if you so desire. Yours truly, W, W. Lefeaux. burner; block from iwater^ i im mediate possession. • Rent - $35.00. A. E. Austin & Go Ltd.. 833 West Hastings St. Sey. 9131. Evenings, West 548-Mr ~ CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, M eto js,Furn itu re , Stoves, Tools, etc.;' notbing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT ROL -- Sufe protection; reasonable rates. West 172-L-3. ' ̂ _______ CHIMNEY SWEEPING --: Old Coun try way; guaranteed; brick ' and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North-8 Tl-]^2. $18.00 -- Cosy furnished 3 room mod ern flat, Ambleside; $27.50 water- frqjitjfurnished' modern house,, conj- vehient. H. E. Whiffin Agency, 1446 Marine. Eves. West 693-Y-l. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442, M a rin e - Purple Heather, Tiger, Monarch Wool, Beehive Baby Wool, Knitting Needles, Books, Cro.chet Cotton, Hand-knit Baby Woollens. BISMA-REX quickly relieves sour stomach, indigestion, etc. This new discovery will make a new-Tperson of you. Get a package today at McNeil &' McGue Drugs, Phone . West 528; WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. West 780, West 443-R. PAINTING AND DECORATING -- Estimates free. J. H.' Wedley, West 1022-L. DRESSMAKING--Alterations, prices reasonable. 1474 Marine Drive. WANTED ^ We have continual enquiries for West Vancouver homes and properties. Let us. have your listings for sale. H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive. West 546 GORDON ROBSON -- Barristei Solicitor, 510 Wr^Hastihgs, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. WANTfED -- Listings of houses and vacant lots. Phone particulars to our- representative, F. Bayliss, West 522-R. Pemberton Realty Corp. ,I^d., 418 Howe St. Trinity 1271. . BOYS OUT OF SCHOOL -- Wanted for caddies. Phone West 718 or register a t Club House. GORDON GRAY^-- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. NOTARY PUBLIC (Complete Notarial Service) Reginald P. Blower, J.P., 1405 Marine. ____ West 21, 204-M. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER S ERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. . FOR SALE--Fawcett Victoria Range; Phone West 556-R-3. Wa n t e d t o r e n t -- Modem un- furnished house, 2 or 3 bedrooms, (blose in. H, E Whiffin Agency. FOR SALE -- Easy Electric Washing . Machine.. Large copper- tub and in- ■: good condition. Phone West 920-L- FREDERICK C. AUBREY. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary, 801-803 Birks Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive; Offices; Sey. 0691, West 646; Residence, Whytecliff 546. KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING - - Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine FOR SALE---Tuxedo Suit with studs, size 38. Men's skates and boots, size 9. Ladies, figure skates, size 5. Full set drawing instruments, let tering set and other instruments. Box 20, West Van News. FLO()R SURFACING -- J. Suther land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, Nprth 578 (tom out An* collectioi:i--newly errivedi Fo? only e tmeli down peymtnl the tamp* you leltct will be sill-wrapped and stored carefully ewey until you went them et Chriitmet. Die beeutifui 3-candie indirect trliite shown It $9.95, It is only one' ol the daxaUns display of brids* lamps, table lamps, end triillet. Make your choice now while the ttlection it et lb best . Happiness is like jam . you can't "spread even a little without getting some on yourself. Success comes in cans,'failure in can'ts. LET US HELP YOU Rent or Sell your house, real estate, rentals, in surance, loans, conveyancing; Sharpe Realty, 1395 Marine, W ert 719. 1395 Marine' West 719 J. ^ W A R D SEARS. Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Pbone West 21'. or West 553-R-l. .ANTED-rGirl for light-housew'ork,- sleep out. West 1033-L. ARTHRITIS or N E U R ^ S - ^ e t re- lief overnight by applying Gourlay's Creams. Phone West 2, afternoons or evenings. MARVEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. . Expert operators. Phone West 304, RoyaUBank'Building. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, part^ West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marinie. ^ (fW S ie c tili H)R. S.\LE -- Bed and spring, -full size, panel ends, $8.00; kitchen din- table with laves. $4.00; student............................. ................... ................. table and odd chairs. IVest 860-R.' ed suite, near bus and ferry. West FOR RENT -- Four room house, -- :-- modern, good view. West 541-R. ANYONE having magazines suitable LOST-- Blue hat on 17th near : Ful- kindly leave a t Dun- NOTARY PUBLIC -̂------:------------------- :------- -- ^^C om pleteT ?dta?m rgi?rii^ "CHIMNEY~SW ]m»iNG---- Sawdusr Reginald P; Blower, J.P„ 1405 Marine ' burners installed; furnace repaiK.. West 21, 204-M. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North FOR RENT--Five roomed unfurnish-_ i______________ _______ WA_NTED TO BUY For Spot C a sh - household jhimitinre. Hewett, Auc tioneers, North 89, Reverse call. -ton. West 458-RJ ,^ a 'v e Librai'y or phone Mrs. W. K. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, WoodcockrWest 522-L. " HoUybum Block. i'mim